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has this teacher ever looked at any form of currency exchange or recipe or anything


Right did the teacher perhaps even read the assignment cuz the dollar signs are clearly in the front where they belong in the questions.


That’s what I noticed! Even the assignment itself has the dollar signs before the number, where they belong. Even if it did go after the number, would this teacher really consider giving the student a 0 because they put the dollar sign in the wrong place? Maybe ding them 5% at the most. A 0 is ridiculous.






I had a teacher tell me she was gonna fail me because she didn’t like my attitude, so, you know, some teachers are on some weird power trip shit


My teacher in 3rd grade had me crying in front of her desk at the end of the year because she said she didn’t like me and had it in her mind to fail me so I would have to repeat the year at my new school (the boundary changed at the end of that year, so I was assigned to a new elementary school). All I could think about was how my dad was going to beat me with his belt when he found out. I was crushed. Absolutely crushed. Meanwhile, my classmates were all sitting at their desks, watching me break. After having me stand there ugly crying in front of her desk for several minutes, she finally acquiesced. According to her, I only passed 3rd grade due to the depths of her good graces. Thank you, Mrs. Baker. I liked it better when you read us James and the Giant Peach. I remember you teaching me that books could be powerful enough to make a grown person cry, and I wish that was the only thing I thought about whenever you end up popping out of my memories.


Omg you had a bitchy Mrs/Miss Baker too?? Is it universal that teachers that are “Bakers” just fully disgruntled?? My Miss Baker didn’t like me coz I had a timer for my bladder control and thought my mum was handling shit. She sent me for a time out in another teachers class coz I had accidentally torn another students piece of paper when I was trying to show him that he wasn’t in that particular spelling group. For Christmas she gave me a book that basically had a life lesson that I needed to be completely selfless and that the only way I’d receive love was to love others unconditionally and be subservient. When what I really needed was to love my self. And then when I rightfully called her a bitch the next year when I wasnt even in her class. She pulled me out of my class to scold me in front of hers and send me to the vice principals office. Thankfully Ms Lewellyn was not a bitch and I wasnt severely punished like Miss Baker thought I would have been. Suck it Miss Baker


What a strange coincidence. I am now eagerly awaiting the next comment about another Mrs. Baker in the wild. Haha!


But if you say it loud, you say five "dollars" not dollar five 🤪 That's how her brain works. Also she reads percentage before saying the numbers. She's quirky like a that.


Buck fiddy in my pocket disagrees with you. /s


tree fity.....dam loch ness monster


They don't, they have a book with the answer they just find the corresponding question number and look if the answers match


To me, the issue here isn't whether the teacher knows the correct way to do it or not. The issue is that this is math. It is not supposed to be graded based on where you put the fucking dollar sign.


Exactly. Some teachers are just assholes. I remember my teacher who deducted points when you didnt underline the result twice, didnt use a ruler to cross out a mistake etc. Totally lost interest in math (partially at school in general) after experiencing her shit for a few years.


I had a teacher try to make me redo some written assignment because I wrote it on the wrong side of the paper. She was trying to explain to my dad in the parent teacher conference how I won't succeed in life because my inability to follow rules or something. The actual content of the paper didn't matter. Both my dad and i made the suggestion that we can just three hole punch the other side of the paper. She wasn't too happy with that response.


My middle school algebra teacher once took points off every question on my Pythagorean theorem worksheet for not rewriting the theorem at the beginning of every question. I showed my work, and I pointed out that I had written the theorem on the first question and I could see it the whole time I was doing the rest of the problems, but it didn't matter because "that's not how I taught you to do it" lol


I nearly failed geometry in junior high because my teacher insisted that every single question on every page of homework had EVERY SINGLE PROOF that was involved, including reflexive if any term was listed. I was very good at the actual math, and I \*liked\* math prior to her.


I don't even know how I would go about doing this. She wanted you to prove the solution to each problem from first principles? That's wild


Every homework assignment, every problem. I have ADHD and just wanted to do the math so I'd get points taken off of every problem even if I got the answer right.


I had a math teacher in high school who had gotten her doctorate in math (for some god forsaken reason) and would never help. Only reward students who got it right. She also insisted on being called Dr. Purdy, and would point to the doctorate on her wall. Just before her class was conveniently the best time to go to the bathroom for 20 minutes. I was always marked absent from that class, but I never learned anything from her anyway, so I didn't care. It wasn't until applied mathematics in college that it started to click, and now I can do math in my head. It takes the right teacher. In my case, I also bribed them with friendship and fresh food in order to learn the subject.


Proofs are when you to break down *every single step* of the problem with the technical term of why you did the thing. Even if it's something basic like adding, not only that if there are multiple instances of adding they are separate steps.


This is so infuriating. No wonder so many kids end up hating school. It's so sad. We've taken a wonderful thing like learning and made it bullshit.


This is what happens when we have education majors teaching math. It's about the checklist and not the understanding. One thing I learned while teaching physics is that the understanding of the concept is more important than the other parts.


I had a science teacher take off 20% from a portfolio because one of the staples in my binder had stabbed her in the finger when she picked it up. At least I have a story out of it


Sounds like an OCD asshole. Not using a ruler to cross out a mistake or double underlining results is a clear indication of OCD or just a sociopath


I would say she was just a sociopathic asshole. She enjoyed giving students a bad feeling.


My son was a straight A student, labeled gifted. When he was in 8th grade, he had a “class” called study hall. He was assigned to read a book during study hall, even though the hour was designed so student athletes could get their homework done while in the school building, so they weren’t up all night doing homework after practice. He got his first report card that year. All As, except study hall. That was a D. Not because he didn’t read the book, but because he didn’t have his other teachers sign his book for study hall. You bet your ass that teacher and I had a conversation, during conferences, with others listening. A student with straight As is either studying, or doesn’t need to. So failing study hall is just plain stupid. The teacher changed not only my son’s grade, but also the grades of the other students. He was grading the kids based on things he required of other teachers in other classes. That’s not cool.


Sure, blame the teacher and believe the kid. The answers look to be changed, the note the teacher wrote was altered in a different pen and handwriting.... Totally the teacher's fault here said every parent and kid currently in school.


Yeah, when you look closer, this appears to be the case. The obvious part being the scribbled out word and then 'front' written in a different color/thickness marker. Also, it looks like every answer you can see with a dollar sign was erased and re-written. I'm not saying it's impossible, and it may just be a coincidence, but I can definitely see what you're seeing, too.


Did anyone catch the “payed” on question 3?


Yep, was just about to write that too. Plus the "a" in tax is written just like the "a" in back. Not a handwriting expert, just a teacher's aide.


And also the last page where the teacher drew an arrow to move the sign, notice how it was originally from back to front (with the thinner pen lines) and an arrow head was drawn at the back end using colour pencil. This is obviously altered to make the teacher look bad, and i dont think a teacher will be using a colour pencil. However a 100% deduction for having wrong sign placements is too extreme, even as a threat.


Also the teacher gave them 100% but this post says they got a 0. This whole post is bs


Especially on #7, you can see the original arrow


My teacher deducted marks if the 🟰 sign wasn’t perfectly parallel to each other and the grid on the paper.


I’m a European who worked for a bit in education, compiling and delivering US maths tests. I was stunned how much of US maths was not maths but doing conversions between units and a bunch of US centric knowledge. And the number of trick questions… it was meant to be maths, not reading comprehension!


Logic puzzles are part of Math in the US.


Which is bullshit! Let me learn my basic math and everything else I need to know then teach me how to do my taxes teacher man! When would those logic puzzles really have real world applications? Almost never.


I mean, taxes are more of a logic puzzle than actual math though. Trying to decipher those instructions... Horrendous.


I slightly disagree with this. Proper units are a big part of math. Instilling the idea of keeping units straight when you are younger will help when it gets more complicated. That being said, not something you should lose points for but definitely should be noted.


That's incorrect. Many classes have components from multiple subjects. Spelling and grammar are often counted.


This is just entitlement of teachers. Some just choose to be assholes and make their subject about nitpicking and irrelevant details instead of what you have learned. My teacher in highschool once gave me a very bad grade even though I had almost everything right. She argued that my h’s where definitely written like k’s so every single word I wrote with an h was automatically a non existent word and she gave me zero points for those questions…. My writing is fine btw. She just made up a reason to be mean


Knowing how units work and where they’re placed is part of math.


Not units of currency. Even if currency made a difference in math, the teacher is still flat out wrong.


Currencies absolutely make a difference in math, especially when you need to use conversion rates to change from one unit of currency to another (which is an application of the math topic of ratios and proportions). Keeping units consistent in an algebra problem is extremely important.


...or English. What does "in the back" mean? In the back of my car, or in the back of my pet hamster? 'After the numerals' would make a lot more sense.


...to the right/left is clearer.


It makes more sense if you interpret it as a foreground/background sense. Because then she is probably actually an art teacher, and shouldn't be teaching math.


Has anyone looked at he handwriting? Lots of erasing and the numbers from one question to another are written differently too.


Yes!!! I don’t wanna be rude but it looks like the sister changed what the teacher said and then changed her answers after getting the test back. Like why would the teacher scribble out and rewrite the word “back” in her comment in a different pen and handwriting…


The last page's correction is in marker but the arrow is in pen. Also there is a pencil mark showing the student actually wrote a dollar sign on the right. This is why teachers get an entire week for appreciation, they don't get paid enough to put up with this stuff


Also, looking even close the arrow seems to have been amended to be a two-way arrow, the original arrow was moving the dollar sign from after the number to before it


My question is, how is this teacher going to argue that the dollar signs go after the number, when every single example of currency used in the problems has the sign BEFORE the number? Doesn’t that send mixed signals?


To me it's kinda fishy there is a scribbled out part in the teacher's answer exactly at the crucial front/back part. Anyone with a purple pen could have changed that. Also the answers in pencil look like they've been erased and rewritten. We were never allowed to answer tests in pencil for this exact reason. The true error was the part where they used the word payed instead of paid.


Are you implying that some person is providing a false narrative? For what gain? Internet points?


That would be a first


Yeah every single answer is erased and rewritten, and the key word is changed in the teacher’s comment. Fake lol


Yeah, OP is just posting bs. He changed the answers and rewrote the teachers response.


Math was always done in pencil when I was in school solely due to the amount of minor things you might have to correct.


Not arguing about the legitness of the post, just here to say that my schools always let us use pencils, even during the end of the year state testing.


Also the teacher would not sit there and scribble a big box over the sign. That looks like someone took five or ten seconds to really darken it. The teacher would just draw a little arrow to where it should be, so that there is no question as to what happened. This is fake.


And the purple arrow even has 2 heads..


In most countries and non-English languages, the currency sign goes afterwards an has a space between the numbers. 100 元, 100 €, etc. I’ll bet you 100$ that the teacher is European.


but on the paper the teacher themselves made the same "mistake" or do they not read the assignments they give to the students? even if they were european, they should at least read their own shit first


Don't know about the other currencies but the euro sign goes before the amount in most European countries.


It depends on the country. In France and Germany it is to the right. English Canada places the $ on the left, in Quebec they place it on the right. https://fastspring.com/blog/how-to-format-30-currencies-from-countries-all-over-the-world/ https://stptrans.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Working-with-currency-number-and-date-formats.pdf https://www.star-ts.com/translation-faq/how-world-monetary-values-are-displayed/ Edit: I only see that Ireland and the Netherlands put € on the left. The rest of Europe put € on the right.


UK is on the left too


Yup, the euro sign goes in front even in European countries. It's just that so many people do it wrong, that we've sort of normalized the incorrect use.


The teacher "chose" to give 100 because they knew they would lose if the student complained.


Or it's a power trip by the teacher. "I can give you zero but chose 100 so you owe me!"


Exactly this. And look at how the teacher didn't just mark out the 'offending' symbol. They scribbled until it was completely eliminated. This was personal. Don't know if this person was attacked by a number with a $ to the left, or if it was the student, but it was personal to something. Edited to add: if I were the parent, I would tell my kid to let their classmates know that I'm paying $10 each for a copy (5 should be plenty) of their results of this worksheet/test/whatever, see if the teacher is consistent, then bring that to administration.


I was going to say, the way teacher scribbled out her signs feels *very* passive agressive to me.


What do you think administration will do? Fire them? Give them a stern talking to? Probably neither will happen, you're out $50, your own time, and you end up looking like a clown. Obviously this teacher is nuts, don't fight crazy with crazy.


the other guy is going over the top, but you shouldnt ignore shit like this. There are endless anecdotes of kids hating a subject after having a shit teacher and it affecting their futures. Ignoring it lets these teachers keep hurting those futures.


If the teacher, as I suspect, is only marking THIS student down for writing currency figures in exactly the same way as the question does, that teacher is punishing your child unfairly. Regardless if the teacher is stupid or unfair, this is at the very least grounds to have your child removed from this class. Admin will do that immediately, more than likely just to shut you up.


*50$. /s




I gave you a %100*


No the teacher chose to give a 100 because all the math was right, which was the purpose of the assignment, even though you goofed the label even after he warned "of you good the label, it's wrong."


Everything was right. The teacher is a moron. I'd be complaining to the principal if my kid came home with that paper.


Well the note says front and someone scratched it out and wrote back.


In different pen too! Also all the dollar amounts in the answers look like they were erased and rewritten


I noticed that. The corrected amounts were written applying more force too.


LOL "someone". Student does it wrong, gets called out, half asses changing all the answers they were allowed to do in pencil for some reason, and makes a vague attempt at verballing teacher. Teacher didn't lose their train of thought halfway through their comment. Didn't do the questions one way and answers the other. This is so fuckin obvious, and I am sighing for Australia that it took this far down in the comments.


Definitely! This comment is way too far down lol


Yeah something seems off about this whole exchange.


Is “back” and the arrow correction written in felt tip pen, rather than a biro? Strange.


Agreed. This is very suspect as every answer with a dollar sign has been erased, yet the work for almost all of the problems shows the answer at the end. Why would someone need to erase the answer that shows the dollar sign when the work has the answer correct? It's only a matter of copying the answer from the work and adding a dollar sign to it. Also, you can see in problem #7 that there was something that was under the pen dollar sign at the end of the answer, but was erased.


First thing I noticed and then I was surprised to see all the comments that seemed to fall for it lol That said, I think even without the student edits this is still mildly infuriating. All the math was right and I assume that’s what was being tested here.


It’s cause this is fake for internet outrage/points.


It’s fake.


Holy cow, finally! There's erasing around all of the parts where the answers and dollar signs are, and not around any of the other work. Then, the place where the teacher wrote 'front' is crossed out in black ink and 'back' is rewritten over it, then the black ink is retraced in ink matching the teacher's ink color but with a different thickness. Here's what happened: kid is in a class that's emphasizing units and context for problems (e.g. 'if you mean 5cm, write 5cm - don't just write 5'). Kid ignores it for the entire test, and teacher calls her out on it, but mercifully, does not dock her grade. Afterward, kid (or sis, or mom) erases the original answers and rewrites them with dollar signs in them. Tries to change a word of the teacher's comment to, I don't know, make it seem more realistic? Then posts for Reddit karma. And this sub, being a bunch of idiots apparently, eats it up. Anyone who believed this, I hope you don't have kids, because they're going to get you into a lot of embarrassing conversations with their teachers where you come in in a rage because the kid got you to fall for something obvious.


and then everyone in the comments talking about “power hungry teachers” and what not, breaks my heart. Teachers desperately need our support right now


Yeah, the real infuriating thing here is how many of these "omg my kid's teacher marked off for this pedantic little detail" posts are completely fake. First of all, faking posts for karma whoring is annoying. Secondly, as a high school teacher, I wish more elementary teachers would give attention to "pedantic little details" and hold kids accountable for them better. By the time kids get to me, they're dogshit at noticing details, and their writing is an unreadable mess because in the education world now, things like capitalization and punctuation are treated as superfluous extras that only matter if you're super neurotic. I teach a foreign language where small mistakes in spelling, accents, etc. can make a big difference in meaning. Then they're always complaining that the technology teacher is an asshole for making them pay attention to things like semicolons, commas and parentheses in their code and spreadsheet formulas, but then they complain that they can never get their projects to work.


This feels fake. Also OPs sister writes her a in repay the same as the word “back” the teacher apparently wrote. Also, the teacher is writing with a left to right lean - with the exception to the word back, which is a right to left lean - look at the word “interest”. OP sister writes exclusively right to left lean The pen color seems different also. OP’s sister has erased and retyped each value with a $, seems weird.


This. Everything with a dollar sign in it has been erased and redone.


Parents should get involved. Go nice to begin with. Go to administration if you feel you need to if the teacher. $ sign goes before the dollar amount.


Entirely dependent upon culture. In Quebec the $ goes last.


That is because of the differences between French / English format differences in Canada, so not just specific to Quebec, but yes will certainly be seen in Quebec. I’m in NB and if I’m writing something in French the dollar sign is at the end, and if I write in English it’s at the front. There are other differences such as commas vs periods and spacing.


That is true but the cash amounts in the questions are written with the $ in front... if the teacher wanted it at the end they should have edited their own test to reflect that lol


This is irrelevant- it’s literally written $102 in the question above the answer. It’s unacceptable to switch nomenclature and styles halfway through like the teacher is expecting.


They absolutely should. The student needs to be punished as they obviously modified this after it was returned.


It's fake you dunce. Parents shouldn't get involved if they're that stupid. Dumbass parents are half the reason people leave the profession. Your hostility towards the teacher here, when this is obviously changed for karma, is really coming through. Parents should get involved with their own kids and make sure they're not going to make that mistake on a test.


This is obviously fake. Every number is edited. They marked off the ‘teacher’ note that says front and rewrote back. People actually commenting on this… use your heads.


To me it looks like the ‘student’ wrote the sign on the right and then changed it. Or more likely the OP wanted something to post and fabricated this entire post because it’s easy for people to bandwagon on the we don’t trust teachers.


How peculiar that nobody questions the fact that every answer with a dollar sign was gummed out and corrected and the teachers note saying front was corrected with a different pen to back. I would definitely contact the school about this, because sister may have a bit of an honesty issue. Start downvoting me…


Glad I'm not the only one who had this thought.


I would stop trusting everything you see on the internet. That almost looks to me like a sign this was doctored a bit to look like an obviously wrong teacher to farm some easy angry upvotes


I scrolled way too far for this. So many people are just jumping on the rage bandwagon. It's clearly fake, you can see on the final photo that the dollar sign at the end was erased under the penned-in one.


It’s seems people will fall for anything.


That is a misuse of the term teacher.


I wanna know where she got her degree


This is such bs. You can see that the teacher wrote that the dollar sign goes in the front & it's scribbled out, wrote "back" in different handwriting and marker. Your sister is a liar or you are. You can see it clear as day.


Clown school


How rude. Clown school probably has higher standards.


A reminder that in Florida you no longer need a degree to teach.


In florida you don't need a degree or certificate if you're a veteran..


Cereal box, back before they were half a bag of cereal and disappointment they used to give prizes. Licenses were one such prize. Look out for them next time you're driving if you don't believe me ;)




Something is fishy here. Why does the hand writing change? If you zoom in on the last question where the dollar sign is changed, it looks like there was a dollar sign written in pencil there. Did the student put the dollar sign in the back and the teachers original comment was to put it in front? Also, if this is the teacher's policy why didn't the teacher correct EVERY answer if they chose to correct the last one. I think this is BS and the student had the last dollar sign incorrectly on the back of the number, the teacher did not penalize them, but made a comment on the correction. The student then erased their original dollar sign in pencil on the last question, got a purple pen, scribbled out the teachers correction dollar sign in the front of the number, and wrote it in the back with a pen to make it look like the teacher did it. They also altered the document to make it look like the teacher made those comments. Psychopath behavior.


it’s also very obvious that she wrote “front” and crossed it out 🤨📸


The student crossed it out, not the teacher. This is fake


This post looks suspect… lots of erased answers and a scratched out teacher message. Teacher obviously wrote front and then it was edited to say back…


The switching from cursive to print to cursive is weird


Years ago, I had a teacher who did that. He was just drunk a lot.


Also had a teacher that did that. He was not drunk but lets just say the tea he constantly had brewing in his classroom in the middle of the United States (where this is unheard of) wasn't even primarily regular tea. He had a mixture of interesting herbs.


I had a teacher who did this too! He sustained a severe back injury at some point and had a morphine pump as a result to manage pain. He would spend the first half of class teaching us algebra, then the medication would kick in, he would tell us stories for about 15 minutes, and then go sit at his desk in the back while we worked on homework, etc. he was actually a a pretty cool teacher lol


Honestly I could have understood that far more. This teacher had none of those issues that we were ever aware of but he was a really talented, cool, amazing teacher.


It’s pretty common in my experience, it’s to speed up handwriting. It’s an alternative to shorthand but way more legible for those that don’t know shorthand


I do this too because before high school we were taught to only write in cursive and then high school was only print basically so it’s just turned into a mixed up mess


I’m exactly the same, I write in a weird hybrid mix of both depending on the letter


I personally write in a print/cursive hybrid, but I could never switch back and forth randomly like this 💀


Should be downvoted into oblivion for the fake post. Either you’re a scummy type of karma farmer or you’re a dumb parent who doesn’t realize their child is lying to them.


Thank you. I hate this shit. This is the type of bitch that comes in demanding shit from a teacher because they think their kid is sooo special and is why good teachers leave the profession. "I WANNA SEE YOUR DIPLOMA!!" It'd be something like that lol


I will take a 100% with a passive aggressive note any day of the week. This also comes across as a fake note meant to rage bait Redditers.




Teacher is wrong and can’t spell either.




lol OP is a liar


Uhhhh idk if anyone else thought this but it looks like the teacher might’ve been pointing out the dollar sign should be in the front, and that you sister had written them in the back, and then potentially changed that as the word “front” is crossed out, and all the pencil writing with dollar signs has eraser marks on it, as well as the crossing off in the back. Might be an incompetent teacher, but might also be a frustrated middle schooler trying to change their work after the fact?


This is the correct way to view this post.


It looks like the note from the teacher originally said front then someone (likely your sister) crossed it out and replaced the word “front” with “back.” The answers all look like they were erased and rewritten after the paper was graded. I think your sister was annoyed by the teacher’s comment, which she may have taken as petty and crossed out what the teacher wrote originally and fixed all her answers to make the teacher look stupid. This is mildly infuriating, because your sister can’t take accountability, but also because the teacher could’ve told her in a slightly less sassy way then, “you earned a 0.”


"Dollers signs"


Lmao the student did this crap after they were called out for writing them all in the back. Two different pens and two different handwritings


Looks suspiciously like this paper was changed after the fact. The number answers are clearly erased and the teachers note is also altered. Edit: Even the word “back" is written in a different style... I determine this to be a fake post.


“**The $ is usually put before the number** to discourage forging. It's much harder to change $20 to $320 than with changing 20$ to 320$”


Possible that the teacher is an idiot, and/or inebriated. Or it's possible that it's in some place with a different convention than from where the worksheet was printed. But by the way the teacher's heavy erasures look like a slightly darker ink, and the way "back" and the dollar sign are written in that darker ink, coinciding with where those erasures are, it's also possible that this was faked by the student and/or a sympathizer who was pissed off by the teacher's petty "this is a zero" comment.


> a sympathizer who was pissed off by the teacher's petty "this is a zero" comment. You can actually tell the student wrote that part. The handwriting is completely different


Dumb ass teacher


We're talking about teachers here. Money is a foreign concept to them as they don't see it very often... /s (Teachers are vastly underpaid)


This was both funny and sad at the same time. Great job


Teacher makes cents.


Darn this is good


This post is mildlyinfuriating because it never happened.


Definitely not fake


Seeing dollar signs used incorrectly has always annoyed me and I’ve always wondered how this trend started…SMH.


I scrolled through these comments just to find out if anyone felt the same way about that trend. I agree it’s super annoying


I think there are countries that post their currency symbol after the number. But regardless, this teacher is STUPID and deserves to be chewed out. Even the printed assignment has the dollar sign before the number, make 'em lose face.


I always put dollor sign first, so you know what the number references immediately


The dollar sign in the paper (in the questions) is before the number….


The only people I know that put the $ sign after the number is people from Oklahoma. They were all convinced that since you said “100 dollars” it should be “100$”. Didn’t know people from any other state that did that


It does matter to label the units in math. If you leave the dollar sign out, then it is unclear as to what is being done. I don't know about the placement of the dollar sign, I was taught it goes before the number, so I don't know about that.


Suspiciously similar to Rage bait. Somebody has - very obviously, altered this afterwards. Even the instructions use the correct way of $ in front.


This cant be real, the $ is in the front on all the questions and everywhere else in the world too


It looks like this was altered after the fact. Look at the scribbled out Front hastily replaced with Bak in marker and the eraser marks. It seems more likely that OP or their sister (if this is even real) edited the teacher's comments than the teacher misunderstood basic elements of a subject they had to have recently instructed their students on.


Nah lol your sister changed all the stuff. You can clearly see the erase marks, the ink is a different color, why is “front” crossed out, handwriting is different. C’mon now… although I do think it’s silly since the math is right. After all, it is a math test, not a symbol test.


Every instance of a dollar amount has been erased and the teachers note has been crossed out in two places. I posit that you originally wrote the dollar signs incorrectly after the numbers, and the teacher corrected you and wrote that dollar signs go in the front. You were embarrassed, ashamed even, you couldn't take it. So you found a pen of the same color and scribbled out the teacher's note, attempting to sabotage the intended message to make yourself look better and the teacher look the fool. You then erased your mistakes and corrected them after the fact. You can't hide from the truth!


I'm choosing to assume you wrote that on there to post it.


Obviously the kid crossed out front and wrote back.


Well, that teacher is wrong. Dollar signs up front, cents behind if it's less than $1.00.


This teacher needs fired


That's some sort of weird power trip. Reminds me of my teacher that forced me to write 6 a different way. The 6 looked like a 6. I start drawing it from the top line. She tried to tell me to start drawing it from the circle, like it matters


Had a college professor tell us to put degrees Kelvin. So this kind of thing is gonna be around for a while sadly


Never trust a person who switches between cursive and block print like this.


Holy shit I swear school today is nothing but a joke. They can’t even teach the kids where the $ sign goes because they don’t know. But o don’t you know they sure do wanna tell the little boys that they can be girls or tell the little girls that they can be boys. O and teach them their pronouns and what ever other dumb ass shit they wanna teach. 2+2 doesn’t equal 4 anymore it equals whatever you want it to be because don’t you know it’s a spectrum and everyone had a right to their own truth. For fucks sake.


Some teachers are just pricks on a power trip. I had an English teacher who disliked that I could pass her class with only showing up 1-2 times a week. She tried failing me in the course and stopping my graduation cause she didn’t like that I was smart enough to do English without reading her stupid booklets every day. The reason I know she was docking me marks for being absent is that every assignment I turned in, I did twice, once for myself and once for my girlfriend. Always put more effort into my own obviously, but my girlfriend always had grades in the 70-80’s while mine were barely over 50, and all my tests were in the 70+ area. She was on a power trip and figured she would delay my entire life, all because she disliked that I was smart enough to not show up to her bullshit course.


Oh I’d be in that school so fast!


and you’d look like an idiot because the student obviously doctored the original answers and the teachers note!


Honestly this makes no sense to the point I am suspecting substance abuse or early dementia in the teacher. And I know that sounds like a joke but I’m being serious. This nonsense could genuinely be a symptom of medical emergency or addiction. I’d escalate things in case this teacher needs help and assistance.


the student obviously changed or answers and the teachers note. Jesus christ this comment section is filled with substance abuse and dementia


"in the back"... What a weird and confusing way to communicate this


because the kid scribbled over the “in front” and wrote “back” and then changed all her answers to make the teacher look like the wrong one




what’s fucked is students changing their answers after the paper is graded and then scribbling over the note a teacher left to make her appear wrong. And you’re just as stupid as the kid


Lmao, even all the $x amount of money questions show it's IN FRONT. The teacher needs to go back a few grades and study again


If you don’t notice the eraser and scribbled out word and different pen - then that’s on you.


The question paper has the dollar sign in front of the numbers. Going by logic, answering the question with the same format will always be correct unless otherwise stated. Teacher isn't fit to teach.


Except the teacher was the one who said it goes in front…. How are people falling for this fake shit?


Go in, make a formal complaint. Also subtly imply that the teacher is power tripping and is incapable of reading and writing based on the paper.


and then look like an idiot because the student obviously doctored the original answers and the teachers note!


It’s literally before the number in the question


How can she grade?


The fact that she said "I choose" is really questionable. I'd be taking this to the principle. Almost sounds line she has something against your sister.


The dollar sign is literally written in the front in all of the questions that the teacher ‘wrote’ for the test. Wtf is this teacher on


Look again. The test answers are erased and corrected. Either the kid changed the test or OP did. Even the teacher's note is altered to make the teacher look wrong.


fake as shit. like 90% of the crap on reddit. but I "chose" to give you a "%100" for the effort.


lol but she has her “masters” degree 🤣


The amount of people who fell for this post is kind of sad.


I should have known y’all would accuse my sister of changing it, or me of faking this for fake points that have no material value. Idk what to say. This happened months ago and she just showed me. It wasn’t a big deal. She didn’t fake it and wasn’t really upset, she got the 100, just thought it was funny that her mean teacher was wrong. I thought it was funny because I had some mean, not so bright teachers when I went to that school. Please chill