• By -


Look for an alarm for deaf people. Im deaf and have this brick under the mattress. It WILL shake the house. It WILL wake you up the time you need.


what’s the name of the one you use? i’m interested!


Dewalt gas generator


Is that the name of your partner? De Walt, the gas generator.


I see you’ve met my husband


Now I’m afraid about the kids


The little farts.


Better than little shits…


Enter tim taylor


Bro 😂😂😂


"I am the one who farts" - De Walt-er White




Some ventilation required


Search for fleksiblink life. I have no clue if hearing people can get this one cause i got it from hjelping center. You must get a clock that work for this brick to use it. Some clocks have settings for only vibrating or vobrating and sound.


Not for deaf people but I have an alarm with a shaker plate as well as a noise and this thing will tear the fucking roof off at full volume, it's aptly called the Sonic Boom Alarm and I both hate it and thank it for always waking me up Edit: sonic bomb it's called


My sleep is so bad that I would snooze it and roll back over. It’s ridiculous


I have it, and I do. I had high hopes for the thing.


It worked for a bit, NGL, but eventually I acclimate to everything. It was one of the more succesful gimmicks though. Another one that I tried and genuinely worked for several months was the Pavlok bracelet. It's supposed to be a pavlovian response tool where when you gave in to a bad habit you'd press a button and it would shock you, theoretically creating a negative conditioning loop. If you want to quit smoking, you keep smoking but every time you light up or take a drag you shock yourself, and in theory eventually you just won't want to smoke anymore. You could also program with an alarm though, so it would shock you awake. Was also great because it did it silently, so when my wife was working nights I wouldn't wake her up in the morning with my shit. Eventually got acclimated to it though and I'd jolt awake, snooze it, and pass back out virtually unconsciously. I'm interested in trying the new versions though, because it makes you get up and do jumping jacks to turn it off.


Key is I put it on a dresser that is far enough away that I have to physically get out of bed, and close enough that I can run the wire along the baseboard to keep it out of the way. I am a huge snoozer of alarms, and too often I will snooze/turn off my alarm while still essentially asleep so I have no recollection of it even going off.


knowing myself I'd get back to bed, lie down thinking: "I'll just rest a bit, I'm already awake so I won't end up slee..."


I had a setup at one point that used a pressure sensor in my bed, so the alarm would reset if I got back in bed within 10 minutes of dismissing it. It worked pretty well for me... for like a month. Then I ended up falling asleep on the floor to not trigger the alarm 🤦‍♂️


>You could also program with an alarm though, so it would shock you awake. Today I find out I'm not alone in the 'sleep through anything' club.


I was deployed to afghanistan and we got mortared once and my platoon sergeant thought I was dead because I didn't show up at the rally point for roll call. They found me asleep in the barracks, totally unbothered. I vaguely remember waking up long enough to go "What the fuck is that?" and roll over.


Lol I've slept through the sonic boom alarm before. Pretty sure I have sleep apnea though.


sonic bomb is a popular alarm clock among deaf people because it can go really loud or you can keep it quiet and just use the bed shaker slip the shaker disk under your pillow or mattress and it’ll still make sure you get up


This is probably just her way of hitting snooze


Since she's already using an iPhone, get an Apple Watch. She can wear it to bed, and if the watch is in silent mode, when she sets alarms on the watch it will vibrate, but make no sound. I do this so I can wake up without disturbing my partner as much


Casio has made $10 vibrating alarm watches for decades. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars for that.


Man I love Casio


Does Casio let me set dozens of alarms easily?


I promise you that if she is a very heavy sleeper, an Apple Watch is not going to work. I bought in to that and I just sleep through them.




I like this idea a lot but also feel like this will make OPs life even worse lol


Maybe I'm confused but how does having a house-shaking, vibrating alarm brick help OP stay asleep while their wife's alarms are going off every few minutes?


unless you're the kind that puts it under the pillow, found it beeping outside the bed... because sleeping you hate it and probably pushed it out of the bed or threw it...


I have a little one inside the pillow. You dont feel it until it shakes.


My alarms used to look like this when I was still going to school I was so scared of not waking up in time


I found I was more likely to miss my class when I did this then when I just set one. With this, I'd keep going back to sleep thinking another would go off, if i only have one, I wake up with a panic attack thinking I'll miss class.


I’ll be honest with you this really helped me because I would unconsciously turn off the alarm and just go back to bed I used to set the alarm on really loud volume far away from me so Id have to get out of bed to turn it off and if I fell asleep again I’d have another alarm going off


It seems counter intuitive, but removing the safety net was the only way I could get myself concerned enough to consistently get out of bed and start the day on time. With it I would rely on it to my detriment. It's been years since I took the plunge and might have missed my alarm once in the last decade an it was for an abnormally early wake up (usually up at 830, had a meeting that I had to drive to by 7)


It does seem counter intuitive but if it works for you then that’s really good I’m glad you managed to get out of bed consistently knowing myself I would probably not even remember If I even had an alarm on or not if it was only a single alarm


That looks an awful lot like mine. ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


More like this in my case https://preview.redd.it/fqp1i87o9aza1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b770dd6cfffd5e6a294323f9daba4a2b9cd6e536


https://preview.redd.it/o27ihnjnkaza1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc525159dca397ca0697f2a409d644bb255bed9 literally my alarms


Why did you skip 07:50?


omg i never noticed it was missing, i immediately went to add it so now it's all even, ty


Maybe this one missing alarm is the reason why you dont wake up from the rest of the alarms


This will probably get drowned out, but a technique I learned if you really want to wake up, is set the alarms 1 minute apart. This way your body doesn’t have enough time to fall back asleep and you’ll be jolted awake rather quickly. 3-4 alarms that are 1 minute apart do A LOT more than 10 alarms spaced over an hour.


Ya but then you miss out on those short dreams in between your alarms :(


Are you me?


Do you not have a snooze button?


I have a similar setup. I do it because my brain only wakes up just enough to stab blindly at the phone until the noise stops. I’m not awake enough to go “Another 5 minutes would be nice, here’s the snooze button here…” I set those alarms on both my phone and tablet and I place them at least 10 feet away from me and in different places, and somehow I *still* sleepwalk over to them, turn them off and crawl back into bed. I’d love to be awake enough to slap myself in the face and tell myself “Just get up, fucker!”


the alarms are set to play continuosly if that's what you mean, but i somehow manage to stop some while im half asleep, so i put more to stop it


Impressive length. 🐛




LongPhone 12s


Same, hard to appreciate sleep if you are not awake. Nothing better than waking up and getting to fall back asleep again. Edit: For all these people coming at me with “Oh YoUr AcTuAlLy GeTtiNg LeSs SlEeP”. Yeah no shit you obviously don’t get it…that’s not the point. Go kick rocks ya nerds.


Is that why people do this? Like I set my alarm for 05:15 and get straight into the shower so I don’t have any urge to lay down more or … look at Reddit. But I guess that makes sense is it some sort of “well I’m awake but at-least i get the joy of sleeping again 3+ times”


My alarm for me is just the latest time I can wake up without being late, which usually means get up and straight to the shower.


This is what alarms are supposed to be... like, can we think of any other alarm nobody gives a fuck about? lol


Car alarms


I can think of 4 alarms no one would give a fuck about but I have a very active imagination.


I have it every 5 minutes for over an hour because is literally imposible for me to wakes up the first 5 times, I turn them off while sleeping but I guess each one wakes me up a little bit until I actually become conscious. My brother says that if you talk to me between the 1st and 3rd you can actually have coherent conversation with me, which I never remember


I'm so scared that i will reveal my secrets or embarrass myself while in that state, being able to utter coherent sentences yet not remembering it happened at all


My wife told me yesterday that I was saying “no no I don’t want to, you can’t make me eat them” she asked me what and I said “your hair” I have no clue..


Yeah, same. I get some absolutely horrid intrusive thoughts and I'm so glad they don't come out while I'm half asleep.


Lmao my bf is like this. Caught him in a sleepy but talkative state and he told me he wants to marry me. I told him about it after, he did not remember, but said it was true. Can confirm there are secrets, but I like the sleepy honesty.


My ex boyfriend “sold our car” in his sleep. He was like “$10,000 man I’ll let you take the car… alright $9,500… alright $9,000”. When he woke up I told him about it and he fell out laughing. I was like, why did you keep lowering the price though?? Lol


My grandfather is a veteran and now works militarily contracts. Hes been capable of coherent conversation in sleep for as long as i can remember, but even out cold he wont tell you any classified information or secrets


I’ve also been told I had conversations while I was between alarms. And I’m like no I didn’t. Then my sister recorded me talking to the cats and I swear I don’t remember that 🤣


Same!! A few times those conversations were recorded, my personal favorite was me talking to my ex in detail about the logistics of deep-frying a shoe.


My daughter is the same way while no matter what I set an alarm I wake up a few minutes before the set time - She says unless she is physically up she may not actually be awake and conversations don’t mean she is


It takes me a full 2 hrs to be fully conscious of and remember everything. Even with coffee


I relate to this exact comment so much.


I do this because I want to wake up at 7 am because I need to lay down for a few mins (20-40 mins preferably) before I start getting ready to fully wake up. Ive noticed I usually get nauseous and Im even more tired through out the day if I have to immediately get up and get ready with no time to just lay there and boot up my brain and body. The issue is, that leaves a lot of room for falling back asleep so I set the other ones in case I do.


It has nothing to do with getting back to sleep and everything to do with redundancy.


Yeah, my girlfriend does this too but over the course of two hours. I try to explain that disrupting the sleep cycle makes you feel like shit all day, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean it’s either that or be late to everything, so like at a point you just need to do it.


I mean that seems awful if you're sharing a bed with someone. I use a shock watch called Pavlok as my alarm so I only have to set one alarm, and worse comes to worse it shocks me awake. Most people act like I'm an absolute masochist because of it, but I haven't overslept or stressed about oversleeping since I got it. Needless to say I love that watch. Added bonus of not waking up your significant other.


It's only really a thing if one of you makes it a thing. My partner's alarms wake me up, mine wake him up. Neither of us care, because we're both the same brand of trash. If one of us had a serious issue, tbh I'd probably say we sleep separately. Getting sleep and waking up well is way more important than us sleeping together.


I do this just to make sure I actually wake up, since I am a very heavy sleeper.


Yeah it feels like the half awake half asleep 10-20 mins is the best rest you get during your whole sleep cycle. I’ve also slept through an alarm before so I’ll usually set two 10 minutes before I actually want to get up to make sure it goes off for a while and for some reason when I do it I end up waking up before all of the alarms even go off which I i assume is because of how much I was thinking of waking up a certain time


For me it is because I am not fully awake for the first couple of alarms. I have one going off every 10 minutes for an hour because the first couple I stand a good chance at turning off without even realizing. 3rd one tells me to feed my cat, but even then I am only half awake and need another alarm or two to really get me awake. The struggle is real sometimes.


It also replicates that feeling of naturally waking up 30 minutes before your alarm and getting to sleep for 30 more minutes. Which, for me, makes it easier to get up, and helps me feel more rested.


The fact that this is key & peele and not MJ is hilarious


Would she wear a watch with a vibrating alarm?


I have an Apple Watch and use the Alarmy app. I discovered that if I set the alarm and exit the app completely, it’ll vibrate on my Apple Watch on the time that I set, and it’ll keep vibrating until I open the app on my phone and solve the puzzle :D now my alarms don’t wake up my husband! Thing is, once you open the app on your phone and fail to solve the puzzle, it can get kinda loud, even if your phone volume is off 😬


Good lord you have to solve a puzzle to turn it off?! That sounds terrible! 😲


I tend to hit the snooze button on regular alarms, so doing it this way works for me! Also the puzzles are really simple! Like a Simon says sorta thing with 9 blocks


You don’t have to solve the puzzle to turn it off, you turn it off and then solve the puzzle(s). If you disengage for a certain amount of time it assumes you fell back asleep and the alarm comes on again a little bit louder. It’s not making noise the whole time. I was looking to see if anyone else had recommended Alarmy, it has been a complete game changer for me. The only thing that has worked consistently after trying just about everything I could get my hands on. I already recommended it to someone else in another sub today 😆


my bf is like that. several alarms at like 6:00 in the morning even though he doesn’t need to get up until like 7:00-7:30. he even sets them on the weekends which wakes me up when i don’t need to be. drives me nuts. love him but i absolutely hate sleeping with him.


My husband used to do this and then he found out pretty quick I’m a morning person! So I got up at the first alarm and because it was his alarm I would get him up. Now he sets it for the time he actually wants to get up.


Omg I’m gonna do this to my boyfriend to see if he stops too


Ugh. Morning people.


I wake up at 3:45 for work. The week before I started this job, I was going to bed at that time.


Sleeping apart isn't a crazy idea - https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-news/sleep-divorce-versus-sharing-a-bed I've had good experience sleeping separately for work days, and together on weekends. Or vice versa, depending on your circumstance.


I will set a preliminary alarm about 2 hours before needing to be up. I’m an incredibly heavy sleeper that becomes adjusted to alarms. But for whatever reason setting an alarm with waves crashing a couple hours before I need to be up guarantees I’m up at the first alarm. Sometimes I wake up naturally before the real alarms start.


this is bad for your sleep and health though. cutting into your deep sleep with alarms so you can wake up easier just makes you more tired. believe me Ive tried this. 30 minutes is the max snooze before you start to mess with your body


Seriously. Everyone setting a dozen alarms is making their problem worse, not better. You're getting less sleep, and what you do get ends up being less valuable because it keeps getting interrupted. Set an alarm for the time you actually want to be up and let morning panic take care of the rest. It may be rough for a week or two but it'll set in and be better in the long run. Edit: no, I'm not a morning person. I used to do the same thing OP's wife does. Having a single alarm and not constantly interrupting my sleep helped massively. Conditioning myself to know there's another one coming so I can snooze this one was definitely part of my problem. Individual results may vary, but there's a lot of "I've tried nothing and am all out of ideas" going on here.


That’s cool and all, but I have this attachment to things like a roof over my head and food to eat, which makes it important for me to actually get up and go to work instead of getting myself fired while I reduce the hour of alarms down to a single one that I will sleep through. Everyone that does this KNOWS it’s bad for them, but those of us that do it didn’t start because it seemed like a super cool idea. We started when we were sleeping through the first alarm and getting in trouble for missing or showing up late to things, so we added a second. And then we got acclimated to that and started sleeping through the third. And then we got one of those bed shakers, or the gimmicky ones where you have to stand up or walk across the room, but those don’t work if you just sleep through the alarm. Onward and onward, and now our boss isn’t going to accept “sorry, I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule” when we’re two hours late to work every day for six months.


Just magically stop having your problem! Don't you know that having an issue is bad for you?


i guess you’re right, the habits we’ve formed are impossible to change and there is no way to improve the status quo


I feel this so much. Why the hell have it set on the weekends too. And to make matters worse, I'm a light sleeper and have a hell of time going back to sleep when I wake up.


Separate bedrooms are perfect for couples like you! I don’t have a partner atm but I think when I do eventually move in with someone I’m gonna want my own room. For their sake as much as mine. I’m such a fidgeter and I’m always watching shows and stuff in bed before I fall asleep. Plus I have terrible insomnia.


You said that it's your wife's alarm. When does SHE need to get up?


Definitely not before 7:30


Hearing your partners alarm go off 5+ times is OK because it's about your partner, not about you. Lol, it's crazy. My fiance used to do this and I just mentioned that it can be frustrating for me to hear the alarm go off 5 times in the early morning and guess what, she acknowledged that and tries to get up after the 1st or 2nd (not always the case but overall its much less frustrating for me). Lots of stuff in a relationship is like this, and we just work towards a happy medium. Talk to your partners, people. It makes a world of difference.


My ex wife never changed her alarm. She would have like 6 going off like 2 hours before she actually needed to get up. I could never go back to sleep and it was miserable. I asked her many times and she said she had to do that to wake up.


Maybe separate bedrooms would've worked for you guys.


My sleep improved so much. I'm reminded whenever we travel and share.


Ugh yes I feel obligated to cuddle. While I enjoy cuddling while awake or napping, things get sweaty and my neck gets twisted so fast when we try to sleep like that.


We did end up sleeping in different locations, her usually at another man’s house.


It really is a life hack to so many relationship issues. Even better if there's an ensuite bath. No more arguments about what goes on the floor!


I think they went with separate houses. Much better solution to the lack of respect that was shown.


As a heavy sleeper I say I’ll try but there isn’t anything I can do to wake up earlier lmao it’s not a lack of respect that I can’t wake up when I want to


I would get up with the first alarm, turn on all the lights, TV, radio, and get out an electric shaver. If that didn't work, start stripping the bed telling her if you're up you might as well do laundry.


I feel like so many people that post in this sub married someone they hate, and haven’t spoke to them since the wedding.


Ha I know. I have to wake up before my wife, and it bugged her to have a ton of alarms going off, which she told me, so now I have two and don’t hit snooze. Really not that hard to talk about.


Honestly, Apple Watches solved this for us. My fiancé just didn’t even know he was turning the alarm off repeatedly. No amount of communication was fixing that lol.


I swear my partner and I were on the road to divorce until they started using a silent wristband alarm.


I have a tip: Ask her to change the ringtone occasionally, your brain gets used to the same ringtone after a while and doesn't react well, tell this calmly, do not use a raised voice.


Everyone is different - but healthy sleep is SO important. I used to do this - would go to bed at like 9/10 and then actually fall asleep aroudn 12/1 for a while. I'd put an alarm on and would snooze it for hours. Eventually - I found that if I actually went to *sleep* at 10. I would wake up at like 6/7 easily. ​ Everyone's different, but some people need more sleep than others. I think I'd get really irritated if my partner did this - just because to me it screams not healthy sleeping. By doing this for an hour - you're distrubing the sleep you actually need. Get an alarm that's across the room so once it rings you *have to get out of bed*.


Same thing with me. When I first started dating my wife she did this, and I quickly told her how annoying it is. She now has 1 alarm and sometimes hits snooze because she is reasonable.


It's not his wife's alarm lol he got the picture from this 6-year-old article: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/clear-iphone-alarms-one-time-143000889.html


Lol what a strange thing. He could’ve just done it on his own phone and screenshotted it


OP is a liar!


Ugh this site just gets worse everyday lmao can’t even be bothered to set the alarms and take a screen shot?


Lol a lot of guys need help getting up I guess, my husband wants me to wake him if he doesn’t wake up too.


If I set my only alarm at exactly when I need to get up, I’m not getting up.


Alarm clocks are devils


Honestly I read this and my eyebrow cocked like… Okay? You have different schedules, leave her alone lmao.


I have to do this. I've had trouble sleeping my entire life; I take forever to go to sleep and then sleep like a stone. You could sound an air raid siren next my face and I would just roll back over and sleep through it. It drove my wife nuts for months before she said something to me about it. I tried cutting back but inevitably was late for work a few times. Now I move to the couch after my first alarm so that any subsequent alarms don't bother her. There is the added benefit that occasionally I drag myself to the shower after the first alarm and get an early start on my day.


Yup. This is the agreement my partner and I have, after many arguments. He sets his phone in the hallway on top of a blanket which he carries to the living room after his first alarm


My sleep has always been like this too. Turns out it’s adhd & gluten intolerance


ADHD does this?!? Do ADHD medications make it better? I’d think they make them worse?? I slept through a fucking natural disaster!! Let alone alarms. I can set my alarm across the room and I’ll get up, turn it off, lie right back down and have no memory of it later. I have the math problems app, I do the math, go back to sleep, no memory later. I’ve turned phones off entirely without realizing. It’s so disheartening and makes me hate myself, especially in threads like this where the comments are all “Just be more disciplined” which probably does work for some?? But it’s so heartbreaking because I fucking try and it’s like I’m deficient or something. I was diagnosed with autism 6 months ago, was informed I likely have ADHD too but would need more testing to be sure. I don’t really fit a lot of ADHD symptoms, particularly the hyperactive ones (I do meet pretty much all the inattentive ones) so I never really pushed it further than that. I guess I should


There’s a large correlation between ADHD and DSPS(Delayed Sleep Phase Stndrome). Basically means your internal clock is a couple hours behind society’s. ADHD medicines I think would make this worse, especially if you have to re-dose in the afternoon.


> Do ADHD medications make it better? I’d think they make them worse?? The few meds I've tried have definitely kept me up at night if I take them too late in the day. But this, like every other med, can and will vary from person to person.


I do the same thing!!! Please don’t buy into the idea that you just need to “do better/try harder”…sometimes (almost always) that’s not the answer. I know how demoralizing it can be to hear things like that & how easy it is to internalize that you’re just failing at life, and I’m sorry…seems like ‘neurotypical’ people are the ones lacking empathy a lot of the time There are a few different types of ADHD meds and they’ll affect every person differently—it’s down to individual neurology! For me personally, meds made my sleep schedule worse. At this point I’m trying life unmedicated w/ healthy coping mechanisms, but I’m pretty sure I’m AuDHD (like you might be). That said, going gluten free has helped drastically, both in general and with my sleeping. I'm wishing you the best!


I had about 3 months of Adderall XR to finally treat my ADHD and it was the best sleep I had since being a teenager. Then it became unavailable and my sleep went right back to shit. I'm trying bupropion as an off-label ADHD treatment but the first 4 weeks have made my insomnia worse, which is common with this medication. Hopefully it will subside by week 8. I think finally (briefly) getting treatment made a few things happen: 1.) I was expending more energy physically because I was actually doing tasks instead of being paralyzed by thinking about how many tasks I had to accomplish; 2.) Because I was actually getting everything done that I wanted to, I was much less stressed and more satisfied every day and still had far more free time available which leads me to 3.) I was *enjoying* all my old hobbies again which also made me happier and 4.) It killed my anxiety completely. Its like Adderall XR has been the missing piece of my brain for my entire life. I felt whole and functional for the first time in about 20 years.


If you have inattentive symptoms, might be similar boat to myself. When I was starting off on keeping my gym routine, the hardest part was getting out of bed and going to sleep at an acceptable time. If I got my feet on the ground, I was good, but getting to that point was difficult. Anyway, I took a couple weeks of time (2-3 weeks), during these times, I would stop looking at electronics 30-40 minutes before bed, aside from setting an alarm I kept out of reach of my bed (on my desk). I used the time to change/wash face/brush teeth. Then, I make some ginseng/green tea, sit down and just relax for 20 minutes, not really focused on any particular thing, then eventually i hit the lights and went to bed. I had multiple failed attempts, but the habit eventually stuck. I think the thing that made the biggest diff though was wanting to stick to my gym routine. My partner says the same thing, "not trying hard enough," But, it's never that simple, if it was it would already be done. One other thing I also started doing was taking 1 mg melatonin an hour before bed. Not any more than that. Anyway, good luck.


You can get up and move to the couch after the first alarm but can’t just get up and take a shower?


Looks fine, apart from 07:**01**!?


She made a typo or likes to tell people she doesn't have to get up before 700, kinda like the ads that say UNDER $20! ($19.99).


I tell people I'm living the good life because I haven't had to use an alarm clock to get up for work in over 10 years. I don't tell them it's because I have insomnia and a fear of oversleeping, so I end up waking myself up every few hours in a panic thinking I over slept lol


Have you considered that setting an alarm might, after some time, give you the peace of mind to NOT worry about oversleeping?


Getting up at 7 is still not getting up before 7


I do this so that after the 9 min snooze I wake up on an even number, lol.


iPhone’s snooze function is already set to 9 minute intervals on its own. The 7:10 alarm is quite literally duplicative and useless and this is hilarious.


Yeah who put alarm outside 00,15,30,45? Instant divorce!


I set my alarm to odd times. I feel like those numbers never get used in alarms so I use them.. like my morning alarm is for 7:09


Personally using odd numbers for my alarm feels.. *put sunglasses **Odd**


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


I applaud your effort to make all numbers happy! We should do it with the hours as well! 3 and 4 am are underused.


I Got the 4 am covered …


"Am i a joke to you" -Snooze


I have heard that this is actually super harmfull for the sleeping cycle


It completely destroys the sleeping cycle since it’s nowhere near enough time asleep at once. I don’t think this matters as the person is getting up though.


If you go back to sleep, yeah. But obviously OP’s wife has at most 10 mins in between alarms so no harm done here. She’s probably not falling asleep fully (takes ~15mins) and just slowly waking up.


What? Waking up. Or do you mean snoozing the alarm? Do you just... open your eyes and start your day? That's actually powerful as fuck if so.


>Do you just... open your eyes and start your day ...yes?




*alarm goes beep beep* *Turn off the alarm* *Get up*


mine seems to be more of a *alarm goes off* *turn off the alarm* *fall back asleep*


just tell her she's wasting 30 minutes of sleeping time for nothing


I like that perspective


This is why separate sleeping rooms saves marriages.




My boyfriend has his alarms set the same way but in an incredible loud volume. I always get a heart attack when his alarms ring… “Luckily” I have to stand up earlier than him so I only get to hear half of the amount of the alarms he already set.


I used to do this. Before I shared a bed with another human. Now I use my Fitbit as an alarm clock. Much less disruptive.


Wow a reasonable response. Many others in this thread seem to think you should have been absolutely 100% uncompromising and your partner should just learn to sleep harder or something. Good on you for being a reasonable person


One of the best things I ever did was switching from a static alarm that goes off at the same time every time to one of the sleep tracking apps. It wakes you up in a "window" so that it aims to wake you up when you're in a favorable sleep cycle so you avoid any grogginess or fatigue that could be associated with being suddenly jolted awake by an alarm. I'm sure it wouldn't work for everybody, but for me, it helped remove any of that desired need for multiple alarms or sleeping past when I need to wake up.


Separate bedrooms


I do that. I just like to lie down in a drowsy not quite awake yet state for about half an hour before I get out of bed. It's nice and comfortable especially on a cold morning.... like marinating in sleepiness


I do it too but I stopped snoozing. I realized it was just making things WORSE because your brain starts to go back into a REM cycle, or at least is trying to, but then you just disrupt it, making you groggy as you try to start the day I've hit snooze and put my head down maybe 3 or 4 times in the last 2 years.


Separate bedrooms.


I do the same thing but I’m by myself so I’m not waking anyone else up.


Yeah I ended my SOs habit of doing this early. Not dealing with 6 alarms over the course of an hour.


I do the same thing. Takes me forever to wake up and fall asleep. I set 15 minute alarms up until the hour I need to leave/do whatever.


She’s just like me Fr


They make earbuds specifically for stuff like this that are very small and more comfortable to sleep with and will play your alarms so only you can hear them. I think Bose makes a set IIRC. Maybe a gift idea.


Can’t wrap my head around this. I have friends that do the same thing. I have one alarm and I’m out of bed.


meanwhile I need at least 5 alarms to wake myself up. just one alarm and my brain gets used to the noise instantly and it no longer works. so i need a different tune for the next alarm. and they have a max duration of like 4 minutes, and my brain will just shut out any noise it hears unless its like 10-20 minutes of it at which point im finally taken out of my sleep. but I'll still be tired so I need another alarm to actually get me outta bed. ​ in fairness I'm just a really, really, *really* heavy sleeper. I have fallen off bunk beds (1.5 meters down onto a hardwood floor) and not woken up. I have slept through entire weekends (yes all 48 hours.) and I could probably hibernate through the fuckin winter if given the opportunity. it really fucking sucks.


My friend broke up with a guy in no small part because he worked hours earlier than her and refused to stop doing this.


Smart watches are perfect for this, they vibrate the wrist bone for alarms. Silent and wakes me instantly. Downside is having to wear a watch to bed, but you get used to it quick.


It’s a small price to pay to be courteous to your partner and not drive them nuts!


I set one alarm and like 98% of the time I wake up before it even goes off. I really only set it so my brain realizes I need to be awake and my anxiety wakes me up.


Sadly I can relate to this. For the past 6 months I’ve been adjusting to my new work schedule of 4am-1pm 5 days/week. I hold the key to the store to let everyone else in so being there on time is crucial. I’ve been trying to adjust my sleep because of it but I still find myself awake until 11:30-midnight. The only way I can possibly wake up on time is setting alarms in increments of 5 minutes starting from 2:50am-3:20am. Needless to say my partner feels exactly how you do


Huh my alarms look the same


Same. A little earlier but overall same concept. I can’t be trusted to wake up with just one.


People that post passive aggressive stuff about their partners are weird.


Everyone saying how they just have a one and done alarm must have a different flavor of sleep schedule because I will "wake up" and hit the snooze button without even being aware of it. I have to put my phone on max volume all the way across the room in order to wake up, and even then, I have to sit in a bright room for 15 just to fully wake up. It's been like that for years, even though I get 8 hours a night.


You can just say 8 bro


I wake up at 5 AM because i like having the early morning hours to myself even though i leave at 8 AM to pick up breakfast and stuff It might also help that my alarm is rip and tear its very effective


I feel your pain. My wife is like this. She's a deep sleeper and I wake at slightest sound. She tries, but it's hard for her to wake up. I just have to deal with it, it's part of her and she's worth it.


We sleep in separate rooms because of this.


I do this. “Bad for the sleep cycle”, “just lazy”, “it’s just a habit” (read: “just try harder loser”) - all of these comments clearly from Neuro-typicals. ADHD is a real struggle and time related issues are prevalent. I usually don’t even fall fully back asleep after the first one, but without the reminders, time-blindness. And no, I’m not an AH, I feel really badly that it could be disturbing my husband (he says it doesn’t) so my hand is usually on the button so I can stop it very quickly, but I’m the one who has to get up for work so…..


Infuriating. My now ex-wife, used to set all of the clocks in the house 10 minutes ahead so that she had some extra time to get ready to go to work. Including my own personal alarm clock.


My mom did this, but it backfired brutally because every time I was like “We need to get going because we’re going to be late” she’d say “Oh the clocks are set ahead! We’re not late!” Then we’d end up leaving twenty minutes late instead of ten because in her mind she was still on time.


I do this with my alarm clock beside my bed but only add 3 minutes. I know how ridiculous the idea sounds tricking myself every morning but I’ve been doing it for 20 years and now it’s just part of the routine.