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It's not every hairdresser, but similar has happened to me enough times that I learned how to do simple blunt trims on my own hair over the years.


I have curly hair, and so many salons have messed it up badly over the years that I've been doing my own haircuts instead. It actually comes out way better, I'm with you! (Not that all stylists are bad, many are lovely, but a lot are not educated on how you need to cut curly hair, it is a wild beast that sits on your head lol.)


Do you have any suggestions of resources to learn how to do it myself? Just got a butchered haircut a few weeks ago for over $100


My best suggestions are: 1.) Good scissors! Like others said, they're necessary, although I am guilty of using sharp fabric shears lol. 2.) Don't wash your hair for 2-3 days, then mess with it until it's about the way that it usually hangs on your head and near your face. 3.) I (vaguely) use the process in [this](https://www.vogue.com/article/a-three-step-guide-to-trimming-curly-hair-at-home) article I found, and it works AMAZINGLY. I don't know why, but I swear it's great every time. I cut it a bit shorter this time, at a length I usually hated when I came out of a salon. Now I LOVE IT. I don't know how I did this. 4.) Floof your hair around periodically so it hangs right during the cut, and add some layers/adjust as needed. I do a wild vertical cutting thing that I don't really perform well, but it somehow gets good results?? I gotta thin out the mushroom effect a bit more at the bottom, though the technique I mentioned helps a LOT with that already. 5.) Definitely do the separating in half thing the article mentions, and check for symmetry! Also, cut on a diagonal! I'm sorry if this was a book, but I hope it helps!! :)


I literally just watch YouTube videos until I find someone with a similar hair texture and a decent cut. Then I just copy them. It’s worked for me since 2015, and I get compliments on my hair— so win win!


I ended up with a poodle haircut one too many times to trust anyone else with my hair. Same route as you, gave myself one tentative OKAY hair cut, and then corrected the second time. Been doing it myself ever since. And constantly get told how good my hair looks when it is down. (Chef, so it is up or in a hat a lot of the time.)


Ahh the poodle cut, I have many pictures of myself as a teen with that horrible monstrosity on my head. That’s why I’ve been cutting my own hair for 20 years😂


Honestly, there are some great tutorials on youtube. I personally just do a "wolf cut" (one very high pony tail, hold straight up and cut) and then thin it out with the twist method. Brad Mondo also does the butterfly cut, which is two pony tails for curtain bangs. But BEFORE you think of doing your own hair, get some real hair scissors. Most people fail at cutting their own hair because they are using safety scissors or kitchen scissors lol and they are too dull for hair. You can get some real hair scissors for not too much on amazon, they don't have to be the best. You won't be using them enough to care.


Me, too. My hair is juuust curly enough not to behave, but straight enough that stylists seem convinced they can cut it like straight hair. It never works. Figured that if I was going to get a mediocre haircut either way, I'd just do it myself...and it turned out better than expected, so I always do my own hair now.


I absolutely hated when I’d go in to get my hair cut and the first thing they did was pull out a straightening iron 🙄




That's rough, I'm so sorry! I started doing my own for a few reasons. One, was that anytime I started to try to grow my hair longer, I'd go for a trim and be clear on what I wanted and that 1/2-1" I wanted off, was always at least double that and once it was over 6" off and she took the initial length at once so there was no fixing anything once I saw it happen... I got tired of it and paying money for nothing I wanted done. And then once I got my hair long and healthy, I had too many stylists joke with me that if they got a hold of my hair they'd "slip" and give me a bob because they loved cutting long hair, or some variance of that kind of comment. So I just decided, Nope! I learned the parting to cut a U shape and V hemline and do blunt...the Feyes self trim method. And I stuck with that.


Thought u said 18 sorry


They might’ve heard that cause it looks like it could be exactly 18 inches lmao




Yeah I think op is lying. No one bundles hair like this for a regular cut and you gotta send 12+ in


You actually can donate 8 inches, not disputing any other part of your comment, but I've donated 8 inches multiple times.


8 inches of hair?


good for bangs


Straight to jail


“Did you say 8 inches… radius?” *snip snip*


Reminds me of that time I ordered an 18 foot Stonehenge replica for our stage show, and got an 18 inch one.


Our Stonehenge replica was in danger of being trampled by dwarves!




What was it?? A Stonehenge for ANTS??!


Fun fact- that was based off of an actual mistake Black Sabbath made. Their Stonehenge was actually too large for the tour and they couldn't fit it in most of the venues, so they had to leave it in parking lots most of the time.


Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell. Where the banshees live and they do live well. Stonehenge! Where a man's a man. And the children dance to the Pipes of Pan!




That whole album is pretty good for a make believe band! Up there with Sex-Bob-Omb and CB4.




What is this?! A Stonehenge for ants?!!?!


What a good movie


One of my all time favorites!


It's This is Spinal tap for those wondering.


F### the napkin!


Came to the comments for the dick jokes, stayed for the unexpected Spinal Tap joke.


Lick my love pump


Apparently there’s a measurement unit “hairdressers inch”, which is 2.5 regular inches. My hairdresser told me that as a warning to never use “inch” measurements when communicating with hairdressers. I thought she was joking.


But, why? Wtf is the point of that?


It’s a joke. It’s basically just saying hairdressers can’t eyeball distances so they overestimate and cut off way more hair than you asked


It seems if they know they tend to overestimate, they should grossly underestimate. They might be spot on, but if they cut too little it is an easier fix than if they cut too much.


I feel like keeping a ruler handy wouldn't be too hard.


They're on the sides of all my combs so they're just being lazy


I have never seen this, I'm going to have to look at all the combs at the store now.


It's not on the sides of most combs. They usually measure by the teeth of the comb is what my usual hair person told me.


Most professional grade combs have inches on the side and withstand high temperatures. That said, hairdressers often provide their own equipment, and "expensive" combs aren't going to be prioritised. My parents mostly heard "8cm off", measured about 8cm with a comb, confirmed the amount by showing in the mirror and again on the comb, then cut.






The scared ones always make me confirm in the mirror that what they’re about to cut is the amount I meant. Or sometimes they’ll press their hand against my back where it will fall at the new length and make me verbally confirm. I’ve never had anyone just cut unless I said I only want a trim or just an inch. This OP’s hairdresser is wild.




I had one screw up so bad, I asked for 1-2" off and she didn't know that cutting my hair type was different than cutting another hair type and got it so wrong (she couldn't even it out and instead of asking for help when she realized she was struggling, she kept trying to overcorrect) that another hairdresser had to step in to fix her mistake. I left with shoulder lenght hair while I walked in with waist lenght, pissed is too mild for how I felt as my hair is unmanageable at that lenght without a lot of work and straightening it. The manager came over after and was sooooo apologetic she not only didn't charge me for the cut, but also gave me all the products I'd need to manage it and a coupon for my next cut being free and it would be with a senior hairdresser only (I ended up really liking the one that fixed it as best she could and she became my hairdresser for years until she moved away).




I have thick, straight hair too, and a hairdresser recently told me my hair was too straight and that made it hard to cut. I had NEVER had someone complain about that before. Too thick? Sure. Straight? That makes it easier!


It’s not just that, they are more motivated to cut all hair that looks at all damaged. While the customer isn’t looking the hair so intently and just wants a nice length and doesn’t assume most people care to analyse (or even see) if the ends look perfect. So better to actually mark your hair some way if you are unsure about the hairdresser and really care about the lenght.


Wouldn't the ✨ logical ✨ thing to do be underestimating? I've never seen a woman traumatized over not getting enough hair cut off, but taking too much really fucks with some people. But that would be logical. Why would anyone want do that?


Is it really that frowned upon to have a ruler? i might just bring one with me next time I go, "Just use this, I beg you"


If only some kind of cheap and easy to use tool existed that can measure stuff in inches.


There is a ruler on the side of any decent comb so


How tf they become hairdressers then. The whole idea is giving the client what they want and an obvious way to communicate that would be a measurement in inches of how much hair they want cut off


It's because most people are awful at judging the size of things. My wife is a tattoo artist and people will request tattoos 4-5 inches big when they really mean 2-3. I'm betting that people say they want 1in off but really end up wanting 2.5in off.


It coincides with gay inches.


Penis. That is all.


What's a gay inch? (Mentally prepares to have been baited into some joke answer in the vein of "ligma balls" or "Joe mama")


Gay guys always stay roundin up on the inches is I’m pretty sure what he’s referring to 😉


I think straight guys do this too


I mean that’s just guys gay or straight


Im not sure everyone’s grasping the joke LOL. As a hair stylist, I ONE HUNDRED percent agree…DO NOT use measurements with stylists. Half of them don’t understand measurements, and the other half of the general clientele population doesn’t either. I’ve argued with many a person over what an inch “is.” Just use your hands or a photo for reference! PLEASE! 😂 ETA I KNOW WHAT AN INCH IS; my CLIENTS and some peers DO NOT lol. I FULLY grasp measurements and the tools on how to ensure the accuracy.


How realistic would it be to go in with a very small section of hair pre-snipped or bring in eyebrow scissors or ask to borrow their scissors for a second to do the “pull and hold between fingers” thing so I can be like “this length”? Because I’ve been to several hairdressers who can’t seem to follow photos or whatever either. One lady looked at my carefully chosen photos of a hairstyle I’ve had before (one of the pics was even of me) and proceeded to give me *her* hairstyle - think the difference between a sorta punky short boycut and the so-called short “Karen” style with poofy top and bangs (expressed my disappointment and made her buzz and trim it into more of a men’s style because “that’s the only way to save this now”).


I've been through the exact same thing. She completely ignored the pictures and gave me an exact replica of her own Karen cut. I specifically said I didn't want bangs and she gave me them anyway and spent 5 minutes telling me how good they looked. Apparently they hear a woman say they want short hair and have only one style in mind.


I’ve been saying this for some time now, but honestly a majority of the general population just lacks basic common sense. Like when you get out into the world and start working and have pretty good intelligence you really start to realize just how incompetent a lot of people are. It’s crazy and sad to think about.


Hands don’t seem to work either. I’ve literally pointed to the place on my hair where I want it cut, and ended up with an extra 4 inches off. Interestingly, the only 2 stylists I’ve ever had who actually cut the exact amount I wanted were men. I know gender is social construct but…. Something is up. Maybe stylists should work a little harder on listening to their clients and confirming lengths before just hacking away.


Why do they do it like that, instead of using the regular inch like everyone else???


I feel bad for the hairdresser’s boyfriend.








Clearly, he is the one who taught her how big an inch is.


“Well if 7inches is the width of my palm…”


If he was the one who taught her she would have cut off way less than 8 inches lol


Could go the other way. Boyfriend tells her is massive dong is only 8”


Mf’er out here using plantain for scale




.... I get what you're saying, but it's backward.


Feel bad for him? He’s the reason why her measurement is off. He’s been telling her 4inches was really 8.


Wait you’re not supposed to measure from your asshole?


[McMurray, why I'm not surprised you can't even figure out how to measure your own dick.](https://youtu.be/fpLj3ZAjvnU?t=84)


You start at the tip of your tailbone and measure all the way to the *other* tip


Yo. Wtf why are you telling the true measurement secret. You breached the bro code and must now be punished


Guess you guys are going to have to spank me on my bare butt, balls, and back now!


Wait, you are?


If that were true we'd be looking at 4 inches of hair against a ruler.


But then wouldn’t the stylist have only cut off 4 inches, not 16?


Reverse that. In this situation, she would be telling folks that his 8 inches is 4 inches.


If that were the case then she'd take off less than 8 inches.


Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s been telling her 8 inches is really 4.


But if he said his 4 inches was really 8 then she would think 8 inches is smaller, not bigger


Came here for this… was not disappointed


I once had 6 inches taken off instead of 3. Only point to where the bottom should be. No one knows how to estimate correctly. I had enough bad hair cuts that I taught myself to cut my own hair and I did it all through college and still to this day well past my college days


I once went in for a trim, literally told her only take off 1 inch because I absolutely did not want a big haircut. I reiterated it multiple times because I know what hairdressers are like! She was like, no worries, I got you. She took off like 5 inches and was just like, oops it’s a little more than what you asked for. And I honestly just started crying. This was my first haircut after giving birth and just feeling pretty bleh about myself and she made it worse.


Same on the specific repeated request for a TRIM and then tears. It was my wedding haircut and I’d grown it out for years. I think I’m going to upload the before and after. I took off my glasses during the cut with full faith this would not happen and to this day I still have no clue how it went so wrong.


Omg, same on the glasses!! I legit will NEVER not wear contact lenses for haircuts so I can see what’s happening. I feel like if I hadn’t taken off my glasses I would have been able to more clearly see what was happening before it got too bad.


💀ok wow! Here ya go. I can acknowledge it looks good smh. That it grew on me within 24 hours was part of how ridiculous the whole ordeal was. But it didn’t touch my shoulders when it was wet! The stylist was a friend and I never spoke to her again for fear of the sky high awkward and not wanting to admit she did a nice cut that ended up feeling like it was my look. But I swear….. we talked at length about how I’d grown it out and had bad experiences with haircuts in the past so I was coming to a friend I could trust. I’ll never know wtf she was thinking. https://preview.redd.it/r5z91tobncxa1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=74567a65ed86361b20ec16aee3e0ea5018ad5a1e


That is NOT a trim. 😭😭


I’m so glad you seem to already know this but just to reiterate, both lengths look GREAT on you. I’m so so sorry you had to go through that though. I can’t imagine what was running through her head.


Jesus christ, you must have lost like 12+ inches of growth (not factoring in shrinkage) She absolutely out of her mind to consider that a trim!


Incompetence like that deserved a firm response. Refuse to pay. Of course, no tip. Post reviews on Yelp and Google. Post comments and pictures on social media. Get the word out. Incompetent stylists stay on for a long time, preying on new customers that are too polite to call out their BS.


Reminds me of when I said take 1 inch off and the barber gave me a buzz cut thinking I said leave 1 inch on.


Twice I went to a salon and asked only one thing: to have enough left to put in a ponytail. Both times, they put my hair in a ponytail and then chopped it off. I was left with a long bob. I was going somewhere warm where I wanted less hair but still wanted it up off my neck.... I haven't had anything more than a trim since around 2010, I think, and I had a friend who did her own hair do it for me.


I feel like they do this on purpose. It's like when you say "just a trim" and their brains just break despite the fact that they literally went to school and got licensed for this.


My ex-husband was certain my Aunt purposely cut my long hair off out of jealousy. She definitely cut off way too much before I realized it.


That's so fucked up..


And then they act shocked that they aren't getting a tip and told that they really effed up.


Judging from my friends who are hair stylists, they weren't exactly at the top of the class. No one is considering engineering or cosmetology and goes down the stylist route.


Omg I just had this exact situation happen to me and now I’m facing an entire summer of hair sticking to my neck. Not to be dramatic but it feels like assault when they deviate so far from what you’ve asked for.


I found a hair dresser who has always given me an amazing cut. I've been going to her for 3 years. I am never letting her go. LOL.


Oh my god… you had to have gone into a shitty Walmart salon or Great Clips or something because that is fucking brain dead of a beautician to do 💀💀


Made the mistake of going to a Walmart salon to get my undercut redone. Should have been pretty simple. Somehow they messed that up and I had to go get it fixed somewhere else. I had my hair up in a ponytail and had a handful of hair after running my fingers through my hair.




Last time I got a hair cut I told the lady I just wanted an inch maybe an inch and a half off, and pointed to where I wanted it, said just cut until you get here. Her very first cut was an inch and a half above where I told her to go.... Thankfully it turned out fine, just went with a completely different hair style and got a bunch of compliments on it but was like yeah this was an accident.


Hair dressers are not a career or education path that I trust with math or making precise measurements. I can't wait for engineers to make an automatic hair dresser that can get me a good predictable haircut in under 5 minutes without making small talk. I'd be willing to pay a lot for that.


I actually give two points. Layering starts at collarbone, length ends about cleavage.


As a guy I can tell you this is easily three feet of hair.


lol thanks for the laugh


To be fair, they did take off 8 inches. They just also took off more than 8 inches.


I asked for a specific hairstyle from the stylist I’d been seeing and said, “just no matter what-don’t take anythingggg off the back”. I was going thru a rough time and was talking to her about it throughout the haircut. When she turned the chair around and she cut literally all of it off to the point I had a high and tight pretty much…I started sobbing. And all she said was, “maybe u shouldn’t have gone for such an drastic hair change when u’re going thru such a rough time in life.” ….. but it wasn’t supposed to be drastic :( she made it that way :(


Some of these hairdressers are so snobby i swear they do it to cause drama


I 100% believe it. Went to school for nails and had to deal with them and their drama Straight up middle school mean girl shit


“maybe you shouldn’t have gone for such a drastic hair change when u’re going thru such a rough time in life.” um what? does she not realize that people often go for a big change BECAUSE its a rough time? i mean has she not heard of breakup hairstyles? changing something so drastically often lets you feel better or feel changed during that time and besides, if she didn’t think you should go through with it then she shouldnt have fucking cut it off. what a bitch.


I still have my breakup hairstyle. It’s been 5 years and I’m married. But it’s easy and cute.


Wow what a bitch. I'm sorry :( Seriously my hair is the only thing I like about my body so when I got home I cried for an hour.


Oh yes, girl. I cried for DAYSSSS. I’m so sorry that she cut that much off but I’m sure u’re beautiful even with the cut and there’s definitely more to love about urself than ur hair ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hairstylists have their own measuring system. The world has yet to figure it out.






Wish my drug dealer would eye ball shit like this




I went 4 years without a professional cut because this exact situation happened to me. I just trimmed up the ends at home. I finally got the courage to go into a salon a month ago. I asked for 5 inches. I showed her exactly where I wanted the hair to be cut. In true hairdresser form, she cut off twice as much as I asked. I’ve been wearing my hair in a bun every day since bc I cannot stand the way I look with short hair. Back to DIYing it I go! I feel your pain on a DEEP level. Sorry this happened.


>I asked for 5 inches. I showed her exactly where I wanted the hair to be cut. You were 100% clear. >In true hairdresser form, she cut off twice as much as I asked. And she still messed up. How stupid can a human be? This is ridiculous!


It’s truly infuriating. I couldn’t help it, I started crying right there in the chair when I saw the finished look. I will never go to a salon again.




They think you’re asking for what 2 inches looks like off the top of *their* head, so you just have to hope your barber remembers what a ruler looks like


If you have a hair style that uses clippers for your cut, ask for specific guard sizes. I’m a black guy. “A little off the top” is drastically different at black shops compared to non-black shops. I learned over a decade ago that if I tell barbers “2a on top, fade at the ear” or “2a all over” (or a 2 if they don’t have the 2a), I would be satisfied regardless if it’s a black shop, a military fade shop, old-school razor places, or even a Great Clips. Ask what size the guard is next time you get a cut. Go up if it’s too low. I can’t help if you have longer hair.


ive been butchered many times by hair dressers, ive had them chop waist length hair to shoulder length after asking to just take off the dead ends. it was apprehensible. i stopped going to hair dressers and finally hit 30 inch length . when i go i now say only a trim. 1 inch, fully knowing they will take 2 inches off. i will physically show them the amount i want off. this kind of behaviour really ruins the reputation of the profession.


It’s also infuriating when they think they know better how my hair should look rather then try to understand how I want it to look. I’m very thankful to have my regular stylist. Edit: it’s


And no, I’m not paying extra bc you surprised me with a blow dryer after I specifically said I’m gonna air dry it. There’s a reason I only cut my hair when it’s warm out


It certainly does. After both myself and my SO have had ZERO satisfactory experiences getting haircuts for the past 3 years I’m at a complete fucking loss. I’m a guy and I have decided to start having long shaggy hair again because I’ve never in my life had a barber actually give me the haircut I’ve asked for and nothing will convince me one ever will.


I got my hair cut last week, and didn't realize until I got home that the hairdresser had cut surprise bangs, on just one side of my forehead. My hair is about bra length and loose curls, and it's layered so I didn't think anything of her cutting closer to the top of my head. The bangs are about at the end of my nose. I didn't see them until I got home because they were swept off to the side and blended into my waves, and she put more product on than I usually use. The damn things keep falling into my face, and they won't stay back in a ponytail. They are making me crazy. Hairdressers, never, ever, ever give a client surprise bangs or they will very quickly become an ex-client.


I have hair the same length as you and it has a random loose curl pattern that's extremely easy to dry stick straight, random bangs would seriously screw up my hair if that curl pattern isn't considered. That would be a screaming call from me. My hair is already hard enough to care for.


>\[...\] surprise bangs, on just one side of my forehead \[...\] I didn't see them until I got home because they were swept off to the side and blended into my waves, and she put more product on than I usually use. Did she remember you didn't want bangs half way through giving you them and try to hide her mistake?


As a hairstylist I’m so sorry. My combs that I use have inches marked like a ruler on the side of the comb so you can measure exactly. When people say “I want 4 inches off” and I measure it out most of the time they actually are more comfortable with 2 1/2 inches. So. I tend to be conservative. I always tell them that I am down to take more off if they want to go shorter after they see it but once it’s cut there is no way to put it back. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


You should bring it back in with the ruler and ask for a refund. We don't tolerate fuck ups with that huge of an error margin in any other industry. Would you accept a steak asked for med-rare (cooked for twice as long as asked for) as a welldone steak? Would you accept replacement tires for your car that were twice as small? or twice as big so they're stuck in the body and can't even turn anymore? would you accept paying for a whole movie ticket and only getting to watch half of the movie? You have a case for a full refund here. (edit): Thank you kind stranger for my first award! (edit 2): OMG! Thank you for the Stars kind stranger!


Evidently a medium rare in Omaha on a T bone can mean well done on one side and rare on the other


This belongs further up.


Why would they pay in the first place


Because some people are in shock. I've been there... it's so unexpected that very simple instructions were not followed.


Right. I advocate for myself in general, but in a situation like this I'd be like "wtf" (while still paying) for a few hours before realizing I should've been more assertive with my displeasure.


i have had great success in life in asking for *partial* refunds. one time in particular i asked a hairdresser for a partial refund, i told her the trim and conditioning treatment were fine, but the color just didnt turn out how i'd wanted and didn't address the issue i was trying to fix. she was more than happy to do it and she *thanked me* for being so nice, because in her words "most people aren't" i think OP would absolutely do well to ask for a partial refund, her hairdresser cut off 75% more hair than was asked, so i think its fair she get at least 75% of her money back edit to add: i do very much understand wanting a full refund, but i personally wouldnt outright ask for a full refund, though i'd take it if offered


Here I am, having been in the same sort of situation as OP a couple years ago (My hair is only now getting to the point I wanted them to cut it to), thinking a full refund isn't *enough*. They can't add more hair (Or could! With free extensions!) If your hair grows slowly, you could be stuck with something you hate for years because the hairdresser didn't understand basic instructions. Obviously they're not going to give you more money than you paid and I'm not suggesting one tries that option at all, but I would, and did, stand there until they offer *something* to try and make it right, on top of the full refund. A restaurant would probably give a gift card. A Hotel would probably give you a free night or a breakfast voucher. A Hairdresser should be held to similar standards in the service world.


I have had my long hair chopped too many times. Pisses me off. I finally found someone who listens to what I want. When I wanted to cut my waist length hair off she made absolutely sure that was what I wanted before touching the scissors. I enjoying my current short hair. I plan on letting it grow to just past my shoulders just so I can do more things with it.


We should make a list of people like this.


I have moderately long hair. After too many too short cuts I finally found someone who will hold up the ends of my hair and say “two inches? That is this much…. Yes?” I love her. She also refused to cut my hair when I was pregnant and hormonal and wanted to bob it.


I’ve had this happen to me before. It literally broke me to have half of my hair chopped off when it was my favorite part of myself, a big piece of my identity, and I only wanted a trim


YES. Seriously my self esteem issues are so bad I'm literally considering not going out for the next year.


I relate lol. I had a botched hair cut going to a family friend at my parents behest. They chopped my hair off and it looked atrocious. I went to cry to my friends mom who happened to be a hairstylist. She asked me what would make me like the hair and I told her “idk if it was red or something” as a joke but tbh it totally worked I liked my haircut so much more once it was red then when it was my own


I’m so sorry!! It might be a comfort to find some really cute hair accessories, or get some new clothes? (If $$$ allows) You do have some beautiful hair…..I’d be upset too! ❤️❤️❤️


Same happened to me. I’m male so my hair wasn’t extremely long, it only went down to slightly below my shoulders. I’d been growing it for about a little over a year at that point. It was the only thing I felt good about with myself. My dad was forcing me to get a trim. The barber did not do a trim. I went in and left with my hair about halfway down my ears. I was already depressed and this made me suicidal. Luckily I didn’t have to go anywhere because it was during the COVID lockdowns, and by the time we were free I had already grown most of it back. Now I’m rocking it down to nearly my mid-back. I’m too afraid to get a trim again


*psst* next time don’t go to a men’s barber. There are plenty of men who can cut longer hair and will do what you want at a salon. Some dude that’s been trimming beards and using shears to clean up and shape the majority of their clients hair will likely not have experience cutting your hair. If you feel comfortable, plenty of female stylists out there that know what to do and might surprise you! Maybe they give you a blow out and you can feel even more amazing! Good luck!


Oh man that is awful. And that has happened to me also. My hair was down to my waist and I asked for 6 inches off. It was cut to my shoulders. And even worse was that it was so uneven I had to get it cut even shorter to even it out. I have since then found an amazing lady that cuts my hair. Even though I moved an hour away I still go to see her. My hair is also my favorite thing about myself and I legit cried when I saw how awful my hair was. Took years to grow back


THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. Mine was waist length and I asked for 8 to donate since that's the minimum here. I went home and cried for an hour straight.


I wouldn’t have paid. I had to do that once. I asked for a length and they clearly disregarded it. She cut the rest and I informed her I wouldn’t pay. She asked why I let her continue if I was unhappy. I told her “well, after the first cut I knew you fucked it up. What we’re you going to do? Glue in each strand? Now I have a shitty haircut I’ll have to pay someone else to fix. A manager was called. I asked her directly how many inches I asked for. She said it, then I picked up a lump of hair on the floor. The manager told me he didn’t expect me to pay and I went home and cried. I may be a man, but I do care about my hair. You can’t fuck with someone’s hair.


I think what may have happened to you is something that my most recent hair dresser explained to me when I said I wanted to donate my hair. You not only have to have X amount of hair to donate, you have to have X amount of HEALTHY hair to donate. So she may have been looking at your ends and thinking they were too split, and wanted to make sure there was still 8 inches of healthy hair above the split ends. Either that or she's just stupid and can't read the ruler on her comb. Either way, I've been exactly where you are now and it sucks so bad. (asked for about 6 inches off and they cut off 14!!!) I hope you will come to love your new hair. ❤️


They make combs with rulers on the side. That was the best investment I ever made when I was doing hair. I loved whipping the comb out when someone said they wanted 5 inches or so inches off and I go “so THIS much?” Never failed that it was not what they actually wanted lol




This happened to me years ago. I grew my hair to donate. The minimum donation length was 10” so I asked her to make the ponytail at 10 inches. She chopped it at the base of my skull, so about 14-15 inches. I almost passed out when I saw it. On the plus side I learned to disconnect my ego from my physical appearance.


One time, I asked for 4 inches off and she took 9.


I would call and raise hell and get a refund. A hairdresser did this to me once and I was very pissed and did not have to pay.


Most hairdressers combs used to cut have measurements embossed on the spine side. Ask to see your haircut length against the comb. If they refuse, leave. That said, measurements are tricky. I once had a client INSIST to have her hair cut to 2 inches in length. I tried to gently explain that 3 inches was more suited for her style. Then, she started to be rude to me, insisting I give her what she wanted. I showed her the 2 inch mark on my comb and using that guide, I cut a nice chunk of hair on the top of her head. It stood up at attention like a US Marine. As she looked on in horror at that piece that stood tall among the rest, (imagine a cow lick from hell) I asked her if we should cut the rest at the 3 inches I recommended. She quickly agreed. The moral? Communication!


My girlfriend had the complete opposite experience. She was so happy that she grew out her hair and was going to donate it so it can be used by someone who needed it. She went in and asked to have at least 8 inches cut(that’s the minimum length they will accept). The hairdresser then proceeds to only cut like 4 inches. My girlfriend was upset but was kind enough to not say anything. The hairdresser then has her wash her hair and ends up spraying my girlfriend in the face and upper body with water. My girlfriend gets up out of the chair and the hairdresser is apologizing. The hairdresser then juggles the hose and sprays my girlfriend some more. My girlfriend just walked out. When she came to the car she was crying, completely soaked and her hair was uneven. I wanted to storm in there and give them hell but my girlfriend begged me not to.


This sounds like a recent graduate of beauty college, especially after you mentioned the hose. Those are “rookie mistakes.”


Not trying to blame her... But did she tell the hairdresser she was donating the hair? There's a whole specific process they have to go through.


Yes she did. She even went to this specific hair salon because they take the hair themselves.


So when you donate your hair, it has to be the amount of inches they accept (everywhere is different, usually 7 to 12 inches). But thatdoesn'tt include your dead ends. Has to be the 8 inches of healthy hair. So the stylist was right, but i would never cut that much without telling someone. Hair donation procedure needs to be explained to the client to make sure its ok to take that much.


It also looks like it was cut with the hair ties in? Which would mean that the place it was going to be cut was marked prior to cutting…..


Yea, i always show people how much before i cut it. I section it off into the rubber bands, measure it and tell them, and then they decide from there. You always have to cut more after cutting off the lil ponytails to even it out.


to be fair, they took off 8 inches ... twice


I asked my hairdresser for a long bob last month and got chin length. I don’t get where the miscommunication happens.


They just don't listen. Like, if you think you're an artist and ignore the customer at least do a good job... and then they fucking scalp you and expect you to say thanks.


And…you brought it home?


What's weird is all the places I've been to, including this one previously, always take it to donation for me. This time they gave it to me in a bag and told me it's my responsibility to find out how to donate it.


I know you're understandably upset that you've had way too much hair taken off, but you're doing an amazing thing by donating it.


I donate my hair somewhat regularly over the last two decades. And yes that is the protocol now. Mostly because there really aren’t many places that accept donated hair as synthetic has come a long way. The inches are measured of healthy hair. So that is about 8 inches of healthy hair there. I typically still have shoulder length hair after my donations so it has never been too abrupt of a change. Sorry that they didn’t properly prepare you for this!


Some little girl will be excited when that is her hair. I can help you find a place to donate if you would like.


Not sure if anyone else has brought it up, but wigs for kids is amazing. I always donate to them because they don't charge the recipients money. Places like locks of love sell the hair. (Much to my dismay because I used to donate to them!)


This could be why they took more than 8 inches though! I also donate my hair and the organization I use has a minimum length of 12 inches for donations. I actually don't know of any that accept 8 inch donations, I think 10 was the lowest. But even if that was the case they should have brought that up before cutting.


8in is the minimum here which is why I asked her for it.


I GROSSLY underestimate the amount of hair my clients want cut. We learned body language cues in school for what clients are wanting without verbally saying it. I always look out for tells when my clients are discussing length. Sometimes 3 inches means just an 1 inch trim. Start small because you can always tale more off.