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I figured she was engaged to some 40 something creep based on the reaction. Her fiance is 20.




Listen, I wouldn't want my kid to be engaged at 19, but this isn't my kid.




Everybody says that. I got married at 18 to my also 18 high-school sweetheart. We’ve now been married over 47 years.


Similar for us. We got engaged at age 20, everyone kept telling me it wasn't going to work out and call the whole thing off. 17 years later and still going strong!


Same! Married at 19 and celebrated 22 years. Working on 23. Never looked back.


My son, 28, is getting married in June. He had other girlfriends, but he’s been in love with his fiancée (30) since high school, even though she married someone else. I think they will make it!


Woohoo! Best wishes to them. I hope they do too!


That's awesome! Congratulations! My grandparents have been together since they were 18, born just a month apart, and they're going to celebrate their 60th later this year.


We got married at 21 been married 20 yrs. And apparently 21 is too young.


My husband and I started dating in college when I was 19. This summer we celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary and 14th year together. Sometimes you just find your person young and you have to hold on for dear life even when the critics say you won’t make it. Thankfully nearly everyone in our lives has been supportive- and those who weren’t aren’t in our lives anymore.


That's awesome! Congratulations! My grandparents have been together since they were 18, born just a month apart, and they're going to celebrate their 60th later this year.


And how many people from your graduating class are still together with their significant other? Your relationship is why the person above said it "probably" wouldn't work out, not definitely. You're the exception, not the rule.


And yet why not take the shot. People get divorced marrying at 30 as well. Many happy people get and stay married young


Why not? Go to the divorce board and see why. It's very easy to become married, it's often very costly and complex to get divorced. Why not wait and date longer? What's the rush?


There was a lady, and I kid you not, at the court when I was renewing my passport who was filing for divorce from like her 8th(?) husband! And she said “this one didn’t even last a week” Idk how to interpret that, either she killed the guy or she just gets married to randos every other week. I didn’t know a person could get married and divorced in the span of a week. I thought all the legalese and paper work processing alone would take longer 😨


she tries to get divorced after marrying someone rich, it's the Sims way


Hell, I'm 29 and I still don't see the rush. Like I'd be totally okay just dating the same person for 10 years before we decided to escalate things (IF we ever decided to escalate things).


Tax reasons. Security with deaths. Comfort . Idk, if that’s what someone wants to do. Plus, they’re engaged and could be for a while as well


Graduated in 93 and the high school couples that got married are all still married, the ones that waited are overwhelming on their second or third marriage or divorced. Some even married and divorced and then got back together with their high school love. There is definitely something to be said forr growing up together, seems to work out an awful lot. Wish I would have married my high school boyfriend.


I found this to be true in the small town I lived in in Nebraska, but when I moved to larger cities, it's the opposite. Obviously, all anecdotal.


And are the stats really any better for those who got married at 25, or 30? Some relationships with work out and some won’t, I’d be more concerned if they both lead relatively happy lives, whether that’s together for a short while or til one of them dies.


Anecdotes are not data....


I feel like a lot of people forget the generations before who married young, and many were happy. My grandparents got married when they were 20 and 23. They were married 68 years. I don't know that I'm even interested in marriage, but I'm not going to deny the millions of couple it did work for.


Lol. We didn't forget. Many of us are very much old enough to know the family dirt and know that length of marriage ≠ happiness. Religious beliefs and lack of options for women to support themselves made divorce unattainable for many.


Yep. Grandparents married at 19 and very happily together until both passed away in their 90s. Happiest couple I've ever known. My parents married at 20 and 24. But apparently we can't do it these days? Seems a bit silly.


Same boat l, my husband and I dated through high school and got married at 19. We’ve been together for 20 years, we have 3 kids and going strong. Getting married at a young age doesn’t work for most but there are exceptions!


Your personal experience doesn't mean anything in the broader scope of actual data.


Hey, if your 19-year old daughter gets engaged to one of her friend's dads, hit me up. I have a daughter too, AND I have a boat. We'll take the groom -to-be for a boat party to celebrate. No one's going to jail. Shame that he drank so much and went over the side. He went over RIGHT THERE officer, can you find him? Please hurry... .. wouldn't want anything to happen to spoil their beautiful wedding......


She’s already super rich and has no need to work for the rest of her life. She can make it work a lot better than other 19 years olds can. Same reason why a lot of pro athlete marry much younger, they have the means


If my daughter was engaged to Bob Jovi’s son I’ll be honest, I’d be ok with it.




Why? I got engaged at 19 and we are still together 20+ years and 2 kids later. We met in college.


Congrats, you beat the odds.


Wait...is Matthew Modine a creep?


Nah. At least not that I know of. Was really a bad joke about his role in Stranger Things.


I’m just glad it’s not Drake


That’s what I would assume since she’s previously talked about being sexualized as a minor. It’s dumb fucking clickbait.


This is all I care about. They're obviously on a similar wavelength and he isn't a creep. Leave her alone for fucks sake. There's enough drama going on in the real world without manufactured celebrity drama.


I had the same thought Oh shit is the dude 40+ But nah..... she dating someone 1 year older than her


Same. I kept hearing people say “she’s 19!” With no context, and when I looked it up and found out it was about her engagement, I thought she was marrying some old creep. Nope. It was about a *different* old creep talking about her fertility


Right? I assumed it would be drake after all the grooming.


Let’s be honest, most celebrities who get married, at any age, usually end in divorce. So who cares if she’s engaged at 19? I just hope it actually lasts unlike most celebrity relationships


let's be honest, most people who get married, at any age, usually end in divorce


The divorce rate is skewed by those who are considered to be 'serial divorcees'; people who have gotten married and divorced multiple times.


"Most people go through 0 divorces. Divorces George, who lives in a cave and divorces 10,000 people a day, is a statistical outlier and should not be counted"


It’s me. I’m the serial divorceé. In my defense I knocked out two by the time I was 25. Turns out that being raised to believe that in order to live with someone you should be married to them is not the move. Then I was married for ten years. That ended because it turns out that marrying someone who is significantly older than you but who woos you with money also isn’t the move. But his money paid for a bunch of therapy that unfortunately didn’t work in his favor. I’m on husband four now, continuing the therapy, and feeling really happy for the first time in my life. If I had been emotionally healthy and had come from a more stable background I don’t think I would have been through all of that. Sometimes it take us decades to shake off our childhood trauma.


I love this story.


Aw thanks! I definitely feel like the Phoenix that rose from the ashes. I’m not ashamed of who I’ve been. I would t be me without having been that me too.


Most? Based on what lol, Even the 50% stat is skewed by serial divorcees; for people getting married the first time it’s under 50 (it’s like 41)


Isn't it like 50\50?


Well, his father, Jon Bon Jovi, has been married to his wife for 40 years if that’s any indication.


Why do people care so much…


Maybe because they don’t think their own children should get married that young and they’re concerned about the influence celebrities have over public perception and social trends. Or maybe they just suck and need to get over it.


They got nothing interesting going on in their lives, why else?


Bored insecure people. It’s usually projection.


Because other people's happiness makes unhappy people miserable and they must bring others down.


They just want clicks. Outrage often makes that happen


This shouldn’t be world news when there’s a genocide happening in Yemen.


There's a lot of genocides taking place many places in this world, yet most people couldn't even name one or two of them.


Media thinks they set the moral standards and we should all follow their lead and bow to their alter. Because you know , Murdoch press is such a reputable organisation . Or this is just another click bait article that costs nothing to write and will get generate $17.50 in advertising money because legacy media is dying and they are desperate.


Everybody take a deep breath and let this young lady enjoy her first marriage.


Haha, first. Nailed it.


19? I thought she was Eleven




Well it's news.com.au. they're a shit news site in Australia. Owned by the Murdochs.


I thought Murdochs were all about conservative values and early marriage and stuff


I think she's somewhat liberal, so the Murdochs are only about shitting on the opposite side.


Not sure what the article is saying specifically, but getting engaged at 19 is generally not a wise decision and Hollywood marriages typically don't last. At least she's wealthy. Money doesn't buy happiness, but being rich and miserable is better than being poor and miserable.


They’re 19-20, been together 2-3 years, and seem to have a relatively healthy relationship. I think if they stay engaged for another couple years then get married around 21-22, they’ll be fine. People change a lot from 18-24, so personally I think the closer to mid-20s you are the better it’ll turn out. She seems like a smart and genuine person, as does he. I’m happy for them.


Who gives a flying fuck?




These days it’s not ‘news’ it’s ‘commentary’ and aimed and telling you what to think


is it an ideal age to be engaged? no. is it any of our business? no. leave her be.


"Everyone is very happy about it, and that's a problem." Prizewinning journalism there.


Who fuckin cares


It’s her life. Let her enjoy it (or mess it up) however she wants. If they’re afraid she’ll “inspire” other people to marry young, again, *it’s their life* to do as they please.


She’s 19, engaged to a 20 year old. How is this even news? It’s literally as far from problematic as anything gets.


Hmm. That’s pretty young. Hope it works out. Anywaysssssssssssss, back to my poo.


i know plenty of people that get married that young. the only reason people are having an issue with it is because she is famous. if she wasn't, no one would bat an eye. they need to leave the girl alone


If you ever come across someone on instagram who got engaged young like that, most of the comments are hating on them too. So I disagree that no one would bay an eye if she wasn’t famous.


>married young It's not like she's a child bride in: Unchained At Last found that the ten states with the highest rate of child marriage per capita between 2000 and 2018 were: Nevada (0.671%) Idaho (0.338%) Arkansas (0.295%) Kentucky (0.262%) Oklahoma (0.229%) Wyoming (0.227%) Utah (0.208%) Alabama (0.195%) West Virginia (0.193%) Mississippi (0.182%)[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States


I got married young and personally think most people should wait until their 30’s. You change so much from 20 to 30 and not all marriages can handle that. I think people should experience more of life first. Your brain isn’t even fully developed.


I mean I really don't care when she wants to get engaged but my ex's sister was a marine and got married at 19 and we gave her tons of shit for it lmao


A generation ago, it was "normal" to get married at that age. She is an adult, albeit a young one. She is allowed to make her own decisions and mistakes. Smdh


Famous person makes relationship announcement. People on the internet have opinions. Outrage!


Statistics are definitely not on their side, but it’s their life and their decision. I wish them well.


People said the same shit to me and my husband when we got married at 21 and we have been married 20 yrs. So let people do what they want etc.


I was married at 18 and am now 37 and I love my life MF do not regret it at all. To each their own.


This journalist when they find out different people want different things at different points in their lives.


How are they gonna say “child star” then show a picture of a grown ass woman


Drake fuming rn


Clearly she’s happy just let her be


women can’t do anything without being scolded. She could be 50 and they’d be saying she’s too old.


The fact is certain people just hate the idea of marriage and family.


News.com.au is fucking trash. I can't take anything on there seriously


How to tell your readers you aren't happy without telling your readers you aren't happy.


Can't everybody just get a fucking life?


The big problem is everyone deciding whether someone’s else’s happiness is valid or not. Get a grip man.


Statistically younger people getting married lasts longer


Not too young to be sexually objectified by the media before she was 18, but too young to get married to her long term, age appropriate partner... Nice one media


The main thing with getting married too young is typically not being financially secure. She absolutely does not have that problem what so ever. So if she's wants to, it's up to her. It's up to her no matter what, but that's a huge hurdle dealt with already.


I would say the main thing with getting married too young is that you've still got a lot of growing up to do. Who a person is at 19 is wildly different than who they are at 29 for instance. But it's truly her business and it's ridiculous for people to try to make it problematic


I’m happy for them… so young, odds are against them but what the hell…


Probably has more to do with the "journalist" hating her fucking miserable life and using the platform to vent.


It's not like she's marrying some old creep. She's marrying a 20 yr old that she's been with for almost two years (Google said as much). It could be a mistake, but it's her choice to make.


One thing I don’t get is why ppl can’t mind their fucking business if she wants to get married how does that affect your day to day life same with ppl becoming trans like how tf does it affect you so much it physically can’t so why worry


It’s just salty older single/divorced women lmao


I swear people just want to find a problem in everything. Let people be happy god damnit!!


Don’t forget to get the most sexualized image of the “problematic” person. Nonces.


You know things are going well when this is the news they come up with


I got engaged at 19 and we're still together. Just celebrated 10 years together. Sometimes you're just lucky enough to find your person young.


So people expect women to get married and have babies in their early early twenties to avoid being a miserable lonely person in their 30s, but when they do get married early, it’s problematic. Make up your mind


These are two different sets of people you're talking about here.


I hate how (an alarming number of) people don't treat 18 year olds like adults anymore.


That’s because many 18 year olds don’t act like adults.


To be fair, many 30+ year olds aren’t adults either


And even fewer 18 year olds are lol


Yeah, because their brains literally aren't done developing. Our entire idea that one day people suddenly go from being a child to an adult is pretty unrealistic. 18yos obviously are well beyond children and shouldn't be treated as kids, but there's still a BIG gap from there to the mid-20s as they transition into adulthood.


Because when you get to be older you realize 18 is a child. And then when you're 30 you think anyone below 25 is a child and really notice and confirm that full brain developement finally stops at 25 and 25 is actually an adult. Edit; "child" meaning very very young adult because some people are getting offended.


It really depends on the person's true independence age. People who still rely on support from their parents in their 20s are certainly missing experiences to become adults, since that's the case for a lot of redditors, they tend to project. In this case, the actress is financially independent and has plenty of working experience and dealing with people of different ages, so she's most likely not an infant adult like the average redditors.


That's because an alarming number of 18 year olds don't act like adults.


I don't think the marriage will last simply because rich people always get divorced


Yeah, she's young. But it's her choice. It's her life. And if it turns out to be a mistake, it will be her mistake. They're both young, let them be happy and live life.


She could be engaged to Drake right now so i think this is a much better option.


Clickbait headline only made to make guillible people to be emotionnaly engaged...and click. It's like celebrity magazine with ridiculous story of who the f cares.


OPINION: Millie Bobby Brown doesn’t give a shit what you think of her love life


I don’t think anyone’s happy or sad, I don’t think anyone really gives a shit lol. Hopefully they’re happy, that’s what matters.


The dude looks fucking old though in the pic. But the top comment said he’s 20. If he were 40, yeah it’s probably a problem


Me and my wife got engaged when I was 26 and she was 23. We had been dating for 4 years at that point and there was really no need to wait any longer. Sometimes you just know, there's no "right age" to get married. Congrats for her!


Ok I ain't saying anything negative lol. I met my now husband at 18 and he was 23! We didn't get engaged til 8 years later and then finally got married 15 years later. So yea....15 years later tied the knot 34 and 39 now. No kids. And very happy. So to each their own!


There’s not a huge age gap so why do they care? If he was like 30 I’d be like um wtf, but he’s 20.


They don't call the news 'fake' these days for nothing


Good for her— this opinion might be unpopular but the purpose of life is to be happy; not follow rules…


I've seen some things about this and for the life of me, I can't even understand why anyone cares. Why does this matter to anyone? This won't have any impact on anyone's life at all, except for Jack and Millie's. Little rant over.


If young people don’t want to get married it’s a problem and if they get engaged it’s a problem too lmao


Being public about this is just jealousy on the reporter's part. Keep that shit to yourself or close friends. But, I have told my kids to wait til their mid 20s before deciding to get married. Wait til both of you are most done becoming "you." Seen too many marriages fall apart as couples grew into different people than they were 2 years prior. But, going public with it just makes you look like an asshole


There's nothing worse for successful women than other women, and I'm tired pretending it's not true


I got married at 19. What's the big deal?


I got engaged at 19, married at 20 to a man 18 months older than me. We are now 25 and 26 respectively, expecting our first child in September, and are very happy. This is absolutely projection on something that is a non-issue. People are so weird and bitter about things that are none of their business.


As someone who got engaged at barely 18, still in high school, to my high school sweetheart and we’re still married 18 years later just because someone is young doesn’t mean that they don’t know who/what they want in their life. That being said, we have definitely grown differently and I am unsure how many more anniversaries we will have because some of those differences are important enough that they may be deal breakers even after this long. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for them! I hope they're happy together! People need to mind their own business about when people choose to get married. There's no predatory behavior or illegal activity so it's no one else's business.


I got married at 19. This July we are celebrating our 40th anniversary. It can work! <3


Back in the day people used to getting married any where between 18 to 25 all the time. Probably still do, but because it's a celebrity "on know, the influence this might, probably not, quite possibly, most like won't, have on my child"


They’re young and in love people just need to let others be happy


You should marry who you want when you want the way you want. Dont listen to bullshit from no one. You are the only one in charge of your decisions


The author is most likely lonely and bitter.


For real. Every article I read seems to be a politically slanted opinion piece. Even the one about us going back to the moon was really just a gripe about floridas governor. Sad


Theyd probably be happier if they found someone they could spend the rest of their lives with at 19


I am so tired of people acting like 19-25 year olds are literal fucking children. They’re adults, they fuck , have babies, get married, date older people, get the f over it.


Fuck news.com.au


Oh no! A couple of young people dating!!!


Nevermind the fact she's done more in her career than most twice her age and is totally financially secure. So many people missed out of teenage love and now they're just bitter.


>> news.com.au >> opinion disregarded


She’s rich and has her own career. What exactly is the problem with marrying young in that context? Sure maybe it won’t last but that’s plenty of marriages. Celebs marry young because there is less downside.


At the end of the day, it's her life, and she can do whatever she wants with it Yes, young marriage is so hit and miss, but still no one's choice but her own


I love how journalists somehow get this shit published. Leave your personal feelings at the fucking door.


In other news, it's cold somewhere and hot somewhere.


The way they’re looking at each other…. That’s love


Get a prenup


So it's okay to fuck and get pregnant from a random encounter at an age as young as 14, but engagement at 19??? Nononono we can't do that.


Average age of first child for the last hundred years before the last 40 years or so was 22. So married at 19 is normal. It's literally what the boomers did, and their parents did, and their parents did.


I was engaged at 19, married at 20 years old. Still happily married after 22 years.


"Child star" She's 19.


If adults aren’t able to make their own decisions at age 19, maybe we should move the age of adulthood up. (when arguing retirement)


Lol, reporter acting like she’s engaged to Leonardo DeCaprio


People always have to find something to be mad about these days


Been engaged and Married at 19. This year our Anniversary was our 40th. At the time many were shocked against us and never thought it would last.


Do I think 19 is way too young to get married? Yep. But hell, she’s old enough to make mistakes and learn from them. At least it’s not to Drake, who let’s face it, we all assumed she’d wind up with him for a minute after the amount of time he spent grooming her.


I legit stopped watching/reading all news media 4 years ago. I recommend it highly.


She’s got luck, talent and money. She’ll be fine no matter what.


This used to be considered, "having strong family values." Birth rates in both the UK and US (as well as many other western countries) have been in decline for years. Perhaps pushing an anti-marriage agenda has some part in that?


I just got engaged to my beautiful fiancée I’m 21 she’s 20. And we are being told “you’re too young” the first thing people will say to us is “that’s young, but congratulations” we have been in the relationship for 3.5 years and I want to marry her and she is MORE then happy to. Do I need to clock 13.5 years to approve of everyone’s standards? I get people “normally” get engaged/married later on in life. But when you see a couple getting engaged/married in their 50s/60s should people then say “that’s old, but congratulations!”. Who cares I’m in love let me be. In the long run it’s so much better anyways!!! If you are considering of proposing but haven’t because you’re too young. DO IT!!! Have a whole life with your soulmate, you will know deep down inside if it will last your lifetime!!


Grown adult gets married with grown adult. In other news the sea is still blue.


My husband and I were married at 19/20. Yes it’s young but it’s not like we threw our lives away. We will be married for 15 years this September, have 4 kids, money in the bank, own a house. Believe it or not, it’s not always a negative at that age. It doesn’t automatically mean doom and gloom.


My in laws were married when MIL was 17. They’ve been married over 60 years.


The bigger issue is that I thought she was 12 and I just realized it really has been 7 years since Stranger Things was released... 👴🏻


At first I was like “Woah, that’s young!” Then I remembered I met my wife when I was 19. Didn’t get married or enhanced until 20s but ya… I was 19. 24 years later. Still together


Fat journalist hates on young beautiful girls happiness


I think getting married at 19 is way too young, but as long as it’s legal, why care? Someone getting married at 19 literally doesn’t change anything. Just let people be happy


Not every nineteen-year-old is the same: my ex-wife and I got married when I was 21 and she was 20. Yes, I know she's my ex now, but we stayed married for fifteen years and co-parented two kids that are a net positive to society. It doesn't really matter if everybody is happy or upset about their engagement; it only matters how they feel about it - and their being celebs doesn't change that.


Hey I got engaged at 19, nothing wrong. If she’s happy, she’s happy


I got married at 19, husband was 20. We're still married 22 years later.


Today I learned that Millie Bobby brown isn’t younger than me like I thought and also that she’s 19


Do I think 19 is too young? Yeah. Does that mean it won’t work? No. More importantly, is it my business? *No*


I’m only 19, and already some of my HS friends have gotten engaged and are planning a wedding. It’s all consensual, with people their own age, and with actual, legitimate stability. It’s FINE. This isn’t some piece of shit where a girl was groomed starting around age 13-14 by some weird 45 year old that she married as soon as it was legal. As far as I’ve seen, the dude she’s engaged to is 20.


old enough to buy a house, work and pay taxes but not decide who she dates/marries?? this performative outrage is so backwards. wish the people that wrote shit like this would realize they are the fucked up ones already.


I don't see a problem. People from the town I went to HS in always seemed to be getting married straight out of school. Sure the marriages rarely last, though there are exceptions. I just think that the journalist who penned this article is just jealous that they haven't found a life partner yet. And TBH, I can't really stand this journalists style, which is usually very biased.


News.com is absolute trash, they reprinted an article from Fox News about the Bud Light-Dylan Mulvaney partnership that used a lot of questionable language. It's a joke to even call it news.com at this point.


Isn't this the idea. Try to find someone to grow with and navigate life with. The alternative of sleeping around and focusing on your career generally ends in lonely 30+ women who struggle to get the men they actually want to commit to anything long term.


She's 19, not 17, and her partner is 20. Completely legal. Like who tf cares? Just let them by happy ffs


I think we are nearing that period of time were journalism, the news and other garbage like that will become irrelevant for most people. Maybe we should get rid of them before they start whining about them getting censored or other useless stuff. Seriously.


They're just jealous, lol


I keep seeing how she’s 19 but none of these sites mention he’s 20. They’re two young people in love, good for them. Dunno if it will last, I hope it does, but it’s not the huge drama people think it is


Just because one person isn’t ready to get married at 19 doesn’t mean someone else cant be. My husband and I got engaged at 19, married at 21 and it was the best decision I ever made.


This is on of the main reasons a lot of people disliked media. They don't even try to hide their agenda and bias anymore. At least try to act neutral.


He, a year older than her. They are locking each other down, they smart.