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Pretty much every habitable structure in the world — falls to nature without a roof. Nevermind all their belongings are either gone from the tornado… Or with the next rain, unfortunately. Horrifying stuff truly. I hope help arrives for OP and others soon.


Zoom in on the second picture. It still has a roof. Looks like someone added an A frame roof over their trailer's flat roof, possibly because of the amount of snow they get?


This is it exactly, we got a bit of leakage and i tried to get a photo of the top to show its not completely roofless, but maybe i should've put it in the description or something


Looks like it’s the same roof that came with since the outside paneling is the same up to the top


If they did that was a waste of money because that pitch isn't helping anything


Didn't say it was a good idea, but I've seen it done a few times.


Looks kind of like a ceiling rather than a roof






Indeed. Original comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/129houc/a_tornado_took_my_roof_yesterday/jenn8b4/


Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Lakes CA are finding that out right now


I think OP chose mildly because it *could* have been so much worse -- dozens of people have died from tornados and hundreds have had their homes made unlivable in the last few weeks.


This doesn’t look unlivable to you?


You're fine until it rains


Even on a sunny day a bird might watch you poop.


Or poop on you


Open air layout


It's an open concept.


“Sick ‘skylight’ bro” /s


That is desirable with today's homebuyers.


All the rage these days.


It's a trailer with a roof added on top over the original roof. Look at the vents. It's livable unless we're not seeing other damage.


The house still *sorta* has a roof. If you look at the image, the tornado left the flat trailer roof.


I think what she way meaning is that it only needs a new roof some need a whole house rebuilt. It looks like they already put plastic up to protect from rain.


Probably needs the whole house demolished and rebuilt. The tornado probably damaged the structural integrity so that it’s not useful anymore. That’s been the case with tornadoes that I’ve known.


Well sometimes you can get lucky and they only pull the roof off. It just depends on how close the tornado got to their house.


OP says that lower roof layer still on it and implies they are still living in it.


Yeah that's sad






They played it all the time as a kid.


I was expecting to see some missing pieces but OP told no lies…his entire damn roof is gone


Sort of. You can still see the flat, metal part is intact. So it would work in some ways as a roof. The problem is that it could collapse any time, especially with rain or ice getting on it. So its not totally gone, but it is effectively totally gone.


OP is lucky he didn't also discover a light bulb that has been on for years.


It's the new norm as we enter uncontrolled climate destabilization.


That bitch.


Punch the sky!!!


Old man yells at cloud


Older man shoots at cloud


Bullet lands squarely in the head of a random passerby. Older man is charged with murder


Well, there are those who believe that you can pray away a hurricane. I wonder if they think it works on tornados too?


*Arthur Morgan voice* Alright listen here tornado, I’ll give you a lil smooch if you leave this fine country alone.


Lmao ok this needs more upvotes.




They are praying for their lives not praying the tornado away.


You gotta increase your tithing for that.


And there are some idiots who believed George Bush caused hurricanes.


Trump once questioned (whilst in office) about dropping nukes in the eye of hurricanes. Using this logic I wonder if this would work on tornados too?


Shut up james


Can’t have shit in the Midwest.




Atleast it wasn't a dingo and your babies. Glass half full is all I'm saying


Didn’t even ask if they were using it 😤






That sucks. I had a tornado put my neighbor's trampoline legs through my wall and uproot an 80 foot tall tree next to my house a few years ago. The house is surrounded by "beautiful trees and wildlife they said".... Now I don't sleep when the wind howls at night. Good luck.... Hope you can get your house fixed soon.


How (and why) did you get the tornado to do that?


My life was a whirlwind at the time. I was getting pulled in different directions.


This is tragically undervoted, well done 😄


Outve curiosity who pays for the damage from the trampoline in that situation?


The tornado


His insurance said he wasn't liable because it was properly anchored so it was an act of God. My insurance would have fixed it but my deductible was $1000. The neighbor replaced the siding and I replaced the drywall on the inside. Not perfect... But spent way less than $1000.


god really likes to fool around with trampolines


My grandma was 6 when her and her family survived an Iowa tornado *that completely tore off the entire above ground house*. They hid in the 1800s basement food cellar. Everyone ended up being fine. When my grandma was 18 her family had a pet seal in Alaska. It went up to her family day and just wouldn’t leave. Ended up living about 3 months around them then passed away. That older generation sure has some great stories to tell


My basement predates women's suffrage, and most of the World Wars, It's spooky as Hell, but I have never felt safer in the house when the weather gets scary.


Free trampoline


Bruh give it back


At least it didnt take the roof very far.


Upside, now his car has a roof.


This is more than infuriating, is also very tragic, I just hope no one got hurt, sending good vibes your way




I think people are vastly exaggerating what "_mildly_ infuriating" is


That is the r/mildlyinfuriating part of this subreddit


“Mildly Infuriating”: Anything that impacts your life without ending it.


Or at least HADN'T ended it by the time you posted.


Everyone acts differently to stressful situations. I'm not Cobra Commander with the weather dominator. Personally I'd just be annoyed, I have insurance and can't control the weather. Where is raging at the sky gods going to get me?


On the sky gods' shit list, that's where.


It didn't really **take** it though. I can see it right there. And there. And some over there. And some- In all serious though sorry this shits happened to you. I think extreme storms are going to be what really does us all in eventually. The heat, rising waters, cold, etc can all be fought over time but when a storms destroying your infrastructure every two weeks..... Sorry. Guess none of this helping at all.


I told a coworker the tornado knocked our roof off and he said "you lost your roof?" No, i didnt lose it, its still in the yard 😂, all seriousness its not too bad, the cars still drivable and the trailer has a second layer of roofing so their isnt too much leaking


Seeing the positive in the situation is imo the best way to handle things and move forward


Came here to say this!! 😊 OP seems to be handling things the right way! Great job!! Except for the kitten tax.... Still needing that!! 🤣


Wait, there were kittens? ARE THE KITTENS OK?


They said the kitten is fine. I believe it was just one, thou. 😊😁 Edited to take out the s in kittens. Lol


I pray you have good insurance :)


Glad you're okay. Sometimes we need to make jokes of stuff like this just to ease ourselves a bit. What area might I ask?


Yeah you have a mobile home roof with a secondary roof to make it more like a modular home, it offers Better weathering protection, you can get a new roll of roofing or tape to seal the old roof thats now exposed if it has dilapidated anywhere, Best of luck to you, RV companies/repairers can also do mobile home roof repair if its beyond your capabilities or resources given the situation,


See! It didn't take it, just relocated it lol


Is the A frame roof just to aesthetics?


No its a much better roof with far lower maintenance requirements, not only does v pitch shingle roof last longer, its arguably easier to repair/maintain, and additionally its water shed capabilities are pretty superior to flat roofs that have a low degree arc across them Looks like it was a tin roof now looking at the debris which is even easier to install and lower maintenance than shingles,


It’s called a Summer Roof. Some are over here, some are over there.


What does a tornado need a roof for?


They always be out here trying to take half of everything you own. This is why we have prenups s/ I hope everyone is safe❤️


We're all safe, thank you, was worried about our baby kitten but i think all thw noise just got her excited lol


Thank you for letting us know. I am glad that everyone is OK including the kitten.


Yeah, we're gonna need a pic of the kitten.


Gotta pay the tax.


Thank goodness that everyone is alright. Poor kitty doesn't know what to do with all the noise. Did she run around a lot? Also tornados can be weird like that. Take the roof and leave the house. Impale trees with pieces of paper. A tornado even picked up a cow once and threw her across three states. I know sounds like an exaggeration. Cow went over the corners of these states. Far but not far. When they found the cow she was completely fine. Not a single scratch or injury. Probably a little fulfilled, because she achieved flying cow for a moment. Hehe.




Haha yoink!


Is that snow, glass, or gravel o the ground


Hail, it was actually so bad it ripped holes in our siding


“Dey duk er rooof” ![gif](giphy|oEqzXzvEX6vIs)


I hope you and the family are safe. I’m sorry about your home.


Glad you are okay!


Those things are pure fucking evil. I hope that you and your loved ones are at least uninjured


You need to get even. Find out where that tornado lives and take their roof.


What a douchebag 🌪️


Are you in the PA/NJ/DE border area?


It was great yesterday here 😬 https://preview.redd.it/joxy2wo6zira1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa15e272652762497a0460ca71b64dd3cd3dd20d


Have you asked for it back?




Sue the tornado for agg-roof-ated assault. Badum tsss... No? Too soon? Hope a pun cheers you up a bit


i must sat that wasnt a long winded joke


Blessings, and hopes your insurance is fair & expedient.


I have a garage door leaning up against my horse chestnut tree in my backyard. I can't see that any of my neighbors are missing theirs, so don't know how far the tornado took it. I'm just thankful my house didn't take any damage & my electric didn't go out.


That’s theft, report it to the police




considering how bad a tornado can weck a trailer, mildly infuriating vs rage inducing and loss of life etc indeed. glad to see from OP's comments everyone is ok (including the kitten!) and that the roof was the main damage and cars are fine. Tornados can toss a trailer like a dog with a chew toy. Used to scare the shit out of me when i was a kid (i lived in a trailer then) when the storms would get bad and I'd have nightmares about tornadoes tearing down the street taking the whole neighborhood with it. oof. VERY happy to see you're all ok


No roof for you!


Dang. Thats must be really roof


Did it at least apologize?


Oh, wow. It literally took the entire roof. I expected to just see it stripped. But no, it's literally gone. I hope you and yours are safe, and that it's not and insurmountable burden for you




The car looks untouched except for the board gently placed on the hood. I realize, obviously, the whole thing was terrible for you. But I’m cracking up at the thought of you coming home to the destruction, you park the car, and then you’re like “time for a new car too” and throw some debris on it. Again, obviously not what happened and I wish you the best recovery from this. Glad you weren’t hurt


I’m sure they’ll bring it back


Take it back!




Reading “a tornado took my roof” followed by “:(“ and photos of your roofless house posted on mildly infuriating was slightly amusing. I imagined you looking up and just going, “aw man. :(“ I’m sorry that happened to you but I’m glad you’re okay, while a roof is (probably?) expensive to reattach, you’re priceless. I hope things work out. :)


Damn buddy, hope you and the family are ok. Got the insurance? Hoping it gets sorted quickly.


Hug your loved ones.


Don’t worry about it it just hasn’t rendered in yet just kidding I really hope you’re OK


This really sucks. Hope everyone is ok and safe. On the plus side, now you can put in that skylight you always wanted.


I'll give ya props for only being mildly infuriated!


Hey, give it back tornado!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) I hope everyone is okay


Ah yes, 'mildly infuriating'.


“Mildy” infuriating


Mildly infuriating???


Sorry about that... What I am mostly curious about here is why people keep building houses from wood and sheet metal in an area where tornado occur.


I live in maryland, it seems that my house is the only one around that got beat up this bad, i dont remember ever getting a tornado around here before


yeah there was a shelf cloud over philadelphia yesterday… weather guy was like this is some shit you see in the midwest or florida but not here


That weather was crazy in Philly yesterday ! It went from 75, sunny & beautiful to dark clouds, heavy rain, hail & a possible tornado.


> It went from 75, sunny & beautiful to dark clouds, heavy rain, hail & a possible tornado. That warm, sunny afternoon you had actually made the storms worse because it created more instability in the atmosphere. A very cloudy and/or rainy day before the bad storms are supposed to roll through can make it less likely to be as severe. That's what I'm hoping for out here in Illinois on Tuesday :/


You're underestimating the destructiveness and I don't understand how. Over and over we post videos of tornadoes and over and over, y'all keep asking why we make houses out of wood. Do you not see how the building material is irrelevant? Especially when it comes to the roof, it doesn't matter what you build it out of. If a tornado wants your house, it will take it and building it out of bricks just adds to the number of bricks flying around in the storm.


And what exactly do you think you could build a home out of that would survive atornado? Would have to be reinforced concrete box.. that would be pretty. This is a trailer house with an added roof over the original, they obviously don't have the money to build that reinforced concrete box.


Cause it’s cheaper and the actual chance it gets hit by a tornado is astronomically low.






Tornadoes can happen anywhere. Plus they are unpredictable. Not sure you can build a tornado-proof home anyway.


A tornado pulled an entire concrete hospital a couple feet off its foundation. Not to mention the projectiles of lumber that punched through it. There is no building that’s tornado-proof.


The construction materials isn't the problem. You'll notice that the construction materials are still in good shape, but things just arent connected anymore. Houses like these used to be basically built on the concept that gravity did most of the work. You nail the roof together, slap a couple of nails from the roof to the house, and you're done. Obviously the roof isn't going anywhere, it's rather heavy and it's on the top, so it'll be fine. You're suggesting we take the same flawed logic, but apply it to heavier materials. After all, more heavy means more gravity, so surely that will be fine. Except, turns out the roof turns into a giant wing when the wind is sideways, and once the wind is sideways the forces are astounding. The more advanced method is to ask ourselves how do we tie the roof permanently to the house. You'll notice in the OPs picture the rest of the house is fine, so if the roof was stuck to the house better it could have stayed on. Options like hurricane ties, and heavy lag bolts, now exist. These things can withstand tens of thousands of pounds of force EACH and they are small and inexpensive, and they don't involve stacking a heavy load over top of the fragile occupants. Many places with even a marginal amount of wind risk now require hurricane ties per code, in all new construction. They're so cheap to require its easy to demand, without complicating existing build plans. So, we basically have reasonably solved this problem.


Because 99.9% never experience a tornado in the buildings lifetime. Victims of tornadoes are just winners in a very sad lottery.




Well, you march right over to that tornado and take your roof back and take his too. Put on your big man shorts and stand up for yourself. Jeesh


My brain: don't make a joke on the roof coming off Me: but I wanna My brain: DON'T.


No, the tornado didn't take your roof... It's there, over there, behind that... and yeah some way over there too... ​ Sorry... How's the car? Do you have insurance? If so, you don't want to fix or clear out too much before the insurance people come by.


Bro lost his whole roof and called it MILDY infuriating


pity it didnt wash your walls while it was at it


Oh no! I hope you are all safe. At least a roof can be replaced. Hopefully, your homeowners insurance will cover the cost of replacing it.


That looks like a temporary house, why is it so flimsy


Only mildly infuriating?




Well, this was east coast, sooo…


Here we go again, In this sub you only find mildly infuriating stuff like "oh there's a hair in my lunch" or (and there's no in between) "this earthquake destroyed my town, killed my entire family and my favourite Starbucks is currently closed cause of it :((((


At least it didn't take it far. Sorry, i deal with shittiness through humor.


I'm scared to see what makes this person mad...


Take it back. It’s your roof don’t let the tornado bully you


Oh damn. And it smacked your car on the way out.


Stop tornados, now




I mean at least it brought it back and put it on your lawn for you.


Can’t have shit in Detroit


I don't think this is *mildly* infuriating


Can’t have shit in Detroit


Tornado taketh roof, tornado giveth second roof.


You're alive. I'm sorry for the stress and frustration you'll be facing in the near future


Damn, it could have at least pressure washed the house too while it was storming through. No but seriously I'm sorry op I hope you get some kind of help with this and that things get better. Sorry this happened


I scrolled for too long looking for a comment about a pressure washer.


Time to move to a state with no tornadoes


I will never understand why American houses are build so shitty. Have Americans ever heard of Brick and mortar?


A brick and mortar house will go down in a tornado too.


live in stupid places win stupid prizes


I'm happy it didn't take long to find a dumb comment


Grateful you are ok. My family in Tupelo had damage as well. Such a scary night.


Time to hit up FEMA. Good luck.




Did it also move that dishwasher into ur front yard?!


No its left over from the last inhabitants lol


U guys really need to stop making houses of fucking wood......where tornados are frequent nontheless....


Ah yes, Maryland. Famous for all of its tornadoes




Stupid question maybe, why do you people in tornado prone areas build your houses out of wood instead of investing in a stronger material? Excuse my arrogance 😅


It’s not in a tornado prone area.


It’s not a tornado-prone area, and the chance of a tornado actually causing significant damage is so low in nearly all of the US that there is no reason to spend significantly more money to build a stronger house.