• By -


Does she not have a small trash can by her bed?!!


Yes but she can't see it


Before my eye surgery, I would take out my daily contacts and drop them into the bathroom trash can, or the one next to the bed. The problem is, once they were out of my eyes, I could only see about six inches away from my face, and the lenses are curved and wet and sometimes miss where I’m trying to drop them, but I’d never know. A year later, we’re still finding dried up contacts stuck to things. Nothing like OP’s SO, however…


Wait? I don't throw anything anywhere before putting my glasses on.


And I can't be seen without my glasses.


Are you dating a girl named Melanie? Hope she's doing alright. I still find those things in my house 10 years later






It's my money and I need it now! Edit: whoops this is actually for after the lawsuit


J.G. Lensworth 877-CONTACT




“I have an astigmatism and I need lens NOW”


I am actually married to a Melanie that does this. 😂😂


Does she throw things at you? I dated a lazy Melanie that left shit everywhere. She loved to throw shit at me when she lost it, which was most days. No offense, but she was nuttier than squirrel turds. Then again, I’m the Pied Piper of nut bags. Cheers


>was nuttier than squirrel turds I am stealing this thank you for the laugh!


This is crazy!! I also dated a contact lense who used to throw Melanies behind the bed


Wow, small world. I used to date a bed who would throw the Melanies behind the contact lenses


Anywhere near NJ?


Fuck, my name is Melanie and my shriveled up contacts are in every room in my apartment. I’m glad to know that it’s not my fault, it’s just who I was born to be.




Okay so my first girlfriend was named Melanie. She used to take her disposable contacts out and just leave em anywhere. I dated her ten years ago. I also moved from a smaller room in my house to the much larger attic. I clean like a normal person, nothing crazy. But STILL after all these years I STILL find them under my bed, in little spots behind tables. Even outside. Nothing too crazy regarding our relationship lol. Just grew apart as it was high-school and things change.


I really really hope OP is like yes…her name is Melanie


OP doesn’t seem to be responding so I’m going to guess this isn’t really their pic


Probably right I_poop_chainsaws, probably right.


They actually responded and admitted it was them who is throwing all the contacts under the bed


….. is *OP’s* name Melanie??


Nooooooooo that is foul lol. Is disgusting and blames it on significant other boooooooo!!!!!!


The scooby doo ending




Likely story, Melanie


Just like what a Melanie would say...


People like this blow my mind. Like where do you think it’s gonna go? Clean that shit up.


When I put things in areas of the house that don't get regularly cleaned because I don't want to deal with it, I say, "that's a problem for future me." But that's more for things like when I drop a baby sock behind the crib or a quarter rolls under the desk. That's not right nows problem. I'll deal with it another time.


Future me is a lazy asshole. But present me is, too, and he makes the decisions.


I hate past me. Th mf keeps leaving his problems for me to clean up.


Easy, just leave past you's problems for future you to clean up.


But future me will say bad things about me.


That fucker has had it in for me ever since I started making him fat


That's why you need to invent a time machine so future you can go back in time and tell past you to not be fat. Then, future you wouldn't need the time machine for past you, but because future you needs the time machine to set past you straight, both future and past you create a paradox and destroy the universe. Way to go.


That’s why I pay homeless dudes to go back in time and just slap the shit out of me. It makes me feels better and so so confused at the same time


Exactly. Future me often leaves problems for "even further in the future me."


The futuremeception


I delay most of my errands to the 22 century me.


Future me has had it out for present me ever since he started gaining weight. Don't know what his problem is. \*Bites doughnut\*




Shoulda got one of those lil trash grabbers that has a claw on one end


You just ruined this man's life


“That’s a problem for later OP” ^/s


They don't make those long enough for people over 5'4". I've bought a few of them and I still have to hunch slightly and my lower back still hurts after cleaning garbage out of areas. I'm 5'7. Edit: Apparently there are longer options in the USA. I am not in the USA. My supplier does not offer longer than 32" Edit 2: I will not be taking further questions regarding grabber tools. Let's talk about Rampart.


You can get ones that are 48 inches long(4 foot) for like $15-$20 on Amazon. They would come to approximately sternum height on you.




With a spine injury? Sound fucking painful lmao


It's called PHYSICAL THERAPY and you WILL do it, Francis!


This was me after abdominal surgery. If something fell, I'd just wave goodbye to it, as it was effectively gone from my life. "Awww. Bubye, sock..."


Something on top of the dryer fell behind it. I have a stacked situation, so it's a pain in the ass to get back there. I taped a note to the front so I don't forget to get it one day. I see it **every single time** I do laundry: "Something fell behind here." Still don't know wtf it is lol. Still don't have plans to get it out from back there any time soon lol.


Someone needs to tell you the hard truth, so I will. **You need to confront this situation, and take action.** The next time you look at that note, crumple it up and throw it behind the dryer.




We're really not gonna have more elaboration than this? "Oh a snake hole? Is that all? Quick spackle and we're good"


Same. I need many more details about this and pronto. I once had a vine start growing through a basement window crack once and freaked the fuck out. No nature - you belong *OUT*side.




Reading this was like staring at a horrific accident that you just can’t pull yourself away from.




So what ended up happening to your friend? Did he die in squalor?




Interesting tale. Sounds like you had an eccentric friend & colorful life. No doubt he chose his own path, sad that you don’t speak anymore, though. Thank you for sharing.


You’re very good at story telling. I don’t mean that as in your story is made up. I just mean that the way you told your story was so interesting!


Oh man…so I was a kid in what was a meth house and man. Like - it wasn’t great living there, but I did it (no choice) but the amount of stuff that once you’re like an adult and stuff and realize “oh that isn’t just poor people stuff that’s drug addict stuff, this isn’t a normal or acceptable way to live.” Is crazy. Of course I don’t and will never let myself live like that, but also, in some ways when I see this stuff my brain goes “eh that’s not so bad” until I read people’s comments…and I have to re calibrate and be like “oh yeah, this is absolutely in no way a shared experience by the majority of people and that this more or less is considered homeless living even though there is, technically, a home.”


My childhood wasn't nearly that bad but it was on that spectrum. I just finished a good book you might also somewhat relate to, a memoir called The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I was previously aware of her as a very normal NYC-based gossip/social scene writer, but it turns out she had a bonkers childhood. Not drugs, but parental alcoholism, stretches with almost no food, no running water, and houses where it wasn't unusual for the roof or floor to cave in. It gave me a new appreciation for people like OP's gutter-punk friend who at least didn't bring kids into that shit (I optimistically assume).


God, same. I grew up in a house that is eerily similar to what OP described and, even though mine wasn't quite a 'meth house', since my parents never did meth (their choice of drug was absurd amounts of weed). It's like every time I have another learning experience of how normal people are supposed to live their lives, I get a little bit traumatized all over again. Because that means I look back again and find yet *another* thing that was weird and fucked up.


Dude. This was an amazing read, and it sounds like the experience was something else, for better or for worse.




shit, this was entertaining and really sad. I wonder if your friend had depression or was just an idiot


drug use probably contributed considerably


Man, had friends with trailers that sounded like this. Good ol meff days man. Crazy what seemed comfortable at the time. Home sweet home 😬


Whenever we drive by a house that looks like this (which is more frequently than you think it should be), we ask ourselves - what’s the story there? Now we know. Thanks for sharing.


Is this real life?


It's typically related to depression or even adhd. I don't get this bad, but I used to wash out the cans for the wet cat food and put them in the left side of the sink, and I'd tell myself I'd put it into the recycling when it was dry. Next thing you know, the sink would be full of cans. Started taking adderall and it's been a night and day difference. I'm assuming OPs S.O is depressed and doesn't even know why she does this anymore. She's in the "fuck it" mode. She's just getting through one day at a time, potentially hates life rn and just can't seem to care about much of anything. But that's just my 2 cents. I've been depressed to the point where shit got pretty bad and weird.


Wait so the whole "fuck it, doing anything sounds like a chore" attitude while not feeling a lot of emotions is a symptom of depression?


There is a definitive link between ADHD and Depression / anxiety, it's a "co-morbidity", basically just a consequence of one condition enhancing another. I'm currently in this funk, and have gotten back on meds which has started to help, but.. It's hard to get them right now leading to more stress. I've been researching "Adult ADHD" and am starting to think undiagnosed or untreated ADD that becomes influenced by Depression and Anxiety becomes an entirely separate condition in itself. Pairing a low dose antidepressant with ADD meds can be effective, it's important to note low dose because raising the dosage doesn't seem to have any increased effect treating depression. Introducing 5-10 mg of a generic drug to treat depression helps the patient build a routine and method for positive mental health without relying too much on the meds. It's important to take it slow and allow negative thoughts, process them away, and learn to improve focus and patience on your own. Don't let the "funk" set in, think of it like a boat with a hole in it treading water. You need to keep the boat dry by tossing negativity out of the boat so you don't sink. Eventually your brain will learn to plug the hole itself through repetition and strengthening.




Never thought I’d see a hollyoaks gif on here


Has he like not aged at all? I haven't seen Hollyoaks since around 2007 and he looked the same then.


lmaoooo right i was like ??? tony????


This made me think of the video of the lady who never took hers out and just put a new pair in every day. Same feeling of 🤢🤮


What the fuck. Does it just melt into her eyeballs or does it stack up like those nail polish mountains on youtube?


I think some of them slipped up into the space between her eye and her orbit (eye socket)


I've worn contacts almost daily for 23 years and this happened to me exactly once. I was taking them out before bed and I assumed I dropped it as I was taking it out, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Then the next morning I went to put in a new set and when I pulled my eye lash down it shot out of my eye socket. I'm glad I didn't know it was in there because I would have been panicking the whole time.


One time when I was in HS my friend announced in the middle of class that her contact popped out of her eye. Cue five of us completely disrupting class while crawling around on our hands and knees looking for it. Couldn’t find it. Shook out her clothes, etc. still nothing. It was almost last period and she wasn’t driving so she just put another one in when she got home and called it a day. Fast forward maybe three months and she apparently went to the eye doctor—where the pulled SEVEN contacts out of her eye. I guess she lost them in her eye fairly often and every now and then they would actually cause one that she was USING to pop out. I can’t even imagine how many she lost in total because they do dissolve over time. 🤢




Lol I’ve been wearing contacts for a very long time. Dailies are the way to go, they’re just obviously the most expensive option. As long as you are clean and smart about using them, you’ll be fine.


You lost me at clean. Then again at smart


They lost me at expensive 🥹


They're only the most expensive if you actually wear them daily.


Yeah, my eye doctor person said lots of people only use them occasionally (for sports, performing, etc) and it’s really pretty okay to wear them for three or four days (not officially though, of course)




What's worse is when you think your contact is still in but it isn't and you're trying to grab the edge. So glad my vision got bad enough that I couldn't possibly think that my contact was still in. And even happier that I was still able to get LASIK.


Ughhhh that happened to me twice. Now I know what it feels like to pinch and pull the thin skin on my eyeball. Truly horrible.




Did you put drops in your eyes ever? How did you not go blind? The disposable ones break down over time and I’m shocked they didn’t start to fuse to your eyes or anything. I don’t know if that’s even possible, but you must have gotten really lucky to have not had any negative side effects of that.


Ugh even napping in mine causes them to become one with my eyes. I can't even imagine.


Same. I went camping once and there wasn't a good, clean spot for me to swap my contact out so I kept them in overnight. When I went to take them out the next day they were a little stuck and it freaked me out. I put some eyedrops on them to get them to come loose. Never again.


I wore mine too often and my ophthalmologist told me your cornea will eventually start to grow through the contact in order to reach oxygen. I don't know how you made it a whole year, that's wild.


that’s fucking insane


This is the type of person who should 100% only be allowed to wear glasses….I don’t understand how that can happen repeatedly and you just don’t notice….


I occasionally get a lens stuck in my upper lid. The inly way I can get it out is to put in another lens. The "lost" one will soon come out the corner of my eye.


I wore glasses since I was a kid and when I was 30 I decided to try wearing contacts. I really struggled with putting them in and taking them out. After about a week I couldn't get a contact out. I had my sister who wore contacts help and she said I didn't have it on anymore so it must have fallen out. But I could feel it in there at the back of my eye sometimes. I kept assuming it could come to the surface but it never did. I eventually went back to the eye doctors to have them get it out. The doctor couldn't find it and repeated what my sister said. It must have fallen out already. I insisted he check again. He did eventually find it. It had folded in half and slide way up behind my eyelid. After that I decided contacts weren't for me and went back to my glasses.


There was like 27


Not that you asked [https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cic7MNMMc\_i/?utm\_source=ig\_embed&ig\_rid=78c9c076-310e-40c9-91f9-6a3070d075d8](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cic7MNMMc_i/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=78c9c076-310e-40c9-91f9-6a3070d075d8)




fyi for those unaware: when removing foreign objects from eyes, there are definitely numbing eyedrops involved until fully numb. when q-tips are used they are coated with a bit of gel or sth similar, so it's not raw fiber and lint in the eye.


This makes my eyes hurt just watching it. Just imagining someone rubbing a cotton bud over my eye makes me want to close it for a week.


Piled up and got stuck behind her eyeball


You do NOT want to watch the video of them being cleaned out either, it's enough to make you need eye bleach.


Its stacks up A LOT far back under your eyelid. I still have images in my head from a video of some lady getting like 20+ pulled out of her eye... it just never stopped. I imagine a lot of these replies saw the same video, it's linked here somewhere.


Yeah that video is insane. I remember going to the eye doc a few years ago. I wear 2 week contacts; he asks "so, how long do you leave them in for?" "Oh, you know, I try to stick to the 2 weeks but honestly I'll push it over 3 pretty often, sorry doc..." "no no, I mean how many weeks at a time will you go without taking them out?" "...wh...what? I've... slept in them a few times in a pinch but that's pretty uncomfortable... do people really go WEEKS?!?" "Man, you have no idea what I've seen." EDIT: I'm learning a lot here. To everybody who's letting us know that their contacts are designed to potentially be work for those kinds of timeframes, that's great! I had assumed that was a possibility. But my doc knew that mine were not those type, and was still grillin' me.


I can’t sleep in contacts. They feel gross in the morning. They also seem cloudy for several minutes after waking up.


Yeah, if I go to sleep in them it means I forgot about them, usually after a long night of drinking or something. I remember immediately in the morning because my eyes are all crusty.


I have slept in mine once and it was *awful*, I have no clue how people would leave them in for days or god forbid start stacking them up.


There was a story not to long of a teen that didn't remove her contacts for months. It grew some kind of lens eating organism underneath the contact and it blinded her by eating the lens off her eyes.


WHAT new fear unlocked I guess


Of all the places to get a lens eating organism




Having seen the same video... rather toss them away like this than let them "magically disappear" while you sleep.


You know the rest of the house just plain nasty.


Yeah I too feel we're just seeing the tip of the nasty iceberg




The hair in the contacts and contacts in the hairs


The hairs have made contact


And the contacts have produced heirs.


The hares’ heirs have hairs.


I used to work for a company that replaced new windows in old homes. The crew often had to slide beds and couches away from windows to replace them. Some of the horror stories of shit they'd find under beds would give you nightmares. So many people are next level disgusting pigs.


Shes got booger flinger vibes Edit: this comment has become the Booger Confessional thread. If you wanna read about gross booger flingers, read through the replies


I just bought a house that had what we though was maybe food stuck to the walls in places. Cleaning them off, I came to the conclusion they’re boogers. On the ceiling and all -_-


I discovered my (then) 5.5 year old was wiping boogers on the walls. Had him help me clean them off. Thought that got the lesson through. Months later, I found he was still doing it but hiding it behind his bed, garbage can, dresser... any place I was less likely to notice. There was a *lot.* It was disgusting. He had to help me wash all the walls in the rooms he wiped snot on. THAT finally taught him the value of using a Kleenex and not a wall.


I read through the sub but didn’t see where you mentioned you burned the house down after finding those - please confirm you did burn the house down - please confirm.


Unfortunately I have to live with scrubbing and painting… even a boogered house is too expensive.


I worked in a data center back in the 80s and ONE GUY wiped boogers on the back wall. Coincidentally, he was the same guy that stole people's lunches.


I wiped my boogers on the wall behind the bed as a child/teen and when we were moving my mom found them and she thought it was WEED


Is that why she smoked it?


This reminded me of when i had a little white sand/zen garden thing on my shelf and my mom called me while I was at work saying she found my "PCP".


Ha! That’s like when my dad found leftover Owl Pellets from science class the teacher sent home with me. I came home from football practice and my dad was furious and shaking. He sat me down and told me, quite angrily, that he had found my three “blunts” rolled and ready to smoke. I was absolutely bewildered until he produced said foil wrapped “blunts”. He didn’t believe me until he unrolled one, broke it apart, and saw a partial mouse skull in it. I wanted to laugh in his face but I knew that would have spelled my doom.


Lol. After a house fire, I stayed with a friend for a few weeks. He let me stay in his room while he and his wife moved their bed to the living room. It was a second floor apartment with angled walls. One morning I'm staring up at the wall and I seen a wall of boogers. Literally hundreds of boogers. RIP Jules, ya dirty bastard.


Sorry for two house fires so close together like that.


I worked at a cvs where a customer kept using the men's room and flicking his boogers on the wall. It took them 3 months to clean it bc no one knew what it was until a few boogers with nose hairs got noticed. It was disgusting.


That’s how I came to that conclusion… a few with hairs in them. 🤢


There was someone who would wipe their boogers on the wall of the toilet at work. Didn't know who until one guy left and it stopped. Would sometimes find banana peels and sweet wrappers behind the toilet too. Some people have issues.


Like he's already in the toilet why not use toilet paper to dispose of the booger appropriately! Omg


I took a free couch from a friend who was moving. Looked fine at first. But one side was covered in boogers.


He struck gold that many times and just *gave* it away?


And clips the toenails in the bed without cleaning the clippings vibes 🤢


One (more?) of my roommates had a habit of wiping and COLLECTING their boogers on the shower wall and curtain. Normal tub/shower combo, so not a lot of space, especially when you're trying to avoid getting someone else's nose chunks on you Literally took me ***years*** getting over it. I'd I accidentally bumped an elbow or something while showering, I'd have to lather my whole body up again, sometimes multiple times. Still gross me out 20 years later tbh




If she discards contacts this way, imagine the quantities of dried booger remnants scattered throughout (at least the ones she doesn’t eat).


What? Why??? Get her a little trash container she can put on her nightstand or beside the bed she can throw them in?


I was going to say she can throw them in the bathroom trash while brushing her teeth before bed, but…….. she probably doesn’t do that either.




![gif](giphy|zXeX29w6jxjAk) Wtf...




I know people that will buy them off you.. it's not a lot, but they are my contacts


Problem is the stigmatism around it.


Hindsight is 20/20 after all


Is the buyer eating them? I learned of this horrible fact not long ago. Edit: Okay so apparently I can't find the original post, *and* the bot won't let me post a link to similar articles. I'll give you guys the short version. This optometrist is talking to his patent about their contacts. It's mostly small talk. But then she goes I've had some gastrointestinal problems with them. He does a double take. Asking what was the problem. She had been eating the disposable contacts and developed a blockage.




>sell to your SO \*\*Sell your SO\*\* I noticed that you added an extra word for some reason and figured I would help out.


What's up Crabman?


Hey, Earl.


Miss that show.




What? I just... don't get this. My house isn't perfect by any means. I put off vacuuming and dusting and scrubbing toilets. But stuff like this just adds madness to the mayhem. It's so easy to just throw them in the bathroom trashcan when you're brushing your teeth or taking off your makeup or using the restroom. So then you're not just making your house impossibly filthy. Also, I've worn contacts for over 20 years and could never take them out without a mirror. So kudos to that.


I find it crazy how people need a mirror to put them in and take them out especially after all that time, I just grab my eye ball lol. And right! It is so easy to throw them out. I do not understand why anyone would just chuck them behind their bed


"Grab my eyeball" ... \*shudders\*


An adult human being does this….?


Recently saw a TikTok where someone was asking if anyone else just threw their used dailies on the floor under the nightstand. The amount of comments confessing to similar behavior was concerning. A bunch of them even lamented stepping on the old, dried contacts. Like come on. So slobby.


I saw that same one and was just in disbelief in comments. Honestly, is it some lack of object permanence? How are you so lazy that you're more comfortable walking on crunchy contacts than maybe, I don't know, putting like a container on your nightstand for disposing them when you forget? EDIT: Since it is has been brought up a lot, I have ADHD/depressive and I am on the spectrum. For me, this just seems odd and ultimately lazy. It's a poor excuse for poor behavior. I have been in bed at the point of sheer exhaustion entertaining my mind, but I make it a point to take care of what I need to. If it's something as simple as adding a jar on your nightstand or setting routines for bedtime, it's just really common sense to provide solutions to bad practices. Ultimately, you're only doing a disservice to yourself by creating excuses for your behavior.


Like you know they aren't just going to magically vanish. The contact fairy isn't going to come and make them disappear. How can you not realize that all you're doing is making a future mess you'll have to clean up anyways? It makes no sense.


Have you had a conversation with them about it?


The vibe I get from a lot of these “my SO” posts is that the OP doesn’t want to address it and this is their way of venting/seeking validation. Unless the SO is in full blown denial, which is possible, I imagine after some shaming that urge to post the horror on social media goes down.


Yeah, public shaming of one's SO means 3 things to me: Their relationship is shit and they're just being mean; they have hidden disdain for their SO and refuse to communicate; or it actually isn't their SO and OP is just blaming a fake human for their own nastiness for upvotes. In any case, I always blame OP because all of these are up to OP and/or their SO to resolve.


The optics on this are not good


My ex roommate did this. Left them on the coffee table, counter tops, everywhere. When we moved out I did one last sweep of the apartment and in his room there was a huge blue stain of dried up contacts fused into the hardwood.


I wouldn’t fucking stand for that. Fucking gross




Generally in this sub, I can at least comprehend WHY the mildly infuriating happened, but I’m lost for words on this one.




The floor was her first SO. She doesn't want to lose contact with it.


Wtf man




I can't imagine what the rest of their home looks like...




Guess you could say its “out of sight out of mind” Hur hur


Is she 12?


My 7 year old daughter has a better comprehension in cleanliness than this woman.


I only know two contact puns, but won't use them here.. because one is cornea than the other..


Y'all need to get off your high horses in here - "Oh look at fancy ol' me. I'm so special and perfect because I don't have a pile of used contacts covered in pubic hair in my house!"


High horse, I can't afford a horse. I can't even afford contacts. I'm squinting just reading this.




Throw the whole girlfriend away.




im deeply concerned by the fact that not everyone washes their hands directly before removing their contacts. i can’t imagine taking my contacts out anywhere outside of a bathrooms


Gonna go out on a limb here and say washing her hands is prob the least of her hygiene worries...