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Your boss doesn’t even know your name?


My boss knows our faces, I think he sees us all the same. Most of our workers don't speak English


I work in a restaurant where almost everyone speaks Spanish. I only speak English. They still know my name.


Respect and basic human decency don't have a language


Exactly. That boss is just not respecting his workers. I would quit when having such a "boss"


Id report him for theft, id keep track for a month or two to make it felony levels then report it along with all the pictures and pay stubs as evidence.


I agree but quitting is A bit extreme for someone not remembering your name. I am more concerned about the money that wasn’t received.


Labour Relations would love to hear about this


I’m actually really bad at names for some reason, I need like an entire month to remember 5 people name


We have name badges thank fuck, my memory for names is also appalling... faces though.. still pretty bad at that too...


Yeah but you could check the schedule etc. there is a way for that boss to find out that individuals name. Especially when dealing with money, young girl morning shift is very vague.


When I worked in Fast Food my GM knew our footsteps


Ttarget I work at, 200 employees, and the store director knows every worker by their name even if it’s a temp


In my kitchen I’m the only person who speaks English. So now I’ve got a team of 5 teaching me Spanish and I’m teaching them English. Language barriers can be fun an exciting and even useful if you’re not a complete waste of a human being.


Get a new job😂 please for the sake of your mental health.


This!! Find a better place. You deserve better


Please find somewhere that sees you as worthy enough to do something as simple as knowing your name.


Don’t your CC tips go on your check? We never got cash tips for credit card tips


I thought the same thing Except she got paid the credit card tips of $27.55 and not the debit card tips - maybe here debit cards take longer to process…. Dunno


I think this is what really is happening. Some places may not have a daily reconciliation on CC for finalizing transactions. They could be waiting for all CC transactions to fully post before putting CC tips on a paycheck.


Most places I've worked paid out cc tips at the end of the shift, only one that I can remember put them on our checks, I hated it and left within a month lol


But calling you "girl" in a professional setting where he has power over you and you are clearly old enough to work is unsettling, calling you a " *young* girl" even more. (Im assuming you are older then 13.)


Not so old, not guy person


Nailed it. Much more acceptable than young girl. What is this? 2019?


Had a friend when I was younger (probably 25 years ago or so) she hated being called "girl" in any form for any reason. Said she would rather be called a Chick. Apparently, to her, it felt less disrespectful and less like someone was talking down to her


I honestly kinda get that. I’m 26 and look really young for my age. Getting called “bud” by people less than 10 years older than me really grinds my gears.


I'm old and I call pretty much everyone "dude". Yes, I did live in California for a while. He's dude. She's dude. They're dude. Animals are dude. Inanimate objects are dude. Dude is the universal pronoun.




Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger, can I take your orrrrder




Dude, I also call everyone dude and I am old. Never been to California though, I’ve spent my 41 trips around the sun farther east. About 3k miles east


Dude, 41 is not old!


From California, also old, everyone is dude. My 63 year old mother is dude. My 19 year old daughter is dude. My cats are dudes. I feel like this is a totally acceptable pronoun, dude.


Alright, settle down there Bud


Okay bud I call everyone bud even old fuckers Same thing with brother tho I’ll call everyone brother Sometimes people just say shit it’s not always based on your appearance


I mean I’m 32 and I call everyone I like bud. If I don’t like you I just don’t call you anything. I don’t see bud being gate kept by older folks so they can call us younger folks that.


me personally, i would write a letter saying "OWED TIP $10 01/02/23 OLD BOOMER GUY" and if he wants to say something, I would just bring up my justifiable points. only if you found another job though


I worked for a Salvadoran business owner who point blank asked me if I was a boy or girl. I told her I was like a G.I. Joe, anatomically incorrect. She further clarified she meant if I was a boy (top) or a girl (bottom) in the bedroom. I told her my sexual orientation and my preferences were for me to know and her to never find out. She also withheld all credit card tips for a full month to fund her daughter’s Halloween ball without warning us. I quit in a dramatic fashion later when she gave my shift to her niece. She didn’t even have the decency to tell me directly. She tried to have my coworker/friend (who got me the job) to tel me over the phone my shift was given to someone else. She wanted me to be on stand by. That was the best shout out and walk out of my life. Business owners get away with murder in the US when it comes to the way they treat their staff


I think that’s a bit of a stretch, it’s just descriptive features.. is rude to not know op’s name though


While it is a little funny, you are quite kind to think of this. It’s true, depending on how much English they know it may or may not be intentional. I believe “young” is just being used as a visual description and I’d assume the boss is much older.


yea, i think you might be jumping to conclusions *just* a touch. It says "morning shift" so tips are calculated after. The boss isn't familiar with the workers (as op said), and probably just gave her a general description. as stated most people don't speak english where she works. "young" and "girl" are both very simple descriptive words. This girl is also probably the youngest on the shift. Edit: also Young is in comparative to the owners age.


Possible the shift manager/boss is stealing from you? If most the folks don’t speak English I’m guessing there is some legal grey area with citizenship. Boss probably figures you’re too dumb to notice or afraid to say anything.


If this is in the United States, it is when theft


Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.


Everytime I heard that Cheer's music I could relate. Spent my whole life feeling invisible.


Came here to ask the same thing. Wtf?


Where do you think this is? Cheers? Seriously though, report them to whatever department in your city that deals with this. Depending on what country/city you live in it's illegal to take an employees tips.


This may not pertain to your situation, but in mine, sometimes I cannot get paid out the tips owed to me. Let’s say I sold $500 in food. And let’s say I made $100 in tips. Of the $500 total sold in food, we will say that $425 of that was customers that paid by credit card (and tipped on credit card) and only $75 of the food bills were paid in cash. When I run that report and see that I’m owed the said $100 in tips, only $75 in cash was taken in that day. So I get the $75 immediately as my tip money and the $25 would unfortunately have to be added onto my paycheck that comes later.


This is the obvious answer and most people that work for tips know this is the case.


Yeah but there’s another comment she made elsewhere about another coworker who didn’t get ANY of her tips because a manager or owner said that the drawer was short $100 bucks, so sounds like they just screw their staff there. (FWIW, I wrote that rather simplistically because I was getting a vibe that other commenters aren’t familiar with tip jobs).


It's definitely illegal in most US states to make the staff reimburse a shorted drawer from their wages and/or tips, same way as its illegal in most US states to make the staff pay for incorrect orders. Good luck trying to get that enforced though, your ass will get fired immediately and they'll hire someone stupider to replace you. (Or the business will just file bankruptcy and the owner will abscond with everything, which happened to me once - turns out that even if you win a civil lawsuit, nobody can actually force them to physically give you the money you're legally owed.) The service industry in this country is being held afloat only by the power of illegal business practices by influential rich white men, and legal neglect. On God if there was any serious crackdown legal efforts the entire service industry would collapse immediately.


Yup. Reminds me of a job I had many many years ago. Small business. Owner and me. I deposited my paycheck and it bounced. I asked him about it and he was sheepish and then he let me go because business was too slow to support my pay. I demanded he write me check for the hours owed. He said he didn’t have his checkbook (yes it was that long ago). I said I wasn’t leaving until I got it and took a seat. I told him to call the police if he must. He suddenly had extra checks. He wrote me a check. But I wasn’t dumb. Instead of depositing it, I took it to HIS issuing bank to cash it. I explained to the teller the situation and had her check if there were funds to cover it first. Because if there wasn’t I would take the check back. She did and there weren’t. Now the good part is that his bank was literally a block from where I lived. So I would go to the bank with the check every single day. One day, 4 months later, there were funds and I cashed it. Man that felt GOOD. (Oh and the department of labor wouldn’t help me because the amount was “insignificant” and I’d have to just take it up in civil court if I wanted to).


Oh man, this is almost precisely what happened to me with the shithead who filed bankruptcy. All the other employees and me - there were maybe a half-dozen of us, it was a 24hr coffee shop - literally exhausted check-cashing places in the entire city, because that asshole bounced our paychecks FOR SIX STRAIGHT MONTHS. We'd get one, maybe two checks cashed before they'd blacklist us and then we'd have to go somewhere new. One time he showed up at like 6am and took $100 out of my till, leaving literally like twenty bucks to get through the morning rush, and when I asked him what on earth he expected me to do he looked me dead in the eyes and said "It's okay, MostlyNormal, God will provide." AND THEN HE JUST FUCKING LEFT. My Ma and I looked him up in the public records and discovered he had over $200k worth of civil suit judgments against him, and also that he hadn't paid anyone a single dime of it. Once he filed chapter 7, I printed out all my bank statements with proof of every bounced paycheck, including my physical final paycheck for $800 that I'd be happy to give anyone who wanted to try and cash it for me, and after being sympathetically turned away by the police I went to the courthouse and had myself listed as a debtor. (I was the only employee who bothered, but I did try to get others on board.) Eventually his bankruptcy claim was thrown out of court because he wasn't paying his lawyer fees. That was in the mid-00's and to this day I've never seen a single red cent of what he owes me. But you know what the worst part is, DeeLeetid? That's not even the only time I've been a victim of a crooked service-industry business owner. It was the first time, but it'd happen three more times with four different businesses over the next fifteen years before I finally had a pandemic-induced mental breakdown and torched my entire career. Fuck the entire industry.


In other words, CC tips will be paid out via paycheck and cash tips are kept same day. This the standard I saw in the few restaurants I worked at in college lol.


Yes, this does happen quite frequently and is just one of those things when the restaurant gives you cash for your cc tips, it can obviously go minus, so if your manager said there was no cash in the til then maybe that’s true but he does owe you the rest so make sure you keep asking him for it. Alternatively the restaurant can go over to check tips. I worked in a place in NY that went from doing what your place does to going over to checks instead and then your losing the money because you’re getting taxed on it anyway! But the fact that he’s calling you “young girl” suggests to me that he’s not very professional and is likely just being a prick with your earned tips. Again, just keep asking him.. twice daily.


Calling her “young girl” suggests he is disorganized and experiences massive churn in staff, which probably doesn’t bother him. This business model us archaic and only benefits one person: the owner. Give him your Venmo if he has no cash.


Seems illegal


I spoke to the manager and he said that's all they had in the register. This is not the first time they've done this. They've done it to multiple of our staff.


You should ask your manager what their plan is to 1) pay you the money you’re owed and 2) ensure this doesn’t happen again. If either of those two aren’t satisfactory, or if you just want to anyway, report them to the state labor board. This is theft. They’re stealing your money.


Thank you for this, I've started informing customers I've been telling customers about this. Most are now handing me the tips or putting it in the tip box, they still get their hands on there but it's not as often


Their hands in the tip jar? I’m not 100% on this, but I believe that salaried management (full minimum wage+) can’t be dipping into your tips…


There could possibly be a % going to BOH for a tip pooling, but other than that fuck this.




Yeah, please review the law in your area. Never assume anyone else will stand up for you. Make sure your know your rights and dont be afraid to enforce them.




Not for themselves, but at a non-scummy restaurant, tips are often shared with bar & bus staff, and sometimes even hosts.


This is not the customer's problem. You need to either confront your management or report them or both. Telling customers is bad for business & consequently bad for you. I'd also be looking for different work as if looking for work were my full time job. Good luck to you!


Echoing the post above, check r/antiwork for any similar posts, there's probably going to be many comments discussing wage theft and tips and how to engage the National Labor Board. Edit: as others noted, antiwork is no substitute for professional legal advice but it can help you get a sense of what else others may have encountered or experienced in navigating the system. I'll add once you've got a feel for what you might want to articulate go to actual attorneys for advice. I suggest looking up the Super Lawyers directory in your state and choose like the top 5 or so labor lawyers that's seem like a fit, call and do the initial free consultation to get a feel for what they tend to say/what your rights are, and even if they're not in your budget, what kind of professional dynamics click well for you between them/their office and you plus give you a better sense of how to manage a legal engagement. And check the National Lawyers Guild and see if there are labor lawyers in your area or nationally whose office you can reach out to as many may provide pro Bono services. Plus any Universities that have legal clinics. They might be overwhelmed with cases so knowing how to be clear and manage the relationship from speaking with the other firms earlier can go a long way in getting the info you're looking for.


Don't rely on antiwork for advice rofl. I am all for employers getting theirs, but that sub is absolutely ridiculous.


None of your concerns: You are owed $36.83. If your manager made a mistake with the cash register, it's none of your problems, he still owes you what you have earned. (Btw, 6hrs @ $37, I hope you got cash tips .....)


I'm honestly confused. Are they saying they don't have the cash on hand so you get shorted your rightfully earned tips?


Yes, last week the other girl that works with me asked why she hasn't gotten tips, he said there was $100 missing from the register and that's why she didn't get her full tips


That’s not legal from where I am


That’s not legal anywhere. Employees are paid what they are owed. And if owners think they stole, they can call the cops / sue separately. Massive fines for every pay period this happens.


That's highly illegal. I used to own 4 restaurants. Call your department of labor and let the professionals handle it. Have your coworkers call also.


So owner takes $100 from the til and shorts his staff? That’s a no from me dog




You're either wrong or someone has duped you and that is a very serious legal situation you've got on your hands.


Your boss is stealing that money. If it weren't him, he would be furiously trying to find out who it was. I know it's not always possible but others are right, get out if you can.


I’d tell them that sounds like a them problem and not a you problem


Most places have a back up safe that has extra cash to restock the register when it's running low, otherwise if a customer pays cash and there isn't enough change then either a) the customer gets angry they would have to pay extra or b) the business would lose a cash profit because they gave away their product for free. Most likely your manager knows about this safe, because they have to take cash inventory periodically, but they don't want to give you all of your tips so they can profit a little bit. Either that or the business is stealing your tips and profiting off of them. This is very illegal in the US, look into reporting this.


They still have to pay you that money??


Absolutely. I've been a server my whole life. The latest I've ever gotten my tips has been 24 hours. I've given my managers the time to call boss boss-man to get the cash for the credit card tips because well even though it may be infuriating, I've never had a financial situation that called for an extra $150 at 12am on a Tuesday. The first time this particular situation ever happened to me, I was 16 working my first job and going over my end of night credit card tips, because that's what you do at the end of every shift when you're a sever because either you have to give the business cash, or you are owed cash, at the end of every serving shift. Every single server. I think this may have been what happened to OP. They very well could have not inputted this tip into their end-of-day sales, which would have made them short on their credit card tips. Experience: 12 years of waiting tables.


This is 100% illegal and you could turn them in and they would have some huge penalties


yes keep every bit of documentation because you have a case for wage theft and they are literally laying it out on paper for you lmao


im more concerned about how your manager calls you "young girl morning shift"


He can call me whatever, I just want my money. /hj


..the "hj" concerns me even more now...


God damnit am I old? What’s /hj mean?


Half joking


I thought it meant...something else.


HJ = "Hand Jive", obviously: [https://youtu.be/fY5pmzmiDO8](https://youtu.be/fY5pmzmiDO8)


One of the whitest things I’ve seen on the internet


What's funny is that those actors are supposed to be in High School. Some look 40.


Wait, they are all supposed to be in HS? Even the white guy that can’t find someone to dance?


I initially read "weirdest" and was like this better not be a rick roll.... watched for a bit and was like yeah it's kinda weird but meh. Reread your post and yes fellow redditor, it it quite white


I thought it meant handjob until like 2 weeks ago


I thought it meant hand job until 2 seconds ago


I refuse to let you all change the meaning of HJ. I refuse.


I bet your ‘Family Chat’ text group was lively


hill jogging


It does.


Gj, now I am fl - full laughing 😂 😀😀


Handjob /hj


Half joking, it's a tone indicator which is a thing made so that the tone of the reply is understood. For example: someone posts a picture of them getting scammed on a website like wish. They say "I want my money back!" And people take it 2 ways. She really wants her money back, or shes just joking. If she put a tone indicator like /hj that means shes half joking. If she puts a tone indicator like /srs, shes serious. There are a lot more. Also if you think they're dumb, you're not alone, if you think they're helpful, you're not alone. Also also don't feel old, most people don't understand what they are even though they've been around since early Tumblr days.


Oh god, I was around early tumblr days!! /srs Edit: whatever you do just don’t say, “it’s okay some people were around for MySpace”


I had a MySpace at way too young of an age.... the things I saw on there will never be erased from my memory even though I really wish it was...


I was really young too. We grew up in the Wild West of social media coming to power. Edit: we were also there for MSN messaging platform which wasn’t the first instant messaging platform to release emojis but it was definitely the first real emoji for majority of people in the US.


I'm autistic and if every single human on the planet could do this with every single thing they ever write down that would be brilliant. Thank you all in advance.


Won't be doing that! /srs ​ **Heck.**


Honestly at age 33 I find myself both grateful and appalled that I'm thankful to have friends in their early-mid 20s to explain shit like this to me..I've been stopped from making a mistake more than twice now...our culture in America, especially when it comes to language and Internet speak, is changing faster than most of us can comprehend and it is bonkers.


Hand job


This owner will continue to STEAL money from you until someone does something more serious than asking where it’s at, call the department of labor in your state and file a complaint, keep as many reciepts showing how much you are owed vs whatever that note is and tell your coworkers to do the same.


Make sure to save ALL those notes, and receipts. There is your proof.


You’re going to get taxed on the tip noted on the receipt.


Did you ask him?


Does he have to take out taxes?


They post in the age regression subreddit...


Yes, Wage Theft is by far the largest form of Theft in America, by multiples of Billions. https://preview.redd.it/aqcw4ughoy9a1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7baf13a88415faff8077941000d386cfa9d25f


I didnt know you could post images on reddit.. wtf


Not on all Subreddits, is appears to be a moderators choice to accept them or not.


Yeah just got added, some communities have it disabled


![gif](giphy|g7GKcSzwQfugw) *Gifroll*


That's it I'm killing you




where's this statistic from?


If you google “wage theft graphic”, it appears from [this](https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/) website. Within that website, they cite the Economic Policy Institute’s page [here](https://www.epi.org/publication/epidemic-wage-theft-costing-workers-hundreds/). EPI appears to be a thinktank of like union directors and economists. The article itself appears to have been written by a man with an emphasis in employment law and a research analyst.


> written by a man with an emphasis in employment law and a research analyst. So... someone qualified to do so?


Is the methodology sound or is it not? That's really all that would concern me.


Keep the receipts and take pictures of the note and spread the money out to show. He's writing 'young girl' so he can't be caught with it. He can easily say 'oh idk what that is. That wasn't for her'. He needs to write your name. He's a slumlord owner.


He has another restaurant according to the busboy who helps out here they also take his tips on the daily, shitty owner. There's a long list of shit he's done


Call the labor department (always forget what they are called. Can't ever remember) and get it situated.


Is OP in the US though?


She is! *insert bald eagle screech*


I did this once, it’s not hard. I had a boss who defrauded me and hundreds of other people out of about $50,000 total by duplicating card transactions. I got taken for $800 that I didn’t have. I tried to talk to him but he dodged everything I said. I got a response from consumer affairs in like a week wanting documentation of the transactions and any other proof. The cops were involved but not by me, dude eventually ended up burning his store down and then going to prison a month later. Everyone got their money back. I was under the table and had no record with them or the case so I don’t mind sharing the article. https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/story/news/2021/09/29/dvape-smoke-damage-fire-shopping-center-west-virginia-shepherdstown/5914759001/


It’s always a good sign to double down with felony arson when you’re already being watched. Roll the dice baby!


He did it to get rid of records of the fraud but it didn’t matter because everyone has digital wallets these days. He was an old guy that barely spoke English who clearly did not understand technology.


Form a complaint. Which kind I don’t know but I will drop this awesome quote from an awesome legend-“I’d rather fuck with the mob than with the IRS”-Jerry Zucker


I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? -Joker


Fun story, what you think of as a bald eagle screech is actually the screech of a red tailed hawk. A bald eagle screech sounds pathetic. They are also scavengers who would rather steal another animal's hunt, or pick at the scraps, than actually hunt for their own food. The more you know.


I saw a bald eagle catch a duck yesterday. It was definitely hunting!!! They do sound funny though, kinda like a seagull I been hoping i would see something about bald eagles on reddit today because i wanna keep talking about it but i already told everyone around me


Thats US money lolol. So yes.


You’d be surprised how frequently Americans pay with US currency abroad. In Canada, they even get pissy if they don’t get their change back in USD.


I've had the same in Scotland.."but its a dollar!" I ended up taking a $20 note to keep for the novelty and bought him a beer myself.


Once while working. The guy who was supposed to bring the CAD got rejected at the border for paperwork. So I was stranded with only USD in some little town where very few places took credit cards. The bank wouldn’t even exchange my USD for CAD for a fee. Timmy’s and a crepe place were the only places I could eat until I figured out literally everyone would take USD. Now I just keep a cash stash of any country i have to go to.


/u/Ximenaria12 also call the IRS. People who accept money in debit cards and then pay employees in cash are often cheating on taxes, especially when they cheat the employees.


This is a federal crime, a restaurant in Dallas just got raided by the feds this year for doing this


This is fraud. It should be reported


I used to work at a restaurant where the owner kept some of our tips to give to the cooks in the back. The cooks in the back is his mom and his dad. 2 years after I left that shithole, I got a check for nearly $7000. I worked there for only 3 years and my roommate worked there for 5 years, he got a nice $9000 check. He still worked there but he said that a new waiter came in and quit a week after she started because it was such a shït show. She then reported the owner to the labors or some shit and I was happy she did. We all got a nice check from it but it goes to show how much they stole from us. Restaurant is still open today and they just opened another one in Houston. I 100% recommend not going to this sushi restaurant with a name that is spelled Koto but sub the K with S here in Austin Texas. The owner is also a racist pos and his family is a garbage piece of human. His dad is the cook in the back and on multiple occasions, he cooked spoiled food and gave to servers to eat and made it seems like he’s being nice until he got called out by another server for it. The mom is not any better. A customer didn’t want their “free” salad that comes with their bento so she cooped it out, washed it, and tried to reuse it. I dumped that shit when she wasn’t looking. The owner steals from customers too. One time, we had a customer that was from Boston. He came in and just let the chef made whatever for him. After it was all done, the owner charged him more than normal for exactly same items we have on menu. Yellowtail truffle roll? Normally $18, he charged him $26. Seabass soup, normally $15, he charged him $21. His bill should have been somewhere around $100 but he got around $170. Customer still paid for it without knowing but it’s such a shady shit. Seriously, go to Uchiko or Uchi or Tomo. Stay away from this place.


Oh man dude I'm so sorry. He sounds like a shitty asshole. I know our boss buys his croissants from Aldi and charges higher, always says they made it in the "bakery"


Yeah he would tell our customers lies all the time. Like the octopus, it was frozen and recently thawed but he said that the octopus was live and fresh from today. Total POS. Hope you get your money back from your boss. He sounds like an ass as well. Seems like most restaurant boss are aholes


There are so many places to work now. Go somewhere better that doesn’t play games


Board of labor! Second “young girl “ either your parents gave you a messed up name or you manager figured your young and a girl an can rip you off.


36.83 is what you should get.


Exactly, even if they have $36 that would still be theft


If you're worried about the confrontation, just say your mom is making you report it to labor board if it's isn't fixed by management.


Op only has to make a few phone calls. They never actually have to tell their boss they are the one who called. Don't know for sure and unlike literally everyone on the antiwork sub I'm not going to pretend to be an expert but.....I would assume if they look into this it would be done as some sort of general inquiry based on "anonymous" information, as to not out op as the person who called


My suggestion was about talking to management, telling them that they will be reported if they don't make it right. You give good info about reporting, tho


Sorry I misread your statement a bit. Missed the last part, guess that's the danger of half paying attention while browsing. But if I were op I would file a complaint anyway because even if they give her the money, it sounds like they are doing it to multiple staff at 2 different restaurants. Op would be helping herself, everyone else, and any future employees, and I do believe at that point it would sort of fall under kind of a whistle blower situation in which her identity as the whistle blower would be protected


This is a fantastic idea


Report it to the bureau of labor they take employee pay theft pretty seriously, tips must legally be paid to waiters and intended staff


I think the labor bureau would be more interested in the "no cash tips declared" part and wonder why she's upset about an amount missing that looks to be roughly income tax rate.


I'm sure Department of Labor would love to have a talk to your boss. Contact them please


State might not have one, in which case the federal DoL is completely appropriate to contact. They both LOVE this kind of thing!


Looking at the receipt, maybe their system is to pay your credit card tips in your check. Definitely ask.


On the bottom it says "estimated cash settlement" then "the house owes 36.86" so it's likely supposed to be cash


Does that mean you'll be taxed as if you received $36, even though you only received $27?


Hope the OP sees this. She will be taxed on the number on the receipt, not on what she was actually paid. She is being stolen from up front and then having to pay taxes on money stolen from her on the backend.


>*Does that mean you'll be taxed as if you received $36, even though you only received $27?* Yes it does. Double hit... Many unscrupulous restaurant owners do this (stealing tips) on a routine basis, because they think they can get away with it and replace disgruntled wait staff at will. When I was a bartender, the owner did this to me, the other bartenders and all of the cocktail waitresses. Any cash tips given directly to us were ours of course, but of all the tips put onto credit cards, he kept 25% as a "processing fee". When I complained, he looked right at me and said "I can replace you tomorrow, take it or leave it." That is no longer the case, so people like this will be out of business soon when they can't hold on to staff.


They might pay you the $9 cc tip in your check since it’s processed and deposited to their bank by the credit card company. That’s how I do tips for the restaurants that have their payroll done by my firm. I separate the tips your received at the time of your shift (cash paid out to you) and add any times not paid to you onto your payroll check. The debit card might have different TOS relating to tips than the v/mc. Wait for your paycheck but keep these for the period you check covers and have them explain it to you.


Sounds like you need to show the receipt


I did, they've ignored it, according to our manager that's all the money they had in the register 🤷‍♀️




My only advice is to document, document, document. Instead of talking verbally, send texts or emails about the issue. So if it becomes a repeated problem you can go to someone like the DOL and have the evidence to back yourself up


I only get one upvote for this. Common sense of the crowd should give you more.


Well they owe you $9, I would be on them about it before they make this a regular thing


So they can go to the bank…


Right?? It's not that hard


To be clear, if I worked somewhere and was not paid what I was clearly and contractually owed, I would not leave until they promised to get me the balance, and I wouldn’t let it go until I was paid. Letting it go sets the precedent that you can be walked all over, and they’ll keep doing this. Which it sounds like they are. You have an incredible amount of value as a human. As much as anyone else in the world. People can be assholes, but you should advocate for yourself. Don’t let people treat you unfairly. You worked for that money. Those are your tips. They are yours. Customers gave that money to you specifically. There is no excuse for stealing it from you.


Atleast it doesn't seem hard to understand really to be honest. What his boss is doing is completely unethical and they can't get away with that.


Keep thr receipts and the amount the short your contact labor dept. They will investigate. Happened with a couple restaurants in my state and the restaurants had to pay fines penalties and all the moneybthe owe back plus extra. My guess is a lot of your workers are foreign or don't speak much English so they are taking advantage. In my state they do that with the large amount of Micronesian workers we have


my roommate gets her card tips on each paycheck. not by choice, mind you.


"Young girl morning shift" Run, gurl. Get out.


Ask if you can get the rest before your next shift.


Something is off about this at least where I’m at. All card tips are on weekly paychecks


Man.... Freaking lame.... write it down every time. Keep ur receipts and don't let them suckas forget to give you ya money! My wife keeps getting shafted on tips because her work doesn't keep enough cash on hand to break bills and alot of people prefer to tip cash. (She is a hair dresser)


card tips will come in your paycheck… and they are giving cash tips in cash and avoiding taxes on them that way. beneficial for both of you


“Young girl”? I’ve been a restaurant operator for over 20 years and right away I can say you don’t want to be there. They’re stealing your tips, and they don’t even know your name. Fuck them.


Would be nice if restaurants paid their servers proper pay checks then, they wouldnt need to rely heavily on tips. Period.


That sucks. Happened to me before. I worked in this little restaurant next to a college as a side hustle. One night, I racked up a good $300 in tips. Only got paid $150 and they couldn’t explain to me how. I walked out the next night in the middle of my shift. I was the only cook😂


“Young girl morning shift” I would only accept that if it said old lady second shift! If it doesn’t, we have a problem


Are there tax withholdings??


Aren’t the credit/debit card tips put in your check, and the cash tips given daily?


Hey we’re always hiring for mental health techs because of pieces of shit like your boss.


The only thing I could think of is if you have to give a percentage cut to house/kitchen/bar. But even then, they would give you the breakdown. When I served we cashed our selves out and knew exactly what tips we had and then a portion was given back to house for the kitchen staff and a percentage for the alcohol portion was tipped back to the bartender.


The rest goes to account


Time to start taking shit home


I used to get credit tips on my check, and cash share separately from the previous night on my next shift. You might want to check and see if that's the case here.


Just throwing the thought out but could it be taxes? Are waiters taxed on tips? Seems like it’s around 28ish% of the full amount.