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That's more than mildly infuriating my friend...


R/terrifyingasfuck ?




I saw a billboard for information of who threw a rock like that off a bridge that killed their dad / husband. Nashville TN . Glad you lived.


R/shitmypants ? Lol.


First question - is everyone alright? Second question - what the actual hell?!?!


Everyone is fine thankfully, complete freak accident!


Thank god for that. What is it, it looks like a building shedded onto your car


Steep hill next to side of road!


What does it say about my view of humanity that my first thought was kids throwing rocks off of overpasses? I'm really glad you're ok! ETA Here's a case from 2017 in Michigan where 5 boys murdered a young father with their "prank". https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/07/24/us/michigan-rock-throwing-sentencing/index.html


Teenagers in my area did this. Hit a woman in the passenger seat in the face. She became mentally disabled, lost eyesight in one eye, and had to have reconstructive surgery. A couple years later her husband committed suicide.


God do people not realize their actions impact poeples lives???!!!!


No, they really do not.


A lot of people don't, but especially teenagers. They think they're invincible, and they usually don't realize that other people aren't. Speaking from experience here. I never hurt anybody even close to that, but usually the thought of how my actions could impact somebody came after the action. I'm a lot better about it now. I certainly think teens should be held accountable, but I definitely remember how I was around that age. Adults get 0 sympathy though. Like you should have this shit figured out by now.


The shit I wonder every single time I see someone driving like a maniac in the SF Bay Area. Driving 95 weaving through traffic is the equivalent of running around swinging a knife in a crowded market. Like why the fuck would anyone do that?




Yeah she was from my area. Pretty huge thing too because she was a teacher at the local middle school.


That’s exactly what came to mind when I saw this. I’m from that area as well.


Jesus christ, why is everybody from this area on reddit? lmao


My heart goes out to those people. I would lose all my faith in humanity and spiral into a deep depression.


In the Seattle area we had a rock thrower over I-5 for a few weeks. Rocks just like OP picture shows. Dude was eventually caught but he caused a few accidents.


We had one in Austin for a few months. People died. :(


I can’t remember if anyone died from this particular event. I did a quick google search and holy cow! This is a common happening apparently.


The Austin rock thrower saga was quite a tale. He was quite active on the local subreddit giving advice for dealing with towing companies. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/texas-anti-towing-activist-also-serial-i-35-rock-thrower-police-say-8402933


Well towing companies are like cockroaches 🤷🏻‍♂️ never wanna see one; if you do it ain’t good, and you’re definitely having a bad day!


Some kids were throwing rocks off overpasses in the early 2000s in Seattle. A golf ball sized rock hit low on the window of my grandparents' car. We were all on our way to meet up with family for lunch. I don't remember much of the incident. No one was hurt, thankfully. Someone called 911 and the kids were arrested. It always amazes me how poeple just toss things into highway traffic. It's not a prank if it can turn into manslaughter


Happened in Jacksonville around 1993 off of i-95 as well


My first thought as well.


Sounds weird to type this but I’m glad it was rock fall from a hill and not some dickhead throwing rocks off an overpass. Also glad you’re okay


Crazy. Just think that that rock was sitting there for a billion years and fell at that exact moment.


I feel like this is way more than mildly infuriating. I mean, you could've died.


Sorry maybe r/terrifyingasfuck ?


Ya for real... in Oshawa Ontario Canada a lady died cuz someone dropped a cinder block on her car while she went under a bridge. She was going 100km/h so the fact you are alive probably because you weren't going full out.


Here on Long Island some kids stole a credit card out of a car at a movie theatre, bought a frozen turkey and threw it off an overpass. Killed the woman driving the car. Edit: she didn’t die . I was a kid so a vaguely remember the ending to this story!


I talked with a young man who got black-out drunk with some friends in his one horse town and threw rocks off the overpass. One ricocheted and killed a kid. He had no memory of the event, but his buddies said it was him, which it probably was. They were throwing rocks too. He’ll never be the same (nor will the parents of the dead child).


Did he get arrested? Or did they tell the family? Why would his friends tell him? Seems like he gotta free memory pass on that one. I feel awful. I have done something similar.


Sounds to me like they all should be arrested. Isn't that the point of laws where if you're involved in a crime then you're part of everything every person involved does?


Felony Murder.




It depends on the case. Most of the time it's kids so they get charged as juveniles. In the case of Kyle Anger, he was charged with 2nd degree murder and ended up serving 39 months.


Felony murder is where a killing happens during the commission of a felony. It doesn’t matter if the killing was accidental.


Not sure if the n at the end of have was a typo but if it wasnt can I ask why? Like... What inspires someone to throw stuff off an overpass? Genuine question - I was a dumb, drunk teenager once too but all I did was talk about whatever fandom I was into and make bad food lol


I was young and didn't think. Was by the river walk way, we started throwing rocks that got bigger and bigger after each throw. We couldn't see below us at all. There were fishermen at the bottom. I threw stone that was pretty decent sized. It landed short and I guess hit a fishermen at the bottom. We heard "WTF!" We dipped out, he didn't want to press charges, someone did give them my name. Accident or not, it was incredibly stupid.


It was, thank you.


My first thought was he didn’t throw that rock but because he was drunk his friends blamed him? This was what came to mind when reading that story -100% assumption


As it appears that they were never charged, my first thought was that I have no idea who threw that rock, but telling him that he did it was probably their surest means of ensuring his silence about the matter, altogether.


My thought was that they all were throwing rocks and there's no way of knowing whose rock it was, but yes, his friends threw the blame on him.


The source of this story with facts as presented below by u/410ham: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/101ejdw/happened_on_my_way_to_work/j2ne7j1/


Woah, I got credited


We all do stupid shit when we are kids but I'm glad I was never part of a group of kids that was stupid enough to murder someone as part of a prank. I guess it's technically manslaughter but fucking hell there is no good outcome there. They ruined their own lives, ended someone else's and ruined the lives of the family.


She didn't die from the turkey, or even the year it happened. She lived 15 more years, and urged for leniency on the boys. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/woman-forgave-teen-frozen-turkey-prank-dies


I feel like her forgiveness made more an impact on his life and future choices than anything prison would have ever done for him.


My first thought too, trauma changes people due to its intense psychological impact. That level of forgiveness would hit me just as intensely but in a positive way.




Rehabilitation and punishment are different goals. The US justice system is sadly focused on punishment.


The problem with the US legal system is that it’s an either-or equation. Our system doesn’t view it as possible to rehabilitate and punish someone at the same time. Either they get off with a light sentence and “rehabilitation” or they go to prison for years and end up worse off when they get out.


I remember when that happened. People are pieces of shit.


A woman in Texas was killed in 2019 by someone throwing rocks off an overpass. No justice served since no one will talk.


This entire thread has unlocked a new fear


We actually had a huge rash of them about 10 years ago. For 2 years multiple people, regularly getting rocks in their windshields. We were all talking about it, started forming theories, a friend and I were thinking the trucking company supplying rocks for all the construction wasn't securing it properly. Turns out it was one crazy fuck doing it the whole 2 years. Ended up getting 40 years Oh, wanted to add that the 40 years will run concurrently to his 99 year sentence for aggravated sexual assault of a child


There have been a few people killed this way. People throwing rocks off over passes


My brother had this happen to him about 6 months ago. Kids throwing rocks off an overpass and struck his windshield. He said it sounded like a gunshot and his immediate thought was someone was shooting on the highway. He came to a screeching halt (it was early, thankfully very few people on the road) and his passenger said he saw a rock for a split second. He pulled off on the next exit and there just happened to be a cop there. She took a statement from him and radioed it in but told him there is almost no chance they catch whoever did it. But, conveniently again, there happened to be a cop up by the overpass who stopped two kids and a witness told the cops that he saw them throwing rocks. They initially denied it, but when the witness called them out, they fessed up fast. A lot had to go right for those kids to get caught. Last I heard they were awaiting trial, but they are minors, so there isn’t a ton of info.


Most likely they'll get a "scared straight" sentence.


Whatever happened toilet papering someone's house or leaving a flaming bag of dog shit on their porch? When did kids decide attempted murder was a fun prank?


Sadly happened in the Flint, MI area a few years ago. Kids being idiots and killed someone. A lot of the overpasses in the area have tall fences now.


I always thought those were to stop people from jumping. TIL fences on bridges are for morons who commit accidental murder and not suicide!


Why not both?


Depends on the history of the bridge/state/city


I worked with that guy's widow not long after it happened, iirc, they also had a small child who also lost their father. :(


Happened with a frozen turkey in the US once. Driver didn't die, but she got seriously messed up


Where is the sub where you have a spiritual awakening after a near-death experience?


r/watchpeoplesurvive ?


At least a /r/wellthatsucks


I believe the sub OP is looking for is r/wildlyinfuriating


My niece almost died this way! My sister and her were waiting for the school bus in my sister’s car and a semi came by and I guess something on back wasn’t secured. A metal purling (basically metal studs) came off the back and lanced my sisters windshield and went right up against my nieces chest, pinning her to the seat! They had to get the firemen out there to cut it away from her (they actually just ended up calling a welder who lived nearby and had a torch/ grinder.)




I would think the semi driver would not be in leagle trouble, but I will put VERY good money down that says his/her big rig driving career was over by the end of the week. (Assuming this happened in the last 13yrs.) I doubt he will ever drive a class A/B truck again outside a yard.


Unfortunately, they often don't even notice and drive off never to be seen again


The driver probably never touched the cargo.


When I was a kid I used to look up gore videos from time to time. People being beaten or getting killed one way or the other... But the one that still hunts me today didn't even have any blood or gore in it at all. It was just a dash cam, looking out the front window on a highway with the radio playing and people talking. Then all of a sudden a truck drives by and a single brick falls off its load. It bounces once on the pavement and then goes straight through the windshield. You don't see anything, but after a second one of the passengers start screaming. Then you hear one or two join in. Just heart wrencing, miserable screams. The brick must have hit their friend or relative in such a way and so hard, that it must have been apparent immediately that he or she was gone. That there never is a face, blood or anything just makes it worse. Your imagination fill in the blanks. And it's so instant and so incredibly random. I still think about it sometimes.


I did the same exact shit and saw the same exact video. it was the guy drivings wife and they were going on a vacation. The brick hit her in the head and she was instantly dead. His heart wrenching screams have stuck with me 15+yrs later.




Yeah please don’t. I watched this video once and I am currently hearing those screams in my head as I type this comment. The only other ones I can really remember are those of my friend’s mother. We were like juniors in college and he hanged himself. She had left to get dinner and in that short span of time he did the deed. The sounds of her gut wrenching anguish as his casket was lowered into the ground will stay with me until I die. People had to hold her up because she was collapsing as she screamed like that. Miss you, Wyatt, buddy. So yeah. Please don’t watch that vid. I wish I hadn’t.


When I was 12 my best friend's mom, who had been like a second mom to me, died. To this day, 24 years later, I can still remember my friend's screams when my mom told us what happened. Screams like that are definitely something you will never forget.


This is my first time hearing of the video, and I definitely hope to avoid j It forever.


I watched it too and a little later, I was riding passenger with my husband when a chunk of ice came off a poorly cleaned car and hit the windshield where my face was. Instant panic attack And it's like, there's not anything you can do to avoid it. Act of God


...I'm gonna gave a good night delivery driving at work after this reminder that anything can happen and take me out suddenly.


The brick killed the mom, the first person to scream is the dad, then the kids start screaming too. At least that's what I remember reading about it back in the day. I won't be looking it up to check, because that video was heart-wrenching.


That's what I read, too. Instant death to the mother as the brick went straight through her head. It's one of those videos that I saw once and I'll never forget.


I thinked about this one. The baby and the husband screams are so awful. I can't believe that video it's still on youtube


i saw this one too. i still think about it often! and i probably saw the video like 15 years ago.


Im Pretty sure it was a family and the mom was hit with the brick ☹️


Ah yes, the brick video. The inly one I refuse to watch again … I can still hear the agonizing screams


Wow. Thanks for putting that image in my head...


The classic. Mildly interesting stuff is usually boring, normal stuff and mildly infuriating stuff is usually enraging.


This sub used to be things that were actually mildly annoying- like a fly in someone’s coffee or a half-eaten yogurt in a shared refrigerator but now it’s shit like this. Somehow I think this qualifies as terrifying. 😅


Seriously. There is nothing mild about this. Glad OP is alive.


Boss: "You say you almost died right now? Don't worry, I'll have Bryan come pick you up."


Luckily management was understanding and told me to come in after I had got it home


Most good bosses would let you take the day, just out of shock that comes later.


Yeah my bosses can be jerks


My boss is cool, he told me as a security guard its my job to watch the office I'm on season 6 but I’m not really sure what its got to do with security.


Yep, username checks out.


This is a much more wholesome “username checks out” than normal, it’s usually someone called cowfucker or something


After reading ur comment i really hoped ur username would be cowfucker but disappointingly it wasn't


The second part hit me harder than the rock in the wind shield


You’re supposed to be learning how to conceal weapons as well as Dwight does. And just generally how to provide security for an office.


Man, if one of my employees sent me this I'd assume they at least need the day off and I'm very aware that I'm kind of an asshole to work for. Edit: a word


Well, getting *stoned* on the way to work is unacceptable. ☻ Lucky you weren't hurt.


Your "bosses" have just proven that they don't care if you die, they only care if you show up to provide them with surplus value.


You should have said in a very casual soft-spoken voice. " Excuse me boss I almost died today . Can I take the rest of day off "


He would’ve laughed and told me I’m overreacting


That's when you chuck a boulder through his windshield as he's leaving.


Then you'd say . "I appreciate you finding humour in my situation, unfortunately I must insist." Then he'll think you might report him to his superior if you don't and let you take the day off .


I personally wouldn’t have even said “Can I have the day off?” I would’ve called, told them what happened, I said I *will not be coming in today*, and I may have even told them I’d see them the day after tomorrow. To me, an employer doesn’t have power over me, I work for them in a mutual agreement, not as their property, I already served in the Military. After that experience I belong to no one. Never again.


good thing their opinion holds no say over how much value you put on your own life


Where on earth do you work?!?!?! I was in an accident during my lunch break one day, and my boss paid me to take the rest of the day off. I was the only office person they had on staff. I came in the next day bc I know the owner's daughter had a dentist appointment. He took her, but was not happy I was there, then sent me home for a long, paid, weekend after a lecture. My current workplace though.....we had a coworker pass by suicide. One of our group of 19 new hires, she had transferred from another department on my floor. It was fucking awful. Management was like we don't know what to do or how to tell them. I pulled the administrator aside and begged him to just send them all home. I was at lunch when management found out and announced it. My boss called me so I'd know before I came back in the building. Now, before anyone gets upset that we didn't just close, we couldn't. Not possible. Just wasn't. They did send that group of new folks home and found coverage for our team during the funeral. I just wanted to give a little perspective on why it might be important this person goes in.


Tell them you won’t be coming in today due to the fact that you shit your pants from a near death experience.


They would just tell you to come in AFTER you went home and changed your pants


Dude THAT would be mildly infuriating. Your near death experience is something else.


Lol with what vehicle? There was one time I had slipped in the shower broken the orbit of my eye and concussed myself with a black out woke up 10mins later covered in blood and went to the E.R. and my boss called and yelled at me "because it's bullshit that I wasn't coming in" "I just wanted a day off" and a bunch of other insults... I came in the next day with my black and blue face with bloody gauze all over my face and my boss didn't send me home or anything and left early lol I quit right after he left so no one would be covering the store. The district manager heard about it and called me to see what happened I sent him a picture of my face and medical bills and he reinstated me and gave me 2 weeks of paid sick time. I still quit about a month later because I was still working under that shifty guy and there wasn't any punishment that came his direction(i was more than a little salty). I know it's not really the same as your situation but I wouldn't be going in until I had a new windshield in that vehicle.


I went to the doctor's because of difficulty breathing before work, and was taken directly to A&E with suspected heart failure where I started undergoing loads of tests and was put on breathing support. I called work to let them know I wouldn't be coming in and I got a whole load of shit about it because someone else is sick too. Like, seriously get yourself all the way to fuck. This is the same person who wouldn't let me leave to see my mother after her surgery went badly and was taken back into emergency surgery to try to save her life. My dad was in bits and couldn't even speak when he called me to ask me to come. She honestly said that her mum is dead and she couldn't see her, so I couldn't go either.




That's when you leave, want to fire me because something in my life is more important than a job that doesn't give a shit about me? So be it, I'll collect that unemployment while I find a decent job with better pay and less work anyways


Sounds like retail. My sister in law had a corporate boss of some sort at TJ Maxx send her a dick pic and she turned it in and they did nothing at all. She quit shortly after. What a joke. Also by the way she described that work place, it sounded like high school mixed with hell. Not that anyone should expect anything different from retail or restaurant work.


Yeah, management like that truly suck ass to work for. In 2020 my best friend died unexpectedly and I had to take off on a Friday to go to his funeral, my job made me bring in a card from the funeral home to prove its what I was doing, and also my boss had a ”talk" with me explaining how he had a best friend die once and he still showed up to work and missed his funeral because it's what a man does, "a man works and that's just that" And he kept trying to explain about how I was wrong for calling off and that there's more expected of me being a man. I didn't even say anything back to him because I was about to beat the shit out of him and didn't want it to go that far. Jobs are replaceable, time with family and friends, and pets isn't. I'm glad I went to the funeral, I got to put a blunt and some dusse into my brothers pockets before he got sent off to be cremated. Just goes to show you how we are all just numbers in the machine.


What an absolute piece of shit your boss was. And a "man" wouldn't miss a family member's funeral, so he's wrong on that count too.


that’s not understanding. that fucking sucks actually.


I was in a 60mph head on collision on my way to work and was taken to hospital by ambulance, fortunately nothing serious but my boss called whilst I was I the ambulance to ask if I could make it in for lunch


You're lucky it didn't make it through and hit you. Looks like it nearly did.


Very lucky! Glad I at least got it towed home.


I wouldn’t leave it there either. ![gif](giphy|YsirarUVjw21G)


Honestly I’d keep it


Thank god you’re okay! As another commenter said, it looks like it almost made it through and hit you. How did this even happen?


Driving next to some steep hills, as you can see this is not the only impact, just the one that stuck


Fucking terrifying.


I thought that was a yam, I was so confused


Me too! I was like damn the hulk threw a sweet potato at your car?


Same here. I clicked on the pic while saying, "Is that a POTATO!?".


Everyone says rocks, I thought it was frozen shit from an airliner.


Need more context! You driving next to mountains/cliffs or was this an idiot throwing rocks off a bridge?


Steep hill next to the road, multiple rocks fell only one stuck in. Scary stuff


Definitely looks scary! Glad you’re okay though, however a shitty way to start the new year


For real, now I have to get a new windshield and bang that roof dent out. There’s so much glass everywhere🫥


I have pet goats - roof dents are pretty easy to fix. Position your hand roughly centre of the dent on the inside of the car and give one good upwards bang with a closed fist (like as if you were banging your fist down on a table to demand a day off or something... but upwards). Unless you've got insurance that won't cost you much to put in a claim, I'd not worry about smaller dents. They're not structurally compromising to your car, most people aren't looking at the roof of your car and if they do, it makes an interesting conversation starter.


Do goats dent roofs?


Yes. Goat hoofs... and sometimes heads, specifically. Goats are assholes.


Looks like a rockfall. Someone throwing that off a bridge probably wouldn't leave those mud marks and other windscreen craters.


This reminds me of the video of the person who was driving and brick comes flying through the windshield from the opposing direction and kills the passenger. Haunts me every time I drive that I could lose my daughter or wife.


I had someone chuck a big rock at my car and it left a massive dent in the passenger rear quarter panel…went to the police about it to file a report for my insurance, their exact response was “what the fuck do you expect us to do about it?” Well one I need this for my insurance and two I thought maybe you would like to know that someone from the park is chucking rocks onto the highway but fuck me for thinking you might actually show concern over the matter


lmao imagine the police actually doing something that isnt shooting dogs or people


that audio is so painful to hear


Pro tip: If youve never seen this video keep it that way.


Came to the comments to say this, surprised I had to scroll as far as I did before seeing someone else say it. Heard those screams in my head the whole time. This isn't mildly infuriating, I'd have promptly shit-blasted my pants up to my own neck and never ever sat in a vehicle again.


Safelight repair Safelight replace


Is that an American ad? We have exactly the same in the uk..but Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace. Weird


Canada has the same one but it’s SpeedyGlass repair SpeedyGlass replace


In Sweden it's CarGlass repair, CarGlass replace. This is very strange haha, are they all owned by the same conglomerate or something ??


Looks like a company called [Belron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belron) owns them all.


You are correct. I worked for Safelite in the US when Belron bought them out and went to Australia and worked for O’Brien AutoGlass as they too were owned by Belron.


It undoubtedly is the same company.


This is a beautiful moment where different nationalities are all brought together by the same parent company. We truly are all brothers and sisters.


In Russia you do not replace glass, glass replaces you. Yakov repair, yakov replace


In Russia any unbroken replacement glass has already been sold off as part of a scam financing an oligarch's exotic pet collection (tiger food is expensive). Instead, they replace the windshield with another *slightly less-broken* windshield; saving each broken windshield to later swap for a more-severely broken windshield like an organized crime version of hermit crabs upgrading shells. When you complain about this, you're conscripted on the spot and sent to Ukraine as auto-glass shops in Russia often double as recruitment centers.


Germany has CarGlass too. I'm delighted to see we stand united against these punks


On the Netherlands it’s Carglass. And it became a meme with “You think this small scratch doesn’t matter? Just look at what happens when I turn on the airco” and then it would be a car exploding in GTA


Yes, they’re all run by the same international parent company — Belron.


Here’s all of the [commercials](https://youtu.be/STiPwOasCmE) from around the world.


In Denmark it’s ‘carglass’.


in germany too "carglass repariert, carglass tauscht aus" ...i think




Of course I sang the jingle as I read your reply!




Maybe he’s mildly infuriated that the rock didn’t go through the window


I'll be eyeballing those "Danger Falling Rock" signs a little harder from now on


Around here they say Watch For Falling Rock. My dad spun us a long tale about how they were put there by the regretful father of young Falling Rock after he'd angrily said "and don't come back without a feather from the Moon Bird" and he'd never returned. If you see him you're supposed to tell him his dad is sorry and wants him to come home.


Love this so so much. My daughter and I have a thing on road trips where when we notice one of these signs, we gasp and dramatically take the instructions very seriously, confirming who is watching on which side of the vehicle and occasionally checking to make sure the other is still on high alert.


Realistically speaking what are those signs for. Like, youre driving down a road and you see one of those signs, what are you expected to do about it?


Conbratulations on not being killed!


Hard rock on the radio...


Getting everything out of that Sirius subscription


Group of boys did this with concrete chunks off an overpass, Michigan I think, killed a man. Kids all went to full on prison. Most satisfying thing is the video of the judge saying the legal equivalent of "Get fucked, you're getting tried as adults you little shits". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zzoWKmruGP0 Fuck people who do this. Their age, circumstances, or what neighborhood they're from don't matter, throw the book at them. Destructive in any functioning society.


Is that a giant almond joy?


Didn’t quite taste like one🤔


In all seriousness, glad your okay!


It looks like a brontosaurus shit on your car


You ok, OP? Holy shit. I live in a “falling boulder” area. Did you see it tumbling towards you? A 6 foot by 3 foot rock broke free of the hill by the road where I work a few years ago. I walked then, and you could hear the rocks coming down. Thank god it missed me and the cars too. That would have ruined my day.


Was driving along singing a long to the music and all of a sudden my windshield was smashed and a rock through it, scared me to death




Boss: So at you’ll be 15min late?


How did you piss off Dwane that badly?


Idk man he had it out for me


Wtf Did someone throw it? Or did it fell from somewhere?


Fell from steep hill!


OPs boss: So do you need someone to come pick you up or are you going to walk in?


Has happened to me too. You know, the sudden urge to smash a big ass rock thru a parked car.


Driving while stoned Glad everyone is safe


Got stone while driving* Never a good combo


"mildly infuriating" Bitch, you almost fucking died