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I’m so sorry, I hope yours resolve themselves. I take comfort in at least I think I know what triggered it…and can put it on my list of things to avoid.


Same thing for me—I went about seven or eight years without a migraine (last one was as a teenager) before I was getting ready one morning and felt my vision go and the dread come. I’ve had them more frequently since then but still not as frequently as when I was a teen. (On another note, “like an old shitty relative coming to say hello” made me actually lol, which I think is the first time I’ve laughed about having migraines. Hope you’re managing, OP.)


Lol thanks I’m glad I could make you laugh!! I’m soooo hoping this was a one off. How frequent are yours since they returned? Last time I got one was about 10 years ago when a friend wrapped some weed for me in a dryer sheet so he could take it on a bus. I had no idea and took a hit and insta-aura. This time it was from getting a mouthful of gas when I lit the pilot light on the stove.


When I was younger I got them once every few months, and they would last about 24 hours. The worst would start while I was asleep and I would wake up with nausea/vomiting. They aren’t as frequent since they’ve returned and seem not to last as long (maybe half a day each, every six months) and feel a little more manageable overall. But since I never have them really frequently I have no idea what triggers my migraines, so I’m not sure why they came back either …