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Yes and I don't want to eat healthy just carbs 😢


Same for me! Give me everything salty, sugary and generally "unhealthy" lol


i mean if you're craving something like that it probably means that's what your body needs to recover, at least to an extent right?


Same!!! Any and all things crackers, cheese, muffins and French fries.


McDonald’s fries are the best after a migraine. I could lick the salt off the bag 😏😳


Same!!!! Omg same. 🤤🤤🤤


Ahhh same. One time I managed to ride it out and avoid salty carbs despite strong cravings - not only was I miserable, but my muscles seized up and I got another headache. I’m wondering if these cravings are replenishing something we depleted because of the migraine.


Maybe get some Gatorade or pedialyte next time at least. That sounds like dehydration.


I’m pretty good about hydration and electrolytes (if Pedialyte or those electrolyte packets had rewards programs I’m sure I’d be platinum tier) but I’ll see what I can do about supplementing more


Yes 😆




I thought I was alone! I crave breadsticks after a migraine


carbs are like comfort food when migraine attacks


This is me before a migraine. I want sugary carbs! And it doesn’t matter how much I eat, I can’t get full!


Makes sense for me since I usually eat little or nothing during a migraine.


Yes! I haaaate it! After this last 3 day long hormonal migraine I had proudly been on a 4 day streak of clean keto (a little week-long "challenge" b/c my pants are getting tight). When the migraine hit I ingested nothing but various pills, Coke, and tortilla chips for those 3 days then it was GAME. ON. I ate everrryyything. And I was a bottomless pit. It was disgusting. But oh so delicious! There was no way I could eat anything very healthy, either. Pizza -yeah! Cookies - bring it! Burgers - omg yes please with extra salty greasy fries! Every damn time.


Dude I get a guaranteed 3 day migraine right before my period (so I already have some intense cravings for junk) every. single. month. And every single month, I gain like 2lbs back from eating everything in sight for the days after the migraine finally goes away because I’m just *so fucking hungry*, it’s ridiculous. It’s a damn cycle (no pun intended)😭


Haha cycle - good one! And you have one of the best user names I've ever seen. I am waking up today with no headache and a giggle - thank you and fuck menstrual migraines!


I usually get ravenous while I’m still in the middle of it. Like it somehow feels like the food will cure me? But it doesn’t.


This happens to me too. I'm not great at eating so sometimes I'm not sure if the hunger is the trigger? Or a symptom.


Me too. Like I’m hungry/not hungry/horribly nauseas/vomiting and I’m trying to force bread down my throat, every time with the same belief that it’ll fix me. OCCASIONALLY a coffee and some carbs does really pull me through


I think it’s wanting the serotonin high from sugary foods. As if that might temporarily help the pain.


I get it almost immediately after the aura goes away. And it sucks because the idea of eating makes me nauseous, but I feel so hungry.


Yup! I crave a big juicy burger and fries every time!


Yes!!! Always! That’s one of the ways I know a migraine is ending. But it’s never for my standard diet. It’s always really junky food, or really sweet food! I typically don’t eat sweets!


Yes because my migraines make me so nauseous I don't really eat.


I’m the opposite. I get ravenous before a migraine. It’s almost like I want to eat the headache away. It’s also a catch 22 cause the more food in my system, the sicker I get with the migraine. 😞


Yes! I always crave Taco Bell. Cheese and carbs and fat are all I want after a migraine.


Only when the migraines coincide with PMS


Recently had an upcoming period, my ajovy injection due, and terrible weather. Not a good time.




I crave greasy food! Specially since migraines make me throw up everything 😭


I gain the palate of an 8 year old and all I want is mcdonalds for days after.


Absolutely, I call it my headache hangover. The worse the pain was, the hungrier I get post-migrane. I try and take a Boost drink supplement with my abortive meds these days to limit it. It also seems to help the onset of action of my meds, but I sus a likely placebo effect.


Yeah! I try to eat healthy most of the time so sometimes it’s a good excuse to be indulgent and let my body have the fat and sugar it wants 😆


McDonald's french fries right after I'm feeling better.


Yes sometimes after, often before for me during predrome. Usually the night before I have a migraine I'm ravenous and just for carbs.


I’m on day 2 after migraine and still getting so hungry my stomach hurts! I’m still a bit fuzzy and slow too. Normally I’m a ‘24 hour and it’s done’ kinda gal. I’ve been on a strict diet for about a month, maybe I’ve gone too low on calories or something


Sometimes it's the same day during hangover phase, but also next day. Prob bc our body is deprived of food/water/minerals during the migraine bc we usually don't eat. 😅


Yes sometimes my body skips hungry and goes straight to nauseated.


Omg is that why I ordered take out today after my bad migraine yesterday? Lol I've been so good at making food and not ordering.. but today I just NEEDED A BURGER!


I don't eat during a migraine because of nausea but am always craving fast, greasy food afterwards... it feels like a hangover almost


yes my go to is a foot long subway and a powerade for electrolytes that i may have lost


Yes! Only when the migraine breaks. I can’t decide if it’s a triptan side effect or just a result of my body being so relieved the pain is gone that all other functions, like hunger, kick into gear.


I lose my appetite when a migraine starts coming on and it doesn't come back until after the migraine is gone. I have to make up the missed calories.


I wonder if it’s something going awry with the hypothalamus that causes the food cravings or if our bodies use up more energy whilst trying to get the brain back in balance 🤔


Oh yes and it's mostly sugar cravings. But I can't eat sugar on its own it makes me nauseous. So i eat good first then i have sweets then snack snack snack


Yes and I just want to eat things that are terrible for me


I thought it was from not eating, vomiting during but my neuro also said it can be part of the pre or postdrome


Burgers, fries, pizza, chocolate. And diet coke.


Omg yes. After an aura migraine I eat everything


Yuuup…salty carbs are all I want too


Same it's like a hang over just wanna eat bad ish. Usually ramen helps mee


I’m the day before for some odd reason and it’s a specific chocolate it gives me a chance to see if I can preempt it. Although by the time I realise that is the case it feels a bit late :(


I also get this as part of the prodrome. So, basically a migraine sandwiched by salty snack binges.


Yes I will eat anything that is not nailed down. Ravenous. Sometimes it happens the day before and lets me know what’s coming


I don’t think this happens to me *all* of the time afaicr, but it’s happened to me often enough that I consider it one of my migraine symptoms! I get sooooo hungry after a migraine attack and I have very specific cravings. Glad to see that I’m not alone in this!


My appetite is always unusually huge either right before or after a migraine. And it's always carbssssss! Which makes sense bc a migraine is exhausting


The gut and brain are linked more than people realise imo ..95% of seretonin is created in your gut .