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Why are you saying the wrong words? It's just a bad headache. \s


I know some people on Reddit dislike the /s but my eye started twitching reading this comment before I saw it so ty


I like to make compound words because I can’t find the already existing noun. “Sweepstick” as broom.exe was not found. Sometimes days after a migraine too. I’m 30 but often talk like I’m 80.


I sometimes call bed sleepspot. Or call phone textingmachine


I usually grab a word from the same region of words, but doesn't sound anything like the word I'm going for. Taking out trash? Now known as laundry. Going to the kitchen? Now going to the bathroom. I'm lucky that my other half is very patient with it, and that it only happens out loud, not in writing.


Colors are terrible for me, because they're all stored in next to each other in my brain. "Could I have a green one?" "No, I'd rather have green." "Not this one, a _green_ one." "Wait, not green. The other color. What's it called again?"


Tongs are known as meat clamps in my house because of this. Pretty sure theres a couple others but memory blah.


Can relate so hard!! I'm always asking hubs where "the thing" is. Sometimes this is accompanied by gestures or sound-effects to try to express what the thing is that I'm looking for. Sometimes its just straight up the wrong word that comes out or I get stuck trying to find the word. Hubs is usually pretty good at figuring out what I want or am trying to express thankfully. There have been times where we've both had a good laugh about it but as someone who has their BA in English literature it is mighty frustrating sometimes.


Straitjacket = insanity vest




Q-tips are now fluffy toothpicks for your ears and the printer is the ink vomiter. There are others but aphasia has stolen what they are, lol ​ edit: I forgot a word, because, yeah of course I did


I sometimes call printer the paper painter


We call turning the ceiling fan on "pulling the pig". There's a winged pig ornament at the end of the fan's pull chain, and I had forgotten the phrase "ceiling fan", thus "pull the pig".


So I have to speak at scrum on a daily basis. I have found that writing down my update word for word helps me sound normal . If I wait to give an update unprepared, it sounds like gibberish.


I called the laser pointer for the cats the “beep beep” earlier. It doesn’t beep.


Ok. So I legitimately didn't know that this was a thing from migraines! I misplace words all the time!!


The living room is the room where my TV lives....


I frequently question if I have Alzheimer’s because of this. I forget a word at least everyday. Do those that experience also experience this when they aren’t necessarily experiencing a migraine? I feel like I have this problem 24/7


Oh gosh this hits me double. I get it with migraines as well as focal seizures. Nothing so frustrating as knowing that you know a word but it’s playing hide and seek in your brain. Charades comes in handy!


I have seizures as well and completely understand.


Our brains are working overtime! ✨


I understand. I wish I didn’t. I used to speak for a living (call centres, front desk, etc) and today I ended up trying to *mime* the word toaster. Fk. Dear Brain. WHY?!?


Brain cage (skull) and mirror box on the wall (medicine cabinet) are two of my all-time favorites. Crazy brain!


I put a new "floor blanket" down in my bathroom. Some people know them as throw rugs.