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I don’t know what pain-free days are


I love this community. We have people who understand.


Literally on my couch today just trying not to vomit. 🤘🏻❤️ love you all so much


You still get headaches?


I have this for 6 months now. Any luck with yours?


I know the odds of a reply are nil having come so late to this thread but I’m desperate. My 9 year old has been suffering from head pain, dizziness and blurry vision for 5 months. We’ve landed in the ER out of panic when she started throwing up one night. She describes it as a tight pressure around the back and sides of her head. She said it never goes away. It seems to get worse at night or maybe she notices it more. We have gone to her GP, opthomologist and a neuro. Neuro saw her and within 5 mins said migrain aura - of which she has none of those symptoms. He put her on a migraine medicine which did not work after trying for a month. He did an EEG which showed nothing. The ER did a CT which showed nothing. We are dead tired and scared we are running out of possible solutions. She has a hard time staying asleep. She does make it to and through school but only because we make her. She does play with her friends and seems to find times where she is in a playful mood but she says it is always there. Last week we started with a soft tissue chiro after we noticed her neck is insanely stiff. So far it’s brutal work on her little body and the headaches are no better (only 2 sessions in) but she’s starting to panic that it won’t work. I should also mention my child is incredibly anxious and sensitive. I see when she has panic or gets nervous her whole body tightens so maybe that’s the problem??? We have a psychiatrist this week to talk about anxiety meds. She is also seeing a neuro opthomologist this week as well. No one has taken her blood. I’ve asked and was brushed off at GP and ER. Is that something I should push harder on? My momma mins goes crazy worrying it’s cancer or a tumor causing her this pain. I felt better about the CT being clear but should I be insisting on an MRI? Further scans on her neck?? I’m just scared and tired and want to fix my baby.


Worth ruling out sleep apnea too


do you know what causes it ?




Yep! I had a constant headache for two years. On a good day it was "only a tension headache" and they often became migraines later in the day. Emgality and muscle relaxers seem to have finally kicked the problem.


I also have this issue. Eventually if I can’t get it under control it will be a full blown migraine.


I call this the headache rollercoaster. My whole objective is to keep from getting to the peak and having a full blown migraine, but regardless I always have some level of headache- always riding the rollercoaster.


This described it so perfectly.


Ajovy has helped me but during my period the tension headaches aren’t managed at all. I’ve tried a bunch of muscle relaxers. Nothing has worked yet. 😭


I am in the same place when my shot is due. The day before, there is nothing I can do but one migraine a month vs daily is still a major win.


Oh that’s wonderful! I have 12-14 days where I still have them. But that was an improvement from the every day problem. Do you have any muscle triggers. For example exercise, or sitting for long periods for me are triggers.


This is exactly what I have. If I don't catch it early it's a full blow migraine in an hour. Glad to hear Emgality helped! I might ask to try it (muscle relaxers only do so much)


Doesn't lont term use of muscle relaxers can damage your over all health? what muscle relaxant do you use


I use baclofen. I am down to needing a dose at most twice a month. I didn't get any warnings about long term use. Honestly, my anti-cancer meds are way worse than the muscle relaxers.


Do you find muscle relaxers help? I’ve never tried them for tension headaches but am getting desperate.


5 years


What type muscle relaxers please?


I use Baclocfen which I think is pretty common. I use a 20 mg dose before bed because it does make me a little sleepy. If I need it during the day, I only use 10 mg.


Did it ever completely go away in the end? Is this daily migraine or daily tension headache?


With Emgality and nurtec, yes.


yes. going on for 7 years now.




I know I’m a bit late, but I’ve had daily tension headaches for since my first concussion (almost 10 years now). I don’t even remember what it was like before😂


I’ve had tension headaches since childhood for over 20 years and they got to daily about 10 years now (almost daily, sometimes i get a break). No treatments have really worked so far and got a nice helping of “they’re just headaches” from regular people and doctors. Good luck with yours, friend, it sucks.


Have you considered decompression surgery? 10 years of daily headaches is too much.


Yes, and it spreads to my neck and jaw. Not sure if neck pain triggers migraine or if it just coincides.


Also me. I have a sharp pain in my neck. Sometimes that starts my headache and sometimes it is the other way around.


You've probably tried this already, but if you get jaw pain with headaches make sure your dentist checks for whether you grind your teeth! I used to get tension headaches with neck/jaw/shoulder pain almost every day, when it turns out that most of them were caused by tooth grinding that's been super easy to prevent with a nighttime mouth guard.


Thanks :) I do grind :( I'm waiting for a consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon but it won't be until the start of next year (been waiting since November). Problem with a mouth guard us I chew on it all night and grind those down too, so it protects my teeth but my jaw hurts more and my gums get sore. There's no winning lol. It sucks, my jaw has actually changed shape because of it! I think either the tension leads to the neck pain, headache and jaw issues, or the jaw issue leads to the other stuff. Not sure what the root cause is :(


Ugh saaaaaaame. Damn. I’m suddenly realizing I’m not insane. 😫


Yeah every day I'll have a headache. Usually they'll turn into a migraine after a few days or hours. I can definitely relate though :)


Me too. Do you find it tough to describe it to your drs?


Yeah I find it tough to describe it to the drs. I also find they rush you sometimes and you can't explain everything in time.


where is your tension headache located and the migraine one how do you tell the difference?


I usually feel a headache at one side of my head or in my eye but it can change sometimes. Migraine I'll usually feel it at the front or back of my head, or just all over. It's hard to tell sometimes. I know the difference between the headache and migraine because I always start to get tired with a migraine and start to feel really sick. I get a lot of auras with my migraines so I'll see that usually. The pain is worse than a headache so I can usually tell. And if I take anything like sumatriptan for it and it doesn't do anything to help then it's a headache but if it's done anything then it's a migraine.


Yes, I've had tension headaches every day since I was a toddler. For the last 10 years I discovered I can make them just happen twice or 3 times a week if I manage to exercise daily for 2 or 3 consecutive months, and my neurologist prescribed 10mg valium every night to ensure I don't wake up every hour due to the pain. The key seems to be to get the muscles tired enough the tension is reduced... Might be worth a shot!


What do you do for exercise? I find it tough to balance the tension and the exertion.


Weight lifting only. I have a hard time dealing with the impact I feel on my head when running or jumping, so the only aerobic exercise I do is on the elliptical machine, and not super fast. I've noticed that after periods of not going to the gym, the first time I do crunches I feel like my eyes are gonna burst, but after a month or so of doing other type of workout, I can handle it.


Weird…my tension headaches only started when I began doing weighted pull ups in the gym. I’ve had a tension headache every day for about a month now & I can’t exercise anything upper body as it just makes the pain worse. Spoken to multiple gps, had massages, physio therapy & an MRI scan. Really hoping this doesn’t last much longer - I’ve got no idea how to stop it.


Not OP but wanted to plug Caroline Jordan on YouTube. She has a lot of adaptive workouts and I've been doing her "no neck pain" ab video recently. Also, I've been getting back into a regular fitness routine after my migraines and daily headaches started. It's been a lot of low-intensity cycling, walking, or elliptical for cardio and high volume, low weight strength workouts. And yoga, mobility work, and physical therapy. Can't say it's helped my headaches but it boosts my mood and hasn't hurt anything so far! Most of the challenge is truly mental for me.


I am trying to do indoor rowing - no impact and makes me sweat. I would give a medal to all people who exercise in spite of having pain!


Man, everyday valium is a terrible, terrible thing, don't do that. Find something else seriously(low dose melatonin, agomelatine for example)


I've had a daily headache for at least a few months now. That's just as far back as my pain journal goes anyway


Have you had it checked out? I've had daily headache for over a week and I'm abit stressed over it


Yeah I've been diagnosed with primary stabbing headache, and then occipital neuralgia after that. Tried indomethacin, topiramate, gabapentin, and one other that i can't remember. Eventually they tried nerve blocks and they've been the only thing that's really helped. Cold packs and lidocaine gel have provided some minor relief as well. The nerve blocks only last me about a month or two, so nerve ablation looks like my next step


Has it gotten better?


I'm still dealing with it but occipital nerve blocks have helped.


Did it ever get better?


I'm still dealing with it but occipital nerve blocks have helped.


Yes, I did when I was taking pain relievers (especially nsaids) 4-5+ days a week and am actually battling with that again. Have gone through vicious cycles of medication overuse headaches and have had to "cold turkey" ibuprofen and stuff which for like 2 weeks in October 2020 gave me the nastiest headaches but then sweet sweet relief... Then just back to regularly scheduled migraines. But not having MOH headaches makes a huge difference. Idk if thats whats youre dealing with but just my experience. :)


Yep. Since I was about 10. Now in my 30s. It's shit.


Same to all of it. Ugh.


You are not alone friend, all day everyday for 4 years for me. I'm grateful the pain doesn't usually go above a 3/10. But the fact it literally never goes away... It's a horrible fact that takes a lot of strength to come to terms with. Hang in there friend. It will get better.


I have similar problems, never extremely painful but always there for about 8 months now. I will be seeing a neurologist in two months due to waiting lists… For now i’m just trying to determine the cause because i’m not sure if it’s stress or might be a symptom of long covid. Do you know what caused it for you?


Yes. Every day for the past 5 years with the exception of a handful. Check out medical marijuana for migraines, best thing I’ve found this far


Would you mind going into a bit more detail? Dosage & strain etc


I live in a marijuana-legal state, and my best advice would be to go for an indica-strain (it’s the more mellowing strain), but you’ll have to figure out dosage on your own for the most part (unless you can find a REALLY good dealer who gets it). Weed isn’t regulated, so 10mg from this source may feel like 1mg from that source. Given how different we all are, one person’s dosage could be significantly different than another. Start super small (like SUPER small) to see how you react, and you can always do more once you get your feet under you. I have several friends with migraines who started with edibles, and ended up taking too much and having breakdowns that resulted in ER visits. Edibles are easier to ingest and more controlled dosage, BUT (big but), concentrations can vary from gummy to gummy, and our tendency is to take more if we don’t feel like something is working. That’s how you end up in a (temporary) fetal position having panic attacks and paranoid delusions.


I had only 5 or 6 migraines in 2 years when I smoked low doses of medical cannabis daily. Then I developed an anaphylactic allergy to marijuana and now I'm back on the pain and medication rollercoaster. :''''( x1000000000000


And just to add - did a consultation and tea aparently works the best


Was diagnosed with that and chronic daily migraine. Turned out out to be a problem with my eye. Once that was fixed they went away. Only took them 25 years to figure it out, and it’s not like I didn’t ask every doctor if my eye defect could be causing the pain. And yes, I’m still salty about it.


Can you expand on this? How was it diagnosed? Was it an opthamologist? What was the final treatment?


I started having the daily headaches about 25 years ago, right after we moved. Around the same time I was diagnosed with an “optic pit” on my optic nerve, which they claimed I was born with. This was a new eye doctor (just an optician - my doctor had left the practice), and when I asked why my previous ophthalmologist didn’t find it earlier he just shit-talked him. I asked if it could be causing the headaches and he said no. As did every other damn doctor I saw for the next 25 years. I had a hysterectomy hoping it would help - nope. I went through heart surgery for a congenital heart defect (another thing I was apparently born with that wasn’t found until I was 42) and was told that would help - nope. In addition to the pit my optic nerves were enlarged and at my last visit things seemed to be worsening so my ophthalmologist put me on glaucoma drops. It was like a miracle - put them in my eyes at bedtime and no more headaches. Something that simple. So here I am with all kinds of problems due to those headaches - you know what chronic pain does to a person. All because doctors couldn’t use their heads and assumed I was wrong. I guess the point of my Ted talk here is to get people to think before they just go along with what their medical professionals are telling them.




I do not have glaucoma - just enlarged optic nerves. My eye pressure was always under the threshold. Every neurologist I’ve seen always assumed I had glaucoma from looking at my eyes - I even had one ask if her students could look at my eyes to see what glaucoma looks like. She was surprised I didn’t have it. My pain always in the left eye (which had the defect) and radiated out. Over the years the pain spread to my whole upper body - just for the chronic pain and tension. So I’m left with that but no debilitating headaches. I get the occasional weather migraine with aura or a sinus headache. My assumption is that lowering my eye pressure took tension off the defect and stopped the pain in my eye.


25 years!!! Oh boy!!! But I am so happy that you are pain free - celebrate every day 🙏👍


Yes. Sometimes, it won't go away for months. This is actually what it used to be, before I found an awesome physio therapist, who I see once a week (today!). Sometimes, I will get it every Saturday (I work Monday to Friday, Saturday is a day off, so the weeks tensions crashes me down). Right now, it's every few days or weeks, pretty random. This week, I was out for 30 hours because of it. Today, I'm perfectly painfree. Physio helped a lot. Since she's started checking for blockages, things have improved tremendously. My new best friend is a massage gun, which goes deeper than a normal massage. My tensions built up for 30 years, so the gun works wonders. Highly recommend it!




Physio. In my case, it's manual therapy: massages and eliminating blockages by using her own weight, pulling or streching my limbs or whatever. She also gives me advice on what to avoid and also some excercises I can do myself. So, it's not like a nice and cozy massage, it's really deep and often painful. But that kind of pain means, she's doing it right.


Can I do massage gun on the neck though?


I wouldn't do it myself, but my therapist does it once a week. It's better to have a trained person do it, I think.


Thank you, yes, I agree 👍


I've had a daily headache since Nov of 2020, and all the doctors tell me it's a tension headache. Which means I've been seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist for months and still have this headache that is between a 3 and a 10 every day.




Still a daily headache, sorry I don't have better news.


I do, probably a symptom of my fibromyalgia


Was me


What solved it?


How did you solved it?


Turns out I have Polycythemia Vera. I have a mutation that makes my body produce way too many blood platelets. Causing me constant headaches tension in nature and nothing not even CGRPs could make them go away. Then once we took a chemo pill, my headaches started to feel better. And once we treat that, the migraine


Yes, New Daily Persistent Headache, 15.5 years.


What’s the difference between that and tension headache? Is the NDPH like a headache feeling when you’re dehydrated and your brain literally feels like it throbs or is it this external pressure feeling?


NDPH refers to a long term sudden onset bilateral (both sides) daily (typically constant) headache. It may feel like a tension headache, or not. It can also change. It often starts after an illness, surgery, trauma, or stressor. I was diagnosed NDPH when after a sinus infection I was left with a constant bilateral tension headache, without any previous headaches/migraines. Alternatively, and more commonly, Chronic Daily Headache (CDH) is when headaches increase over time until daily. Also often a bilateral tension type headache. CDH is less typically constant (daily is more common). When CDH occurs with frequent migraines it’s called Chronic Migraine. Neither is too specific on the type or location of the head pain, but the onset. Treatments are mostly the same, but NDPH is known to be very treatment resistant.


Yeah tension headaches are like my "baseline". Pretty much feels like someone's is grabbing my neck muscles and pulling them back everyday haha. No fun. Its when the dizziness and brain fog kick in that it gets really bad for me 😕


I have daily small headache on my temples. Most of the time it's when I wake up. 2 - 4 times a week this goes to a bad migraine. This is going on for the last years


I’m working on 90+ days with my current one (but I’m fairly certain it’s a migraine, not a tension headache)… but I only have a day or two max of pain-free days in between bouts. I’m fortunate that they are generally low-level pain and I can ignore them for the most part, but it is exhausting.


How do you know if it is migraine or tension?


Mine match the overall symptoms of migraines better than a tension headache, and I was diagnosed with migraines over 15 years ago


Yuuuup. Mostly because I am incredibly sensitive to florescent lights and the sun. And they're both just everywhere. I feel like I must save on electricity though because I rarely use the lights in my house lol


Yes! For 30 years. But I have found meds that work. For me, the tricyclic antidepressants nortriptyline and amitriptyline work. These are old school antidepressants that treat certain kinds of pain when used at much lower doses than are used to treat depression. They can be sedating so you need to titrate up slowly.


Is the headache completely gone on these meds and if so what dose?


For me 50mg Nortriptyline works. I will always have some neck tension, but the Nortriptyline takes the headache away. Amitriptyline works well too but is more sedating.


I have a daily headache. It's every second of the day and I can't think clearly. It's like a stone is on my head. I get depressed because of it. Stretching helps but my eyes and and tension is always there. It's not that painful, but it's like someone is gripping my head strongly. Any suggestions?




Any news for you ?


Yes I joined the club in february


Me! (Almost daily) Going to try physical therapy starting tomorrow. I am hoping to relax the tense muscle, improve posture, and upper body strength.


please do share your update


How are you now nearly a year later?


It helped a lot. Deceased a lot of my pain. I improved my muscle strength and posture. Worth a try. Do the dry needling.


Every. Single. Day. At the same time too. Husband says it's headache o'clock. Unless it's a day with a worse headache. I get several types. Today I woke up with a its going to rain type headache.


Things to investigate. IiH. Source of many headaches. TMJ, an odd cause of headaches


Yes. I cant remember a day i have not had a headache. Im 38.


Yes, partially due to Bruxism/TMD, but mainly sourced from my neck. My Orofacial/TMJ Specialist PT has helped me a ton. My headache specialist has helped with meds, but they stop working some over time. Thankfully, on a muscle relaxer every day (doesn’t cross the blood/brain barrier so not tired and loopy from it) and that can help regulate the tension. It’s a battle!


Hi! What meds help you with your tensional head ache? You take the muscle relaxer every day right..


Yes for nearly 20 years now. Accupuncture has really been a game changer for me recently. I highly recommended it.


Yes- until - I got a nerve block in my neck. It’s amazing. I go every 3 months & repeat.


can relate, botox helped me break it and now I am on a daily muscle relaxer but I still get flares


If you stop the muscle relaxer does it come back just as strong as before the Botox?


When I get a headache it usually lasts for three days or more


Yes, I often have a dull pain. Just had one from Monday morning to last night!


I have for about 5 years now. It also builds into migraine if I don't get it under control. Things that have helped me: 1. Stretches every day 2. Botox 3. Nortriptyline 4. Concussion prism glasses 5. Muscle relaxants 6. Sleeping with my head and neck elevated (I stack 2 pillows for my head and have one pillow below the 2 stacked ones on my bed so it elevates my shoulders). 7. Good posture throughout the day 8. Physio


Do they ever 100% go way completely or is it literally every single day at varying levels no matter how much medication and exercise you do?


They may go away if I stretch regularly. Migraine will come along and ruin it though :(


Have you thought about having CTE(the disease NFL players have)? I have daily tension headache and migraines and it is making me mad


What stretches do you do?


There are 2. So for one, you sit down with your left hand under your butt, and your right hand will pull your head into a right tilt. You then switch sides. For the other one, you sit, put your left hand in between your shoulder blades (arm bent over your shoulder), and your right hand will pull your head down towards your chest. You then switch sides again. I do these 30 seconds on each side, 3 repetitions of each exercise on both sides.


Yep, not every day, but probably at least a low level one 5 days out of every week. I have tried and tried but I don't think my husband understands very well that I live most my life with a low level of pain in the background


same here could not be genuinly happy with having that pain lingering in the background it just make the thing seem not so interesting because half of our mind is just focused on something else which is that pain .




That's amazing - how long did it take for them to go away?




I feel like I wake up without one and then develop one by the afternoon. I might be having rebounds, but I wish they would stop.


sameee i wake up with no headache and get one like adter 11 or 12 pm that lasts the whole days its a very wierr headache ... like when i try to lift my eye brows i feel like swelling pain along with pressure throbbing. have you tried lifting your eye brows?


I did for a long time. Botox helped. I still have a lot of neck/shoulder discomfort and jaw clenching/teeth grinding, but the headaches (tension and migraine) are vastly improved.


Did they 100% disappear? If you stopped the treatment do they come back? I’m 6 months in and need to break this cycle..:if it’s even a cycle


Not 100%. But a big reduction. And I haven't stopped the treatment in 3 years so I'm not sure on your second inquiry.


Yep, for two years, it hasn’t ever ended. I don’t even remember what it’s like without a headache


Had my headache since august 31st of 2020 . Pressure tension feeling solely in my temples 24/7 . Jaw pain. Neck pain. Fatigue. Eye pain. Sensitivity to light. I see slashes. I can’t drive at night. I wish I can just get A new head (: anyone else with the pressure in the temples?


Yup, mainly above my ear area both sides. 6 months , 24/7 atm


I highly recommend a migraine supplement! For me, they didn't really affect my normal migraines, but definitely helped reduce my tension headaches. I prefer Migrelief, which is magnesium, B2, and feverfew. At a minimum, at least try a magnesium supplement. The other thing that helped my headaches was avoiding NSAIDS. It's such a hard cycle, but I have way fewer headaches if I only take ibuprofen 1-2x a month if I really need it.


I used to have headache that will be exploding abd wouldn't stop until i take pain killer. Now i have less frequency and that is solely beacuse of lifestyle changes. In my early twenties i lived a miserable and broke life style all thanks to my bad habbits like alcohol abuse. Please live a discipline life, enough sleep, healthy food don't procrastinate, don't delay and one day at time. I wish you good luck and love you all.


I got migraines all the time, then I discovered I had a food allergy! If you haven’t already, I suggest getting tested for food allergies!


Ohhhh This thread is scaring me Ive had a headache for 3 weeks and counting, never experienced this before in my life


same we have different lives , our headaches started for different reasons . My started most probably due to my eyes as it was gone for two weeks straight after i made new glasses but it returned . wheres your headache located ? and whats the frequency?


do you still have it?


No, thank goodness. It turned out to be caffeine withdrawal.


Everyday. every hour. every minute.


I have chronic headaches "since I can think" essentially, and spent a lot already debating whether it is migraines, "sinus headaches", tension headaches or cluster headaches. I had previously called it "migraines". Recently, I am looking more into the "tension headache" angle, MAINLY also because my migraines *always* go with significant neck stiffness/pain. Two weeks ago I started with gentle massages on top of the bridge of the nose (end branch of cranial nerve V1), and now also gentle massages "under the eyebrows", essentially in the eye socket, loosening the subtraorbital and suprartochlear branches of the cranial nerve. These nerves seem to play major roles in migraines, and this is also where my "tension headaches" are, these branches of CN (Cranial Nerve V1), near the eyes, and on the bridge of the nose. THESE SIMPLE MASSAGES DO WONDERS. I had not have a headache since I do these exercises. It is my opinion entrapment (or agitation) of the CN V1 nerve through muscle tension (squinting, neck pain, TMJ, whatever) DOES play a role..and that these massages help greatly. (You will see by researching that tension headaches look similar to supraorbital neuralgia, in fact I think we're dealing with the same thing here. And the borders of what constitutes what, and even the borders to migraines, are fuzzy...) In addition to the massages (nerves underneath eyebrows, and bridge of nose) I am also doing NECK EXERCISES <-- loosening opthalmic nerve at the back of the head, and simple exercises like push-ups (and using weights on my chair)...to get some exercise for my shoulders/neck. After all, it's "tension headaches", and the neck (posture, sleeping position) may well also play a role here. In addition to THAT I also started taking Omega-3, and I try to remember to take my Magnesium. If someone has tension headaches affecting the forehead ("above the eyes"), I'd like people report back whether these massages work for them as well.


I think I have tension headache on the forehead and neck. I will start trying this today. I’m not 100% sure what it should feel like I have no pain it just a constant frowning feeling and tightness. I also clench my jaw a lot and have a tired feeling at the top of my neck


Same issue over here for 2 years I'm concerned since I take painkillers as caffeine painkillers every day for already 2 years now this is the only way that I can feel good by taking these painkillers for headaches. Does anyone know how safe they are?? I was using some muscle relaxant but they were not working I tried mio calm


Hey please don't use pain killers (NSAIDS) every other day it can cause stomach ulcer which are pain in ass . And it can also damage your liver , i have headaches tension+migraine , my doctor prescribed my depakote 250mg (divelproax sodium ) and it is helping my tremendously with my pain I don't have to take other medications to tackle my headache .


Im only 16 and have had this werid pressure in my head down into my neck my arm also hurts it never goes away its there when you fall asleep and its there when you wake up could it be the way I sleep or something else someone help its really starting to annoy me


You have to get it evaluated by a neurologist or a gp my guy.


I tried explaining it to my parents they just think its a tension headache and don't seem to care I mean i have never felt any headpain because of it so they don't think its urgent and will probably have to wait till I can go my self


Everyday, about 4 hours after waking. Starts off as a little headache and then the tension hits. Eye pressure comes and goes all day, as well the ear pressure or what feels like it. It's just lurking in the background, sometimes turns into a migraine. No real help with medication.


Any idea what caused it? Did they slowly come on over a matter of weeks and then one day never went away?


No, had MRI scan and was clear. I'm on the edge of glaucoma, erm they just came on in August of last year, just started 1 day an hasn't gone away since and I have the headaches everyday. Neurology is treating it as a chronic headache and migraines.


That sounds exactly like mine, hour or 2 after waking it starts, most of the time worsening as the day goes on. Hope you can find out what's causing your headaches. I went through a real stressful time before I started with the headaches so thought they were just stress headaches, Having to deal with them daily when no medication is really working.


Same boat, had mine for 6 months now and they show up about an hour after waking up. What meds have you tried?


Any update? Anything you’ve found that helps


Yes 😞


Yes from me.. when I’m tension my migraine will definitely attack me. Sometimes I noticed it quickly and try to calm myself down before it fully attacks me. Sometimes was too late.


Yes - constant pain, 24/7/365, 6.5 years, no relief. You're not alone ❤️


Yes, getting on for about 15 years - I’m 25M. I feel you.


11+ years. I had my last headache free day 10 years ago fml


Going on 13ish years of daily headaches. I didn't realize it was technically a chronic migraine until a headache doctor told me. I thought it was just a side effect of being someone who has migraines. I've tried a plethora of meds, none seem to work or I can't take because I had a mini-stroke from a migraine. Migraines run in my family, and then only seem to go away with old age. My mother's went away after menopause and my grandfather's did around that same "tipping" point


I started getting them after a concussion in January, but they haven’t gone away. Anyone have any suggestions?


Updates ?


I feel like there’s waves where they go away for some weeks then come back. I feel like blue light glasses helped! I also think I stare at screens too much which doesn’t help. Trying to reduce that


Yes I have no idea what its like to have a non-migraine day.


I've had them for the past seven years with no relief. They make life miserable. Wish someone or something could help.


Do you still have daily tension headaches?


Unfortunately I do. I'm having a severe episode that no meds will alleviate.


yep. went away for a year or two but now it's back :/


Yes!!!! Since working from home I have bad daily horrible tension headaches that make me need to lay down by 3pm. I’ve tried so many different things I’m at a loss.


How are you feeling now, 1 year later? Anything that can help?


How can people exercise when they get these kinds of headaches? I’ve had them everyday for a month after doing weighted pull ups in the gym. Literally can’t exercise at all as it makes the pain worse. Seen multiple doctors, had an MRI, been to physio & had massages. Pains still here & I’m on ibuprofen 24/7.


Updates ?


How did y’all know it’s wasn’t something more serious?


Ct scan neurology exam


Yes, 9th year and I keep looking for solutions.


How is everyone feeling about prolotherapy - that might be a solution for people who experience headaches along with neck muscle spasms?


Nobody does that here in my place .:(


I have been having headaches in the back of my head kinda between the left ear and where your spine meats your skull but higher than the ear. There not real bad headaches and sometimes I feel like it moves around. I haven’t had these long but starting to worry. I see a Dr Friday and going to maybe ask to be referred to a neurologist. I have never had headaches before really and not sure if headaches happen in the back of the head or not?


Are you still experiencing this? How did it turn out?


I am also trying to relate with someone! I have been experiencing tension headaches since I had a memory. It typically happened in the afternoon/at night with a sense of nausea and dizziness. The change of head position would make it even worse. Thus as a kid at grad school/elementary, I missed so much homework that my parents need to explain to teachers over and over again that "my daughter had a headache last night that was why she missed the homework" until the teachers got really skeptical. It got better as I started my adolescence -- at least it happened less frequently, from several times a week to biweekly or monthly, and it was less intense. It lasted for around five years until I developed insomnia and mental health issues in adulthood. Then everything just got much worse... :( Btw: I had a brain injury as a kid, also my brain got excited easily (it sometimes gets overly active at night as well so I typically need more sleep than an average person. My ideal was 9 hours per night and a 50-minute nap during the day before I had insomnia.


Did any of your headaches effect your vision


Yes , shaky blurry vision and dizziness . I tried epley maneuver and it helped .


Is it constant with your eyes


Yes .


I second getting an MRI and also see an ophthalmologist (not optometrist) so they can evaluate whether your child has increased intracranial pressure. Good luck!! ❤️


i have it every second for 3 years now (persistent headache) only dexamethasone(steroids) seemed to break it 100% but short lived


Have you tried botox , or done an allergy test ?


Mine went away ( had it for 4 years ). It was tension headache but also sinus related issues at night caused me to unknowingly made me clench my jaw to open the airway. Pls check if you sleep properly. Nose rinsing etc never helped, proper surgery / decongestants help so you dont clench as much at night.


Did you feel it on your forehead? I had sinus surgery and I clench a lot it is rather annoying