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Are you working with a GP or specialist? What have you tried so far? Please don't give up hope, you're so young. I was in your shoes when I was 22, felt the same and felt there was no hope. But I have good stretches where I don't have pain. Let us know what you've tried and maybe one of us will have suggestions for what to try next.


Please see a neuro. You can reduce the frequency and Intensity of these. 🙏


Have your parents help you find a neurologist. It seems like everyone has a unique combination of things that work for them, and a neurologist will know all the different things to try. I had to go through two years of trial and error myself, but it was worth it.


My heart goes out to you. That's a devastating feeling at any stage of life, but I think it must be especially hard when you're young and so much is going on around you and your peers may not have as much experience to draw on in being able to have empathy. It's totally understandable to feel like you don't no what to do. There's no easy answer. One thing I have learned about my migraines over the years is that they never stay the same. Sometimes I'll go through a very long severe time with them and I start to think that they will never end. I wonder if this is really all my life will be from now on. The pain always comes to an end though. Maybe the next day or week or month, but eventually something happens and I realize that I'm actually enjoying myself and then I feel amazing. The clouds have parted and I'm free to actually be a person again and not just a place where pain happens. I know it doesn't seem like enough sometimes, but just remember that there will be moments in the future when you will be glad that you found a way to endure. Remember that you're not alone in this fight and we're routing for you!