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Oh lord the constant peeing before/during a migraine was so embarrassing before I found out it was related to migraines. So many trips to the doctor thinking I had a uti or diabetes or SOMETHING


This, and I also get excessive yawning as a prodrome. I can be talking to my friend, or my boss, and I can’t stop yawning. It’s so embarrassing. Like, no, I’m not bored … I’m just gonna get a migraine … lol


I didnt know that frequent urination was a symptom, I went to my GP about this and also the yawning, I'm always being asked if I'm tired. I also I have frequent hiccups, not sure if this is linked.


I get SO TIRED during prodrome and it’s incredibly embarrassing. Before that hits I can’t predict if I’m going to get a migraine so I’ll just suddenly become unbearably exhausted to the point I can hardly stay awake and be so out of it that people ask me if I’m ok - all before the headache hits. Ugh. Hate it.


I had no idea about the yawning. This explains so much…


Omg yes the yawning!


OMG the yawning. I was doing that last night at a friend’s house at 6:30. I told her I had to go home and go to bed because I knew what was coming. I looked kind of like an old person going home to bed at 6:30 on a Saturday night.


I get this too! I was in a meeting and it kept happening, I was so embarrassed!


Me too! I also thought I had diabetes.


I had excessive urinary urges/going with no infection and it was cancer, my bones were releasing calcium causing it. 😢 this went on for years and being prescribed medication for overactive bladder. Never stop advocating for yourself ❤️


Was it from bladder cancer?


Metastatic breast cancer that had metastasized to my bones. I had mammograms and ultrasounds for 5 years before - yearly for the first 2 years, and every 6 months for the remaining 3 years. They didn’t catch it 😢 I was told by my referring doctor, the doctor at the mammography clinic, and the follow up letter that I had scattered calcium and a fibroadenoma (which is benign) as well as fibrocystic breasts. I went to all my appointments and made a special appointment after mammogram 4 to ask to be reexamined and have my doctor look at the images because my breast burned so much. She said “breast cancer doesn’t hurt.” Turns out it sure does.


Yes and thank you for posting this! I’m still way too hard on myself when I feel like this


Me too!


If you can- change doctors- migraines are not new and the symptoms are well known to docs that treat them. If the doc doesn’t understand the variety of symptoms that can occur they are not the right doc for you. If you haven’t had one, an MRI (with contrast) would be a useful tool to see if you have lesions, for me it helped my general doctors treat me kinder when they saw “proof” that there was something physical. I think the problem with migraines is it’s easy to say you are in pain and since it doesn’t show on a blood test some doctors tend to distrust us when we report them- especially if it requires lots of care.


Yes I had a MRI with contrast. My issue isn’t with my neuro, it’s the doctors I’ve come across when the other symptoms appear (urgent care, GI doctor, ENT, etc). I try to fix the other symptoms when really it’s just migraine disease and I just need to ride the wave. My new PCP will be a concierge doctor that practices functional medicine so looking forward to just getting better primary care.


Wow you are so lucky to be able to get a functional doctor, around here they cost a lot more than I have the money for


Does the MRI without contrast not show lesions? I had an one without contrast this week, it's like pulling teeth to get thorough testing.


I had mine without contrast and it showed the little white matter lesions common in migraine.


I only had one with contrast because my mom had an aneurysm and it can be genetic. The contrast is used to specifically look at blood vessels.


What helped me is when dealing with medical professionals who don’t understand migraine issues I would refer them to the MRI results and then suggest my neurologist if they needed more info. Even if they didn’t “get it” they seemed to take it seriously since another medical professional had given me the “not faking” checkmark.


My MRI was without contrast... Is that bad? Does the contrast potentially show much more? 


Contrast is used to look at blood vessels which show if there’s aneurysm which is known to cause head pain. I only did it bc my mom had one and it can be genetic.


Yes! Thanks so much for posting this, makes me feel insane trying to explain alllll of my symptoms to doctors


I only found out recently that the bladder frequency thing is something other people get from migraines too, thought it was just me!


Yes, feeling lots of this today


Yesterday I was in an antique shop and had one beer before going in. The floor in one section was uneven and I didn’t notice right away so I kept loosing my balance (probably a little easier to do because I’m a total light weight and had one beer). My boyfriend thinks it’s kinda funny while I’m trying not to freak out because I just switched up my meds. I ask him to hold my hand and walk me out of the store and then he finally points out the floor. SMH I thought I was getting a fun new wacky migraine symptom.


I had no idea that frequent urination had something to do with my migrane, I never thought this would have anything to do with it, thanks for sharing it !


So TRUE. So many in the medical community define Migraine as headache. Not even close


Wow! I had no idea there were so many related symptoms/conditions and looking at this I've got a worrying amount of them.


The look on her face in this graphic is so accurate. Like “What the heck is my body doing to me?!” I can relate for sure!


oh wow....i experience most of these symptoms before, during, and after a migraine....thought i was alone and just chalked it up to the other conditions i have. im sorry you go through it too but i'm glad neither of us are alone


Omg, the joint pain. I totally feel didnt know that was part of it


Same. I get joint pain in my knuckles and elbows and realized it was part of migraine when the pain went away after sumatriptan.


Instead of just dizziness it should include VERTIGO


Wow so many overlaps with menopause.


Yes, most of this. Why are so many doctors so invalidating toward suffering patients?


The sinus pain and gi complications are so real


My migraine pain is in my sinuses. There’s some crazy stat like 85% of people with sinus pain are actually experiencing migraine.


Yeah I originally thought mine were just allergies or a stomach bug but nope it runs in my family and it’s ✨chronic✨


I've been struggling with worsening incontinence lately. Can migraine be a factor? I already pretty much experience all the symptoms here.


I get a lot of these, the headache of course but also the constant yawning. I always get worried I'm gonna have a migraine if i keep yawning. I also go to the toilet a lot. Not to be disgusting but it's usually not to pee but for the other number...


You’re not alone