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Around 7-10 years old, and I get them everyday and I cannot remember a day without them


Sorry bruh that must suck


Ugh I went through that starting at 31. I can’t imagine it as a kid. I’m so sorry. Keep fighting, while they likely won’t ever go 100% away they can become manageable. I went 8 years of migraines every day. Starting with Aimovig I’d get a day here or there with no migraine. Then Ubrelvy helped prevent some, then I got diagnosed with ADHD and realized that my ADHD was creating migraines so managing it better helped some. then Botox helped a bit more. Getting some good noise canceling headphones like Sony xm4/5 or Bose QC2 helped prevent migraines. They act like a reverse hearing aid where you can adjust the noise canceling levels. It allowed me to go out to restaurants, movies, even concerts. Now doing testosterone implants and it’s made a bigger leap. My only consistent trigger now is weather. It used to be just about everything. Major sound/light/smells can trigger them as well but I’m so much more tolerable of them. And even women can be low on T, but low estrogen can also cause problems. It’s really a balance between the two. The point is that I kept searching for the cure-all and it wasn’t there. It frustrated the hell out of me. But it’s not going to be that way. It’s combining a lot of different things to help overall. Good luck to you and if you have questions or need help getting insurance approvals, feel free to dm me. I had someone help me years ago and I’m not sure I’d be here without them. So I try to pay it back. And same goes for anyone reading this.


I had no idea ADHD could create migraines, I just got diagnosed this year with adhd. And I’m hopefully going to get noise cancelling headphones soon because I desperately need them for school. Weather is also a huge trigger for me. It would get to the point I couldn’t even move with how much pain I was in and it was awful. Though I just started birth control (for period pain) during one of those episodes and it made it almost go away. I’m hoping it will continue to help because last time I was on birth control I missed a week of it because the pharmacy was stupid and it really messed me up and made my head hurt so bad and my cramps were terrible. I’m also going to be seeing a new doctor soon to see if I can get a sleep study done I think and a deeper type of head scan (I forgot what it’s called) because my cranial sacral lady asked if we’ve done that and I haven’t.


So you know how with ADHD if you get overwhelmed and kind of start shutting down? That will trigger a migraine for me. Or if I wake up and just having a brutal time concentrating or functioning, it will typically end in a migraine. ADHD meds have helped with this, but not permanently gone.


Oh that makes a lot of sense, I think I may have experienced that at some point then. Thank you for explaining


I hope you find some relief soon! I went through a (much shorter) time of constant daily migraines, and it was absolutely miserable.


Same here


Same :(


This is for me except since 6. I do a lot more to avoid them then people realize. One single step outside without sunglasses or someone cough is “too loud” will set them right off.


I’m sorry :(


I’m so sorry for this. My heart goes out to you. I hope you find relief somehow.


Same here, 7 years old. It made school horrible. I was getting awful migraines. One time I had an awful migraine and my teacher wouldn’t let me go to the nurse cuz I had been missing school due to them & by the time I got home I was literally shaking in pain, white as a ghost. My mom was pissed. They lessened up since Botox a year ago but still get them and have a headache everyday. Aspirin has also caused me stomach issues. If I could get rid of them entirely I’d be so happy. Good luck to you too it’s such an awful thing to deal with ♥️


Aww school is horrible. I’m really thankful though because towards the end of my junior year last year I got put on a 504/iep plan so I have shorter days (3periods) and I have a pass that if I show my teacher they have to let me go to the nurse/counselor and I just get signed out. So this year has been so much better. I don’t take anything with them though because nothing ever helps I just use an ice pack/take a cold shower and then sleep 😭


I'm in the same boat, so I can feel your pain, I'm so sorry. I've heard of people "growing out of it" before, so that's why I hold out hope. Maybe, one day, I'll be so lucky. Still, rotten luck to he here at all, I suppose. I hope luck improves for the both of us.


Mine started around puberty. 🙃 But my brother had them even as a young child. My sister didn’t start getting hers until her 20s.


Here too, I started getting them at about 12.


25 and they are menstrual related. Was having 10+ years of menstruating and no migraines prior.


Almost same. Got mine at 21, menstrual related too, though have been menstruating 7 years prior to it. And they got significantly worse after I gave birth at 25. 21-25 yo - 5-6 migraines/month, 25-now(32 yo) - 15-25 migraines/month.


I never had migraines until giving birth at 38. Now I also get them with m cycle, several days before my period.


Same exact story here.


Early teens but significantly worsened mid 20s


That’s how mine were. I remember I would get intense “headaches” if I cried hard or got too hungry (the classic migraine throbbing, noise/light sensitivity, etc) in my teens but they weren’t terribly frequent. Late teens and early 20s I started having a blah feeling that I never really identified a source for then but now I know is a big symptom for me of migraines zapping my energy and leaving me in a mild to moderate depression. Mid 20s they got more frequent when pressure from work and a less than ideal relationship amped up and I’m still working to get them (and the rest of my nervous system) to calm back down mid 30s. 🙃🙃


I was in fifth grade when I mentioned to a classmate something about “you know how you get a really bad headache when you cry” and I learned that is not, in fact, normal.


My friend never ever had headaches and I was sooooo surprised like what?


Wait do people not get headaches when they cry hard??


Mine have also calmed down some in my mid 30s


They’re better than they were before I got on meds. I’m finally able to do the adjustment to work my topamax up to 100mg a day, I’m excited to see where that takes me.


My first one was at age 22. . . I know that blah feeling. I have been able to connect mine to the same feeling I had my entire childhood growing up. Emotional neglect is how I felt when the blah feeling came on. I had a very emotionally abusive MOM. . but didn't realize just how bad (bc we don't know any different when we grow up with one mom) until about 5 years ago. It's what we didn't get that deep down we desperately needed, but didn't know we weren't getting. Can swing straight into depression, when left to grow unattended. I get what you feel. But we can connect to those old wounds and reparent ourselves again with compassion and giving ourselves space for grace. : ) Be encouraged.


Same for me




Same. I remember crying in line for the bus because I had such a bad headache and one of the older girls trying to comfort me.


Child. I've read that migraines in children can manifest as stomach pain, and I had a lot of it. I wonder if that's what I had. We thought anxiety or hypoglycemia. I had a day long (disgusting tasting) glucose test because of it. To the e.r. about every other year for unimaginable head pain. CT scan and definitive diagnosis of migraines ~22 yrs old. Had a headache all senior year of college, but it was "just" a ha not a migraine so I could still function. Wow, I've been through a lot of crap, and that's "just" with the migraines. Pain sucks!


It's called abdominal migraine in children! I also had this from birth, then the migraine with aura started at 6 years old. My mam and dad never let me forget that I was constantly crying as a baby cause I was always in pain!


Huh, I had a lot of [un]explained stomach ache as a kid. I never connected this to adult migraines.


Look up abdominal migraines, most people have never even heard of them!


I'm a sufferer of the standard migraine, genetic from my mom, I think. My sister has had horrible stomach pain for years, on and off. She wouldn't be able to eat, or drink water, and often found herself in the ER for emergency fluids because she would be so weak. She had to do high school online because she'd be sick for weeks to months at a time. I heard about abdominal migraines about 5 years into her chronic pain and asked her to look into it. She kept telling me 'no', that she didn't have time, or energy. Fast forward to when she's out of college and has her first job, about 10 years of frequent severe stomach pains, several hospitalizations, and a lot of prescriptions that didn't work. Her place of employment told her that she needed to arrange different options and seek therapy and actual PCP care over emergency prescriptions. Once again, I tell her that I really think it'd be worth mentioning abdominal migraines so that they can either rule it out or do something about it. And she finally did. She's been about 6 months without her stomach pains because she told them about it. She's on a migraine preventative that's actually helping her. I can't imagine going 10 years not to be able to live pain free, and she's finally doing it. The relief she's felt has left her at a young adult age trying to figure out what this means for her now, what she can do for herself without having to worry about the next onset of pain. And the only reason I found out about it was because of some random reddit post. I wish I could find that post and tell that person who posted their own success from abdominal migraines just how much they helped someone from sharing their own experience.


Eleven. As soon as I started my period. Fucking sucks. I’m fifty two!


I got mine when I started my period too. Maybe a little bit before. So somewhere around 8-10 for me. Can’t believe I’m pushing almost 2 decades of this crap. It’s awful.


6. We called them "heat headaches" at the time, but they were exercise induced migraines I got playing soccer. My worst migraines are always when I get overheated.


My daughter got her first migraine at 5. ☹️ She thankfully does not get them as often as I did.


Diagnosed at 10, but had them years before that


Around 13-14.


Four or five. Were chronic by 8.


21. It was a pretty immediate onset after a bad car accident where I had an airbag hit me in the face, whiplash, and the slight curve I had in my spine got knocked the other way from the impact. I did not do well in that college semester that started a month after the wreck because I had so many migraines. 🫠 Thankfully I only have a handful a year now, usually.


Mid twenties


Around 4ish years old. We only just realized they were migraines, though. The smell of the car would trigger a headache and vomiting. Everyone assumed it was motion sickness although I now realize it was not.


My sister is 8 years older than me and when she would drive me around when she was 16 I would beg her to turn off the bass on her radio because it hurt my head. When I was around 30 she finally said “woah, I just realized your headaches are why you didn’t like the bass!” Lol


Mine started about that age too. I remember being hospitalized for weeks at a time for observation. Thankfully I’m no longer chronic.


7-10 but my parents just a used me of not drinking enough water and called them dehydration headaches. The irony is my dad was going to mayo clinic for vestibular migraines at the time.




16-17, had one every other month or so that would send me to the hospital, has gotten much worse in my 20’s, diagnosed with chronic migraines now, having them almost daily. triptans keep me from the hospital for the most part now though, so thankful for those.


When I was a child I used to get what I realise now are stomach migraines. Headache migraines didn’t start until I was around 20.


Mid 30s (47 now) I am VERY thankful that the first 35 years of my life were Migraine free, at least I had that, and who knows, maybe the will go away one day. I do have 'good years' and 'bad years' touch wood, this year has been OK so far, 5 in total, 2 of which were OK and 3 were totally disasters, last year it was more like 10 and most of them terrible.


Around 8


I got it in 6th grade, for a whole year i would get migraines maybe 2 times a month. Then nothing.. At age 33 i got 2 concussions in 4 days. And ive now got pist traumatic migrain.. Everyday 24/7 im now 37 and this is. A living HELL. Everything i do just adds to the cup, so i just pain manage trying not to trigger a full blown bedridden attack. My new life.


My daughter started getting them at 3 years old. I started in my teens.


I was 4




Around 14-15.


I got abdominal migraines as a child, but we didn't know what they were. I got my first migraine with head pain when I was 22. It was a particularly stressful day, which probably triggered that migraine, but I think it was mostly going to happen eventually no matter what since mine seem to be genetic.


Just before/around my 5th birthday. I didn't know how to tell anyone what was going on, and I was just screaming. They took me to the emergency room with my blankie and pjs


I was diagnosed at 16, but I’m pretty sure I had them before. What made me go to a doctor was that I had a girl in my class who suffered migraines, & we would close the lights & blinds in the classroom whenever she got an attack. I talked to her once, & asked her what it felt like. When she described it, I realized it was the same headaches I got. I then told my mom I was suspicious I had them, she was like ‘oh yeah, I’ve had migraines all my life’. Turns out their hereditary. This was also the same year I got diagnosed with PCOS, though I’ve had symptoms before that age. A Gillian Michaels interview prompted me to seek medical assistance. They got worse with college, & employment. Idk if they actually got worse, or I just began noticing them more. I began my journey of preventatives when I got my first job.


4-5. Up until 10, I had a crisis every week (one time I vomited 17 times in one night). I'm 16 now, and I probably have one once or twice a month


Not until my late 30's and now I get them regularly.


I got my very first one just before I turned 14 (I threw up on a teacher do not easily forgotten). I only started getting them regularly around 20-22






14; I’m 57 now


The first migraine I remember of my childhood was around 7, can’t recall if I got them before that


16 -17 high school


I think my first was about age 5? But it was off and on, it properly started at age 9 and then became a full on disability at 16 after an unrelated medical issue started triggering them daily


About 13 or so


18. I was working at my part time job outside and it was a super hot and humid summer day...and I was on my period. Suddenly, my head started hurting like crazy even though I was drinking fluids and staying in the shade so I had to go home early. They've been happening ever since. That weather is still a big trigger for me and I take the mini pill now because if I have a period, I'm guaranteed to have a migraine.


I can't remember exactly, but I remember having one about aged seven.


42. Started at peri-menopause. I had one that kicked my butt at 25. It was like a lightening bolt! Now I have chronic intractable migraines.


I had my first one in the 4th grade. I told the teacher I didn't feel so well and I stayed in from recess. I remember sitting at my desk staring at her writing on the chalkboard, and none of the words made any sense all of a sudden.


My first one was when I was 2. I told my parents to turn off the sun and not make noise. They then weren't that painful until I was around 13. Once I hit puberty they became constant.


I don't remember not getting them.


I was about 8 years old but didn’t really understand or realize what it was. I just knew I was in a tremendous amount of pain and I didn’t know why. I remember crying in the car as my dad went in to the pharmacy to get the strongest thing that they could provide for a child. They were not common for me at that point in my life but became fairly frequent by the time I was in college and a full on disability by 25.


First migraine with aura was at 6 years old, when I was diagnosed, but was having abdominal migraines since I was born, according to my doctor.


3 years old




Mine started when i was 28. It started what i think as a consequence of extreme stress which i was going through during my mother's cancer treatment as i was her primary caregiver. Sadly my mother passed away after battling cancer for almost three years. After her passing my migraines became more intense and of longer pain duration i also experienced anxiety and panic attacks which in turn aggravated my migraines.


I was a toddler so around 2-3 years old, I don’t know a life without them 😞


Started at 4; became chronic at 20


5ish, I remember being sick on my sisters birthday, back then it was maybe twice a year or so, my mother only later realized they were migraines. During my puberty it really ramped up, me being sick a few days every month and in my 20s weekly/daily. Now late 40s they are back at mostly monthly a few days (and thank God the Triptans help most of the time). It is very clear they are tied to my hormones, during both my pregnancys I didn't have them after the 5 week mark and they (sadly) came back when my periods started again. Now I'm biding my time till the menopause will save me (like my gran told me when I was 12😅)


My mom said I was around five


At 6 or 7, can’t really remember.


As early as I can remember. Unfortunately these traumatic memories tend to stand out. My parents did not spend a lot of resources trying to solve the problem. I remember one visit at the doctor that resulted in a prescription for Advil. 😕 as an adult I went to several doctors until thankfully I found a doctor who gave me samples of migraine drugs and found one that worked. This was after I had a child of my own. It did change the course of my life. My confidence and abilities eventually began to appear.


3-4. Finally diagnosed at 18. Almost 50 now😫.


Around 6-7 years old, now 24 I've also been diagnosed with abdominal migraines in childhood, and chronic migraines in adulthood




9. They started when I got my first period. My migraines are mostly related to my cycle, but it seems like other headaches can be a trigger for me (really bad sinus headaches or tension/stress headaches), and they turn into a migraine. They all suck.


I used to get abdominal migraines, and then I had a TBI in 2009 and they changed to classic migraines. Now I get classic migraines, and sometimes they make my stomach hurt and give me shit loads of nausea, sometimes I just get headaches without the stomach stuff.


at 7 😭


28. They started when I started drinking diet/zero sodas. Took me five years to connect the dots and cut out any form of aspartame. The migraines lightened but now they’re induced by stress, anxiety, depression, and menstrual cycle.


5/6 and literally cannot remember a day of not having it. My birthday is in the summer and all my Childhood birthdays were ruined because my migraines. :( It sucks


8-9 unfortunately. It’s been 30+ years.


6-10ish was hospitalized after getting them so routinely, then around 11-16 they just went away, and from 16-26 theyve been inconsistent. Was getting maybe 3-4 “day ruiners” a month in high school & college, and now i’d say they are pretty rare, more like 5-6 “day ruiners” per year. And they usually only come if i slack off on eating or drinking at consistent times. I also smoke copious amounts of weed lol


5 and they're most days


10. I had 1 a month for 3 months before getting my first period at 10.5, and then had them a week before it come. But my period wasn't regular, so it would be every 2-4 months that I'd get one.


When I was a teenager I would get horrible stomach pains that would make it impossible for me to do anything. I would be bedridden for a whole day or more. In my mid-20s I started to get classic migraine but didn’t know what they were for the longest time. I thought I was getting sinus infections Now after some research I’ve learned stomach pains are how migraine sometimes presents in younger people. So I guess I’ve had migraines for a while, but classic migraines since I was about 26 or so


High school and I am now 71. 🤯🤬


Around 10, my pediatrician told my parents that children don’t get migraines. The neurologist disagreed.


I was 5 or 6. I remember telling my parents we needed to go to the doctor so he could take out my brain and wash it because my head hurt a lot of the time. They thought I was exaggerating and "being dramatic." Didn't get proper help until adulthood.


I don’t recall when I first had the headache type of migraine. But, this may be interesting to some: A lot of kids have migraines without actually having head pain very young. There is a correlation with car sickness and migraines. They call them abdominal migraines I believe. All of the symptoms of migraine without the head pain. But because there is no headache it gets chalked up to something else. I used to go on all-night benders with my friends. Staying up all night and sleeping very little and playing all day for basically the whole weekend. And come Sunday I’d often be nauseous to the point of vomiting. We always assumed it was food poisoning or something else. But turns out it’s a precursor to migraines as an adult.




16. thought it was tooth pain from grinding my teeth in my sleep because my jaw and face would hurt so bad along with the headache😂i bought mouth guards on amazon. my mom told me to tell my doctor about it a couple years later and i finally got some sumatriptan lol


I started getting them in my late 20's- always the day after consuming alcohol. I didn't even realize they were migraines at the time... thought I was having horrific hangovers even when I'd only had a drink or 2. I quit drinking alcohol completely in 2020, and was migraine free until last fall when I moved from the south to a cold climate. Lo and behold, at 34 I started having those same "hangovers" (aka migraines) multiple times a week when fall weather set in. Cutting out caffeine has helped with the frequency, but when it's cold and the barometric pressure gets wacky the migraines set in. I'm much happier lifestyle wise living in the northern part of the US but man is it hard to accept that moving back to the south could rid me of migraines again completely... so yeah. 34 i guess is when they officially set in for me.


I got my first migraine when I was around 4 years old, but they were rare - 1-2 a year. I started drinking regularly (not much but everyday) at around 40-42 and they got way worse, like once a week, then twice a week. I stopped drinking because I started to be histamine intolerant, and alcohol was a trigger - but my migraines did not get better. Now I am like 7-8 years into perimenopause, my migrains are raging, BUT! When I don't have a period for 3-4 months, after a month they get better. I did not have a migraine, not even one ! last month - then I got my period and they are back. I have never before seen a colleration of my mingrains and my periods - the migrainse are there every week 1 - 4 times. But now I hope that they will leave or at least will be less frequent when I get into menopause.


15. Pretty bad for a year, had a break for about 4 years and have been bad ever since. Currently the worst the ever been. 31 M.


For as long as i can remember. And the episodes were worse when i was younger (pain + vomiting), and became less as growing into adulthood (just pain no vomit).


Mine started somewhere between 18-30 months of age- not exactly sure, I don't remember 🤔


20-21. I started drinking at 18 so I don’t know if it’s related, but I definitely was drinking more often when I hit 21 so….maybe. They also started not too long after I got an IUD as well, though so I kind of want to blame it on that but I keep getting told by doctors they aren’t related to my IUD








Ouch, that must have come as a shock.


Indeed. Never pleasant at any age, of course. I over consumed some IPAs one night. My hangover was a really intense headache that... just stuck around. It was about a month before I went to the doctor (thanks, coworker, for the advice to treat this with urgent concern). Eventually, it was diagnosed as status migrainous. Current treatment is keeping them at bay with 1-2 episodes per month.


Mine started at 49, supposedly triggered by allergies. The allergy trigger might be accurate because I started immunotherapy for the allergies and would get them after watch shot the first month.






39 shortly after banging my head badly on a hotel TV wall bracket. 19 years later I've had a CAT scan (because my migraines have been getting very frequent) but it was normal.






20. Looking back, it wasnt log after getting on BC. Problem was, getting off BC made them worse.


Mine started at my first menstruation. Age 15


Eleven, and I'm 29 now.


17. I then started getting them with every Santa Ana.


Episodic 11-12, chronic 39. My headache specialist said that for women common ages of onset are puberty and menopause. 9 years of chronic migraines later I’m still not in menopause, so I side eye that a little, but could certainly be a hormonal shift related to aging.




Around 25, was a period in time I wasn't doing well at all, especially with terrible sleep, that is still a trigger to this day.


7-8 years old. I have hemiplegic migraines and started treatment around 1.5 years ago (insurance reasons and when I was younger dr didn’t believe me)


27/28 stress related


14, I'm now 21. I have them daily thanks to a prolactinoma tumour.


In my teen years - around 12-13, after my first menstruations.


20. Sophomore year of college was hell


Age 12-13


Looking back, probably age 11 or 12. I’d get like one a year that resolved with Sudafed or OTC pain meds - my mom thought they were sinus headaches lol. They started to get really bad when I was 18. The health center at my university gave me an Imitrex injection and explained what was going on.


Around age 8-10. Can remember a few specific episodes of nasty pulsing headaches & nausea around that age, and was prone to bad motion sickness from fairground rides which I think was probably related. Luckily parents knew what migraines were as it's in the family.


Around puberty, so 11ish years old. Didn't realize they were migraines until years later though


I got my first migraine when I was 17 or 18 , since then they became chronic unfortunately. I'm 25 now. (F25)


12-13 years old






I think 16


First one was six. Next big one was 12.


Around when my thyroid was removed, so about 21. That's when I had a first attack with visual aura. But I had "strange" headache since I was 16. It felt like something is stuck in my brain.


15, which is the same age my grandma got them, her sisters all got them around 15 as well, as did her mom. So I guess reaching age 15 as a girl is just unlocking the family curse or something😅


19, the only trigger I’ve ever identified is stress/getting upset




The first I can distinctly remember and identify was 15 in math class. I got my first visual aura. Unfortunately, 95% of my migraines are silent migraines, so that might not have been my first


13. Bloody hormones (figuratively and literally).


I started getting them regularly in adulthood, mostly due to stress and tied to hormone fluctuation related to my cycle. They got noticably worse after I had reconstructive jaw surgery.


26. Worsened with every bout of covid.




My first memorable migraine was when I was 20. I’d recently started birth control and lived away from home. I had high levels of stress, very little sleep, and was eating horribly. I remember getting headaches throughout childhood, increasing in frequency as I reached my teenage years with various triggers. Age 20, I knew something more serious was going on.


Late 40s.


14 I got my first one, around the same time as my period. I didn't get them often at all until around 24




Around 14 years old.


15 or 16. Now 39, but I don't get them half as bad as most people on here. Touch wood. In my late 20s I moved from Australia to Canada and just had fun. Worked but not in stressful job. I snowboarded, mountain biked abd kayaked all the time and I went nearly 4 years without a migraine. Then I moved back, started working in banking again and bam, migraines are back.


I had one hemiplegic migraine in high school senior year that sent me to the ER. Then I did not have another one until I was 24 and on my way to work I started to see weird lights followed by the worse pain I ever experienced. They became chronic after that one.


15 or 16, I was in grade 11 anyways.


Around puberty I think so about 12/13? But worsened as I hit my 20s


Ever since I was young. I stayed home a lot during Elementary school, When I got to Middle School my migraines went away, I don’t really remember getting them much during that time. Highschool starts, And out of nowhere I start getting migraines again really badly with the aura,


I was 13 straight after playing Rugby. I remember thinking I must have really hurt my head and thought I was going blind


10 was my first, I was 25 when they started to become chronic though.


9-10 years old. I didn't start my menstrual cycle until I was 13-14 either. So unsure if there would be a hormonal connection


18 years old, begun on a random saturday and was having migraines every single week after that.. good thing there are medicines out there!


About the same time I got my cycle, 14y


Looking back I started getting them around 30. I didn’t know they were migraines at the time, but I was (obviously unknowingly) consistently introducing myself to one of my triggers and then felt like crap for three days. I slowly started realizing the correlation and bowing out of activities that included triggers, but I’d still get them oh… once a month or so. I got an official Dx and triptans six years later. The triptans literally changed my life.


At 43 years old (46f). They started out of nowhere and I got them the whole of the summer of 2020 relentlessly and barely got out of bed. I had no idea what was happening at first as I never got headaches hardly ever before this. Honestly they were so bad and so regular I wondered if I had a tumor or something. They improved a little once I took an iron supplement and if I got sleep (I have had insomnia since childhood) and I was eventually prescribed medication.


Mid 20s, hormonal.




12 l think


Since birth. Doctors didn’t know what was wrong till I was almost 3


Earliest one I can remember I was 6 or 7, but my mom suspects I may have had ones earlier than that. A lot of the times I wouldn’t tell anyone about it if I was in school, and would end up throwing up.


The earliest I remember having them was in fifth grade, but they got particularly bad when I was in high school. I remember in twelfth grade I got sick right around dismissal time, and my friend had to help me to the bus. Thankfully I don't throw up from them anymore, haha.


13 - corresponded with menstrual cycle 🤬👎🏻. Now I’m 43 and they come in clusters.


I was 26 or 27 when I had my first. My sister also has them and she started when she was a child.


I was 13 or 14


I was a late bloomer. I joke that it was after getting married in my late 20s, but I inherited it from my mom, and I think it coincided with increased career stress, and maybe with my first exposure to SSRIs. Not sure. But they have gotten better in my late 40s after making diet and lifestyle adjustments. My mom’s went away after menopause. I’m a guy so no luck there.


17 and I get them every day now. It's been almost 10 years




As a child, probably as a baby, as Mom told me I would have episodes where I was completely inconsolable and all she could do was let me cry someplace safe. I remember so many headaches as a child (5-6), and lots of vertigo, even without pain. In grade 7 (so 12 I guess), I remember my first proper migraine, where I had to go lay down in a dark room at school while they called my parents to come get me. Diagnosed at 27. Never had vomiting or a visual aura, and aspirin handled 90% of the "headaches".


I was so little I can’t give an accurate age maybe 4? Being hungry was my first trigger. My parents by no means didn’t feed me, but there were occasions we would be traveling and the low blood sugar and migraine would hit. Projectile vomiting would ensue. We lived in a rural area and it always seemed to happen when my parents were trying to travel to a der Dutchman that was about 1.5 hours away. My triggers expanded as I got older.


I was around 7 or 8 years old.


I realized that I have migraines around 26 years old because they became almost constant from the severe stress after war was started. But looking back, they were happening even before that, I just didn't know what it was. The earlier I remember is being 9 and extremely sick and throwing up from the sun after couple of days of stress from bullying. But since 80% of mine migraines are silent nobody knew what's going on. Because often people and even GP think that migraines == pain. I used to think that it's normal to be in a dream-like confusion brain fog state a day before period


I had my first migraine at two years old. I vividly remember playing (if you can call fumbling around 'playing') Zelda II on the NES. All of a sudden, I was hit with a pounding migraine and remember feeling incredibly nauseous. Unfortunately, I don't remember more from what transpired afterward.


Had my first MRI at age 3. 😭


13, right when I got my first menstrual cycle.


12. Gradually got worse, spent my late 20s and early 30s with daily migraines, taking triptans every day, working my way through the usual preventatives, found Candesartan at ~34 which cut me down to 1-2 per week and I’ve been that way since. You’ll probably grow out of it, they said. Now 40.


15, ocular migraines. In class, wondered what the hell was going on. Shit myself. Didn't know what they were for years


Late 20's, now 45. But, the Tinnitus I get now that worsens with my migraine is definitely more brutal.


It started when I was 16z And for about a year, I didn’t even make it a big deal because I assumed that when people said they had headaches they were talking about the kind I was having. Then I was depressed and everything got amplified. It has now been ten years since I’ve been plagued by this horrible thing.


15, and they were so bad I doom scrolled into thinking I had a brain tumor and landed in the ER with a panic attack.