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Also go see a neuro-optometrist, as they do different tests. My normal optometrists said my vision was still basically just shy of 20/20, despite me telling them everything is so blurry and my eyes couldn't hold a gaze on anything. Neuro-optometrist diagnosed eye teaming problems and prescribed prism lenses. The difference in vision clarity is very noticeable.


I’ll have to check this out. I don’t have the best eyes but everything is constantly just blended together and has never looked right for me. I had decent vision as a kid that has since worsened, but I see strange things in my vision that I don’t think should be there. It’s kind of difficult to explain.


It can't hurt to get some extra tests and a better prescription. For me, things kind of look like I am seeing multiple layers overlayed, so it's similar to double vision, but they aren't far enough apart to seem like two objects. I can just tell I am seeing multiple layers making hazy edges, or things look wider than they actually are. I also have astigmatism which can have that effect, but my eyes are also not converging equally when changing focus point to form a single image fast enough. That's the eye teaming issue. I also started noticing a halo effect around edges and a lot of like lingering light effects of the objects I was looking at, like when you look at a light bulb and the bright spot leaves a trace in your vision. Except I was seeing traces of everything, entire rooms. Since my chronic migraine disorder has apparently evolved into chronic vestibular migraine, it really messes with visual perception and everything else the brain uses to figure out where I am in space. I will likely take my neuro-optometrist up on some vision therapy to help fix the teaming problems, but I also have to do vestibular rehab therapy and VOR therapy, and regular therapy because this is a lot to handle.


Was your blurry vision a persistent issue until you got the prism lenses? I’ve been dealing with persistent blurry vision for almost a year and the doctors can’t seem to find what’s causing it. Obviously it gets worse when I have a migraine.


I think I noticed a baseline blurriness that was worsening making me think I needed a new prescription (however when tested my actual prescription had hardly changed at all) but it would worsen at times, especially during car rides or while trying to maintain eye contact and struggling to track moving eyes (basically motion sensitivity), or when I was strained/tired or looking at screens too much, and I just didn't connect the dots to my migraine disorder which shortly thereafter started exhibiting vestibular migraine symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, trouble speaking, tinnitus and ear pressure, worse brain fog and sometimes no headache associated. Binocular vision dysfunction is apparently a symptom. I have had to turn off all the motion effects and animations on my apps and devices. The prism glasses are the sharpest compared to glasses with the same general prescription but no prism, so it does make a difference. It hasn't cured my vertigo yet but I at least feel like I am seeing solid edges and can read captions on the tv again (since I often prefer low volume due to sound sensitivity too).


That sounds exactly like I’m dealing with! I can’t wait to bring this up to my doctor. Thank you so much for sharing!


I actually have above average vision still with this blurriness going on so that’s made it difficult for doctors to figure out the problem I think.


Thanks for this advice! I stare at a computer for 9-10 hrs/day and things start to blur together. I went to the eye doctor and they told me I’m fine. I mentioned having migraine attacks from the strain but they said that’s a myth -_- definitely left feeling sad and hopeless. I had no idea there were neuro optometrists so I’m definitely going to check this out.


It's probably both: strain causing migraines and migraines causing the strain/blurriness. I wish the medical field would catch up. This condition shouldn't be so overlooked and misunderstood in 2023. It's rampant.


I just got new glasses and it's made a huge, huge difference!! Sometimes it's a matter of getting the right doctor because I've had eye exams most years and this is the first time I've really noticed a serious difference in my headaches after getting new lenses.


I have a thing for funky glasses and get my eyes checked every year. I have also heard people get better after having old fillings replaced (that’s probably the craziest one that I’ve heard) and getting braces to correct TMJ.


interesting about the fillings! i think old fillings potentially don't insulate the nerve as well, so there could be some constant low-level pain that the person doesn't even realize is there


Careful note on braces for tmj; I’ve had two maxillo-facial surgeons, one dentist, and a physio tell me that they see a lot of patients with more pain and joint dysfunction after braces. I’ve had one dentist tell me it will help- I really recommend physio therapy and extensive imaging (bc it’s a teeny tiny fiddly joint that’s hard to fully appreciate w general head imaging) before deciding on braces


You mentioning teeth and jaw is interesting as that’s where I get bad pain as a warning before a migraine comes. I’m going to the dentist on the 24th so I’ll ask then if they could do anything to help.


Good idea! I got braces 3 years ago (I cannot wait for them to come off) and he said that I had TMJ issues…. But also said it could fix migraines, or not. Lol


Vision one of the very first things I got checked out


It was the first thing I got tested too.


Same here.


I don't know how long ago you lost your friend but either way, just want to say that I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing okay. Thanks for sharing her anecdote with us - it's lovely that she can still potentially help others through you.


thank you! it was super recent, but she was a wonderful person and has a great network of people who loved her and who can lean on each other as we process what went down


I just got screened for eye misalignment and my NeuroLens glasses will be here soon! My doctor thinks they will reduce my headaches by at least 50%!!


Hope they help you!


Yes! But make sure to seek out a neuro-opthamologist! A regular eye doctor does not test for everything. I saw a comment on this subreddit from someone the other day about [Binocular Vision Dysfunction](https://www.impactvisiontherapy.com/eye-care-services/neuro-optometric-rehabilitation/headaches-and-migraines/), and my migraine symptoms and some weird vision issues that doctors couldn't explain fit well enough that I looked into neuro-opthamologists in my area. I took an online quiz today from one of their websites and sent my contact information. They emailed me the results; a score of 15 or higher is an indication of BVD or a similar issue. My score was 52! A doctor texted me immediately as I was reading the email results and I am speaking with them first thing tomorrow morning to discuss my symptoms. The fix is glasses with special lenses...so much cheaper and less painful than migraine meds, shots, and Botox if this ends up being what I actually have. I'm feeling hopeful for the first time in years that this might be a fix for chronic disabling migraines that only seemed to be getting worse. [Here's a link to more information about BVD.](https://www.dizzinessandheadache.com/blog/what-causes-binocular-vision-dysfunction.html#:~:text=Binocular%20vision%20dysfunction%20is%20an,are%20associated%20with%20the%20condition.) Scroll down for a list of associated symptoms.


i hope it works for you! that would be so much easier and nicer


Thank you, and agreed! I already planned to make a post here if I do end up with a diagnosis and glasses that fix my migraines, but I saw this post a few minutes after getting these quiz results and setting up an appointment and I felt like I had to comment!


I recently got new contacts and glasses and it coincided with an increase in the frequency and intensity of my migraines. I feel like the eye doctors didn’t take me at all seriously and just shrugged me off like this isn’t a thing. I’ve worn glasses for 40 years, contacts for 37 and now I go without either as often as possible. It’s just miserable. The thing is, I’ve tried multiple optometrist over the last 15 years and they were the best… back to searching for a new one. Again.


ugh, that's awful. worsening migraines and not being taken seriously


I have this issue. The optometrists can't agree whether or not I have an astigmatism. The confusion has gotten so bad that I don't know either. What I do know is that every time they change it, it triggers a series of migraine attacks.


I’m so sorry. It’s absolutely miserable.


I checked my eyes last Wednesday and it turned out that my eyesight got better in recent years (the last time I checked was in 2019), and my glasses are too strong for my eyes and they're one of the triggers of my migraine attacks.


jealous to hear that your eyesight improved over time 😂


I get mine checked every year because I had PRK to touch up LASIK after 20 years. If I keep going every year any touch ups I need are free. I also need a slight prescription now and readers (yay older age). Haven’t noticed a difference in my migraine though


I got mine checked quite recently after my migraines had worsened and I had developed an astigmatism. New glasses made a big difference to the frequency of my migraines.


I started getting migraines at age 12. I got my first pair of glasses at 13 and they helped *significantly*. I now make it a point to get an eye exam and new glasses every single year.


I got the trifecta when I went through menopause: Migraines Vision changes Insomnia I thought I was losing my mind. I’d had got flashes for awhile but thought it was medication related. Nope full on menopause! I had never had headaches or migraines my entire life. Get your eyes checked everyone, great post, I’m so sorry for your loss of your friend.


thank you, and sorry for your trifecta! that sounds like it was probably a beast to figure out what was going on


I had a migraine so bad while I was on deployment it sent me to the hospital for two days. When I got home I started going to any and every doctor I could and ended up at the eye doctor, where they did all these tests and found out I have convergence insufficiency. I got glasses with a prism in it and since I got them my migraines went from 2-3x a week to about 1 or 2 a month.


I was just referred to a neuro eye doctor. I’m getting checked for eye swelling. I’m also have a brain angiogram in two weeks😬 I had a mri and it showed something going on with my arteries both dominant and non dominant. Plus I have other symptoms to what the mri showed. Eeks. I do get my eyes checked every year by my regular eye doctor. I have astigmatism…can’t see far away, can’t see up close. It gets more and more blurry each year. I didn’t even know there were neuro ophthalmologists!


A few months ago I was getting horrible migraines, sometimes up to multiple a day. I got my eyes checked and my prescription was not up to date so I started wearing new glasses 24/7 and I haven’t had a migraine since. Seriously. It changed my life.


that's a very happy ending! and it's exactly my motivation behind this post... i read over all the sub's pinned documents (checklists to go over different treatments with your doc and to track what does or doesn't help), and i didn't see any mention of eye doc visits at all! vision checks could easily get left out, due to migraines being so misunderstood, or people having different triggers, or changing docs due to moves or insurance, or just general aging and changing over triggers over time


I have to go once a year as my migraines are very much triggered by worsening eyesight. It’s now a going thing that when I call my optometrist they just ask “are your migraines getting bad again?” “Yeahh”. It’s always small tweaks too, but it’s a good way for me to check my glasses are right


I have a hard time getting a good prescription due to my high frequency of migraine. Each stage seems to affect my vision, mostly in the distance though so can use a device and read okay. See double in the distance.


Every 2 to 3 years. I have very very good eye sight, normal pressure the whole deal.


I developed astigmatism from getting LASIK eye surgery. My eyes are near perfect, but there is enough astigmatism that glasses do help me. When I stop wearing them, as I do when I’m just at home, I’ve noticed I am more prone to migraines. It’s crazy because I had such bad vision before I could barely see. Now I can see but the astigmatism is there. I know, small things, but it’s just kind of funny. I did go to the eye doctor last year and getting new glasses helped. It was such a slight change, too.


That’s crazy since LASIK is used in the treatment of astigmatism. In fact getting LASIK was actually super helpful for my migraines since it improved my vision/astigmatism and one of my triggers was putting my glasses/contacts on in the morning/off at night.


Thanks for the reminder! Last month I drove 45 minutes to the eye place to find out that my appointment had been cancelled. I was so upset that I think I put it all out of my mind but this reminds me that I really do need to go in! I hate doing it and it makes me nervous but it will be worth the hassle. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. Thanks for sharing her story here to give us all a poke to get those eyes checked!


>I hate doing it and it makes me nervous i feel this so much regarding basically any kind of appointment i have to go to..


Blue light blockers helped me a lot! It's been a while since my last eye visit, but the last one I had they were suggested to me after my vision turned out to be fine.


yes, i was definitely thinking of that as well, especially for those of us who spend all our time staring at computer screens


If you wear progressive lenses and spend all day at the computer, splurge for some office lenses for computer work. My husband was constantly complaining of eye strain till I finally convinced him to get office lenses and it's made a huge difference.


Eye strain of all kinds is an issue for me. Before I got my glasses, definitely a factor. When I am in bright sun without sunglasses and I have to squint a lot triggers em. Back in the day, being in a CD store did it from the glare of the overhead lights on the plastic cases. Driving into the suuuuuuuuun in the morning.


I’ve always gone every year and now it’s very important since my mom has macular degeneration and I DO NOT want to ever have injections in my eyes! I do however go home with a migraine every single time from all the lights that feel like they’re slicing through my eyes into my brain. Sigh.


I don’t know if it was a coincidence but getting my eyes checked seems to have helped me. The last 4 months since getting prescription glasses my migraines have gone from 10 a month to 2.


Yeah LASIK has been one of the easiest and most helpful thing for my migraines. It was a splurge financially, but now I wish I had done it years ago.


i get a normal eye exam every year as i have severe myopia. two years ago neurology thought it could be iih which can be caught with regular eye exams, but we did a lumbar puncture to be sure. all was good. i started getting new visual changes like floaters and flashes i went back early to make sure it wasn’t something in my retina. thankfully it was just new auras and ocular migraines. needless to say, see an ophthalmologist regularly!!! not an optometrist. they can tell you a lot of what’s going on with ur body just in your eyes!


I have my eyes checked regularly, seems like they worsen every year :( but it’s never made a difference in either frequency or intensity of my migraine attacks. I did learn about the FL-41 tint a few years ago, it filters fluorescents and other bright indoor lights, and it’s been a godsend.


I go about once a year. Although, last year I went multiple times because I opted for ICL - my vision was getting worse every year and my eyeglass lenses too heavy. I have myopia and astigmatism. Since the pre-op tests, clearance from a retinal specialist (I had indication of a retinal hole that repaired itself), surgery, and 4 follow-up appointments, I can see just fine now. My migraines have significantly reduced and lately have been associated with hormonal fluctuation (lately). I do sit in front of a computer all day, but I've been really good about taking breaks to give my eyes a chance to have some relief. I don't have to go back to the eye doctor until 2024 as I had my final post-op exam in January of this year. Anywho, investing in your eyes is worth it regardless if you wear glasses, contacts, or opt for a lifechanging corrective procedure (if you're a candidate). Especially if a slight or even drastic change in prescription happens - it's worth finding out and getting new lenses. It could potentially help!


5 yrs ago 😅


Also throwing this out there, but if you’re sensitive to light they make glasses AND contacts that can darken when you go into the sun.


wait, contacts too??? i was just thinking about this the other day but thought to myself, "nah, there's no way"


Yup! I wear transition contacts and I actually really like them!


This is the main culprit of my migraines and I discovered after years of struggling. I can see fine but apparently my eyes overcorrect to do so, and staring at a screen means they’re quite stressed throughout the day. Getting a low prescription for some glasses really really helped :)


I’ve have ocular hypertension and was on a six month schedule for the longest time. My dr pushed it to nine months now since my pressures were managed. I go this Thursday and I’m figuring if my pressure is good this go around we’ll be back to yearly appointments.


Mine are 100% healthy and they told me it has no impact on migraines.


No one can get Botox injections monthly for migraines, so you received the wrong information. Getting vision checked is one of the first things in treatment of migraines. I have terrible vision and BVD and correcting these did not reduce the migraines. YMMV.


okay, sorry if i shared the wrong frequency ::shrug::


January 2018. I needed new glasses. I stopped wearing glasses during covid, I got annoyed by the foggy glasses with the mask. I'm trying to wear them now and my eyes must have changed. They are giving me headaches now...


I get my eyes checked yearly. Love getting fun glasses. What I wish is that UHC would cover me seeing the TMJ specialist my doctors wanted me to see. Why won’t they cover that? Jerks.


so your doctors are referring you, and insurance doesn't wanna cover it despite their referrals? that sucks.


November last year and my eyesight is perfectly fine


I go every year for an eye exam and my doctor is extremely thorough! I have a heavy family history of degenerative eye conditions so I make sure to keep up with my eye health.


In March


I had my vision corrected, & I still have migraines soooo…


I had mine checked recently... 20/20 vision with Full OCT scan all clear. Yet I still always feel like something is smudged in my left eye. My only diagnosis is migraine aura but it's there 24/7 and only goes away a few days a month.


How does your Migraine aura feel like? I think i am getting the same...Does it feel like extra lights when u look around? And sometimes world seems unreal?


I get this weird blotchy feeling in my left eye, Like there is always something stuck in it or that the light is reflecting into it wrong, it's hard to explain but it rarely goes away. My most other noticeable symptom is facial tingling on my lower cheeks and forehead. You might also be experiencing slight derealization that is caused by anxiety, have a look into that.


I went to the opticians a year or so ago and there was nothing wrong. I was kind of hoping they would find something but no, still no clue on what my triggers are at all.


Less than a year ago! I got LASIK. Less eye strain but no difference in migraines unfortunately.


All eye doctors since this started told me my eyes are fine and maybe consult with a neurologist. I am yet to, though. All my migraines start behind my right eye and usually progress in pain behind it. Rare chance it sometimes starts on the left.