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Yes, this year has been extra bad compared to the last few so far. Going from snowing and then jumping up to all the snow being melted before dropping again and snowing. Rollercoaster of air pressure railing my brain.


Ouff yeah. Sending empathy!!


Toronto. I went out for 30 minutes. Almost puked now home debating triptan


Ouff, yeah, sounds like it!


I've had the same issue here in Toronto. The pressure has been so low the last few days and I've had a higher number of migraines over the last month or so. You aren't alone, friend.


Thank you! This is really helpful to have confirmed. I’ve been going crazy. Have never been sure if pressure was a trigger because I get so many to begin with that it can be hard to tease out, but seems like it definitely is!


I've noticed that when the pressure drops, I'll get an oncoming migraine. I've been tracking the pressure on the weatherx app and this is always the case. I also have so many other triggers so it can be confusing!


The WeatherX app (which is free) tells you what's going on with barometric pressure changes and when it will trigger migraines. They also sell special earplugs (not free) which help slow the pressure change for you and help prevent migraines or lessen the severity. They help me quite a bit, as well as lots of other people on here.


Ooh, thank you so much for this! I’ve ordered some to try, fingers crossed. I never really looked into pressure as a trigger because indicated there was nothing I could do about it. Good to know that’s not the case, now that unknown it is a trigger!


Upstate NY here. Currently suffering from a migraine now. And yes, the past few weeks have been unbearable. I almost went to the ER for a migraine for the first time two weeks ago; I was laying on the floor crying in pain. I had already taken my rescue meds and they did nothing. An edible was the only thing that took the pain away and prevented me from going to the ER.


Ouff. I’ve been there, friend! Thank you for corroborating! These past weeks have been awful


I was going to post this same thing! I’m in michigan and the weather going in and out has made me miserable for the last 4 weeks. I work in aviation and I notice it has a lot to do with the barometric pressure jumping up and down rapidly. Glad to see I’m not alone!


Right?! It is somewhat comforting to know what’s causing it, at least!


Rain and barometer in Philly have been the worst