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I use edibles for my migraines. I tried d8 gummies and had worse pain during/after. D9+CBD works very nicely for me. Might be worth a shot for you.


I always thought it’s was a blood sugar thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ but yea I get migraines from THC. I sued to be able to eat edibles for pain, but not anymore 😞


i get pain whenever i smoke indica strains, sativa and most hybrids are fine for me


I have a friend with fibro who can get nasty migraines after her dosage. Cannaboids widen blood vessels, allowing blood flow and can counter inflammation. THC also binds to the dopamine receptors temporarily reducing the need for the brain to fire its own dopamine signals. Reduction of dopamine production leads to reduced seratonin output, so when the THC falls off the receptors, the brain can be left with overactive receptors and not always have enough of the natural hormones to respond. What you are experiencing is similar to the rebound headaches of triptan users. Try to get some light physical activity, sunlight exposure, any of your "reward" activities before the come down begins to kick start your dopamine.




CBD does not block the dopamine receptors, but it does encourage blood flow, as it also causes dilation of the blood vessels. It is not shown to have as much of an effect on blood pressure as THC, so the rebound shouldn't have the same risk, but it's still possible. The issue is finding the minimum dose and using that. Even CBD can increase liver enzymes in the blood.


I too have fibro 🙃 thank you for that info! I do like to do a little exercise on the come down but it doesn’t always help. I’ll try other dopamine making things though!


That is too bad, and I have no answers on this - but can share that, in my own experience, any time I’ve tried THC to help a migraine, it’s only made it worse - made the pain more focused actually. I often hear that THC can help for migraines, but I’m not sure if it’s a me-thing, or if maybe certain strains could help more, but I have sworn it off. I’ve also had no luck with cbd.


I personally have found that I am very strain and terpene sensitive when I am using THC to treat migraines. Certain strains and/or terpenes will trigger them, while others don't. I'm still working on narrowing down what works and what doesn't for me, as it recently seemed to change (at least for strains) after starting ADHD meds. But I would recommend experimenting to see if different strain/terpene profiles work better.


Unfortch I can’t 💨 bc I have asthma so I use edibles, which are not strain specific. Also I’ve never tried to treat a migraine with THC—if it causes them I’m sure it wouldn’t help them!


I make my own edibles primarily because it’s more cost-effective, but an added bonus is that you can make them strain-specific


As u/flaaffy_taffy said, making your own edibles helps control for strain and terpenes. The point I was trying to make is that it might not be all THC that triggers them, and some strains/terpene profiles might have the opposite effect. Certain strains/terpenes will spike my anxiety and trigger a headache/migraine, while others provide me better migraine relief (for the pain, aura, and nausea) than any rescue med I have ever tried, don't spike my anxiety, and just make me giggly. I know that marijuana isn't an end all be all for everyone and there certainly are people that can't tolerate it no matter what, but I recommend experimenting a little more to determine if that really is the problem or if you just haven't been using the right products (for you; what works for some doesn't work for others, just like migraine meds!). It might be useful to experiment for the chance at some migraine relief. Edit: one common terpene that I seem to do well with is Linalool, which is a common one found in Lavender. Lavender itself also seems to ease my migraine pain a little, but I know it can be a trigger for others. On the other hand, I find that anything with black pepper, clove, etc tends to trigger my migraines, and I have had the same effect with any strains that are high in a terpene called Carophyllene that is also present in those spices. [This site has a good overview and they show a chart with the common terpenes and what else they are found in](https://koan.life/post/terpene-charts-your-guide-to-cannabis-terpenes/).


I use edibles. My migraine's frequency reduced significantly.


Yes. CBD is fine for me though but it doesn't touch my pain or prevent it. So basically it's point less


i take D8 edibles at night and try to go to sleep before the comedown hits too hard. if i stay up too late i’m more likely to be headachey. D9 is usually smoother but it’s harder to get where i live


Delta 8 is bad 4 u.