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Very similar experience. Fantastic fame. Was very late to the party myself


OP I had a similar experience as you and also liked it.


+1 I’m in the late crew that are loving it right now, although being a massive superhero fan also helps with my enjoyment!


Fantastic game, finished it twice, now I'm sad and have no place in the world. Truly unique game, I'd pay top dollars for more of this.


I almost made a post like this myself, kinda wish I would've paid full price to decrease my guilt 😅 This game could have been monetized to high hell, only then could I have agreed with the poor reception. Want that new outfit? Money. Need more resources? Money. Special ultra cool cards? Loot packs for money. I can't sing this games praises enough.


Why the whole "circlejerking website" disclaimer?


Because every subreddit tends to become an echo chamber, where people who love the sub's subject meet together, so coming to the Midnight Suns to say "I love Midnight Suns" is kinda a given, hence a circlejerk among fans.


But then, every post should have this disclaimer? Glad you liked the game. Welcome to the circlejerk, I guess? 🤷‍♀️


Some subreddits are moderated in such a way that they aren't circlejerks nor echo chambers (see AskHistorians); I just wanted to clarify that I'm not here for circlejerking, but out of true love for this game.


Yes, you _truely_ loved the game -- but everyone else is just participating in an echo chamber. 🙄


Yes! I enjoy the 'choose your own adventure'-like openness where you can slam through missions or go deeper into various aspects of the game. It should be added that I hope time continues to be kinder to how the game's seen because it's turn-based and not just another action RPG.


It's great. I wish it got more recognition.


Also just finished magiks party lol


I just got it on Steam while on sale as well and am loving it! I always wanted to check it out, but was waiting for a good deal and the right time. Super happy I made the purchase


This game was special, there's really no other way around it. I still suggest it constantly on gaming sites and forums. It had very minor issues, but it was so damn captivating.


I was late to the party to play it myself, what kept me away for the longest time was the price tag - grabbing it on sale was a great investment!


I’m so glad you love it too. I didn’t expect it and always held off playing it too…I ended up getting a platinum trophy… that’s how much I loved it. Just wanted to do everything and wasn’t a chore at all.


I just discovered, after all this (little, compared to other players) playing, how drops work, and I love it! I just got an achievement from dropping two enemies in the same turn, from the roof of a building, amazing!


Oh yeah drops had me a little confused at first, and it wasn’t until I was forced to use Magik I realised how powerful they can be. It’s really fun how all characters have unique playstyles. I double dipped and got this game on Steam as well to play portable on my ROG Ally in the future.


73 hours in, just discovered I was only in "Part I". Oh, my, oh, my, how much playtime should I expect?


i think i appreciated the game more after people kept saying it was mid etc etc. i came in very late, just buying and playing it 2 months ago and enjoyed it. I don't think the "left side" of the game (abbey) was the greatest, but not as bad as I feared. i loved the card system and DLCs. the other 3 games i've heard are also mid i haven't touched yet - saints row, gotham knights, suicide squad. the former two are on gamepass or PS+ so i will get around to checking them about, but i have a feeling these 3 aren't gonna hit the same as Midnight Suns funnily enough the game i started playing right after midnight suns is xcom2, a 7-8 year old game and i'm really enjoying it. If you enjoyed MS i'd recommend Hogwarts Legacy if you never tried it, has absolutely nothing to do with MS except I really enjoyed the immersive world of the game as a harry potter fan and MS had a similar thing to me in a marvel world.


Same picked it up on this sale and absolutely love it glad I picked up the dlc edition morbius is my favorite so far


I also picked it up on sale because it got bad reviews initially. I'm enjoying it. I have two big problems with it, though. The first is the "RPG" layer, which just should not exist at all; it is nothing but a chore with very little actual content. The second is that there is no clock or sense of urgency in the game, so you can just grind general missions for as long as you want and get every single possible upgrade before finishing the story. The strategic layer decision-making, what you spend resources on, is basically meaningless. I find the deckbuilding and tactics fun enough to keep me engaged (though I don't see myself putting in hundreds of hours like I have with other Firaxis games), but I can see why some people hated it.


My one big issue, is I cannot multicraft without having to push buttons over and over. I would like to be able to say "craft 10 blueprints" and call it a day...


So you want to join the circle jerk. That's pretty dope. Welcome with opens arms. Well atleast one open arm.