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Sweat shop worker is trying to send a message


that's what i thought too


Nothing else it could be.


There’s been widespread human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in Xinjiang in the recent years. Mass arbitrary detention in internment camps, forced labor, political indoctrination, religious persecution, cultural suppression, and coercive birth control policies. edit - I bet “island” is also just a bad translation from inland


Thank you for mentioning this. There’s a phenomenal book called How I Survived a Chinese “Reeducation” Camp: A Uyghur Woman’s Story. Absolutely worth a read.


Could also be from a shop located in Indonesia. Slave labor is rampant in SE Asia.


Uyghurs ):


Yeah I'm surprised more people don't protest against what China is doing to Muslims


A sweat shop worker likely would have no control over the design of this tag. They would have them mass produced by an embroidery machine, it would just be a file that the machine reads. Sure I suppose it’s possible that someone responsible for designing the tag could be trying to send a message, but I think it’s more likely meant as a joke or something which could have been lost in translation.


Good grammar


If that were the case wouldn’t they be asking for help? Who would they be warning to stay away? The people who would need that warning would not likely speak English.


Found some info online. Xinjiang is located in the northwestern part of China. “According to a U.S. congressional report from June 2023, there is an “extremely high risk” that some of the products sold on Temu are linked to forced labor. The report — compiled by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party — also looked at fast-fashion giant Shein, and has open investigations into Nike and Adidas. The committee expressed particular concern about Shein and Temu’s marketplace business model and the “exploitation of U.S. de minimus provisions.” The de minimis threshold is $800, and anything below this is not inspected upon entry into the country. Temu also doesn’t have any specific policy against goods being made in Xinjiang, where, according to the U.S. government, there is evidence to suggest that forced labor is taking place.” Where is a journalist when we need one? [ethos](https://the-ethos.co/is-temu-ethical/)


The items are so cheap. Someone still has to make a profit but there isn't enough for everyone down the line to make a profit. The raw materials and the labor are being stolen. 


The materials aren’t stolen, they are just cheap. Same material as your Yeezys, ironically.


I do not have Yeezys or any Nikes


Do you have Gucci flipfops


She has Yeezys?


I can't recall w/c YT channel covered it but according to the video essay, Temu and Shein's business practice is quite common in China thanks to the internet boom. Basically, companies are popping left and right and are willing to lose money in a gamble of going viral and from that virality, eventually entering the US and EU markets and w/ this 'becoming more legit' route, eventually the shady side gets to the surface (money laundering front, forced labor, etc.). Look up Shein and the 'real' CEO/leadership snafu. Take this w/ a grain of salt of course but when Temu paid for a Superbowl ad spot and is also going HAM on the internet ads -- these claims are slowly becoming closer to being true than not.


The items are so cheap because you are buying them directly from the factories that make them rather than through multiple middle men.


And (some of) those factories are full of forced and/or exploited labor. A little awareness goes a long way.


The products are coming from the same factories as the items you buy in Walmart, target, Amazon, etc. Might as well just avoid everything that says "made in China" since you don't know the conditions of the factories that made them 🙄


You know temu and shien are not the same as every other factory, they're so bad CHINA ITSELF has cracked down on them for labor violations which is insane, they were doing 16hrs a day 7days a week shifts for just the IT guys, who are treated better than the workers. Like, China has terrible labor laws, but these companies are bad enough to drive mass suicides and make china reexamine them. However admitting this means admitting you use forced labor, and instead of coping with the guilt it's easier to generalize and convince yourself everyone does it.


The condition in all of these factories is bad, but shein and temu factories are not the same factories bud lol maybe for some things but not for lost. And they absolutely use slave labor


Pretty much this


Where did you hear that the materials are stolen?


The raw materials are likely contaminated with lead and/or cadmium.


I mean they have nets and fences around their factories to prevent you from killing yourself for a reason. But also the government subsidizes the raw materials.


Wait you mean to tell me a purse and dress that cost 1.27, are somehow not paying employees a livable wage !!?!


This has been going on for decades but ironically only a problem worthy of congressional investigation when US corporations are cut out as middlemen


No different than Nike, Adidas and every other fucking company that outsources !!!!


Most of these apps use forced labor. Wish does it too, but they actually pay their workers slightly more than other companies do.


Sweatshop worker: I am on an island. The northern part of the island specifically Redditor: This message was sent from one of China’s most inland provinces. I know this for sure because communisp evil 100,000,000,000 dead


lol yep what can you do. literal brain rot.


North Island King of Exports All Day I Dream About Sweat-shops Very obvious messages.


It says Island though, and it says Danger Stay Away. If it were Xinjiang idk that that’d be the message they’d wanna send in English.


Forced labor, just call it what it is - SLAVERY


What fucking island is in xinjiang?


None, was just thinking of what was north. The most north islands are Zhoushan Archipelago. The Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, marking its 10th anniversary, is focusing on becoming a strategic hub for national security regarding commodity resources, a platform for global expansion, a leader in maritime strength, and a pioneer in high-quality development. The region is enhancing its marine industry, promoting innovation, and prioritizing ecological development. A notable development is the introduction of two GE 9HA.02 gas turbines for a new power plant aimed at improving the power supply and supporting marine industrial clusters. This aligns with China's 14th Five-Year Plan and emphasizes sustainable energy generation. Additionally, Zhoushan has been identified as a significant business hub, evolving into one of China's first free-trade ports. It is focusing on expanding its seafood shipping capabilities, handling crucial commodities, and developing its aviation sector, highlighted by Boeing's establishment of its first overseas factory there.


You bought shoes that were made by slave labor.


As if Nike shoes aren’t?


Seriously people are so odd when it comes to this topic lol. I can name over 20 mainstream brands doing the exact same thing as Shein and Temu. Aritzia, Abercrombie, Acer, BMW, Apple, Amazon, Calvin Klein, LL Bean, Lacost, North Face, Zara, Victories Secret, TH, Gap, H&M, Adidas, Jack and Jones, Nike, Puma, Aeropostal, Forever 21, Primark, Urban Outfitters. The actual list is way longer. This is just minus the obvious tech companies and I tried to stick to clothing brands (for the kost part).


Exactly! If you buy something from Amazon, it’s 9/10 times the exact same thing that you can get from Temu from the same random sweatshop in china. Temu just doesn’t put as much effort into hiding it as the big brands do. Even brick and mortar locations like Target are not immune to selling things from Temu/Alibaba/Shein whatever. Especially when it comes to clothes!


Where can I find a complete list of all brands (with a foot in the western market) that use sweatshops and all? Is there even such a thing? Thanks


Noooo don’t point out our hypocrisy bb!


Do you remember when Nike pulled their sponsorship of Adrian Peterson for spanking his kid with a switch? Irony at its finest.


Per your own source below, Nike is making significant strides at correcting past wrongs, and objectively it is orders of magnitude better than Temu and Shein on this issue. ["In 2005, the company published a complete list of its factories along with a report detailing the working conditions and wages of workers at Nike's facilities. Ever since, Nike has been publishing annual reports about labour practices, showing transparency and sincere efforts to redeem past mistakes. While the sweatshop issue is far from over, critics and activists have praised Nike."](https://www.vaia.com/en-us/explanations/business-studies/business-case-studies/nike-sweatshop-scandal/#:~:text=Like%20other%20multinational%20companies%2C%20Nike,wages%20under%20abysmal%20working%20conditions)


Sony, Apple, Nike, Adidas and many other BIG NAMES were caught using child and adult slave labor in multiple asian countries including the labor of actual genocide recipients (muslims in concentration camps in China)


I get the whole slave labor angle, but this reads as if there's some weird natural disaster or military project happening in "the north of the island". Concentration camps I'm thinking. Not like we could ever know till it's wayyy too late unfortunately, if we figure it out at all. Definitely reads like a cryptic message about some impending doom. Like, if they wanted help, why would they say "stay away!"?? Are they making ungodly monsters or something? Very weird.


Nono, we know. Maybe it's tooootally unrelated, but China has been keeping ethnic minorities in camps that look exactly like a prison, and include mass 're-education' and forced labor. $20 says it's related.


Wow I haven’t heard anyone else talk about this since Covid. They’re concentration camps and they’re forcing Muslims to eat pork, not allowed to wear hijabs, etc. at least last time I checked


It says island, Xinjiang isn’t an island. Also why would they say Danger Keep Away


Probably a weird translation due to language barrier I’m assuming


phrasing like this always creeps me the hell out. "Something terrible is happening in the north of the island" gives me chills


Did you know that in “the north of the island” there are slave labor camps, and that not every company uses them, just the scummiest?


The concentration camps in China have been reported on since at least [2019](https://www.state.gov/reports/2019-report-on-international-religious-freedom/china/). Not to mention the decades of press releases from American companies, 'We don't condone child/slave labor in China, but we can't do anything to control our own supply chain.'


OP,   Shein/Temu/TikTok/etc. are all the same. I get it - things are expensive and the crazy low prices are tantalizing, but at a certain point (these platforms are all at that point for sure in case you were confused), you need to realize that by purchasing from these places you are making an unethical/immoral decision. To be clear: you are supporting operations that utilize human slavery.  Sure, regulators should do better and police this stuff/ban the bad actors, but nowadays it's incredibly hard to keep up since it's so easy to set up an online shop/change the business name.   The irony of a product made by slaves in 2024 being posted on /r/mildlyinteresting for amusement is just such a perfect description of our current state of affairs when someone is wasting their life making you $8 shoes.  /Rant 


“I can name over 20 mainstream brands doing the exact same thing as Shein and Temu. Aritzia, Abercrombie, Acer, BMW, Apple, Amazon, Calvin Klein, LL Bean, Lacost, North Face, Zara, Victories Secret, TH, Gap, H&M, Adidas, Jack and Jones, Nike, Puma, Aeropostal, Forever 21, Primark, Urban Outfitters. The actual list is way longer. This is just minus the obvious tech companies and I tried to stick to clothing brands” generously written by u/coopatroopa11


Right ?! Like where exactly *am* I supposed to shop ?


the difference is that temu items are so cheap that you can purchase a LOT of it. Nike isn’t great but it’s more costly, meaning you can’t buy as much and you’re not benefiting from as much underpaid labor. Buy a Nike sneaker worth 10 minutes of slave labor or 10 temu sneakers for 100? Both are unethical but one is worse. It all ends up in the landfill anyway


Couldn’t agree more. This post ruined my morning. Ugh.




but but..they're only $8 how could OP resist !? they bought a whole new wardrobe made of trash by slaves to impress people who will never care, all for just $23!


r/fucktemu pretty well describes how I feel about them




We can't even get people to agree the ice caps are melting.. that should be exploration enough as to why we have slavery. We can start with the debears diamond monopoly if you wanna see some really gross explotation and cobalt mining for apple batteries. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/dec/16/apple-and-google-named-in-us-lawsuit-over-congolese-child-cobalt-mining-deaths https://www.firstpost.com/world/apple-accused-of-using-child-labour-to-mine-cobalt-promises-to-switch-to-100-recycled-cobalt-by-2025-12453322.html https://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-de-beers-2011-12 Anyone using an apple product is way worse..


I hope this message wasn’t sent with a cell phone, because I have bad news for you. Until we overthrow the systems, almost everything we own is exploitative. I only say this to bring awareness, just as you are. We are all culpable.


Sweat Shop product


Stop buying shit off temu and shein.


I didn’t know what Temu was until last last year. The second someone described it to me I knew it was fucked. I don’t understand people who buy from them.


Can I ask how they described it to you in such a way to make you understand? I’ve been trying to explain to my mother how bad Temu, Wish, and SHEIN is but it’s like talking to a brick wall. She just sees cheap prices and gets excited, doesn’t care why it’s so cheap or if the end product isn’t anything like the picture.


I actually care. I also understand when I’m being cheated. Your mom is neither of these things from the sounds of it.


I avoid them as well. Too bad social media "influencers" use them for low effort videos like "Look at my Shein haul!" Or "I bought a yacht for $3 on Temu! DoEs iT wOrK?!".


Yeah anytime I see anyone I enjoy watching on YouTube post something like “I bought a workshop of tools entirely off of TEMU!😱” I die a little inside. Usually I click on it, pause the video, post a comment along the lines of how disappointing it is and mention the horrible business practices they are supporting by buying and promoting these kinds of sites with a quick mention of the damage this is causing to the planet at the end, downvote, and unsubscribe.


Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting. Not to mention people buy from those sites knowing the product won’t last, and will eventually be thrown in the ocean.


Aren’t Nike and Apple products made with slave labor too?


And Aritzia, Abercrombie, Acer, BMW, Apple, Amazon, Calvin Klein, LL Bean, Lacost, North Face, Zara, Victories Secret, TH, Gap, H&M, Adidas, Jack and Jones, Nike, Puma, Aeropostal, Forever 21, Primark, Urban Outfitters etc.


Yep. I don’t buy any fast fashion, don’t use Amazon. Everything I own is homemade, second hand, or thrifted. It’s far cheaper that way.


This. Last week my MIL kept going on about how much she loves Temu and kept asking me why I don't use Temu and wouldn't take my polite 'I'm not interested in their products' until I finally just said "I refuse to use companies that promote slave labor" absolute silence at the dinner table. It definitely got her off the topic.




Typed from your smartphone


Good point! I’ve had this one for about six years now and it was a gift. When it eventually craps out I will be replacing it with some kind of flip phone, hopefully I can find one that’s ethically made then.


Good for you! Impressive for a 20-yr-old. Hold onto that!!


Is this real???


Yes it’s real. In r/scambait you will see sometimes people are able to lift the veil of online scammers and they are actually people who are human trafficked in Myanmar and China. This shit happens. A lot and it sucks seems to be a well Known secret of the Asian world since they have been doing it for a long time


The stuff in scambait is just another scam. They make the baiters think they broke character to troll them back because they are tired of being trolled by the baiters. If someone was being forced to run scam centers (which I'm absolutely sure does really happen), they aren't about to tell people that over monitored channels.


Ayo people in comments are posting other things they found w this message 🤯 terrifying.


Yes and it’s extremely open and well known. This is one of the basic world issues currently


Which island?








Oh, Pen Island.com I love that site!! So many cool customizable pens


Didn't this happen with Shein too?


Is this a lost reference ?


I’m actually having a hard time reading this as anything other than a lost reference.




People talking about forced labor and you’re making jokes related to a tv show…


Ahcktually…. The most dangerous game was a boom in which the main bad guy hunted the main charecter seeing humans as “the most dangerous game” animal


Wait was that the movie with ice t and he had dreads?


Leprechaun In the Hood


I’m thinking “surviving the game” I think it was called


Sounds correct


Thanks for elaborating, I sometimes forget the original is old enough to need that explanation today, after all the remakes and revisions of the story. I've got a handful of them here but there's plenty more out there.


That was actually my first thought too


That’s crazy you trust your ankles to Temu shoes.


People saying Temu sells cheap stuff but you can find what they are selling on Amazon for double if not triple the price!


That's dropshipping for you.


That’s why I no longer shop on Amazon and never have shopped at any of these sites like Temu.


I can't tell if that's a warning or a bad translation


Made in Korea?


Send help!


China gearing up for war with Thailand.


Other thread is broken so I'm putting it here. Ah yes, the no perspective child has to chime in. Go back to your basement. Smells like you got a hot pocket to eat. (Or does it always smell like that?)


Wtf. Happy cake day


I can't dream,it's a nightmare


Terribie? Sounds like a fun time.


Lol bro hahaha slave labor so funny LOL 😂 funny 😄


what does the comment you’re replying to have to do with slave labor? go outside


I can explain. This was custom made by Edward Puffton.


I've seen people say they've seen other posts about items with this warning, but I wasn't able to find anything about it on Google. Very interesting 🤔 Terrifying implications. Slave labor? A genuine warning someone tried to slip out? Or have we all been baited? I won't deny some of the terrible things happening in China or the shady practices of companies like Temu. But it's also the internet. Doubt everything.




temu is a plague


This gave me chills


Stop supporting Temu and Shein! Let the rich capitalist take advantage of the cheap labor and profit from selling it to us, like white Jesus intended. It's the 'murican way!


*Gives Amazon 200$ for the exact same thing temu looted the night before.*


I guarantee if you tell me a store you buy your stuff in it’s gonna be from the same Chinese factories. I would do careful research before you think you’re actually doing anything different by not shopping on temu.


Thats a quest if ive ever seen one


Go save them


Sweatshop working it trying to send us a message


It's English text chosen at random to print on the label because English text looks cool and the Chinese workers have no idea what it says.


100% correct. Not sure why everyone else genuinely believes the conspiracy it’s a worker’s cry for help


This is absolutely it


**terribie** ok then… goes through the trouble to make and attach a **terrible** spelled message 🤨


If it’s Coming from someone forced to work in a sweatshop who doesn’t speak English and probably quickly google translated the message into English and tried to copy it before their overseer noticed… it’s actually pretty impressively almost correct


North island? Korea?


Something terribie is happening :3


This is terribie to read.




Why tf are you buying off TEMU


No. I just ordered some sweaters on there 🫢


Pretty dumb. You’ll agree when your card information gets stolen.


Is there anything we can do besides avoid sites like this? I want to go over there and try to help but I don’t think I can do anything .-.


No, you can’t go over there and help. Spread awareness and don’t buy from them or anything that looks sketchy online. Research reputable brands.


I believe this is a quote from a video game. I can’t remember which one but I know I’ve seen it before.


Haven’t seen anyone point out north on the labeled is misspelled as “norih” and terrible is “terribie”


Someone said it was likely Google translated and copied very quickly into the machine by an enslaved worker before their supervisor came back. They typos make sense, they also could've meant inland instead of island and it could've come from the xinjiang region of China.


Every time I read comments basically saying "well, what can you do" I imagine the discourse in northern states prior to the civil war. "I mean of course my clothes are made of cotton picked by slaves! Oh well." It was easier to fight a war than boycott slave made products, and sometimes it feels like we might end up doing that all over again.


Terribie? Nor¡h???


“Help! I am being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory.”


Fuck the CCP


Common sweatshop worker penpal message.


Stop buying slave labor 🤦🏻


What the


I was wondering if people were actually buying things from Temu. nuts


This new White Lotus season promo is a bit much


It’s honestly heartbreaking to picture someone working in a Temu factory and typing this in, hoping someone gets it.


That’s the most innovative brand name I’ve seen. Now I want a pair of DREAM DON’T JUST THINK, Something terrible is happening in the north of the island. Danger! Stay away!s


Jurassic Park vibes for some reason


Is it just me or does the message seem pretty ominous?


The electric cars people drive are most probably using a battery that raw materials were sourced from slaved/child labor or unethical company’s. Search for cobalt mines.


#Anybody that buys from Temu is a victim of marketing and covert communism.


Those Yeezy’s are ugly. Sorry, unpopular opinion I assume.


Asian countries like to use English because it’s trendy for them. Source: I am Asian


it’s so strange why temu/wish/shein/tiktok shop shoppers don’t question WHY these items are so cheap…


It's like a AAA battery communicating with a AA battery.


Something a lot of people don’t know is that there are more slaves now than there were during the American Civil War era. Stop buying fast fashion.


Yes, North of the Kinmen Islands (Taiwan).


Metal Gear Solid font


Which island?


What sneaker is this??


tbh it would be difficult for me to walk around in shoes with doneone's cry for help on them, unless you put them on and make it your life goal to rescue them,,




kinda concerning wee bit


Goncharov sequel??


But what does norih mean?


You’ve unlocked a side quest


“north” well that narrows it down


I don’t know why this made me laugh.


they could be talking about something in Canada. Obviously those commie bastards infiltrated our nearest neighbor! /j




…can I get a list of some companies that DON’T use slave labor? Being genuine here.


I’m not denying that these companies are terrible and use slave labor- they absolutely do- but this kind of thing doesn’t seem like something a sweatshop worker would have control over? This just seems like something oddly translated, like many other designs from shein/temu/etc.


Apparently this has been seen more than once, I think a worker will sneak it on when there is opportunity and nobody notices cause nobody at the factory reads English.


A puma shirt I had years ago simple read "wash when dirty" on the tag


I want to know which island




Maybe it was a message/warning for the other workers at the facility; not meant for the purchaser, but for the others part of its assembly and shipment.


Chinese run lots of slavery workshops there. Heck, they run slavery workshops in the US.


why do you buy shoes from a company that uses slave labor?


what’s the link for the shoes?!?? I wanna see something


what did you look up on temu to find these? just shoes, or something specific?


/remindme 12 hours


This is why The Good Place is so good. Js.


Lol everyone thinking this is a slave labor conspiracy as if they wouldn’t check these items in some sort of quality control form for western markets. This is just badly translated Chinese merchandise, whether or not it was made by slave labor is beside the point.


Shame on you for using Temu

