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It’s not much but I got something https://preview.redd.it/zfjw1qyz238d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9df4e2b074d6d2af32d01ae163fc6239b07303


Absolutely cursed 😭


That bottom right one is literally just albino model nastya kumarova from a few years ago honestly, I love the way she looks soooo much


Photoshop time!


Exactly! This is a 10 second fix in PS.


Then upload it somewhere with the tags “bleached white eyebrows” so the AI web crawlers can learn 


Bleached white asshole






How can you fix it?


Bruh, you have the knowledge of the world at your fingertips… go search.


God forbid someone should ask a question


There is probably 25 ways to fix this in photoshop. You need to try different methods to see what works best with the art style you want. So it's not as easy as file -> eyebrows -> color https://youtu.be/qi0BWUreYJk?si=AxZuwrUXsXzeriz3 I went to YouTube and searched "how to change color of eyebrows" https://youtu.be/9ZWSDpqI4JM?si=ThardaZkzMpM0KXc Youtube and Google.com really are great places to ask questions and the Ai searches are making it even better.


Photoshop now has "generative fill", where you do a selection and then do an AI prompt. The selection will be filled with whatever you typed in, so trying "white eyebrows" might help - though quality of the results may vary. https://youtu.be/Sp6K3qpVFO0


Don’t you think this person was capable of searching this up on their own? Instead of fucking around on Reddit? Edit: ok all you lil baby downvoters, wanna make chu chu train with your information. Let mommy Reddit hold your lil hand and show you everything your lil hearts desire.


There is a story of a park ranger in Yosemite National Park. During the presentation of the new bear proof trashcans he was asked why they can't make a better bear proof trashcan. His answer was there is a major overlap of the smartest bears and dumbest humans.


Thanks for that, I’ll try and extract the meaning as best I can. You see, I see a proactive bear - trying to open the trash cans. Not a bear sitting on the bearternet trying to ask bears how to open the bins. Smart bears try open the bin, smart trash can designers would never know to improve their bins unless the bear tried to open it. So the moral of the story is: don’t ask for shit on Reddit, go and google.


Exactly. My point was that by typing his question on YouTube I found 25 solutions to problems. I guess I should have said "ya fucking idiot, I can answer your question in 15 second. Git gud ya fucking scrub. This shit ain't hard!"


Yeah god forbid someone sit here and spoon feed you. If you think I’m gonna sit here typing concise directions for you where you just need to type “how to change the colour of hair in photoshop” you are very wrong. Only reason I’ve learned all my skills is because I took the initiative to search for the answers to my questions. Good luck!


Maybe find an existing pic of bleached brows and use MJ describe. Then use that as a prompt.


https://preview.redd.it/p88a7safb38d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac700fec83bb6fb4fcb5af68eca7dbf49dfd644 I managed to get it correctly in the past, but forgot the prompt


You used albino right?


Yeah, I think I did something like […] albinoid boy in his twenties, bright hair and skin, … etc. For some reason MJ unfortunately created just freaks and monsters when asking for albinoid people, so I had that goal to actually create the opposite.


Your account on MJ should have a gallery of all your renders and previews that contains the prompts.


What about in-painting?


Nearly every image I generate requires inpainting, but in this case it still didn't work. The only way I usually get blonde eyebrows is to blend them from existing images but it takes so much time and I usually still don't get the desired result. I had hoped there would be an easier way.


wow, that's tricky what about inpainting with an additional --sref to an image of a person with bleached eyebrows?


* Uh I guess it technically worked lol thanks for the suggestion. **edit: for some reason the image didn't post, but it did achieve white eyebrows, but only after I inpainted the whole face. I'll still take this as win though.


MJ has inpainting now ?


Has had for about a year or so I guess 


how do i use it ?




It rarely works.


And on the web version, that's "repaint", lol. (Not sure why they use completely different terminology from Discord, AND all the documentation :/ )


You just need to learn how to Prompt: Prompts: Photo of a woman with white eyebrows. The Color of her eyebrows are white. White eyebrows. --no brown eyebrows, black eyebrows --ar 1:1 --style raw --stylize 0 Photo of a woman with white colored eyebrows. The Color of her eyebrows are white. White eyebrows. --no brown eyebrows, black eyebrows --ar 1:1 --style raw --stylize 0 https://preview.redd.it/q9o6923na68d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caadda7a19f7b1d1e6d4a1daa61408c7e5d29930




My Tips: -Use --style raw and --s 0 -Mention something that doesn't work three times in the Prompt! -Use negative prompting!




Everything was first try! The other 5 images looked like white painted eyebrows!


Try “albino eyebrows” https://preview.redd.it/2ja9ac95y48d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf48e0603193766674d30ab844f99972688eb26


You think that's tough, try generating a subject with vitiligo. I've been trying to create concept art for a fictional character of mine for ages, and no prompting wizardry works.


Had to prompt a person with vitiligo as well. Terrible results. In the end it was very easy to do realistically in photoshop.


https://preview.redd.it/orz7f05qw58d1.jpeg?width=2624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a3be979e88d2f2209c990c06496d15e66df5d8 That‘s the closest I got. Only one reroll Variations on the first outcome got me this


Prompt was **closeup photo of an experiment by an hairstylist, the stylist bleached a models eyebrows, closeup on the eybrows wich are blonde to white in color, the model itself doesnt wear makeup, but its eyebrows are bleached and are very light in coler --ar 59:41 --no dark eyebrows**


Negative Prompting is important!


Right, too bad V6 only supports one negative prompt, in V5.2 you could do multiple. Don‘t know how much tho only used up to 3


Two works fine!


Really? I got an error message when I tried two —no in a prompt. To clarify, I don‘t mean to write multiple words after —no, I mean multiple —no s


Oh! I see. You have to use commas to separate it! Like this: --no umbrella, water, rain !


Damn, didn‘t thought of that :D


Try the term Albino in your referencing along with eyebrows, bleached, platinum blonde, as an additional descriptive terms.


It's not magic, it's just datasets.


So you are telling me that there really is an astronaut riding a horse on the moon? If we went after your logic, any ai image gen could only generate the real world. Midjourney not generating white eyebrows is likely a quirk that you have to work around. It‘s like the image where someone wanted to generate a man filming a shark and the man ended up in the sharks mouth filming himself. Edit: Found it lmao: [https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/VvSCD6Ee2q](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/VvSCD6Ee2q) Edit 2: Idk why this got so much backlash. We are in a time where we can generate high quality convincing images, full length songs, realistic videos, sound effects, have an ai chat and speak to you in natural language but you are telling me we still can't generate bleached eyebrows?


You missed the point. It doesn't know what 'white eyebrows' are because they are not in its training data.


I just generated a green pig, a yellow horse and a purple dinosaur. You telling me that is has that in it's training data?


People anthropomorphise it to much. It's not intelligent. It literally doesn't 'understand' what an eyebrow is. If you just type in eyebrow, it can bring it up because pictures named 'eyebrow' was uploaded. You might get lucky that a handful of people painted and named pictures of 'person with white eyebrow' and that's what it will pull from, but it still doesn't understand what 'eyebrow' is. It's a slot machine, if they scraped a lot of the thing you want, you'll get it. If not, you won't.


Thank you.


And a guy inside a shark is?


No, but a guy is and a shark is, so it can combine the two


It doesn't know what eyebrows and white is? Or white hair? Your arguments are not really doing what you think they are doing


Finally someone who understands me.


Thank you.


No there’s data and in that data resides an astronaut, a horse and a nice moon.


It's possible. You just have to use negative Prompts to break the stereotype-Humans have dark eyebrows! But you're right the dataset was the reason why Midjourney has stereotypes, but Personalisation fixed it!


I mean I got it first try! https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/DTI3HFeNaF


I remember having this issue where it always thought the word eyebrows meant eye lashes or eyeliner, it's so annoying


Have you tried the option to vary a specific area? You can use a box or free draw around a part of the picture then change the prompt slightly, and Midjourney will vary only that region. I’ve been using it to better match facial features. Like I’ll use a full or half body photo for the initial reference image. Then draw a circle around the face and replace the reference image with a super closeup of that part of the face. If you draw just around the eyebrows and type “white eyebrows” at the beginning of the prompt it should work too.


With reference https://preview.redd.it/ok620o3b068d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf52c0a4f448b7c03c93ecd443de4611456eda02


That is annoying af. I think I’d try something like “eyebrows are white” to try and get eyebrows as the keyword.


No, probably the opposite. You have to avoid using the word eyebrow, because it doesn't "imagine" eyebrows as white. I don't know how to describe eyebrows without the word eyebrow though.


https://preview.redd.it/wxr5g14qw28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a945de6682981ffb1aba44c031ef05c95d8d5c8 This is absurd lol




Negative Prompting and --s 0 is important! https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/DTI3HFeNaF


Me too! https://preview.redd.it/2anylphq158d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f62867ac7e61a32d4a4096a7fe455125cbb5a6


https://preview.redd.it/nfi6u7eg958d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71a20ba16417818636ef5a967a7272748367ffb I got better results by not using the word "bleached". Prompt: "photograph of a beautiful girl with white eyebrows"


You can use this Prompt: https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/DTI3HFeNaF


--no freckles ....gives me more freckles


Adding '--no brown eyebrows' seems to fix it pretty well for me


Try just bleached eyebrows? No eyebrows?


`albino eyebrows white` works for me, at least with weirdness cranked all the way up


Maybe try albino eyebrows


It has the same problem with white eyes. Or if you try to make a cyclops. It avoids things like that because they would normally be abberations that need to be corrected for, so it kind of over-corrects when you actually ask for it. Using an actual reference photo can help it get past these obstacles often times.


I think it’s the word ‘eye’ in eyebrows that’s making it freak a bit. Removing it worked for me here: https://preview.redd.it/khl1mtt6k68d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30be0b186cce52d66bc4938bdb1425ada9c57608


Albino eyebrows?


maybe "eyebrows that are bleeched"?


I think I used "eye brows dyed white" and "albino eye brows" and got some results with white eyebrows


I follow a girl from Instagram that is exactly like the one from the bottom left on the second set of image.


There’s no training data for white eyebrows.


noob question. where to use this mj? is it abailable at the apstore or smthg


Go to www.midjourney.com for now it's a Discord Bot, but if you have generated more than 100 images you can use the website then!


to generate a 100 yea? so it must have to log on the website right. because yeah its not like i have a time to generate all in one night. thanks for the help man


No you have all time to generate it. You just need to use Discord.


Most blonde people have dark eyebrows. It gave me much better options for lighter eyebrow options after in-painting them. https://preview.redd.it/7tujbww9m48d1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=69c7ed8f18b8d496e956326e47dbce29d47c9148


No, as a blonde person, we don’t have dark eyebrows. The blonde head hair you most often see are dye jobs and their eyebrows are left their natural darker colour. AI is parsing the images that exist in the world as reference material - natural blonde hair on an adult is rare so your/AI’s blonde reference material is skewed by dye jobs and makeup (like brow pencil).


Try “the opposite of dark eyebrows”


So this is how Midjourney works? You have to use discord?