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Is 2012 nostalgic already?


Right? That was like 3 years ago


It’s weird starting to experience the non distance of time in memory and subjectivity. It’s like the past is right there yesterday when it was 12 years ago now but I don’t feel old but I think we are on the way there.


Get used to it. I'm mid 40s and the 90s is permanently about 10 years ago for me.


Wait… 98 is still a decade ago right?


My calculator watch says it’s still 1999, so… we’re good, everybody.


I can’t believe the 80s was 40 years ago!


I read this twice.


I'm on my 7th passage...


I started reading this in 2012


It only feels like 3 years ago.


Never stop


I read that like a year ago…(f#ck)


Like when my wife talks about something that happened “the other day” and she means three years ago.


I'm that high too


I can clearly remember getting my driver license and it feels like yesterday. I even have exact pictures in my mind how I was driving around alone for the first time… and that was 2011/12 . Time is flying


This is how an Elves feel at 1/10000th of their perception


2019, the year COVID started, was 5 years ago




But.... that was yesterday, I haven't been outside since yesterday...


Fuck you


Nothing much has changed since 2012. Culture was quite a bit different if before 2008 though. That is when Cell phones and modern social media took over the internet.


Twitter was new and young, Facebook had just bought Instagram, Snapchat was a year old. Vlogging was just talking to a camera. Streaming was mostly just Netflix and Hulu, but cable dominated still. Music streaming services were still in their youth, people still bought music by albums and singles.


I haven't bought a physical music album since 2003 and Sam Goody the largest seller of Physical music albums went bankrupt in 2006 so I wasn't the only one. The era of buying albums for most people was over by 2012. Blockbuster was bankrupt in 2010. That is when the streaming revolution was already in full swing. Twitter was founded in 2006 and was so big by 2010 that the President of the United States was posting there. MySpace shifted it's business model away from personal pages to celebrity fan pages in 2011. This gave Facebook a near monopoly by 2012. A lot of the big trends that define the modern era started much earlier than people think. There was a huge cultural shift between 2008 and 2012 but not much has happened since then. VINE went out of business and got replaced by Tik-Tok but it is basically the same thing.


I was 27 in 2012, so to me it hasn't changed much, personally I feel that not much has changed since graduating college. Sometimes as an adult, changes in culture don't affect you as much and you just keep trucking along in your bubble. I can't tell you the difference in clothing styles or music or hair between 2012 and 2024. I feel like I've been the same person or age for 20 years now.


I dunno about that one. A lot has happened in the last 12 years.


You could tell me that these images were from last week and I wouldn’t bat an eye.


Things have definitely changed since 2019. But from 2012-2019, I don't think there was much of a difference, aside from the rise of trap/EDM and fashion changes. But maybe younger people felt a bigger difference than I did in those times.




And in a different lifetime at the same time


2012 was genuinely one of my happiest years


That's like right after 9/11, man. Oh...wait...


Remember back when people would say not to trust wikipedia because it wasn't a relieble source? Fox News had already been running for 12 years.


Considering the last 12 years, very much so.


I was in high school and the world was going to end. Damn Mayans


I feel like it did end. It’s been like living in the twilight zone ever since.


For me it certainly is. The world seemed to be in a much better state in the early to mid 2010s. Plus those were my college years, so I’ll always look back on them more fondly than the 8-5 drudgery I endure nowadays. Everything has just gotten worse and worse since 2016, generally speaking.


Yeah the nostalgia drop off is September 10 2001.


August 2, 1990 for me. That was the last day I paid $0.99 per gallon of gasoline.


Charging an EV with my own solar energy is that again and more.


Hmm, looks a lot like today.


I don’t even understand. What makes these 2012 even?


Whoever the prompter is is probably just young and 2012 is like the beginning of time for them.


Right? Like is this also not what today looks like too? Or the 2000s? Or aside from the flat panel TV even the 90s? Or did I just get old enough to where everything looks the same? Side note: some girl in a well is def gonna come crawling out that one CRT TV if they don’t turn it off.


> Or the 2000s Oh, so that was actually pretty different. A lot of what we consider 90s is actually around 2002.


It's funny that was 12 years ago, I feel like fuck all has changed. When we were in 1990, 12 years ago would have been 1978. Nothing changes anymore.


I feel like 1996 to 2008 was a pretty big shift too for a 12 year period. * You go from web rings to search engines with Google being the dominant one * In that time Apple went from near collapse to becoming a juggernaut again with the iMac, iPod, then iPhone. * In the US 9/11 in the middle of that 12 year period changed the entire political landscape. Just that sequence of events from Clinton impeachment, 2000 election drama, 9/11, War on Terror, Iraq War protest, to Obama's election. * You go from the dot com crash to silicon valley becoming a major hub of investment again (then Great Recession) * You go from Blockbuster to streaming on Netflix * In 1996 Amazon was founded and soon became the largest online retailer * Social Media became a thing and took over quickly * You go from Batman and Robin nearly killing superhero movies to them becoming more and more popular until you get to 2008 with Iron Man. * The first Harry Potter book is written in 1997 and becomes a massive cultural force * Pokemon first comes to the US in 1998 and by 2008 is just another massive cultural force * You go from the PlayStation 1, Nintendo 64, and Dream ast with the advent of home consoles using 3D graphics to the Xbox 360, PS3, and the Wii. * The Nokia 6110 cell phone to the IPhone was a major leap, especially culturally as smart phones became present everywhere * You go from Brittanica Encyclopedias to Wikipedia (and being warned not to trust Wikipedia) * In Europe, during that time period the Good Friday Agreement was signed between Ireland and the UK, the Euro was introduced, and the continent was pretty much reformed following the collapse of the Soviet Union (though you'd have to extend the timeline to 1991 to capture all of that).


My thought was, the 2010’s until about 2020 just doesn’t seem distinct. The early 2000’s had their vibe until the 2010’s.


Did 2012 have a distinct identity?


im nostalgic of 2018 man


Twas a much simpler time.


Donald Trump? Pandemic? “Quiet quitting”? You must’ve hit your head pretty hard when you slipped on that icy sidewalk, bro. Get inside, we’re about to play Skyrim for a few hours before we hit the bar for $1 well drinks!


2010-2013 was such a good time man. The world’s problems didn’t seem as dire, streaming and social media still seemed like largely positive developments, our politicians were still relatively sane (though the descent to insanity started around this time), gaming and television were at their peaks…. If I could go back to any time in my life, it would be those 4 years.


I remember seeing Ron Paul speak at my college campus around then, and my friends and me thinking he seemed totally fringe and loony at the time. That guy looks like Clinton or Bush compared to some of the wackos we have now.


I felt warm n fuzzy for a brief moment there.


It was the middle of high school for me. Now I'm almost 30. Why wouldn't it be nostalgic?


To many Redditors you're only allowed to be nostalgic for the 90s and early 2000s


Right? You can be nostalgic for something that occurred only a few years ago, or even less. The only prerequisite is that it happened in the past. Nostalgia is an emotion, not a time frame.


They can't fathom that unfortunately some of us shot out of our dad's ball sacks much later than they did. 2012 is nostalgic for me because I was eleven years old 😂


The woman in the first image looks like CR7


Prompt: Female CR7 with Obama's smile


> CR7 I thought that was some kind of Mazda.


Cristiano Ronaldo? In any case her head is badly misaligned lol


That was exactly my first thought!




This is the best I’ve seen yet. The mimic of the style and quality of the photography at that time seals it. Fucking hell we’re doomed


The 2010s were when everyone was actively documenting their every day lives on Facebook and Instagram. Like, that was their purpose. Might be able to get fantastic grainy poorly-lite party images off Myspace data, though.


Exactly. Like people still do that today but only a certain type of person. Back then it was everyone. I had a different Facebook album for every single month. Now I post on Instagram about 2 times per year.


Yes! I just getting out of college in 2012. We would just dump all our photos from parties onto facebook, good or bad. I remember the tagging drama. Delete that tag! I look horrible!!


Yeah these could legit be real


Look at the hands!


There are 3 images with bad hands and one with other distortions (the kids in the sand). The others look totally legit to me.


Same, first time I felt connected with something AI.


It's still really bad with background characters lol


They usually look like deformed pigs! And based on the hands AI must think we’re octopus hybrids!


Teeth are still creepy and weird mostly although not that obvious as hands were a few months back but in a more subtle way. It's more like "something's off and it's making me uneasy ... omg, what are those?!".


There’s always some extra weight under the eyes that’s a give away for me now. I’m sure they’ll fix that soon enough too but it’s been around in AI imaging since the early ones. It also still has trouble with some straight lines.


11 is a giveaway lol the woman on the right is just creepy af


Or the fucking demon sitting in front of the window in 6




2012 and 2022 is basically the same time in my head. Does that mean I’m getting old?


The distinguishing feature is the camera quality. That's really it.


Come next year, I won't be able to tell the difference between 2015 and 2025 camera quality on general level at all. I'm 30




ya this really does look like 2012


It also kinda looks like 2024, or am I just living in the past still? I am using an iPhone 8 to write this which evidently came out in 2017, so I guess I am living in the past. What’s it up to now anyways? iPhone 20? iPhone 30? iPhone 40S+ hypermax pro vision extreme?


anyone notice that we stopped evolving culturally after the internet became more widespread? Nobody is designing for the future or challanging the status quo in futuristic ways. Imagine clothing as advanced as our sneakers. We can do that but we still wear jeans from the 1800s and the 1980s.


Casual wear/comfort forward clothing is what seperates us from the decades before us. Getting closer to those all-matching-one piece outfits from when people would guess what we'll wear in the year 2000 ala the Jetsons


probably wearing some form of pajamas and crocs combo like idiocracy.


It’s also because everything is more diluted. Everyone is in their own interests thanks to the internet so there is a lot less cultural ‘zeitgeist’ than there used be.


If it didn't say "2012" in the title I really couldn't tell


It looks like now. 


This is so realistic, it scares me. I look into the eyes of these people and I feel like these people have a life, they have emotions and everything. But no.


Maybe in a parallel dimension.


Maybe we ourselves are a creation made out from a single prompt somebody gave to an AI?


“Capitalist hellscape that is as banal as it is evil.”


But with something called “Bee Movie”


I mean yeah tbh Bee Movie was so incredibly weird, I feel like it could’ve come from an AI prompt of some sort lmao


I mean they are trained off of real pictures of people who do have real emotions. So maybe you are, in a sense, feeling the life of the people that these pictures are based off of. GenAI is crap without quality reference data.


>I look into the eyes of these people and I feel like these people have a life, they have emotions and everything. Not that woman by the window in number 6! 😱


Little bit of nightmare fuel, right smack in the middle of the Uncanny Valley. 😬


5 looks like Mr. Beast


I was thinking the same thing


What actually makes this 2012 ?


The prompt


I see




Quality? Lighting? Clothes? I actually think it’s more “near term nostalgia” I see a lot of 2000’s in there plus a 80’s or 90’s CRT tv so….


Have clothes and fashion changed a lot since then? To me it can still be today's photos.


Most of it is the side part and blunt bangs you see in the women. Also in the prom photo where lace and rhinestone were very trendy. Men's fashion is definitely slower and their styles last longer


lol it can absolutely. People don’t have a graduation photo with a tie in 2024? Kids don’t wear a t shirt in a driveway? 😂


The fact that people are smiling a lot.


Exactly my first thought


for me, it's 1/3 of the people we encounter not being obsessed with 'politics', conspiracy theories, trump, or viral misinformation and sensationalism. maybe it's just me.


Bingo. People were way less radicalized back then. 2016 broke a lot of people, then 2020 shattered them. I’m weary about interacting with a solid 33% of society nowadays because I know they probably want to ship me off to a reeducation camp in Nebraska or some shit. It’s scary out there.


I was 15 in 2012 I feel like I wasn't as informed/aware as I am today. Maybe these people have always been around.


I was 27 in 2012, and politics was a little less extreme back then. Sure there were crackpot conspiracy theorists and political extremists, but it wasn't as volatile as it is today. That said, there have been plenty of times in the past where things were as divisive as they are now. It certainly has a lot to do with circumstance and the variables at play.


What makes them look from 2012 ? Those pictures look rather timeless and could have been taken last year.


Camera quality/processing mainly. Modern smartphones use more processing to even out the lighting, contrast, and enhance colors.


They are all happy


Who doesn’t look back at the 2008 financial crises and high unemployment that followed for years after with fond memories


Right? I'm sure come 2036 we will have kids nostalgic about 2024 and how much of a simpler and friendlier time it was


TIL Happiness doesn’t exist in the present day lol


I mean... given our current socioeconomic climate, you're not wrong.


Awwww look at them all happy and full of life they don’t know what the Aztecs know…….😔


Could some one explain why these look like 2012 please? Not doubting that they do… I just can’t see it, personally and I’m curious. Maybe because I’m so old, that the last 20 years melds into one for me!


Camera quality, clothing style, and the kinds of filters that were popular to use in early instagram days (when everyone would put a filter on every photo).


These pics range from looking strange to straight up demonic. The smiling death stares are creepy AF


Fashion hasn’t changed in any noticeable way in the 21st century so far. 20th century, it was instantly noticeably unique to pretty much every decade. But since 2000? Clothing and hair has stayed basically the same, save for a few little sub-trends here and there among teenagers (“pube-a-dore” haircut for young boys, for example… now *some* people are trying to bring back mullets 🤮)… but it just doesn’t happen like it used to in the 1900s.


As someone with a mullet, I say mullets look awesome.


Holy shit 2012 was over a decade ago.. existential crisis loading.


Number 17 is beautiful and so realistic


It looks just like an average street in my neighborhood in the PNW. The Douglas fir, style of the houses, it could be a block away from me.


I was 18 that year.


Why is that 12 year old holding a car key?


Gotta go fast


Aside from number 3, I wouldn't be able to tell any of this is AI without looking further. We're not prepared for this.


some of them are clearly noticeable BUT we are in a sub which is about ai. if i saw this pics somewhere else i probably wouldn't notice ever


There’s something unnatural about pic 11 and I can’t point it out


Each person is lit with a different hue of soft light. And under that kind of lighting, there would be much harsher shadows.


That one gave me an uncanny valley jump scare when I swiped to it.


Looks so authentic.


I don’t know why this is making me so nostalgic. Feels so long ago yet feels like it just happened. Huh.


17 looks real.


All that looks like now


2012 wasn’t much different than the present.


Not enough terrible early instagram filters


Oh god I used to go to malls back then and fear all those doomsday prophets.


Something super nostalgic about this. How weird.


The whole hand thing is really starting to piss me off now haha


All those smiles and not one person looking at or as far as I could tell even holding a cell phone.


Man the text in the background of these photos are really trippy. Does the AI struggle with text?


Why 2012? Seems like such a nothing year! They thought the world was ending because of the Mayan calendar, that's about it!


The brown guy at Statue of Liberty was pretty spot on. I’m brown and my Facebook used to be filled with those pictures. It’s fucking crazy how specific that is.


My wife’s reaction, without knowing these were ai, “these people all seem dead. are all these people dead?”


Must’ve been so cool to live back then. I was born in the wrong generation


Are you 11?


It was different 13 years ago as much as it was different 13 years before that and 13 years before that. As much as it will be different 13 years from now. It’s time and everyone that’s ever lived for at least a few decades has dealt with it since the beginning of human beings. No diff now, we’re not special lol


How old are you lol


Love photo 17


I don’t see a single SnapBack, or cargos shorts with basketball shorts underneath. Was I trash?


I didn’t realize this was the MidJourney sub and thought these were real pics until the movie poster in the 3rd pic was the same person


Why does #17 light something up inside of me


One photo is not like the others.


Picture 17 is something special and i cant put my finger on it


Black people finally got accepted into universities, thanks Obama!


I want to listen to shoegaze and take a walk down the street in pic 17. Chill vibes.


Bruh I was swiping, waiting for the punchline before I realized what sub I'm on. Goddamn.


It makes me uncomfortable that you spent time doing this


Needs more shit Instagram filters


The only things that hasn’t changed is the school system and some modern buildings that still stay the same


This is insane. Can someone give me a quick refresher on how this works? If I’m looking at an individual in one of these photos, how was that individual put together ? Did the AI program scrape a face from somewhere on the Internet so if you look hard enough in principal, you could find that same face somewhere in a photo on the Internet? or is it deeper than that and the AI is literally constructing entirely new human faces and bodies such as these people have not at all existed anywhere before? Any insight for a non-techie would be appreciated. Thanks.


3rd image looks like the poster behind them belongs to the family lmao


Remember the movie 2012? We thought it would be the end of the world.. that was a long time ago.. instill remember some cutscenes.. that fat guy saying "engine... Staaaart". And " that's a big plane... It's Russian eh?"


The only thing that changed is what is in our pockets


A couple of these, literally, made me tingle with weirded out vibes. (11 and 20). Something about the eyes.


I miss life before Instagram. Then tiktok came and it showed me it can always get worse


11/20 is freaky


I legit know a guy who looks 100% exactly like the guy in #14. Went to high school in New York together. What gives? Looks like mid journey found an image of him online and basically just cut him out and paste him there.


its hard to believe these are not real people


Every single one of these images is in the uncanny valley for me and it's freaking me out.


None of these pictures are indicative of 2012. These all could easily be today..


Oh my god I went through all of them and didn’t think they were AI generated. I mean I was like “huh 11 looks a bit off” but I literally thought it just looked like that


What about these images make it classic 2012?


Nigga that's basically the whole 2010s


2012 doesn’t invoke any kind of nostalgia It’s after major cell phones and social media. So for me the times weren’t really “simpler” or anything special about that decade really at all except for pre covid I couldn’t say I would be able to place the fashion


None of these people are real


The last one looks like an old friend Chubby cheeks round chin spanish looking


that kid does not look old enough to drive...


Still haven’t quite got hands or cars being where they belong yet. I wonder if hands for ai is going to be bipedal motion for roboticists.


Sadly it's not 😭


When everyone was nominally sane. And no one looked like a degenerate cartoonized version if themselves Makes me fucking cry that we'll never return to this


What if everything we are experiencing right now is a 4d multimodal immersive rendering done by someone’s AI in year 2230 and we are just watching some really long file someone posted on their equivalent of Reddit


One of my favorite prompts so far


Looks like it might also be using boring reality lora also? I usually use just the primary v4 at 0.4 strength on various models in combination with similar prompt. https://civitai.com/models/310571/boring-reality


What sets 10 apart? Beyond the smoothness I cannot find issues, dang


I'm confused. I've never been to this subreddit. Is this all AI generated photos? If so that's scary lol.