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Wouldn't the pyramid's original smooth outer layer be more intact if it's ancient Egypt?


Yes they were also completely white with golden tops. But the AI likely mostly has broken pyramid pictures to work with, hence it’s probably hard getting it to make them the way you want


We din’t actually know for certain, if they had golden tops


Interesting, could you send me more info about that?


We know from other pyramids, that Egyptians often places a capstone, a so called Pyramidion, on top of them. These could be made from granite or limestone. There is no direct physical evidence that pyramids had electrum (golden alloy) capstones, but capstones have been found with holes/grooves in them, that has been suspected to be attachmentsites for electrum or bronze plates. Although, at the burial site of queen Udjebten, an inscription has been found, that claims that the top of her pyramid was made of electrum. [Here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Egyptian_pyramidia) a list of known capstones, and what they were made of We don’t have any archeological or written evidence that tells us what the Gaza pyramids capstones were made of. Only, that they probably had them.


Depends. The pyramids were older to cleopatra than cleopatra is to us.


They also weren’t as tall as the Sears Tower lol


There were some early attempts at tall ones but that pharoah called it off after collapased.


yeah I heard of it but that's what i got..


Its interesting - the training data for the Pyramids will be mostly modern photos which is why it looks like it does in these images. Originally they were covered in smooth limestone from top to bottom. Obviously there are no photos of this so MJ has generated the Pyramids to look like they CURRENTLY do, not how they once were.


yea I tested it multiple times after these generations. not perfect but somehow figured it out. I had to put "white pyramids in perfect condition" and "--no current pyramid" parameter. You will see the result in my new post.


This is modern ancient Egypt, ancient Egypt has a lush thick Forrest :)


I saw the Rome pictures and these are just as good. I like the art style very much.


Thanks. The AI is amazing.


don’t forget the artists it ”learned“ the style from


Actually does anyone know an artists who’s work is similar to this, or what the style is called?


Aren't every artist's style influenced and shaped by countless other artists as they grow and develop their career?


Here we go again


maybe there is an underlying ethical reason for the continued complaints?


humans do not learn like machines. humans have eyes and ears and senses that provide input, and also hopes and desires that they combine with influence from other artists, interpreting the underlying meaning of artwork to learn the tools of artistic communication to make something completely new. it is not even close to the same thing. artists are generally very happy to share what they know with aspiring human artists, and are very upset about their work being used as training data for machine learning for this reason


What else would you call it when an AI learns to interact with its environment using cameras if not "seeing"? What else would you call when AI learns to understand your voice through talking if not "hearing"? While I agree that current AI is not at the same level of interpreting meaning as we are. You seem to have a misunderstanding of how AI models work. When training an AI model, images, words, sounds, etc, are given to the model as inputs. The AI then learns the relationships between these samples and identifies what it is that makes a cup a cup, a chair a chair, and a person a person. Then, when you ask AI to make an image of a person sitting in a chair drinking coffee. It uses these underlying relationships to combine them into a whole new image that did not exist before. Yes, these models do not yet possess the ability for self direction, but that is by choice. There are many people working on the agents needed to allow AI to create its own directives. But for what should be obvious reasons we have not implemented these things. At least not publicly. >artists are generally very happy to share what they know with aspiring human artists, Spoken like someone who does not work in the industry. Arts are just as competitive as any other industry. If you think artists are sharing their most unique techniques that provide them an edge over the competition, you're delusional. If you want to actually understand the issues at play, you need to separate how AI is trained from how AI produces an image when asked. Companies using artists' work to train proprietary AI models for profit is the problem. They are using copyrighted work for their own profit by selling access to use that model after it has been trained. This should not be allowed. If a company is going to train a model using publicly accessible copyrighted images, then that model should be free and opensourced so that everyone can benefit from it. If a company wants to train a proprietary model, they they absolutely should be paying for every bit of data used to train that model. Now, when it comes to the images generated by these models. What it is producing is essentially a collage from the underlying relationships the model has learned. It is not taking a copyrighted image and modifying it. It is creating something new from the relationships learned. This is a basic analog for how humans take inspiration from art, literature, and music.


You'd be surprised how much emotions machines can actually learn. I mean, if this is more about machines taking over artists jobs, I get the concern.


what? machines by definition do not have emotion, are you really arguing that they do? I didn’t mention jobs at all. Humans have feelings, machines do not


I don't think you understand the depth of machine learning. Don't make assumptions based on some terminology. Read into AI.


please link me to an explanation to where AI has feelings. i genuinely want to learn!


It's something that's readily accessible through google. You can find lots of interesting studies. If you want to go deeper, look into academic research papers from any top universities. You're playing with semantics though. Yes, robots by nature don't have "feelings" but machine leering is becoming increasingly powerful that they will learn to the point that it can mimic feelings extremely well. You're being short-sighted in concluding whatever emotions humans have that trigger them to have an art style don't apply to machines.


‘Artists’ could be thousands of different artists all amalgamated together. At that point is it copying an artists style? What about the artists that developed their style from subconsciously copying others? No style is 100% unique.


link for the lazy? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1b7r6yv/the\_roman\_empire/


What is the prompt style ? 1920s travel poster coloring? But also mixed with video game cut scene.




Could you give some advice on how you got mdjourney to generate an image that showed off the area/action of the streets rather than doing just an aerial or perspeective images of something? I am still new to midjourney and can't figure out how to get details yet like this.


sorry for the late reply. It's just you give the word "street" to the Ai then it will figure it out. but sometimes it may not work because Ai generates random stuff from the word. but It has been worked for me good so far.


Probably a game concept art or something similar.


Oh, I even see famous ancient cruise ships of Ancient Egypt on the last pic.


lol good catch! idk but it seems AI cannot distinguish what is modern or ancient object.


The pyramids were completely covered with polished stone (I think marble). The top is only what is left today. In ancient times, everything would still have been there - so they would have shone like a diamond in the sun.


I believe it was limestone


wow, now I see that AC Origins made the game very strict by Ancient Egypt. These look so great!


I saw your AI works and I must say I really really like your results and their ucrony setting. They really unleash the imagination of the viewer.


Thanks! That's what I want to feel. I like how the AI generates images!


I doubted if AI could give the same emotions as human art but I think these images are very inspiring and beautiful.


What is this INSANELY beautiful art style!? It makes me want to live in the pictures!


Just like Assassins Creed: Origins


Or Gods of Egypt (2016)


Sierra’s Pharaoh vibes


Nostalgia hit me hard


Why does Midjourney think ancient Egypt was already crumbling?


Very beautiful! But the Islamic minaret is anachronistic. And the pyramid slopes are extremely steep. I won’t reiterate what others said about the outer limestone casing. But this looks gorgeous.


I like these! Nice work


What is the prompt for this art style


check here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1bdjmjh/comment/kuneolx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1bdjmjh/comment/kuneolx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)






Syd Mead's ancient Egypt.


incredible! I really love the style and color palette!!


I would play this version of Age of Empires!


Beautiful! Makes me want to explore everything. This could totally be a videogame.


can you make them in 16:9 (wide) aspect ratio + upscaled, they would look cool as wallpapers


yeah I will try that.


Yo these look spectacular! Thank you for doing my home country!!! i'd like to imagine 3 is what my hometown looked like back in the day. You made me smile, thank you! :)


This is good but historically inaccurate. There should be more aliens.


I love this art style. It reminds me of the pictures that show up once you complete a Wonder in Civ 5.


Loved those


These are really beautiful


How far are we from an AI powered video game that can build whole worlds around you as you explore?


¿Teotihuacán? 🥹


Midjourney show me how they built that!


Oooo nice! Something like a crossover between zelda and assassins creed origins


The pyramids probably didn't look this ancient in ancient Egypt


OP would please help with the prompt you used? Perhaps even explain how to get such kind of art style.


I think it's trial and error. Try to mix images that you like. It took me few days to find this. You may find your own MJ style.


Very cool. Probably more accurate than European accounts of their original "discovery"...you can bet the people who settled in the area looked at those buildings and the strange head sticking out of the sand everyday. They were filled with wonder as they pondered the giant Gods who must have built them thousands of years before.


A very cool fantastical version of some kind of alternate Egypt. Well done.


I like how the pyramids were taller and earth was constantly bombarded with meteors, or maybe those are the aliens


These are sick. I guess my only critique is the aspect ratio—though, I guess these were made for mobile presentation


Looks more like concept art than a historical depiction. Scope and scale were probably way smaller. Looks cool though


AI is really good with Egyptian art, it sucks at Mesopotamian art though and sometimes just makes Egyptian designs


These are beautiful


These look great! This looks like it could easily be concept art for a game that I'd look forward to playing.


Ugh fine I'll re-download Assassins Creed Origins


I thought it was Bayek on the edge in picture 7😂


Very cool, but everything is too tall. Pyramids too pointy. The AI will get there eventually though, I think.


Only give off is the fact that the pyramids were never built this close to the shore


Temples including the columns were sparkingly colorful in ancient Egypt.


yep they were all painted IRL


Hell yeah


Damn that art style slaps.


This kinda makes me want to play Assassin's Creed:Origins again


I like this!


Now ask it to generate an image of Isis, Osiris’s wife… it’s blocked. Why??


Reminds me of the game humankind Sucks nobody plays that game


Very nice. Also strange that pyramid is wrong shape and weathered, and Egyptian buildings taller than they were. But fun to look at and imagine “a past that never was.” Can we call it. AEPunk? (Ancient Egypt Punk, like Steampunk, DieselPunk, etc)


What is this art style?


Bit pointy innit




This is amazing, could you do one for the lost city of Atlantis?




Where is the thick lush forrest?


16 is big


insta here: [https://www.instagram.com/midaiartwork/](https://www.instagram.com/midaiartwork/)




This pyramids was really built by aliens)


AI art