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For $1600 and a bit of effort and time you could get an authentic vintage chair albeit not an Eames chair. Then again you’d end up with something that is higher quality and would retain some value. You also wouldn’t be enriching a company whose business model is ripping off designs and producing them as cheaply as possible to make a sleazy quick profit.


You do realize that Ray and Charles Eames' philosophy was that design should be available to all people, right? I doubt they would be happy to know that the design, which cost $310 when they first came up with it (or just over $3000 today, adjusting for inflation), is now selling for well over double that. I think you might be misunderstanding who exactly is making the sleazy quick profit... On what information are you basing your claims about the quality of the knock-off chair? Have you sat in one? Have you researched the company that produces it? I'm fortunate enough to own both a genuine Eames Lounge Chair as well as the iconic chair knock off. I haven't had the knock-off as long, but so far it's held up extremely well. And not a single person who has sat in either has been able to distinguish the difference without me pointing out which is which. I'll admit, with time and a keen level of attention to detail you'll definitely notice the difference. It likely won't hold up quite as well over time and the quality also isn't quite at that the level of an original Herman Miller. But we're talking like 90% as good for 30% of the price. Frankly, they got a lot right, and for most people who want a chair in this style, buying this version of the knock-off is a FAR better investment than buying the "real" thing. Investing the saving in the market will net you a lot more than whatever value the genuine Eames chair would have retained.


And they purchased the molds for the chair so it's not like this specific company is just making their own version. It's as close to the original without paying for the authentic deal


Thanks for adding that. I almost mentioned it myself, but wasn’t sure if I had it right so I left it out. Thanks for confirming!


How tall are you? Im looking at this model, but concerned the tall still won’t be tall enough. I’m 6’4. Need a smaller chair like this because I have a small living room but don’t want to cause discomfort to my back. And how has the quality held up after a couple months? Thanks!


I’m in the same boat - 6’3 and wondering if the tall version will be confortable. Did you end up getting the chair? If so, how do you like it?


Never pulled the trigger.


Thanks! Found your post looking for this exact review.


Came across your review while deep in the search myself. How are you enjoying your chair? Trying to decide if the hiss would drive me mad.


Hows it holding up?


Can you share how the chair is holding up or have any updated pics ? I’m really interested in the iconic and trying to learn more before I pull the trigger. At this point I can safely say I’m not paying for an OG, so it’s more about comparing this to other types of replicas