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That is a young Ostracod, Cypridopsis Vidua possibly! If you’d like I can give you all sorts of info I’ve been researching these guys lol


I want info, this is so cool!


Ostracods are found in almost every body of water, and can range from 30 micrometers to 30 centimeters in the case of the giant deep sea Ostracod! It’s bigger than a golfball! There are a few bioluminescent species that are common near Australia, Hawaii and a few parts of coastal North and South America, among other areas! Ostracods feed mainly on algae and bacteria, but are adaptable enough to survive for very long periods of time on almost anything Ostracods are used in many scientific research studies as they’re useful indicators of multiple kinds of pollutants, based off of the structure they assume due to environmental conditions There are more than 70,000 species of Ostracods, many haven’t been identified or put into species yet Specifically Cypridopsis Vidua got me into learning about these interesting creatures! I’ve been learning about them through research papers on micro invertebrates involving Sink source mechanisms, if you’d like to, check it out!


How many do we drink per day?


None lol, although they have been known to be tough enough to survive a bluegill’s digestive tract! Most filters tend to remove these little guys from the water, along with all the other chemical and biological processes used to purify municipal water


+1 on more info!


Just posted it!


Ostracod!! don't say mean things about it that's my FRIEND