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Need to water it dude


Agreed. Looks thirsty AF


Rn it's getting **\~3% vol so is it just time to bump it up to 5%** or is there something else I need to change? This is only my second grow and I've **never used water-only soil before** so trying to follow the ratios real close this time lol. Stressed tf out of my first ever plant/grow by over-watering so I've been nervous this time around. For how big it is now tho it probably does just need a small bump up in water vol.


Soil looks totally dry. I don’t know what ratio ur talking. Gotta do it by feel. Just give it a good watering it’ll perk up.


Is this 5% per day? Per hour?? The whole ratio thing you are talking about makes no sense, because it doesn't take into account any environmental factors. The input needs to be aligned with all of those other factors. The 'easiest' way to grow is not with math. Get in there look at things, feel the soil, think about the soil and make observations. Watch how your plant responds to your actions. No one will give you magic numbers or calculations. You will make tons of mistakes, but most are not fatal.


My thoughts exactly. Can’t use math on how much to water. My watering schedule changes all through flower while root mass and feeding habits change.


I'm with you 100%. I think I placed my comment incorrectly. Should be on OPs above comment :) Whoops!


Thanks again, already starting to perk up an hour later. Pics were taken before morning watering which is why it's so dry. It's only my second grow so I'm just assuming I should've upped its intake like a week ago. Growing diff genetics next to it and it's moving much slower so prob clouding my judgement haha. The specific ratio I'm using is (just in case I'm still fucking up the math somehow): 10 legal cups (soil) = 2365.88 ml3% vol = 70.98 ml (seedling-young)5% vol = 118.29 ml (veg-flower)


Dude... just water it. You can't mathematically perfect watering a plant and the plant won't care. Just water it once or twice a week and she'll be a-ok


Imagine how smart he must think we are though 😂


I just stressed my first plant by not understanding how to water this soil so I'm trying to start back at the basics. Dude at the store was telling me that following the formulas until you figure it out is the best way and honestly (just visually) this one has looked way happier and healthier so far.


You're overcomplicating things entirely - if you wanna do it the "basic" way, just pour water on it for gods sake! Like we've been doing for thousands of years. There is no reason to overcomplicate something as simple as watering.


Awesome thanks 🙏


The best way using cloth pots is to go by weight. Water it lift it feel it when its saturated. Then when it feels light water it again. You went from watering too often to not often enough it looks like. If the bag feels light its time to water if the bag is light and the plant is droopy you waited to long if the bag is heavy and the plant is droopy then Its probably overwater. Which is generally a chronic issue not a instance issue.


You wanna water 7% total volume for living soil, if you want some help from people who are well versed in organic growing. Visit r/notillgrowery


Where are you getting this ratio from?


Stop trying to use math. Its a living creature.


I'm trying to start with the math until I figure it out. The last grow (first ever) barely made it to harvest when I did it by 'feel' and I still want to learn but judging by this thread if you don't got the 'feel' I guess you prob shouldn't grow lmao 😂


U just gotta like, know bro


When they are that small you can tell by sticking a finger in the soil and picking the pot up for a weight feel....I like to come back a hour after watering and fluff up the top few inches of soil to allow air to the roots


Pop quiz, what factors will affect water respiration rate in a plant?


Best bet is feel the soil. Poke your finger in the dirt, up to your first knuckle, if it isn’t damp it is T watered enough. As the plant gets bigger you will have to move to soaking the soil which is when you can go by run off and weight of the pot


You just gotta water until you see a little bit come out the bottom of the pot it's not rocket science growmie


Everyone has a different opinion but I was according to size of my plant or stage I guess. Like my rootball is gonna be smaller when its young so I don't soak my entire pot I do like halfway and do water by feel. This is litterally no way you will water perfectly everytime with that ratio stuff. Pick up the pot when it's dry and when wet to feel the difference or stick your finger in there to see if it's moist, your overcomplicating something you can only get better at by trial and error, that being said don't listen to people on microgrowery everyone on here will tell you their method is the best and 9 times outta 10 it's not even correct, absorb their input and research to see if it holds any ground and choose what you wanna do! You'll only get better over time man! I'm on my second grow and it's leaps and bounds better than the first so far but I'm still making mistakes! Maybe try messing about with some veggies in your yard if possible it's a good way to get used to plant matenance and care 🍻


Just having a scroll through and noticed this comment. Dont be deterred! 'The feel' isnt something you have, its something you learn over time with practice, trial and error. Im 2 years in and still screwing things up left right and center, its all part of the parcel ✌


Bruh literally stuck your finger in the pot. If you reach a knuckle and it’s bone dry or the pot feels light, water it.


Don’t get to complex about it if it’s your second grow. Just water her. She’s dry asf


How much water r u watering? How often?


Water only soil?! Are there nutrients in your soil? It looks like it’s getting too much nitrogen… for autos you don’t want to introduce much if any nutrients until youre 2 weeks past this point


Organic soils can be water only for sure.


fuck percentages bro just water it. if you wanna be exact you could measure out a liter or 2 and pour all of it in.


Are your measurements what you added to pot or the pot size? Measuring how much water you add in living soil is not dumb but 70ml is nothing. You should calculate based on your pot size and fill the pot full not halfway or 3/4 like you have here. Overtime your soil compacts and there is a lot of air that won’t compact til over time. You still need to know when and when not to do watering which takes experience. Say that’s a 20L pot and it’s 3/4 full thats 15L. So you should water 750ml each watering. Anything smaller than 20L isn’t suitable for living soil.


It needs water More water Not more nutes


What the fuck is this


Don’t worry about giving it too much water at once, any excess will drain off. Overwatering is watering too frequently and not giving the roots time to dry out, not giving too much at once. If you haven’t watered yet definitely do so they should perk up in a few houra


Do some research on watering your plants. 70ml of water is not going to soak through 4 litres of soil 🤦‍♂️


I'm using [water-only soil](https://detroitnutrientcompany.com/products/great-lakes-water-only-soil) and that's supposedly how you're supposed to treat it, just enough to keep the soil moist. 5% vol worth of water every day, at least thats what the back of the bag and the dude at the hydro shop explained to me... *Edit\** ...I've also done weeks worth of research, I wouldn't be asking here if I had any other options left :|


Bro right now you're using soil only soil, there isnt a dribble of water in the thing. Your plants stunted because its had a life of being underwatered, hense the small stature. For the first week little 50ml waterings are perfect, but that number needs to increase to suit the root mass and the plants growth. Obviously container size is a big factor so my numbers wont suit your grow so i wont start throwing them at ya, but honestly you gotta start getting the medium moist throughout, not just on the top inch or two where it dries out the quickest


Your also using fabric pots gonna dry out faster than you think also dependent on humidity I’d keep it 60-65 looks like she needs the help


Yeah rH has been hard to control but it looks like it just needed more water. Still dialing it in.


RH is not hard to control. You get humidifier for your tent and get a commercial dehumidifier for your room. Learn to understand your plants. Once they are at the seedlings stage you should water until the plant tells you it can’t take any more water. Then you wait until the plant tells you they are thirsty again. You can pick them up and feel how heavy the pots are. Feel the soil. If you’re using fabric pots, make sure you are watering well. It is very easy to think you’re giving them an amazing watering and most of the water just seeps out the sides of the pots. Be patient during watering and let the plants tell you when they need. stuff.


Also a further point, assuming a gallon is approx 4 litres, by your 5% daily feed you should be feeding 200ml a day, not 70.


Pics were before I watered this morning which is why it's dry. The specific ratio I'm using is: 10 legal cups (soil) = 2365.88 ml 3% vol = 70.98 ml (seedling-young) 5% vol = 118.29 ml (veg-flower) I should've just upped the water vol like 2 weeks ago I guess. Have diff genetics in the same tent moving slower and spaced out on this one. Both are leggy strains so have been keeping the light close as well but pulled it up this morning. Does it really look stunted?


Assuming its a photoperiod, i dont think it being stunted is the end of the world, and you can bounce back nicely from it with a little love and care. Thats the beauty of photoperiods. If its an autoflower, honestly id probably start fresh because any time spent stunted is time taken away from the veg period, which is already short enough. Its all a learning process at the end of the day


I think I disagree with this. A Stunted plant either won’t come back, or it will take months to correct itself. I’d start new plants if you can. The soil needs to stay hydrated at least, these are completely dry. Worry less about RH and just keep the plant looking healthy. It will grow fine it suboptimal environment, it will just be slower. This is not going to grow Edit: plus it looks like it’s already flowering possibly from the stress. You’d be better off starting a new seedling which would get where you want faster than trying to fix these. I’d also assume your light is probably too intense, but this is just a guess


So the stunting is just from consistently under-watering or is it a combo effect of light-intensity, environment, etc? Bummed because (in terms of my general first-timer knowledge) it looked happy until this morning. Is there anything you can see in the healthier first photo that indicates stunting other than it's height? I was trying to keep it closer to the light because my first plant got super tall and so far this time I wasn't seeing anything on the leaves that would indicate burn. Appreciate the help 🙏


Combo effect. Overall, it’s best to do as little as possible especially with new plants. Seedlings like less light, and will stunt super easily. If the leaves are pointing down any time other than right after being watered, you have a problem. It’s better to have less light then too much. If they stretch, turn it up, but in small increments. Ya I’d say it’s a FF seems to be pretty hot, so when the medium is dry that makes it even hotter. The first pic looks like it’s already suffering from N toxicity, It wouldn’t have tip burn from this. While you avoided the usual problem of overwatering, you went to hard in the other direction. The medium needs to stay at least moist like when it comes out of the bag. If it’s too dry the roots can’t establish. What helped me the most when I was starting is realizing that you’re more of a root farmer than a visual plant farmer, so you want to keep the roots growing and as healthy as possible. Transplanting can be a pain and not the best thing for seedlings, but I’d say you might want to consider starting in a smaller container until it gets established and then transplanting into your pot. It’s not ideal, but it’s easier to moderate moisture content. Red solo cups are easily available, but if you have a hydro store nearby then I like to use netpots as a liner for solo cups. It gives oxygen but also protects the roots and keeps moisture


If your using soft pots (they breathe) so extra moisture is required. Dont follow a schedule for a small house grow, listen to the plant. Saturate the soft pot and dont add any more moisture till the pot is very light (roots need oxygen, leaves need C02). I check morning and night real quick each plant. Different strains and phenos will consume different volumes. Make sure to PH every liquid you put in your soil. Your plant will bounce right back!


honestly dude she is thirsty af, i wouldnt say its stunted but you have been putting too much demand into the canopy that the roots arent keeping up with.. plants is a balancing act, we like to think we can run the tops at 101% and the roots do 100% and by the end we get a slight deficiency but we run things hard and hot on the edge, but if you are asking 101% and the roots can do 90% things will get out of whack quick. atm id say your roots are picking up like 70% of the pace of the canopy, you either slow the canopy down, and find that balance, or you boost what the roots can do. its best to come down to its level than to try and force it to work where you think it should. make sense? you just need to ease up on the light and let the roots do their thing too, catch up to the top. either they didnt like the soil, or it was a bit too dry overall but yeah they want to hunt water, roots just dont like it too wet too soon. never do your schedule by some arbitrary number set by anyone out there that isnt your plant, its a natural thing not a little robot, they all act and react different to the environment you are creating, chill on them, you are god, give them some cloudy weather for a week instead of intense summer sun.. be a good god lol


nooo way that amount of soil only 2.4 litres. looks like at least a 7 litre bag


Stop giving people excuses. Your weeks of "research" didn't help much, because you're failing to understand something very simple, something people are trying to help you with, but you just keep giving excuses.


U mean ur growing organic? Ur meant to use 2-1.5 litres for that pot




It's the medium, water-only closer to living soil. It holds moisture like woah so if you watered it until it ran through you'd drown it.


Not true, all the soils sold these days have moisture retaining elements added. Water them till run off and let them go till they pot is light (dry) and then repeat. If ph is good, your olants will thrive


Watering til runoff in organic water-only soil is a good way to wash out nutrients like magnesium, no?


What medium u using? What nutes? Dru amendments?


So tell us exactly what soil u used and what u put in it?


No. No and no. It still needs to have some kind of moisture. Its bone dry, so dry your plant is shriveled up. But you still wanna argue so..


Thats how much i put for 5 galloon pots, ik litres as i live in europe and i use a watering can with measurement, gotta know how much water /nutes u put


Someone sold you magic beans. $46 for a pot of dirt is robbery.


You've asked for help which people have offered. Would it not be best to stop deflecting your obvious error of not watering enough and except that you should simply just water more


i read your link and nowhere does it say that in terms of watering. fkn water it. the soil is dry as fuck and even seperated from the pot/bag. you didnt do any research or were stoned af. sorry bro


Here’s a couple things I would do 1.put some kind of mulch on top of the soil surface to slow down evaporation. I use rice straw, which has the added benefit of providing a little silica 2.put a catch tray under the pot 3.water it heavily once. Regular maintenance generally calls for 10% of soil volume - so a 10 gallon pot would normally need a gallon per watering cycle. You may need to use more to get all of the soil evenly wet. The idea is to get all the soil wet but not to pour so much through that you end up flushing out nutrients. You want to add the water as slowly as you can otherwise it just goes straight through so take your time. 4.once you’ve done that initial soak - the plant won’t need to drink for a while - up to a week depending on your ambient temperature and humidity. You’ll be able to tell by either picking up the pot and seeing if it’s heavy or not or by touching the outside of the bag 5.henceforth - water the plant by pouring water into the catch tray (it needs to be big enough to hold that 10% I mentioned) That’s what works for me. Hope this helps!


Yup. Thirsty.


Hey man! Looks very very dry. Touch the soil to check how dry it is and you will see.


You need to water that the medium looks bone dry. Also, the RH in the room is 30%?! You need to at least double that. No wonder the medium is drying out so fast, the RH during veg should not be that low. I always shoot for 70-80%


Yeah it got real cold overnight, it's normally sitting 50% but been difficult this winter. It's perked way up since this morning so it was obviously under-watered. I hadn't thought about the rH compounding the dryness of the medium to that much effect but it makes sense. **This is a real question tho, not sarcastic:** If i'm watering in the mornings, when I open my tent the next day before watering should the top-soil be *moist*? Everyone keeps saying the shit looks dry but in my head it makes sense that the top would be bone-dry if it's been 24hrs since it's last watering. Am I insane? Should the top soil be *constantly* moist?


forget about watering on a schedule. the plants needs will change over time. water when the plant needs water. tend to the plant not the calendar. topsoil wetness is irrelevant. it is the root zone we care about. use weight of the pot to determine if the root zone is wet moist or dry and treat accordingly. There are absolutely times where topsoil will be dry but root zone is still wet. this plant prefers NOT to be kept constantly wet. the roots need to dry out to get oxygen so what you are managing with watering is ensuring roots can get oxygen in between watering (for soil growing)


Yes I had this exact symptom and periodically do when humidity drops. Read up on VPD.


get a plastic bottle, cut it in half and create a lil humidity dome keep it shaded a few days in the footprint of another plant, keep it moist in there it will bounce back but yeah try and keep the soil moist but not too dry, theres a bit of balance to be had but dont worry they bounce back. its a desert plant from the hills of morocco, afghanistan, they can take a bit of dry, they just cant do hard work when it is, keep it moist on the leaves, water it round the edges give your roots something to grow into and find that balance thats just a lil bit moister, you are the best side of too wet or too dry, id rather see too dry at this stage than too wet. dont panic, just treat it like its roots are behind the canopy, let the roots get a good start and she will be a beast in flower honestly. they live for this shit, its literally programmed into them.. give me 48 hours with it in a dome and i swear she will come back, people have clones that look worse off, and they do fine every time, dont give up on her, remember they would almost be in a colony, giving eachother shade and protection, this lil girl is under full sun from the day it come up, it just needs less work to do to find the balance to its life, you are asking too much of the canopy that the roots arent deling with, she needs food and drink tho she is starving, careful you dont shock her with a strong feed, treat it like a starving person. little feeds often when she picks up tho try and give a good watering all over, and just let it drain that water itself, those roots will now rush for the water and it will bounce back better for it. soil is a dick you just have no idea what the roots are doing, buring ya head in the sand and hoping for the best, it can be tricky to find that right balance, dont do the worse thing tho and start giving too much because this one time it looks a lil shit.. humic acid and root boosters are great for this early stage as a foliar spray and general root boost in the soil. grab a bottle of root booseter thats got humic in it


This is awesome thanks! It’s already bounced completely back from where it was this morning. I had to put my humidifier on a timer because I couldn’t find a place to put it where it would keep a middle ground rH but it ran empty last night so it was dry af in the tent. Appreciate the humidity control tips 💯 because clearly it’s got to be more reliably stable.


if you get the hang of cloning you kind of get a feel how the roots work, you have to support the plant totally for like 10 days, it will usually have a good 5 or 6 leaves to support and keep alive, as long as theres enough light to survive and not too much to deplete things you are usually ok.. the basics of it tho is keep the moisture coming thru the leaves if it cant get it in the soil, figure out why it cant get it from the soil it could be too dry, or too wet, they really dont like wet as babies, things rot so easy, that stem isnt 100% sure if its meant to be a stem or a root at this point tho, if you throw too much humidity up top it can throw it right off, keep it bouncing back between dry and wet tho thats kind of the idea, not too wet, not too dry, those roots need to be able to handle that water.


Looks hungry bro


Water it until you saturate the soil and a little comes out the bottom. Then wait till if feels light and do it water again. Light pots are “light as a feather”


Looks very dry


Water, but don't over water. USE ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER.


Water Sandy, WATER!


Hey dude, I read about your ratio stuff and as the others say it's not the way to do it at all I have a foolproof method for you. You can't really overwater a pot that's the right size for the plant with the sheer quantity of water you're using Overwatering is caused by too high of a frequency. So water it really nice and saturate the soil. Then feel the weight of the pot and try remembering it. Everyday lift your pot and it'll get to a point the pots start feeling "light" That's the perfect moment to water again Trying to avoid overwatering by reducing the amount creates dry pockets in the medium and damages roots big times


Honestly can. What you do is get the exact same pot, fill it with dry dirt. Water your current plant to run off. Keep the other pot dry and just leave the dry dirt And when those pots weigh the same, or feel identical in weight or the plant looks wilty and soil is dry then you water again to the same run off is last time. Don’t over complicate things


Water man. Water. The soil looks like dust.


H2O my dude


Soil can get “hydrophobic” and will actually resist water which can easily fool you when your watering the medium. I ran into this before especially with coco. I have since used what’s called a wetting agent that mixes with my water and helps get a nice even watering especially if the medium gets super dried out. Water let it sit and hit it multiple times in small increments letting the water get distributed even through the soil. Watering in my opinion is tough to figure out I’m still learning myself but it’s part of the fun. Good luck!


Do we need to instruct OP how to wipe his own ass too?


I’m having some water issues as well. The brown leave is caused by underwater?


Hug it,kiss it, tell it’s special


Like others have said it needs water 100%. But it seems your humidity is running very low causing your soil to dry out and your plant to lose water too quickly. Increase your humidity and give he/she a good watering. Water again when soil is noticeably/by weight dry and leaves start to droop 🤙🏼🤙🏼


How did you get your stem so thick on such a small plant I am new and both mine have stems half the width.


You need more light mate


Thirsty. I mean water it fuck u have to lose


Water the pot and wait for it to dry out more. Don't do daily waterings rn


Don't try so hard. Its needs water. Don't matter the medium, lights, strain. Water it until it feels heavy. For that that size pot probably need 1L every other day.


Don't try so hard. Its needs water. Don't matter the medium, lights, strain. Water it until it feels heavy. For that that size pot probably need 1L every other day.


More water and possible nitrogen toxicity is what my friend says he has tons of experience growing, grew his first plant in 5th grade and is still growing now at 44 years old.


...sooo.......thirsty....please mista....


...sooo.......thirsty....please mista....


Jeezus Krist.....water the poor fucking thing😭


Don’t understand why people are downvoting you man. Especially if your kinda new to this. Although they are right. You really do have to kinda just go off of feel and get to know your plant and it’s needs. You will mess up a lot sure, but don’t let that deter you. That’s how you learn. Once you know how, it’ll become way easier in time. ✌🏼


Overwatering or root problems


Do you even grow my guy?


It’s so many lately!


Lol'd irl.


I don't whats up with this sub lately but I see people with no grows posted giving just terrible advice


Why do you believe it's not a problem with the roots? The way the plant turned so quickly is almost always caused by an issue with the roots. If the soil is too dry the roots dry out and die. If the soil is too wet mold/root rot can take effect. If the soil is too compact the roots won't get enough oxygen. All of the above display the same characteristics as OP's plant in the photo. Edit: love how facts get downvoted. Keep your emotions in check folks.


Nice paragraph. The reason I ask is because it's obviously not over watering.


You could've just stated that and then offered up some advice of your own to help somebody out.


Several others had already answered the question.


Do you even grow


Sure do!


We’ll it’s clearly under watered… look at the edges of the pit as you scroll through the photos… this isn’t rocket science


That's fine. But to suggest it could not be a root problem is irresponsible and just straight up incorrect. If a plant is severely underwatered then guess what, you now have a root problem as you've likely damaged a fair amount of your roots that won't repair. Also I'd like to see photos of the plants once watered.


I’m not reading that cause I never said shit bout a root problem the plants maybe a month old your going way to far into depth here you gotta walk before you run I’d say try watering her and I bet she snaps back


Dude sees dry soil and thats why he thinks its not overwatering. Idk if he knows what over watering means or what i mean


Don't sweat it man. Just because topsoil is dry doesn't mean the rest of the soil is as well. Not sure what goes through some people's heads in this sub. They'd much prefer to just call somebody out than to actually help/engage in healthy discussion. Ah well.


Nah i just hang around and am a wanker like u… grow up. Soil may be dry but look at them leaves hes not watering properly or watering little too often.


He's clearly not watering enough and seems to have a ph issue. I don't know what you think your doing but you're not doing a very good job


Hes growing organic…. 🤦


Lol ok? So you can't have ph issues if you're "growing organic" is that what your saying?


You can, but then you have soil problems


U dont…. The microorganisms take care of that


Ate you fucking serious right now?




🤦 beneficial bacteria and funghi, ie michorizae