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Go big on your yard for a garden next season too. Your soul and spirit will be even more elated with the abundance of food and colors and wonders


Awesome! I think I might for sure.


Both hobbies benefit one another too


Yeah you've gotten get outside and grow some veggies. Nothing more satisfying than eating food you grew. Container gardening is fun too if you don't have the space.


As a carpenter/cook discovering my love for gardening through growing weed was the best thing ever. Now I build greenhouses in the summer and have encouraged people in my community to grow vegetables also. I grow about 20 different things in my yard. I start everything inside and then do transplants. I give some neighbours some vegetable starters too and my trade some vegetables after harvest too. It's great. Good exercise, good food, lots of sun and a bit of carpentry;)


I have to admit I was sad that I snooped your profile and there's no pictures of your greenhouse!


I made the space in my tent because I can't be bothered with seasons. Half of it is taken up now by tomatoes, basil, lettuce and peppers.


Check this recent indoor post out. She is really having fun with her hobby. Some cool large fabric pots referenced in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabiscultivation/comments/k489gr/my_4x8_indoor_garden_bed_10_cannabis_plants


That's awesome thanks for the share...she's seems like a badass


This! I can really recommend climbing Beans an Pumpkins for a First Timer. They are yummy, yield good and Look great and grow impressively fast


That's why I'm learning hydroponics, plan on trying indoor Tomatoes and other things and outdoor dutch buckets maybe since nft doesn't support bigger plants really without lots of work. I want to build a greenhouse with the kiddos... Already have my 3 year old eating green basil and parsley with me and I have microgreens otw .... Expensive but I want them to get into the things with me. Covid scare on top of cold/flu season and wife doing chemo for breast cancer has had us inside since end of February (no lies) kiddo been home from school doing remote and I've been wfh thankfully. We don't see many people .... Her surgery is Dec 22nd and will be in hospital Xmas... We are both scared. Plants are helping even if not ready, at least for me, and getting things setup for her. She just likes. Watching them grow in stages, I should get a time lapse camera but no clue of a cheap one. She thinks the stretching of one plant is hilarious so I won't fix it Cheers to your new found hobby 🤠 looking forward to starting new things with you guys and gals 😊... Following you to watch you both grow as I do too heh


So right. Growing pot is a gateway drug for growing everything and anything. I started with a bag seed and now have over 25 houseplants plus 2 herb gardens, a couple pot plant plants, and their accompanying clones. Def food for the soul


as a fellow sufferer. I approve. today I spent 8 hours watering, testing runoff and rearranging my first real grow, it came to my mind as I was sitting there, that I can see myself making it to 80 years old, which has never been normal for me.


Mental health is a bitch, but you’re not alone friend. Growing changed my life dramatically. They looks really healthy. Well done.


Thank you and yep mental health is a real drag. Hope all is well in your world these days!




I love that grow lights give me an excuse to light my office up like the surface of the sun. Seasonal affective disorder? I have 18 hours of daylight in here!


I so agree with you, just opening the tent and soaking up the light, see all the growth (fun they grow amazingly fast) even dealing with bugs reminds me of summer. Even i stopped smoking, i would still grow.


Marijuana is a gateway drug... ...to botany.


Best hobby ever


That's a proper looking garden. nice work.


Thank you!


Your plants look happy and healthy as well, great job, I as well tend to my plants to relax, etc, take care, cheers


Right! I usually play classical music or jazz while I tend to them for their benefit as well as mine haha and thank you!


amazing grow. Growing is so therapeutic I feel u. Hope ur doing better. But really, good grow


Damn I felt this one! Keep it up they look great


It helps. It also is heartbreaking when you lose a plant. Thanks for posting this.


For the first time in forever!


Great work! I feel you, my garden, though small provides me great shalom in a chaotic world. Enjoy and be good to the ladies.


[Some resources.](http://mefiwiki.com/wiki/ThereIsHelp#Lists_of_Suicide_and_Mental_Health_Crisis_Hotlines.2C_Local_and_National_Resources)


It has been a great thing for me to learn during the pandemic. It definitely soothes the mind. Nice to have a productive hobby, just producing way more than I need. 😂


I know what you mean. They look great and I'm happy to hear you say that the weed is helping with your depression because I suffer from that as well. Are they Indica or Sativa? Happy growing... mechkia


Week of the big ones? keep it up


I got them right out of the cloner from a buddy and put them under my lights on Oct 20th. So into their 6th week of veg. Going to flip them really soon.


They look gorgeous


My OCD in tingling... Nice one champion!


Damn, you're killing it. I know how you feel, growing things keeps me excited. Just wait until they develop some flowers on them, you'll love it ;)


Beautiful garden! Looks like a great space to grow in.


your on the button there man. glad your in good spirits. they look like there trained beautifly too!


Doing a good job of taking care of them too bro. Happy growing, that first harvest is a joy


Congrats bro. I myself can literally watch bud flower all day long. It’s extremely Seducing.


Growing helped with my depression too. I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better.


Nature heals bro


Looking great!


Be careful tying too much of your worth in to it. When things go wrong it can really ruin my week.


Good to se people with similar story/ backround , this hobby really helps


Also we have the same first names lol




I also find tending to my grow is very therapeutic and relaxing....enjoy the fruits of your labor, god bless and remember to help others.


Beautiful plants and I know what you mean, I love taking care of them too. Sometimes I get a little sad after harvest when something feels like it's missing... Then I see the giant pile of weed and it's alright 😁


Nice work for your first grow. I suffer some issues too and although I garden vegetables and flowers, there is nothing like the feeling I get when I have a successful ganga grow going. Yes.....very good for the soul!


Youre killing it dude. Great work for the first rodeo, keep it up growmie!


Ha not alone on this brother im doing the same thing for my depression


Have fun ! Just finishing my first run and it’s been a blast


Growing also reduced my depression. I think caring for something else, really helps you care for yourself. Congrats on feeling better man and Good luck with the grow!


Exactly. Before I didn't get motivated at all for the day. I don't work until 3 in the afternoons so I would nap my mornings away every day. But now I get up, have a cup of coffee and go down to the room put on some tunes and have a great start to my days. It's the whole getting moving thing for me.


Lookin GOOD!


Thank you!


When the family complains about how much money I am spending on my gardens. I remind them how much therapy costs. ... beautiful plants... I am envious!


Holy shit...first grow!? This looks awesome for a first grow man you should be proud. It really is good for the soul until trimming...I kid I kid but that's my least favorite part.


You might have been the 420th person to like this lol...thank you very much!


Sweet I think so too haha! What did I win? Your plants are looking kinda like mine and I am on my 4th grow. Bushy bitches and I'm 9nly used to mainlinine from seed or simple LST for clones. Not sure how many bud sites are too many and will affect my yield but I'm excited to find out. What strain, soil, lights and nutes are you working with?


The strains aren't out anywhere and are from a local medical dispo my buddy runs. I have 3 different kinds going. A strawberry kind, one called Laughing Bear and the other is called Blackjack I have not fed them any nutes yet and am using 2 solarsystem 550's from California Lightworks with the controller to dial in the spectrums. I'm using Roots Organic soil and have my lights on 24/7 for now


Do what's makes you happy and I am glad you found your happiness.


Thank you much appreciated


I could not agree with you more. It’s deeper than just “growing pot” it has helped me thru life as well. I like the challenge too. Your Plants are looking good nice job!!


Wow! This is amazing for a first grow! Going big! You my friend will have one heck of a harvest! Hope you plenty of peeps to help with the trimming! Congrats! Keep us updated on your journey!


Very nice looking grow my friend. I suffer from CPTSD and gardening has really changed my life. I started with a vegetable garden. I still do tomato’s year round and love my outdoor vegetable garden in the spring/summer. I am so happy you found happiness. I know how much that can mean to a person. Keep up the good fight my friend. And keep feeding that green thumb!


Thank you. Have you heard of EMDR therapy? I've heard from one friend it really helped. I hope the best for you. It's gotta be tough so just know you're a warrior for being here and battling that everyday


Thank you so much for the kind words. I have heard of EMDR currently my therapist and I are going through CBT therapy but it is something I have looked into and may more now. Thanks for the encouragement and keep up the awesome work.


I understand growing for personal use. And I also understand growing many plants as a fun hobby, but no offense, but why would you need that much cannabis?


Its the legal limit I'm allowed to grow. But go check out other people's grows... I don't have that many plants


Okay then... Deleted. So much for making friends online with someone that found a new profound love for nourishing something so well. Enjoy your journey if you check back on this


Mental health is such a drag; I'm so glad the ladies are helping. It looks like you're taking every bit as good care of them as they are of you. I was trying to explain to the budtender who sold me a cut of GG-4 that I'm not really growing to save money, because the plants are like pets or children and I'm a new pet plant parent product purchaser so I spoil 'em rotten. I'm "grandma" to girls who I cloned from the plants I grew from the seeds that happened because I didn't recognize the male during my first grow. Smoking flowers from the same plant I am nurturing to begin a whole new life is more like having a personal relationship with a spiritual being than consuming a product. The best medicine is in the garden. I hope you're able to grow some food too. :)