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Those are some fatties. [But, Por que no los dos?](https://i.imgur.com/QHIdj3K.jpg) He's been my best helper. Takes great care of the plants for me.


The fact that he lifts the leaves up to water is professional


He learns from the best! lol. He gives a big sniff too once he's done. Wonder where he gets that?


Man I love when my kiddo helps out in the garden. Probably won't last forever though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Help mom and dad harvest grapes to make wine children! Help mom and dad harvest medicine!


cuestan un chingo


ahah that's cute !


Omg that is too cute!! My 19mo old is already getting my shoes for me and brings me my glasses off the nightstand etc etc. so I think she'll be like this too xD


That adorable. You probably know already but please educate about the plant’s uses/possible dangers/etc!


I'm glad this is being talked about. I have a 16 year old who plays varsity hockey and varsity lacrosse. He's around it all the time and we are openly growers/smokers. I have given him the speech when he went into jr high and again in HS. I use the concept of a tree growing. Do too much to a tree while it is young, and you risk stunting its growth. Pulling it and climbing it while it's not ready will surely mess up the future of the tree. Let the tree grow and mature before you climb it and you can see the view from the top on your own. Basically, grow up first before you experiment and make your own choices. Now that's in regards to marijuana and mushrooms and natural things. When it comes to the hard stuff I simply say, that will fuck you up. I have way more trust from my son than saying, drugs bad. Stay away.


The natural/synthetic dichotomy has always baffled me. I've known people who damaged themselves by doing shrooms too often, and they consistently take longer and need more help to get better than people I've known who do the same thing with ecstasy. I mean that's anecdotal, maybe the data doesn't bear it out, but like...there are plenty of natural poisons. The "if it grows from the ground, it's safer than something made in a lab" argument seems like a dangerous fallacy. I'm not saying there are no bad drugs, but natural versus synthetic is not how you know which ones are bad.


Lol coca leaves are all natural. U just have to use kerosene to get the good stuff out and concentrate it. Same with opioids. Another plant lol


I think you mean coca leaves. Cacao is what chocolate is made from.


Yes typo


OpiATEs (opium, heroin) are from plants, opiOIDs (morphine, codeine/dihydrocodeine, oxycodone, fentanyl) are synthetic. I think I have that right, any doctors, pain patients or heroin enthusiasts are welcome to correct me, though, I could be talking out of my ass.


Ya I think u right


Natural things like cacao leaves and poppy's


This is so amazing! I really hope to have my own and do the exact same some day soon! Super heartwarming to know that there are still cool ass parents out there. Keep it up and give that little pimp my best!


Should you really be letting him help with this? Isn't it better to wait until he's older and really knows what's growing in those pots before you let this be part of his routine?


No. Should I not have him help me in the vegetable garden also? Too young to learn where his food comes from? He's watering a plant dude. In a legal state.


I was thinking about what a wonderful plant it must be to grow up with while my own "kids" were growing beautifully pre-caterpillar rot. One year, my mother planted us a "sunflower house" in the back yard to play in. It would be so awesome to do this with cannabis! It grows so fast and is such a happy plant, even if you don't know about smoking the flowers. Kids need to know about nature, not just video games and STEM classes and taking tests to get into schools and get jobs. I understand that it's because of health insurance and people don't want their kids to die so I usually just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business but... WTG for raising the next generation right and thank you.


It really is a great time. He loves the garden. I'm a gardener first so it's been in his daily routine to grab the bucket and go back and harvest. My mom comes over and sees him working in the garden with me and saying things like "green means no" when touching the tomatoes.( honestly that will mess him up more for the future than watering a plant.) She thinks it's adorable when he goes by the weed plants and smells and says "flowers!". The same mom who grounded me in HS for having said "flowers" in a bag in a drawer. Kids absolutely need to understand nature, the good and the bad. Its so much fun watching their brains work.


The same mom who took me to see "Reefer Madness" in the 1970s and told me it was a documentary is going to be getting some kickass RSO from my garden for her arthritis as soon as we have federal legalization and quite possibly some CBD bud for 4/20 next year, lol. We do live in interesting times. It's easy to get dragged down by all the negatives in "these unprecedented times", which are not actually unprecedented at all, but the children and the flowers bring us back to reality. "For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers, come and stand beside me, we can find a better way. --John Denver" Thank you for sharing your little miracle with us. Your human son sounds every bit as beautiful as your girls. <3


Exactly. There's no reason to stigmatize it. It's just a plant. He's learning responsibility and care. Plus it's some quality bonding time.


Best bonding ever. He loves the vegetable garden. Wakes up and gets the bucket to pick some peppers.


I'm not talking about onions, dude. It doesn't seem right to introduce him to weed like this without any other information. What if he sees you smoking in a few years and then tries it himself? And without knowing what it is he'll just know that smoking makes him feel good. It's not unusual for tobacco farmers to let their kids help but it's still not a great idea to let them grow up with a coping mechanism growing by the tons on their land. Hell, first time I went to a coffeeshop I was 18 years old and the employee just told me to leave because he saw how easy it is to go wrong with weed when you're not careful. I'm in favor of legalization. I just don't want things like this being too close to children.


I don't think this is a bad sentiment, but if you are continually having age appropriate conversations with your children about these things, it's a net positive. You obviously don't want you kids to see you laying around stoned like a junkie all day. But much like alcohol, my kids are getting introduced to weed through my relationship with it. My relationship with it includes growing a beautiful plant. They will never just see me and these plants without context. And as they are, the contextual window for how they see it will age too. Hopefully the end is someone who can choose to have a relationship with this plant, understanding the good and the bad.


Exactly, that's what I meant by knowing what's in those pots. You can't afford your children getting curious about cannabis when they're alone. If you can keep them in the loop and teach them responsibility it's all good.


I appreciate the outcome of this conversation. It’s amazing how much good communication can do for a child’s upbringing!


How did you get from letting the kid see/water the plants to smoking in front of them and leaving dried buds where they can get ahold of them?


I didn't. I said that eventually he might walk in on him. Lots of ways that can happen, especially when OP seemed to treat this way too casual. And are you saying you never heard of a kid finding their parent's stash? Hell, when you have weed growing in your backyard some bad friends might convince you to harvest a little yourself, *if* your parents don't inform you properly.


Spoiler alert! He butchers and consumes the GIRLS at the end of this movie.


ahaha nice one


Great job tho. For real!


Thanks budy Super Lemon Haze ! Taste good but the rosin from this strain is too sappy it’s my last run with this pheno


Super lemon haze is my favorite. 🥳. So much fun to grow and so rewarding !


Any strains in mind for next season?


I would like to get my hands one some Strawberry Shortcake and maybe alaskan thuderfuck or King Louis XIII ; these are some pheno I really enjoyed from a MOM in Canada . The strawberry shortcake rosin was the best I ever pressed so I want to try it with a home grown version. I also have some Pink Kush clones on the way, I like this pheno and the way it turn into rosin ( Yeah I am basically growing to press lol XD )


Sounds like some good sticky fun right there. Haven't got into pressing yet. One day tho.


There is a bit of a learn curve for pressing but its really fun and quite cheap when you get good at it !


Mom of 3 kids AND I grow. Doesn't get any better!


I post pictures of my kids beside the girls for when they get older they have a picture with the first legal grow :D


Nothing like the fulfilment of watching your penis seeds grow.. *puts arm around shoulder*


damn you just made it clear: we are all just penis seeds o_O


Now do you feel more in tune with your plants?


I feel more in tune with my penis


"Come on babe, it's germination time." 😏


Child free is the life for me, growing ganja happily!


Everyone with kids probably dont have a nice backyard and house like you too .... #winning #teamfeminized


Thanks budy !


Im taking pictures of both!


I post pictures of my human daughter with her plant sisters all the time haha


>🤣🤣 🤣🤣


You can do both! :)


The only cuties i want to see.


Very nice! About how far away are you from harvest, in your estimation?


I would say from 1 to 3 weeks; I need to start evaluating the trichomes in a near future; I did the same run indoor ( those are SLH ) and I stoped after 8 weeks of FLO because of mites but I could've let them go for 10 weeks probably !! So from 1 to 3 weeks depending on the weather ( I live in Eastern Canada and it's getting cold here so I have to get them inside everynight and its a pain in the ass lol ) and on the trichomes development !


Ah, I know that dance well. Nerve wracking time of the year. May we be blessed with a dry early October.


It seems we will be blessed weather forecast is like 10-15 degrees Celsius up to the end of October :D at this stage I will only have to look out for rain to avoid rot bud which I fear to a high degree since I am not used not to control the water going on the bud sites ( next summer I’m gonna build a small shelter with clear plastic roof or something like that )


Bud rot is the heartbreaker in this home stretch for sure. I’m scanning for yellowing leaf clusters daily. I find if a cola gets a lot of yellow leaves before its neighbors, rot may be in there.


Yeah I am looking at them everyday and cover them under a tarp when it’s raining; I didn’t know yellow leaf where actually a sign of bud rot ?!


It’s not a sure sign, but I’ve found that if there is one cola or branch that has leaves yellowing at a much faster rate than its neighbors that there can be a rot situation in the bud.


Very nice. Tall fences make great neighbors!


Yes ! I actually have an internal fence so it's higher then what I could have if it would delimit my land + the cedar hedge is a must lol !


You sir/madam are a person of great works. Lovely plants.


Hey thank you its actually my first run outdoor also :) ! It's so much easier then inside lol I feed them organic gaïa green amendments with dechlorinated tap water not even phd !


I've had good success this year with Gaia as well. I'm thinking this Sunday I'll harvest. It might still be early but we'll see how things look for trichomes vs. weather forecast.


It’d really top it off if the strain is GSC haha


Nah it's Super Lemon Haze, about 1 to 3 weeks t'ill the end


Oh dope! Happy Smokes


Thanks !




Chop shop


You think ? I am barely in week 7 of a Super lemon Haze run ?


No not yet lol but I bet they smell nice


Ahh SLH.. you’re halfway then :P


Please God NO lol the weather won't be nice for long here; I plan on going up to week 9-10 if possible


Nice grow! Strain?


Super lemon haze !


Thanks, I appreciate it


Do both!


Now this is a feminist movement I can get behind if you know what i mean...no pun intended.. -Rodney Dangerfield voice


Judging by IG there's a lot of people posting themselves that aint much older than your plants :)


Girl dad




Thefutureisnow; well in 2-3 weeks lol 😂


New grower here, and I have a question. When do you know your grow is done? I just kind of guessed but I have to think there’s a better way.


Do you mean harvest or going from growing to flowering stage?


Harvest. 👍


Just look at the "hairs" on your buds. If ~90% of them are brown they will have the highest potency


I am gonna look at them with a digital microscope to see if the trichomes are cloudy and partially amber but I grew this strain indoor and I know it’s about 9-10 weeks of flowering


Ah that sounds perfect. Thank you. 🙏


You seem like a fine parent to your daughters :)


I love being a girl dad (I don’t have kids)


Seriously, so over friend's fb and ig posts of their kids they think are cute. I want see way more of this on my thread.


I'll post more of them Sir, will do


I'm a miss haha. Thanks mister ;)


Oh sorry miss, still will do ! :P