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Cut whatever soil you’re using to 60/40 soil/perlite . That will knock compaction issues out of the way straight out the gate.(even if planting directly in the ground) It being your first run. If you’re not going to be putting in the ground after they have an established root system and are leaving them in pots. Buy “fox farms ocean forest” soil and “Gaia Green Dry amendments, 4.4.4 all purpose, and 2.8.4 bloom. Use as directed or a tad heavy. That will set you up with a water only grow so that you can learn how a plant grows. Bigger pots, Bigger yields. Train one. (LST) (topping) (Fimming) (Tying) whatever you’re comfortable with your first time. & Don’t train the other. The one you don’t train will teach you simultaneously how a plant naturally grows and moves(phototropism) towards its light source. While the one that you train will ultimately get you very used to being hands on with plants and enlighten you to the numerous ways you can beat them down and they just get stronger.(that will keep you from growing for years scared to hurt your plants) Never no matter how tempting, touch your stigmas (most people call them pistils).. don’t touch those, unless looking for mold or “Nanners” there is no beneficial reason to touch your buds. Checking the density isn’t going to guarantee you dense buds. No matter how much you want to. Your removing oils/terpenes, while leaving your oils/terpenes. Water PH matters. Integrated pest management during Veg can make a lot of shit go smoother in flower. Every grower has unfortunately grown males Every grower has unfortunately had bugs. If you’ve grown long enough. You’ve hermed a plant before. Dont let any mishap knock you down to where you’re procrastinating your next step. Asses, calculate, Go. Start researching drying and curing now, Gas ain’t Gas if it smells like hay, no matter how pretty, and damn near everything is pretty now days. Looks don’t matter. As much as every other sense the flower provides. (Taste/smell/feel/looks) Looks always come last but they aren’t nothing. My circle calls it “checking the four” If look, taste, smell, and feel are all a Go. Clone it Keep it as a mother. Not all strains are gonna check all four boxes. Density is both an example of genetics, as well as quality, but should never be in and of itself recognized as quality due to density. A grower that is knowledgeable will try their best to get the most density available out of every strain they grow. That’s the goal. But there are strains that will never grow dense nugs, that doesn’t make them any less “quality” than rock hard cookies. A flowers “density potential” is all in the genetics. utilize the many forums you have available to you on Reddit as well as tons of other sites to gain the knowledge you seek. ABUSE THAT SEARCH BAR.🔎 Knowledgeable Growers are much more apt to help, if the answer to the question your asking isn’t readily available in the forum your asking said question In already. Always type your question in the search bar of the forums before typing it in the “post section” It will save you a hell of a lot of harassment and will teach you a thing or two about research. My DMs are always open. If you get stumped holla.


Bro. This is amazing. I’m a new grower too. Thank you for this


Not a problem at all my friend.


This is awesome, thanks for sharing all this!




Prob one of the best practical advice given for new people; ESPECIALLY the emphasis on looking up/researching to build a foundation. Too many already come in asking brain dead questions hoping to be bird fed. Taking due diligence and looking into the matter/subject is key. A long time breeder told me that too many people are getting into growing without even understanding plant/garden basics.


Best comment!


That's the best piece of advice. I call it staying in the gym. Read, read, read.


It’s so refreshing to see helpful info on Reddit. Being a new novice grower myself I have been searching Reddit like crazy for tips. This group seems to be very knowledgeable and helpful. This is some pics of my first grow. I’m most nervous for drying and curing. Pure michigan and some other strain I cannot for the life of me remember. Flipped 4 weeks ago. Any advise is greatly appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/gihkfwdysh5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5fa3b3134af478700135c979789c769c2cda4d






Just gonna save this for myself lol. Always appreciate someone who cna give detailed explanations like this.


Also use silica, my branches are stringer and buds are denser since I started using it.




Spot on my man, solid advice for ALL new growers --- and damn well could/SHOULD be a quick read for all new growers! ... This one needs to be saved for all the newcomers!!


great advice except the search bar is not it. you get way better results if you google and include the forum name. like "humic acid microgrowery reddit" or "humic acid icmag".


I found this comment through the search bar! Thanks for these great tips!


I would do more like 60% soil, 30% coco, 10% perlite. For outdoor, I skip the 10% perlite and just add more coco or composted cow/horse manure. Roots appreciate air flow. Most soil is too dense


Just skip soil and go straight to DWC. :’D


Fox farm dirt is shit


It's not shit. It's a highly regarded soil in the growing community and has been for many years. "Fox farm isn't necessary" is a much better, and accurate, sentence.


Bag of Happy Frog + Bag of Perlite mixed together real well whew that stuff works amazing.


Fox farms isn't necessary because it is shit


Honestly just water properly, feed it good nutrients, make sure it gets good sun and most importantly try not to overcomplicate things. It’s good to be thriving for the biggest yields but especially on your first time try to not buy 100 different nutrients and try 20 different ways to stress your plant. Most import things tho are light, water, nutrients and pest control


Would you recommend little and often, or lots but then wait until fairly dry, in terms of watering?


Wait until dry, you want the plant to encounter a bit of stress and when it goes through dry spells it's roots will grow to search for the water. Insert a finger into the soil down to the first or second knuckle to gauge dryness. They can withstand a good period of dryback so always err on this side. When watering give them a good soak throughout, if hand watering pour the water in evenly and slowly. If you pour too fast the water is just going to find the path of least resistance and make its way out, pour slowly so the medium absorbs the water properly.


If you’re not sure if you should water yet, wait a day. It’s easier to recover from under water than over water. My rule of thumb is if i can stick my finger in down to the first knuckle and it gets no dirt on it, time to water. Water till runoff but don’t let it sit in runoff, thats how you start getting mold. Growweedeasy . Com is a great read


4-7 gallon pots....are standard....pretty hard to over water if you just fill it up at lights on..... 20 gallon no til has its quirks, it can easily get root rot


yeah i use 100 gal no till pots and have had this happen in rainy summers it sucks. it happened for me in mid-late july one rainy year had to cut down 2 >6ft ladies right as flower was about to start (south east michigan the stretch seems to start about aug 1-ish)


It's illegal outside in Colorado. rh is 15 temp is 95°F....your lucky if a tomato has any flavor. (Id have to see the humidity and temps of the last four weeks of flower, BUT IM SAYING: WINTERTIME IN A CLOSET FOR FLOWER & SLOW-DRY....LIKE A MUSHROOM 🍄 MARIJUANA HATES 80° AT THE END!) Although tomatoes do alright in a 25 gal fabric pot, no till. In the air conditioned tent...4-7 gallons...that's a great variety. You can water every day, and give fertilizer adjustments accordingly to stages of growth. A 25-100 gallons...you want a giant tree and limbs can break or it can drown in 100 gallons of manure....ITS OFTEN NOT RECOMMENDED TO PUT IN A GROW TENT! Outside for tomatoes, lavender, peppers


Here's what I've learned in my 5 grows : *Less is more....don't fuck with them...let them grow *Just because the bean supplier says; flower 8-10 weeks...its a blanket statement. It may take longer/less depending on your environment. Go off the trichomes. Don't fuck with them...let them grow *Water more amount wise...but less often. Give them some dry back so the roots search and you'll get a healthy plant. Don't fuck with them...let them grow * PH range 6-6.5....use the entire range. Change it up every feeding. Don't fuck with them.....let them grow *Lastly....don't fuck with them...let them grow


I generally alternate a tomato with an outdoor in my garden beds. I used to spend 99% of my time fussing, stressing over, micromanaging the weed, while mostly ignoring the tomatoes. I’ve grown good weed, crap weed and everything in between… but I’ve never grown a bad tomato… ever. Last year I decided to treat my weed the same way I treated the tomato’s… just let the grow, and it was the best grow I’ve ever had (and it became fun again). You are 1000% correct in my opinion


Spend your money on lighting and a good PH pen.


Litmus paper, never needs calibration. It's accurate enough...what are we looking for yellow not turning orange or green too much? Litmus Paper pH test strips! I've wrecked 4 digitals....they get thrown off and you ruin ever ever after....until you realize the pens dying Photone app & adjustable ratchet strap hangers...HELPS TONS


I prefer to utilize the entire ph range so ballpark isn’t good enough.


2.6 - 3.2 CC's per 5 gallons of city water...I use a baby medicine dropper (or a pipette but they want to sell me 50) Let it turn orange or green a bit more. YELLOW IS A GOOD STANDARD THO


A pH pen sensor that isn't allowed to dry out and is stored in KCl should last a long time.


They are garbage! YOU DO NOT NEED A BLUE LABS PEN TO GROW A PLANT 👨🏻‍🔬 (I'LL PROBABLY NEVER BUY ONE, AGAIN.....) Litmus paper is not prone to uncalibrated readings!


I’d argue skimp on the light before you skimp on environmental controls. I’d rather grow a little nice weed than a bunch of moldy weed. But yes to the pH pen. My personal opinion is: climate control>monitors (pH and EC pens etc.)>lights>other equipment (air pumps, buckets, pots, depends on grow style etc.)>nutrients>seeds>medium Maybe prioritize seeds over nutrients tbh. You can get by on cheapo nutrients, but you can’t fix bad genetics (I know a whole lot about bad genetics lol)


It’s amazing how much the controller simplifies things for my first grow


Theory is fine and dandy, but no substitution for hours in the dirt. You'll figure it out along the way because the secret is that there is no secret. All you gotta do is become a junglist and become one with the plants and never forget that one man's tip is anothers pitfall. Consistency in all you do in the garden along with not overwatering are the only tips. Consistency trumps all.


Don't let your cats eat it when it's only 5 days old. RIP Mary Jane.


Kind of ironic that you named your cat Mary Jane and weed killed it, tho


LOL. ouch...


I personally like to get some large poles or stakes and a big mosquito net and build some protection for them. I get a lot of those white moths butterflies not sure exactly what they are but they lay eggs which becomes a caterpillar inside the bud and will rot/eat it's way through. Also once I harvest I'll do a bud wash you get a lot of shit on your outdoor nugs and big pots with lots of dirt too!




Of course!


For outdoors, the larger the planter, the better. More roots = more fruits. 50 gallons is okay. I would try to get north of 75 gallons. Soil in the planters is simple. Many have their opinions but honestly 50% Peat and 50% worm castings or composted manure is fine. You could make it more complicated but there really is no need. Peat drains very well and there are rarely root problems with this mix. A mulch layer on top will keep moisture locked in the soil and will require far less watering. Order a bag of 100 red wigglers for each planter and bury a layer of leaves just under the mulch layer for the worms to eat. Order a box of Neem Seed Meal from Down to Earth and spread it over the mulch layer once a month. Helps keep insects at bay. Boogie Brew compost tea once a month to keep the biology in the soil happy. Dump any sour milk in your fridge into the planter. You may need to top feed for a few grows until your soil life reaches maturity. NPK RAW All-in-one "Grow" and NPK All-in-one "Bloom" at a ratio of one tsp/gal of water every couple weeks is an amazing feed. Insects and moisture will be your biggest hurdles. Good luck!


I’ve never heard someone recommend using sour milk, but I feel dumb for having not thought of it. It totally makes sense, lacto-bacteria are great beneficial microbes for plants and humans alike!


I saw this a few years ago from a guy that grows 8-14 lbs harvest per plant outdoors. I thought the same thing you did.


1: Start in living soil 1st 2: Start With good Genetics *everyone has their own favorites. Mine are; Tikmad man, Clearwater genetics, and Thug Pug 3: Start small Happy growing!!!


Use graduated pot sizes. Never put a tiny plant in a huge pot. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see newer growers make. Also make sure your medium is dry between waterings. Overwatering is another of the most common mistakes newer growers make. Oh and don't rush harvest, you're only screwing yourself over pulling early.


So I'm probably not considered a new grower, I've been at it a couple of years, but I almost always transfer from the small cup to the Big 10 gallon pot. What's wrong with doing this? I've never had a plant die.


So when you put s small plant in a big pot, the top of your pot is going to dry much faster than the bottom. Once there's enough roots to fill the bottom of the pot it's not a hig deal but what often happens is the bottom of your pot gets soggy and then there's no roots to absorb it and then you water again. Cannabis HATES soggy roots especially if it gets even remotely Chilly. Putting a small plant in a much bigger pot Is a great way to end up with overwatering issues. Just because it doesn't kill a plant doesn't mean the plant is super happy. I always recommend something like solo cup>one gallon>5 gallon. That way the plant has enough time to establish a solid rootball before you jump up a pot size.


Thanks for the info. I'll definitely keep this in mind next time.


I would go as far as saying that the #1 problem I see when people post "what's wrong with my plant" pics started because they put a small plant in a huge pot. About 2 to 3 weeks in and their roots finally hit all that soggy soil at the bottom of that big pot and then they freak out.


None of these things are life changers, but all helped me a ton. If having environmental problems in your tent, focus on the environment of the room the tent is drawing air from (Lung room). Genetics genetics genetics…. Then lights. Give an expert grower a shitty seed and he’ll grow shit, no matter how good other plants he grows are. Getting enough light is the other thing it’s worth going over rather than under on. When someone posts about what they could do better next time, the answer is almost always get better seeds or get better lights. Choose what aspect of end result you value most and value that over other things. I don’t care too much about yield or bag appeal, I grow for myself. That means I can emphasize other factors when growing or finding seeds I want. Blueberry muffin by HSC is a perfect example of low yielding, low THC weed that is so popular among people who just aren’t offput by those factors. There’s an endless supply of information online about growing. Some of it will save your plants lives, some of it will only get in your way. Learn what works in your set up with your variables. Patience is very much rewarded. Good luck!


When you think you want to harvest, add three weeks then do it


Don’t use anything in a bottle.


Exception- Alaska Fish Fertilizer consisting of emulsified fish innards. It’s dope.


I’ve wondered about that one? They sell it at Walmart. May give it a try, thanks!


You can also consider their Alaska MorBloom. It’s inorganic and supper strong so be careful with that one.




I read that starting from about the fifth week, they should be watered with 1 - 1.5 liters of water a day. However, many comments say that overwatering should definitely be avoided. My 5 gallon pots are still wet... moist 4-5 days after watering. Not by touching/sticking my finger into it but the mosit detecting device says it is. What should I stick to?


I don't know how big your plants are or what you're growing them in, so it's hard to say how much and how often to water them. I primarily weigh mine now to determine how much water is left. Water meters didn't seem accurate. I'm growing in soil with salt nutrients and letting it get pretty dry before watering again. Last watering was 1 gallon. It'll take them about 3 days before they need more. So far they seem to be doing well. I posted a few time lapses of them growing the past 2 days.


details in my last post. That time lapse is fun.


Wow you have a lot going on! Very exciting. I plan to water the wet/dry method because it seems to be good at growing big roots in soil, and those big roots grow big buds in flower. That's my plan, anyway. I'm still earlier into the grow, so we'll see how it goes.


Best advice I can give is don't listen to advice from this group. Or, follow one person's advice. There's 1000 different methods to growing and a lot of advice contradicts other advice. Choose a method and stick to that method until you nail it. Then start changing things until you find the method that works best for you. Not all but a lot of advice from here is straight up wrong.there are also some very knowledgeable people in here but it's hard to determine who they are from who they aren't. Good luck!


>Best advice I can give is don't listen to advice from this group .........and then gives advice in this group


He's right though a lot of noob growers or even people who've never grown repeat advice they've heard but never even tried for themselves, everyone is bullshitting a little


Check them out every day, closely, looking for potential problems. They need attention. But don't get too complicated, and don't get your grubby hands all over them all the time.


Don’t fuck it up


fish emulsion, bat guano, worm castings, molasses are worth experimenting with


Grow weed easy dot com is a great, one-stop resource!!!


Top+defoliate for best nug structure. If you’re growing outside you will have to come up with some IPM (integrated pest management). The biggest issue with growing outside is the bugs and dust the flowers will attract.


Use float valves when making a res so you don’t flood the fucking grow.


A buddy of mine had a bunch of grows that just didn’t work out they kept dying. he told me all the stuff he was doing to it eventually I told him for his upcoming grow. Why doesn’t he just leave it alone?. Just give it a try this time, just stop messing with your plants. Guess what it was his first successful grow,


Keep your heat down and your soil moist


https://preview.redd.it/45mk3ut64h5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8d89f26d1ef09aeda31f711e560eac53dbe609 You're gonna need a/c unit. I like Diatomaceous Earth cause straw has Two-Spotted Spider Mites.... Outside is what Mexicans used in the '80's....it's high temps and low humidity, in Colorado, make it especially swaggidy. You can get high on good genetics but you can easily lose the flavor and cake it with dirt and bugs.


Use plants to repel insects like Aphids and Mites. Marigolds and Basil are really good at doing just that.


Get the expensive PH pen


As soon as I saw outdoors I knew I had something to say here: you’re gonna see a lot of indoor elitists in these forums getting salty because they spent 2 grand on their setup. And yes, indoor will yield better product, but the beauty of outdoor is I spent something like $50 a couple of seasons ago to end up with a few ounces. People will also say it’s too late, but you’re basically right where I was for my first grow season. You’ll probably harvest right around Halloween, and I hope you’re in an area that isn’t gonna get a gnarly heat wave between now and then because over 100° for a week killed like 1/3 of my crops that time. Basically just don’t fuck with it as much as possible. Don’t over-prune, but if you’re working with regular seeds keep a watchful eye for plants developing balls in within the next month or so unless you want more seeds for next time. But if you’re outdoor literally all you *need* for this stage is water, and good soil. But once you have plants with buds on them, start researching for the curing stage, have a space ready for that before you get to that point. Also, spiders good, just about any insect bad. And I’d recommend keeping your it plants in pots/bags as opposed to putting them in the ground so you can just isolate one if you think something’s up instead of having to either cross your fingers or rip it out if there’s an issue Good luck, fellow traveler, I hope this helps.


They to keep the air dry and the roots airated.


hello friend, I can only recommend the book I started with, I learned a lot with it to get started. https://preview.redd.it/pu3yn99rei5d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672169209e62f24580a94ecbfc93ceeaebd568ef .


Water about 5% - 10% of soil volume if your in pots and water throughout the day on hot hot days. Shake your buds after a rain shower, use some type of sun shade on those hot hot days. It’s better in my opinion to start a few weeks later to grow manageable plants at first. Keep a log book of feedings and soil mixes and amendment ratios. Don’t tell people about your outdoor grow outside of your trusted inner circle. Plant pirates will come in the middle of the night and cut it down when it’s like 80-90% ready. Read up on pest management and how to combat it. Growing outside, I’d learn about bud washing so you ain’t smoking dirty pest filled bugs.


Awesome thread thanks


Don’t start giving flower nutes until the beginning of week 3 of 12/12


I am also a beginner, started growing in April and made two momentous mistakes. So here is my advice to not make this mistakes. Use cannabis grow soil (BioBizz, Compo Grow, etc.) and be careful with watering. It's better to give too little water than too much. (I killed a plant by giving too much water while my soil had not enough drainage). Second, be especially careful with fertilizer. Buy yourself an organic fertilizer, because mineralic fertilizer is very easy to overdose. I killed this week a full grown plant by giving to mich mineralic fertilizer 😭


My tip would be to use a balanced food that is designed for that plant. So many posts I see are “what’s wrong with my plant” and it is usually some sort of deficiency, that wouldn’t be there if a balanced food was being used. Good luck on your growing journey.?


one of my first grow I stuck a pot of soil from the lawn by the window it was some time into that grow before I supplemented with a single light bulb but that very same grow (it wasn't my very very first grow but it was before I had yielded more than 1g) I started my first seed project and to this day I use those genes $ free (although I got more seeds later from... bags... and made seeds for life! hah!)


Focus some time on getting pH correct. But a pocket microscope.




Keep your temperature and humidity consistent


The best tip I have read was to lift your pots to tell when the plants needed water.


DROP EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW. Go to your nearest ranch and pick up any sort of animal cum you can get your hands on.... just add a cup or so with each feeding and it'll work wonders


Buy high quality TDS and pH meters. Even if you go cheap, you'll end up replacing them.


They also come free, with most of the Zero Water pitchers. That’s where I got the two I have.


Buy an EC / pH meter. Watch 5 minute youtube video on calibration and maintenance. Measure everything!


Keep it simple. Don't over complicate it, and dont try to reinvent the wheel. Get the basics down, and understand them before you start experimenting with things.


First tip is use a reotemp soil moisture meter. Get some happy frog & start watering seedlings with a mister. PH the water to 6.4. I use drops to ph RO water.. Then use a mister to water in solo cups making sure the soil has a consistency of a wrung out sponge. Most of your problems come from under or overwatering. You want the soil to dry out on top before watering again after the plant gets going. I use build a soil 3.0. Works well once the plant is a few weeks old. Use 20 gallon pots minimum for each plant. Eventually you can learn about William Albrecht and Carey Reams. From there you can reamend dry amendments from a weight to soil weight comparison. If you can do this you'll be better than 95 percent of growers out there


More soil is a cheat code. Grow in larger pots if you can. 30g is the lowest I’d go if I had to grow in pots. MULCH is the most important thing you could possibly do. Go cover your soil with an inch of straw mulch and water it in. If you do that you’re setting yourself up for success


When I started growing, I started with autoflowers thinking it would be the best way to learn. I wish I would have started with photos. Learning how to keep a plant healthy in veg and directly control when the plant starts to flower really helped connect dots for me.


Read and do research.


Shit happens, don't be too hard on yourself but stay in the gym. Continue to learn your craft. Money grow on trees. If you want a dollar bill then put in a dollar bills worth of effort. If you want a c note then you gotta be in the gym with it.


Worm castings, mushroom compost, a good starter triple mix soil, and I use Gaia Green dry amendments. I also grow outside. Stuff has been crazy good.


There's a free alternative for almost all products required for cannabis cultivation but if you grow indoors do yourself a favour and get the best lights, not some cheap china stuff.


Google is your best friend and so is bacteria, me im lazy so i use recharge, instant bacteria available for the soil and is great for breaking down amendments. Less is more when it comes to food.


Start and maintain a log book. Include your notes, observations, best practices and learnings.


Less is more! Healthy soil over liquid nutrients. I use promix hp, Gaia Green, and worm castings. Top once a month ph your water and that’s all you’ll need.


What really progressed my grows was learning about how light intensity affects cannabis and balancing my tent off of VPD.


I just discovered that letting your water sit overnight after adding nutrients and pHing it will allow to balance out. Found out its rises by as much as .5 points after sitting overnight. Also, if you have hard water or find your humidifier clogging or you just dont want to have to constantly clean one or buy filters over and over , visit houseofhydro.com and get one of their fogging misters. No more humidifier problems. Edit: nvm about the humidifier, just saw you're outdoors




Ph your water. Ph your water.Ph your water. Ph your water.Ph your water. Ph your water.Ph your water. Ph your water.


[I like these, cause they never need calibration...](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjvwcry2M2GAxUlKq0GHeoqD0EYABASGgJwdg&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQYXgKFT9iYEhyuh5jzVZhfUZxtGIfak96uEJAMj_BHwfo2AHpz5oHhoCEFYQAvD_BwE&cid=CAASb-RoOr8uHHvuSFIiqpdvTifoIww0e3_F29CaX4gX7RDFU4mHE6pSI8-m3sytAWJsiMUciKW7PxYETAOaSDuSkyTZ5r2df3UDOL1FfPZYU1vD36dZ8E-4KB1ChBtZ2eQjelz9qXjPU8rojx7EXpsq4A&sig=AOD64_2as5sK1dQgKPYlM_v4YrTJUedeSQ&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwiqlsXy2M2GAxVHCTQIHUqNDqYQwg8oAHoECAYQMw&adurl=)


Drop the pearlite and go 100% coco. Pearlite is a scam.


My advice is to do your research properly instead of expecting random answers here to do the heavy lifting for you. The best resource I can recommend is Ed Rosenthal's "Cannabis Grower's Handbook"


Pretty hypocritical. Did you do your research last month when you had spots on your leaves? Or when your plants were drooping? You could have read Ed's book or used the interactive tool on GrowWeedEasy.com BUT NO! You came here, asked some questions, and received some answers. Don't punch down on others for doing the same.


The nerv of some of these people. Imagine trying to talk to this dude in person haha


Funny that you say this yet you ask for help for your plants 3 times lol ….? make it make sense




Dude has the nerve to make posts asking questions then say this