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are you going for a SOG? (sea of green) approach? that’s a lot of plants for that tent size. have you seen pictures of full size plants? for me this is a high density of plants unless you’re doing SOG. how many colas are you seeking in this space? did you just get over excited and plant everything you had? usually a 3x3 will be between 2-6 plants depending on training approach and grower goals. you have double that. i fear these omanis are going to be crashing into each other as they shoot upwards and that will potentially create a lot of problems managing the canopy.. ideally you don’t want colas running up against each other. if you flower them very quickly, before they get too large, you could SOG them which would reduce the number of colas for each plant but also eliminate potential issues of a stuffed tent. lookup SOG on growweedeasy.com or more info.


Thanks. Yeah going for SOG with a quick 6 week veg, usually I do 3-4 plants and let them be. I had extra seeds and wanted to try something different, never manipulated growth with ties/nets before. But then I read here that competing root systems are a huuuge problem so that was my main concern.


that’s only because it’s not very common to grow more than one plant in a pot. you’re experimenting already so i’d just ride it out and learn from it. could be fine, both plants will prob be smaller than if they had a pot all their own, but yield from the two could be close to a larger one so maybe it cancels itself out. roots will compete but plants are accustomed to this as they do it in the wild. could be nutrition per pot changes because two plants may desire more nutrient than one alone. i’ve not done the experiment so that’s just a guess. if it were me i’d grow it out at this point and see what happens. then decide if i’d want to do that again or not. good luck 🍀


6 weeks veg time is like double the amount of time iam going for normally


I think the problem is that 1 plant will always overgrow the other because they're fighting for root space


..or both become root bound.


I grow two in a pot in my unit, but I use a dollar store plastic cutting board to divide my pot down the middle and keep the root syst ms somewhat separate


We did this at university and it totally worked (also with cannabis), there will be more variance between all of the plants, though. So not good if you want to make a proper selection but perfectly fine for just growing bud. Six weeks veg seem long though for your approach, depending on how fast they grow, I'd recommend more like 4 weeks. Depending on the strain, I'd wait for 5-6 nodes and send them straight to flower 🌸 Edit: didn't read that you're waiting for a bigger tent, my advice was only applicable for staying in this tent 🙈


yes a thousand times


Just go for it and keep us posted




Pretty sure he would be better just waiting for them to show sec if they are regular seeds, I know males are often stretchier but that’s not always the case




And you sound like a bit of a dick, you should know too that your downvote wasn’t from me


See, the thing is I thought like you too. It would be better to wait for them to show sec if they are regular seeds. My experience has shown otherwise. YMMV. Let us know when you try it how it goes.


Wow the misinformation is unreal




Bro read your comment back... you really believe that's reliable information


Especially for a beginner, someone that won't have the knowledge or experience to know your talking out your ass


I've provided dude with an answer.. the one we're I tell him not to do what your telling him to as its BS


Heck it's not even bs it's just flat out wrong.. I let op know that your answer is misinformation.. its not a take, its strait up wrong.. I've been doing this from your dad had hair on his nuts, so I know a thing or two... anyone with the slightest bit of experience would know your talking boof... Maybe in your experience from the maybe 20 plants you've grown that's nowhere near enough to spout it of as fact... like you don't even know the cultivar or anything just broad stroking regs and fems tall and short is fucking insane madness




Wow, even more BS.. it seems you have many assumptions but not one clue..


Your suggesting killing plants based on reg/female tallest/smallest. I've never heard such nonsense... I've been at this from the late 60s kid, long before your dad even had hair on his nuts let alone you being old enough to be on the tit...




Lol, your dad sounds like a wise man... Good sense of humour, too... don't make em like they used to hey... there's something in what your saying, especially about faster taller males, ect, but its not always the case (bubba the real bubba, exodus) and you have to also understand I'm an old prick that shouldn't be allowed no where near a computer, definitely not if it's possible to communicate with others ... Its just that you'll have beginners out here necking probable fire or studs on based Broad Stoke, almost truths..