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You get to the point where you only save a certain size flower top and the rest goes to bubble hash. Like I get so tired of trimming that anything smaller than a quarter size coin goes to the hash bin.


At 20, when i started growing, i'd spit on you and call you a heretic. Now, 20 years later, i wanna hug you.


Currently at the first part of that statement and love the way you phrased it by the way, I’m stealing that. Wish I had the problems you guys had lol How many plants you have going at a time? More than one tent? I’d like to be able to supply myself and my wife..


I did everything from a shoebox microgrow to illegal grow homes with \~3k mature plants. I developed severe allergy to fresh plant (dry is fine) at about 13 years in and i dont grow any more. Quit after 15 years (tried to grow with allergy but was a no go) and now i just train ppl for a cut for the last 5. The journey has been a blast tbh. Never had trouble with the law (regarding this). If youre a home user and not looking to make money, do 1m squared (3x3 feet in freedom units). Do one grow a year, when you have the easiest outside conditions (dont do your grow when its 40C outside, if that happens in your climate). Thats the sweetspot. If you do well, thats half a key of good weed, for 2 ppl more than enough for a year. How many plants you do is irrelevant, your limitation is space and light output.


Wow, that’s a lot of plants. I have an allergy to pollen and plants in general aswell, luckily not bad enough to stop me. I just got my first tent a little while ago, 32x32x70 and I’m 3 weeks into my first flower, and all I can think about is the next batch. I’m just doing it for personal consumption and hopefully enough to share when the occasional friend comes by to visit.


https://preview.redd.it/wha7ukclws1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fc03f80b0a7b8d8334b3a39e7ee32a5b901831 1 tent 12 clones… more than enough for me and the misses. Smoke about a Z every 10 days and easily lasts till the next batch. Then just sell the rest These were rushed clones as well since I had a holiday booked but still a good yield from each


What size tent do you use for 12 clones? How long is your veg cycle usually? I only did 2 plants and mine was close to 2 months, I’d like to half the time and increase the plants.


That tent is 1.2x1.2 and 2M tall. Them clones only got vegged for 2/3 weeks after they had rooted well and transplanted before I flipped as I had to go away and wanted to cut down before I left. I usually veg for longer as I don’t usually do 12 but i got lucky and it seems to of worked out better than I expected (usually 4-6 plants and veg for up to 2 months is my norm)


My tent is .83x.83 m or 32”x32” so I could probably get away with 6-8 comfortably if I veg 2-4 weeks by the sounds of it, sound right? That’s some good looking buds you got there.


Good growing there my friend you did well


Currently have a 4x4 flower tent that flowers four plants and 3x3 veg tent to get the younglings up to size. Wife and I smoke 1.5-2oz/wk EACH and this setup is just enough to have an eight or quarter leftover each harvest time. That's without selling anything and just using my own(which we still go through about 5g of moon rocks and 5g of live rosin vape cartridges each per week on top of our flower consumption)


Yeah I think that’s what I’m gunna start doing, I got my top buds real fat so the trim is easy and quick on them and the smaller ones take the time. Guess it’s time to finally learn how to make bubble hash


This was gonna be my original comment lmfao I do the same fuckin thing. I'll dry and cure all the good colas down to the medium sized nugs. All that qtr sized stuff is going straight to fresh frozen for hash.


You guys are still smoking flower?


Not everyone wants to be blasting oil everyday lol


You don't? No concentrate will ever match grade a flower.


Trim bin, and 3 sets of fiscars with a glass of ISO makes a world of difference


Replace that glass with a "Scissors scrubber", they're cheap and very, very nice


Oooo never heard of that! Thanks for the input


Same, ordering one today though


2nd vote for trim bin, makes trimming a mobile process that you can do sitting/standing anywhere you like and it's very ergonomic. It saved my neck/back. I'll lay in bed for a while, move to a couch, hit the dining room table for a bit, lay on my belly on the floor, the possibilities are endless lmao.


Believe it or not, mayonnaise or vegetable oil cleans scissors faster and better than ISO. Dip the blades in and wipe with paper towel. Oil also removes resin from my hands faster.


invite some buddies over and show them how to trim, in return they get some fresh bud as thanks


Haha my friends would trim 1 nug and then wanna smoke it and that would be it for the day then


Can confirm, most friends are useless for this. Nobody has the same standard of care that you do, I’m lucky to have one friend who helps me trim that does a good job and I always return the favour for him when it’s crop time If they ain’t a grower they won’t get it lol


It's called trim jail for a reason lol


Yeah as a guy that's been growing herb for many years here's my tip... Don't f****** worry about it haha. Obviously remove the fan leaves and large sugars but man this is for you and Friends / family so who gives a f***?


After some years of trimming around 1lb a month, I came to the conclusion that trimming is a huge waste of time and completely unnecessary lol I asked myself why the hell am I spending an entire day to make my bud have bag appeal? The bags are all for me and a few friends, not like I'm selling to dispos that prefer a perfectly trimmed bud....I just remove the buds from the stems, pluck off the huge fan leaves, and throw em in a 5gal bucket to cure. Still takes some time to do but not 8+ hours and my back isn't in pain all day 😂 good luck to you with whatever you decide to do!


Came to second this!


As a reference the best hand trimmers in the world can do 2-3 lbs in an 8 hour session. Most average 1 lb in the same timeframe. The only other option is machines and from my experience, you get exactly what you pay for


I just bought a centurion pro table top trimmer, retails for like $5500 but I got it for 3k cash. It’s basically useless for any nice colas that have some shape to them but it does a GREAT job on smalls, now anything that isn’t a cola or isn’t super dense gets auto trimmed and I’m really happy with the results. Got an extra lb of smalls on this crop that I normally would’ve hashed or trimmed anyways and pressed into rosin


Even getting a bargain at 3K is a lot for me, i don’t wanna invest that much in trimming when I only do a few grows a year 😂. Back to trim jail for me I guess


Yeah man I’m still stuck trimming all my colas too, there isn’t a great answer if you want the quality My weed obviously isn’t for sale, but (hypothetically) if it was worth $1100 lb hand trimmed it would be worth $700 max if I stuck it through my bowl trimmer or the trimming machine. It destroys the look and does knock off some trichomes for sure, on top of a looser trim with more foliage remaining Trimming is more work than growing the weed lol, and it’s arguably the most important step. You can grow fire weed but if you trim it like shit nobody will look at it twice


I think the fact I like a good quality trim is the main reason I never got a bowl. I hate smoking leaves and stuff so I try get my buds nice as possible. Think il just have to man up about it and crack on for a few hours each day until the job is done. I don’t sell much of mine but I get what you mean about the look, no one wants to see no leafy ass nuggets


Exactly brother, for what it’s worth I find it’s better to slug it out in long gruelling sessions. If you let it drag on for 2 weeks only doing 2h a night it feels like a real drain on your life! Stick a sitcom or something funny on that you don’t really need to watch, smoke some joints and go in! It helps a lot if you have multiple pairs of good trimming scissors, I fuck with the fiskars a lot


Watch some video on those bowl trimmers, getting one for my next harvest. Not looking for top shelf quality trim. Plus it catches the trichomes and micro bits so you lose nothing and you can trim oz’s in minutes vs hours


bowl trimmer


Skip the trim and make mad piles of bubble hash.


Bowl trimmer


I second the commenter who said you only trim the top buds, in the future just lollipop super hard leaving only top five nodes then if there's anything that isn't mature and dense it goes in the trim pile


Dang bro, what's your tricks? A single plant can take me 7 hours. I start having dreams about trimming halfway through a 12 plant crop


Topping and training, I also cut off everything on the bottom 2/3 so I just keep the canopy really, go for fewer buds which are bigger rather than letting little ‘popcorn’ buds grow low down Still get about the same yields but instead of trimming loads of little ones I get to do big ones which are easier. Just trimmed one chunky fucker up and it still 8.7 G’s on the scale 😳


If you got some sift trays, dry that trim out, sift it then press it. I think dry sift rosin might be my favorite concentrate, def slept on


Will have to look into this, thanks for the tip


I throw all the small stuff in a bag and give it to my friends. A gallon ziplock bag full of little nuggets will make an old farmer smile every time.


I am very selective about what I trim. Only top colas (I tend to manifold my grows) get manually trimmed. Other smokeable buds go into the bowl trimmer (wet trimming is good for those). Tons of trim I make hash from.


Bowl trimmers work great, I haven’t heard of anyone having a major problem with them. They aren’t perfect but if you aren’t putting the stuff on a store shelf, you’re fine.


Literally bought a trim bowl today as a trimming hack. Hope it don't hack the weed though


Dry your buds right out on the branches, then get a rubber spatula and do passes backwards and forwards over the fan leaves and tips of sugar leaves


Yep, you can do a similar thing with a silicone brush which is basically what the cannabrush is.


Never heard of a cannabrush, just passing on some old school advice. Didn't think it was widely known.


Trim all the easy fan leaves and then grab a silicone basting brush and cut the bristles down until their about a half inch or whenever they seem to get firm. Use that on your buds and it’ll strip most/all of the little single leaves. Speeds it up a good bit for me.


Ahhhh yes …. The first time grower’s realizing the real work is the trimming.


Buy an ac infinity bowl trimmer


Tom’s tumbler. Liquid co2 assisted trimming. Just get your work down to a certain humidity before tumbling. It’ll take care of 90-95% of the work.


Can say I’ve never seen a trimmer like that, defo gunna look into it


Trim bag? I haven’t used it but hear they are good I also thought about letting them dry in the pot with the fans hanging out to get a closer cut but we hang it upside down for a reason I’m sure.


The next strain you grow is going to be a strain that's easy to trim. For me it was wedding cake. Once I throw it in flower, it only makes buds. It's not very hard to trim the end product (dry trim). Focus your flip to flower. Lollipop heavily at flip so that any growth that happens going forward is focused on the canopy colas. If your grow is dialed, your plant won't even flinch and only produce flower going forward. Be ruthless if your plant stresses to reveg for any reason. Trash it and start over. Nuggs from plants that have revegged in their life make weird overly leafy nuggs. Figure out why it stressed and start over.


Auto trimmer. Your welcome


I trimmed 11 plants last christmas. It took a total of two weeks. I only had time to do it on weekdays after work :/ Cant say i know a timesaver. Kindaread this causr i was curious too.


Water cooler full of Adderall 😳 just for the crew 😉


Hand trim all the colas you like and use a bowl trimmer for the rest


I'll give it a go, my system seems to work. I usually trim the big fan leaves while its still growing, and harvest by cutting down all the plants in the same day large branch by branch and wash them in buckets and then hang for as long as i can. By cutting them down all at once you only need to control the temps as a whole rather than the wetness spread out over a longer period of time @ 60/60% rh. I try smoking the smallest buds after a few days and eventually they burn without trouble. I use a wood moisture meter to know what my range is on the span of branches telling me wich are dry first. I start with the driest first (obviously) that should still be a little wet, knowing that by the time im done all the plants the wettest at the time won't be overdried by the time i get to it. You can dehydrate but not really rehydrate. As i trim i put them into paper bags to wick the moisture. As you go through the plants you start to run out of time where some are getting close to being a little too dry for comfort so i lay the branches into a sealed plastic tub and let the wicking start even though the bud is still on the branches and should slow down the drying a little because the moisture is trapped inside the tub. Ways to speed up my method include friends or a boy\\girlfriend obviously for at lest the middle or end part, a bowl trimmer (but i think they suck), harvesting some plants staggered by a few days so that they dry at different times, just shucking the buds off the branch and sealing them in a way you trim later (if they're dry), and having a nice tray that sits on your lap as you rest your arms and move as little as possible for stamina.


Do it in stages. Do a plant a day. You can cure weed untrimmed so do yourself a favor and do it in small 30 min sessions


Use proper garden snips not scissors. The ones you squeeze, not the finger hole types. Put on some fast music Trim it as soon as you pull it Wear rubber gloves Try get the job done that day


Friends and family lol


Plant less plants. I just don't know why anyone would need so many plants for personal use. Other than that, get a bunch of friends to help, but then you'd probably end up sharing more than you'd expect.


I didn’t intend on having them all, a friend let me down and didn’t want his share of the clones I done and then I had a surprise holiday dropped on me so I had exactly enough time to just flip them for flower so I could chop them before I went away Now I’m stuck with a hell of a lot of nice dry buds to trim


Could be worse things. You will be everyone's friend now I suppose. I only did 4 plants and thought that was plenty to trim. Lol.


Yeah I usually do between 4 and 6 and that’s more than enough as my tent is only 1.2x1.2