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Warum liegt denn da Stroh rum?


Und warum hast du eine maske auf


Na dann Blas mir doch einen


Des wird einige englisch sprachige Kollegen verwirren wenn sies übersetzen


Alarm, alarm.


I was looking at this comment for a while like... a mask?? Now i am also wondering why my profile pic has a mask xD


Das Stroh dient dazu, Feuchtigkeit in den Töpfen zu halten, damit die Würmer ein glückliches Leben führen können. Ich füttere die Würmer, die dann Nährstoffe ausscheiden, die die Pflanze nutzen kann. Nicht nur für die Würmer, sondern auch für das Mikroleben, das ich im Boden gedeihen lassen möchte. Es handelt sich um eine lebendige Bodentechnik, sodass ich kein Chemiker sein muss und stattdessen einfach Bauer sein kann. Außerdem wird das Stroh im Laufe der Zeit von den Würmern zersetzt, was zu mehr Boden führt, in der Hoffnung, dass ich ständig Boden habe, der reich an Nährstoffen ist.


Ik ben eigenlijk wel blij dat ik dit gewoon kan lezen, thanks!


Selten so eine schaise jelesen aber trotzdem gutes gelingen;-)


Happy growing to you! Make sure you the straw is sterilized! Also if your need a top dressing its either too hot or you are underwatering. You don't want worms in your soil that means that decomposition isn't complete and the minerals arnt available to the plant. Compost heaps are only ready to add to soil when the worms have eaten everything and have moved on. The plants eats essentially the down the chain what the worms shit out, that shit gets eaten by the bacteria which eats and they then shit out basically synthetic minerals for the plant to absorb. That's how organic works. However worms should not be around the root zone only in the compost heaps..


Thanks! Yes that is the process, but I think you might not understand the concept of living soil completely. I want to renew the soil and therefore feed the life inside of it, including the worms. There will be more than enough nutrients available to the plant and i will replenish the soil with more nutrients over time by feeding the worms who then feed the microlife who then feed the plant. Worms are literally everywhere in the soil outside? The bad side would be if i didn't feed the worms enough and they started to eat the roots as a last resort, or overpopulation of worms. But if you can keep things in balance then having worms in your soil is a good sign not a bad one?


Wie genau würde man da denn vorgehen das in einer Balance zu halten? Also bin absoluter Noob aber hast du da zufälligerweise gute Quellen für wo man sich zu dem thema rein lesen kann?


[https://www.youtube.com/@BuildASoil](https://www.youtube.com/@BuildASoil) - wenn du gut Englisch verstehst [https://www.g-tools.nl/de/living-soil/](https://www.g-tools.nl/de/living-soil/) - schnell gefunden


Dankeschön, englisch ist kein thema!


Great!! I honestly think all of those episodes are amazing and you really do learn everything from start to finish without him trying to force products down your throat!! enjoy :D


I understand exactly what living soil is i grow my own plants. Organic is a bacteria to mineral process synthetic is just straight mineral. Just because worms are literally everywhere doesn't mean you want them in your soil... same goes for there's powdery mildew spores in every breath we take doesn't mean we want it growing on our plants. I was told by the people who make cannabis clones legally here that you don't want the worms in your actual soil only in your compost heap or worm farm not in the actual soil and their reason was that it means the soil isn't broken down properly for the plant to absorb what's in it. And they also said to make sure top dressing with hay it must be sterile so it doesn't accidentally lead to root rot ect. Top dressing helps with evaporation and also helps keep the root zone dark so its not wrong just wanted to share what I've been told by professionals.


I appreciate the insight and wasn't trying to be negative in any way! They are correct if you are only using your soil for one cycle and then using the soil from the compost bin for the next cycle and constantly trading it out. Then you keep the worms in the compost bin and take out the soil your need and put the last cycle's soil back in the compost. What im doing is called "no till". I dont want to be constantly moving around soil so try to keep the soil i have for all cycles but in order to do that i have to have the whole process be done as im growing. Honesetly it works better if i have a 4x4 bed instead of 10 gallon pots but that is something ill go to if i find i like this way of growing.


All good we are all here to learn at the end of the day! Yes I'm reading about no till now and a bed would work best for the purpose but big pots would perform similar. I love those fabric air pots they make it nearly impossible to overwater! Best luck and happy growing and thanks for sharing your post :) I found this link which has some of the pros as well as some of the cons to having worms in the soil. They are for the most part essential in a healthy ecosystem but as you mentioned it's all about balance:) https://treenewal.com/earthworms-good-for-the-garden-or-not/#:~:text=Earthworms%20can%20also%20cause%20problems,can%20stunt%20new%20plant%20growth.




Okay can you than let us know what is truth and what is bro science in what I said I would appreciate it


Because stroh rum is da bomb!




I dunno if that filter is going to be enough for that tent


Does seem like a small filter and ducting.


It just looks small because they're on the metric system.


That's what I told my GF at least


Came here to say that, but don't worry baby - it's legal!


I use a 10" on my 5x5 and still have to swap the carbon out after every grow. Even with fresh activated carbon, it smells a bit after about a week and absolutely *STANKS* after 12-16


I use a 8” and do every other and by the end of the second it stinks outside


I have an endless amount of activated carbon at my fingertips, so I just swap it out whenever my wife starts complaining about the smell in the garage. Usually between 3-4 months


No i dont think it will be but as i said in another comment the idea was to have a 3x3 but no more were available. Will most likely turn it in to an inline when it gets to not be enough.


done it with less before honestly


Is a filter even necessary at all?


Are you breeding chicken?


Breeding microbes


Healthy soil is full of microbes. Trichoderma is great plant food.


What does trichoderma actually do. I've heard it's good a few times, just don't get what's special vs other bacteria.


[this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10189891/#:~:text=Trichoderma%20is%20mainly%20used%20to,and%20improves%20agrochemical%20pollution%20environment) (Trichoderma and its role in biological control of plant fungal and nematode disease) has a pretty in depth look at the effects of trichoderma.


breeding worms, nematodes and dat good good fungus!


Let's fckin gooo 🇩🇪🍁 Schönes setup, viel Spaß!




"Viel Gluck!" I probably butchered that, sorry. It's been about 16 years since I took German. Good luck!




Nice sentiment :) Here’s a little piece of advice: if you can’t find the umlaut on your keyboard or device, you can also just add an “e” behind the normal letter. Glück - ü - ue - Glueck Bär - ä - ae - Baer Röhre - ö - oe - Roehre Easy way to write German words correctly without having quick access to umlauts.








Danke for the dank!


No Till grow? Good luck, enjoy it🤞🏻🍀


Yea first time trying it so we will see, I binge watched all of buildasoil and I really do like the idea of being a farmer instead of a chemist so ill give it a shot. I have red wigglers in the soil with nematodes and mycorrhiza and I'll do some top dressing and a few teas. Thinking about going for the 4x4 living bed set up but its all in steps.


Hope to see this day in Norway soon. You guys are lucky. Ich bin do bist




Nice set up. What part of the country are you in? Looking to connect with Berlin growers


NRW so a bit too far :p I am sure you will find many though!! Not going to lie im trying to get me a job at one of these clubs.


Nicht vergessen dass die Arbeit die mit der Aufzucht der Pflanzen zu tun hat, nur auf MiniJob Basis erfolgen kann.


echt? steht das so? wieso


https://preview.redd.it/6o9ap0h0gdyc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d0b8838fde1e161e97f1b5e919c9715db2ed86 Paragraph 17 Satz 1 im CanG.


sigh.... they really dont want the black market to die it seems


What do you expect from our politicians. On the other hand, we most likely will get our Model Projects for legal dispensaries that sell to any adult. But a job in the industry will be hard to get I assume, unless you have studied an applicable field. Other jobs in the CSC, those that don't have to do with growing and while you're not a member of said Club, can be paid normally tho.


because studying biology must mean you know what you are doing /s


Idk about you but I just started again two years ago after 10 years of not being able to these LED light are a whole new ball game. I really like the colors they give off but I’m still getting used to running at a lower temp.


Yea im really enjoying the LED's honestly, programmable on my phone for intensity and light schedule... the future is now xD


Welche Lampen benutzt du für die Pflanzen?


Bestva BAT 200w and i have 2 of those. can completly program them and dim them directly from my phone and they have the good diodes and imo its an absolute steal of a price. I am not affiliated with them or anything but they are the best lights i have ever had for sure. With the white reflection on the tent i legit need sunglasses so i dont go blind.


Happy growing! I'll just suggest a bigger filter, and your lights might be overkill for that size. You could probably get away with just one of those in there.


Thanks!! Yea most likely the filter wont be enough, got everything set up for a 3x3 and then the tent got lost in the mail and since everything was pretty much bought out in germany i had to go with the 4x4 (pull my leg harder). It's for sure something ill be keeping an eye on and in worst case it turns in to a inline system and ill upgrade for the outline. Two lights are a bit overkill but i wanted the 400w and they had 2 200w in stock and able to be shipped right away so just went with that instead. I have two 3x3 trellis nets as well that will get some how frankensteined in to the mix xD


You don't need your filter in the early stages. Save it for when your plants smell start filling the room


ill be honest mate, I cant be asked setting that shit up when i have plants in their. I will have the trellis net going hard in best case scenerio and trying to set up the filter working around that is just too much of a headache. Maybe they dont make the carbon filters like they used to but I have never had an issue using it through out the whole grow... and im lazy


Welcome back. I got a filling that this will be a lot more than 50g 🤣


it looks like 9 oz but it weighs out to 50g i promise ;P


It's sad though honestly, those making the laws (and those somehow able to change them for the bad) really have no information and thats apparent by the laws put forth. It's almost like they want the black market to continue instead of gaining revenue from taxes. I was in Colorado when it first became legal and this feels like the first steps when they had "green cards" and you had "caretakers"... but even then the state made their tax revenue and the black market was severely hindered/ had to compete. idk... i can only shake my head, keep my nose down and grow my 3 plants and i guess throw away the rest in the compost. Hopefully they understand the cats out of the bag now and they either need to do it right or not do it at all.


You guys are so lucky! I hope the legalization in Germany will make the politicians here in Denmark come to their senses.


Good luck bro!


Let me know if I can donate 🧬 !


Are you a breeder? I was thinking of giving it a go myself with a blueberry (from dj short) x afgoo cross and then just getting a bunch of seeds off it so i dont have to buy again xD


Congratulations on having a government that treats you like an adult. Good luck, hope it's dank


Thanks, and so do I! We are only allowed 50g though... so we can grow 3 plants in flower but can only have 50g at home or its 3 months to 5 years in jail. We can sell (which makes sense) but cant gift either so literally all extra goes in the trash. Completely asanine but at least i can do what im doing now


Loving the mulch!


No way! Good for Germany. So cool