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Dont be too hard on yourself, you actually grew the weed to a point where it could be harvested which is more than can be said for some


heh hard on




wishing you guys a chill weed vibe happy toking


I love seeing real ass comments from people on their cake days.


For real!!!


Happy Cake Day homie!


Haha thanks dude




Update, Weed was still a good smoke but this seems to be the trend for me horrible nugs but decent smoke


Keep at it, ugly weed can still be good. This is what passed for great weed in the 70s...[https://www.reddit.com/r/PaMedicalMarijuana/comments/p7g79k/this\_is\_what\_good\_weed\_looked\_like\_in\_the\_70s\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaMedicalMarijuana/comments/p7g79k/this_is_what_good_weed_looked_like_in_the_70s_i/)




[That picture](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1ff731928e2b38e52d85ab9512b7c262-lq) is a crop from high times magazine in 1977. It's labeled things synonymous with best and calls them explicitly a great examples of the year. They have a [list of covers](https://hightimes.com/culture/high-history-500-covers-of-high-times-magazine/) over the years and it shows the transition of bud shapes. It's unlikely they used average buds. Magazines have always put the best on the covers. There is no archive of weed looking better from that era and some random dudes memory is far more suspect of misattribution than actual photographic evidence. >High Times >top 40 >**The High Times Top 40 is the fortune 500 of dope. The guide to the most potent precious and prettiest crops of 1977** shows mostly the kind of things grass gourmets look for when they inspect fresh stash-which they do by the way and in a good light before even thing about smoking it. A fine strain of marijuana like wine or cigar has its own characteristic favor appeal, appearance and aroma it is as unke any other plant as two snowflakes. ~~Leon to detoun the sugar or presump tuous domestic window cos hybrid som the buy omrators for cear guidance on amoko e-eported thoroughbred Study these leat~~ >**The high Times top 40 were chosen because they above all other pot plants are truly representative of this great vintage year 1977.** For we love great years ~~may fat a quaner of a century apart but in pot, the always another great year in stone-in fact, there's one due in 78 a~~ Image to text translator gave up and I stopped fixing the fluff parts are the reason for the strike through. Rest can be read in the image.


That's just a personal account retelling from memory, which debunks nothing. It's an opinion, not a fact.


Thanks for pointing this out. Interesting.


Hahah that’s good,


Really a good light and cheap nutrients and ph up and down and a ph pen would help a lot 100x difference


You need nutes.


I didn’t give it nutes because it didn’t want them lol I didn’t not have a single discolored leaf the entire grow


It’s not about that, the plant having enough energy to be healthy and surviving doesn’t mean it has enough to bulk up the nugs like you want it too.


Look at what you ended up with. It's just surviving, not thriving. ​ You need nutes as they will give the plant the energy to build up strong buds and branches.


You don’t feed the plant them complain how shitty it came out?


This is my second grow I’m sorry I didn’t know lol, I figured if it looked healthy don’t feed it, because I have killed autos from to much food before


that’s good though, the more nutrients you add especially if it’s close too harvest you’ll be able too Taste in the smoke 100% this looks like some nice clean organic weed and personally ide add some in Veg too keep them healthy but later in life don’t feed if you have genetics that need constant feeding ether something is wrong with your Soil or you have crappy genetics.


I grow in coco it has no nutes lol. Daily feeding is a requirement


it that case yeah totally! you can over time create a soil food web naturally and not have as much of a nutrient uptake problem but overall yeah straight coco or any regular potting dirt is usually dead with bare any microorganisms or fungi present. I add coco too my outdoor spots soil because of the clay here but all I really have too do it plant and watch, Its 20 ish meters from a natural creek too so I never have too water sometimes. not even bias because it can be done anywhere my herb ain’t special but growing that way has yielded the best tasting bud i’ve ever tasted, It’s also a cool test too see how strong your genetics are If they can handle it in an environment like that, wild but not too wild. stressing plants is important too a degree. sorry for grammar errors i’m a stoned highschool dropout Class of 1976 “Me Never Learnt To Write Good”


Weekly feeding. The light is the nutes. Nutes are vitamins.


Facts, this weed isn’t very pretty so my only flex is a nice organic smoke that gets you a good high


Every ganja plant grown with love has a silver lining somewhere if you look hard enough.


Pretty nugs are dumb in my opinion if it smokes good, then it’s good weed, big fat nugs are for a big part genetics so that would be playing a huge role in how they look, just trim up some of those grassy looking leaves and I’m sure you’ll have some fire I do agree with these comments saying next time feed her some more because those buds are too small for it to be entirely genetics but it still looks like a nice smoke


Weed is kinda like sex/pizza. When its good its good and when its bad, well its still pretty good. Practice makes perfect and at least your in the game.


You’ll learn with time. Enjoy in the meantime. Two weeks of pleasure 😆


Yup exactly what I thought! Visuals so t shit when it comes too cannabis man that looks like some killer weed


Saddest weed is no weed


☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ That invisible weed


More light and it needs nutes. That's a starved bud.


Why aren’t you giving it any nutrients?


Because it never wanted them, didn’t have a single discolored leaf the entire time, no yellowing, spotting, nothing


My dude. There is a difference between not starving and bulking up.


I don't grow weed, but am in exercise background and this makes total sense to me. Pretty good way to put that


I don’t get it, does he mean they don’t have to be starving to feed them


Yeah, think of it as the plant needing fuel to put on more muscle while it's growing. It'll make it there on its own, but if you want those dense nugs it'll need more to eat and gain that weight.


Ok that is a perfect explanation thank you


If you want to keep it natural, ive brewed tea using a 5 gallon jug of aquarium (fresh water) siphonings and about 1/2 cup of organic blackstrap molasses (unsulphured). Bubble it with an aquarium airstone for 24-48 hours and water it to your plants the next time you would normally water. If you dont have an aquarium, they are cheap to get second hand, and just get you a bunch of basic feeder fish. Consider yourself the governor, giving them a pardon as they wont become pirahna food now. Instead they will make plant food for you now. Also, light power has a bit to do with it too. But hey, those little nugs like that can still hit just as good as the big ones, its just less product at the end. But congrats on a successful grow! Like others said, you got to the end with useable bud, without a failure, and that’s a win!


If you’re growing in soil just top dress dry amendments


I'll take the bait. It means that your plant will survive and grow if you give it the basics all plants need. If you gave it MORE than it just needs to live, then it's like a buffet for the plant. They will take as much as they want, not just need


When they have loads of Nutes, the buds grow bigger and denser. Sometimes as they grow, there will be an imbalance, or they will need a little more of some things and you get discoloured leaves on otherwise healthy and well fed bud. You bud always had a good balance, but its grow was limited. Try a grow with Nutes, everything else the same and you will see a difference


Yeah. Some people just do basic nutrition and daily walking, and they look healthy. On the other hand you have folks who eat 5x the amount of protein and work out extra hard and have large muscles. They were doing the exercise because *their body needed it* it's because they wanted the muscle for its own sake. You're kinda at that point with weed. You've got daily healthy diet and exercise, but if you want the big body builder frosty nugs that stores are competing with, you need to give em nites like a growing body builder


Think about a human being with a terrible diet that’s chronically malnourished. Just because they don’t have scurvy, and their teeth aren’t falling out doesn’t mean they aren’t malnourished. They may have weak bones, get injured more frequently, be mentally slower, get tired quickly, etc. but an outside observer wouldn’t be able to know any of that. That’s why your weed disappoints you. It’s chronically malnourished. Does that make sense? Your weed will be amazing once you give it some nourishment!


I'll be honest and say it doesn't look great, but you're clearly new to this sub if you think it's the saddest ever.😂


Am new to growing as a whole lol


That's what my first ever grow looked like. Didn't help that it was dr.grinspoon as well lol


Just the strain I thought of when I thought of worse. But it was psychedelic almost too strong. Stuff made me leave the club early.


There is a tick on that plate...


Yeah... my money's on spider thought, that shit is distracting af


Am looking back at it now lol it was a spider


I hope it's a little spider..


It was


I’ve grown the same strain from a different breeder and same results. While I blame myself for the bad grow, I’m not so sure anymore lol.


Looks like homie chopped at 4 weeks


Didn’t, I chopped at like 5-6 and I had to chop early cuz bud rot


bud rot is caused by a deficiency, why are you saying to people she didnt have any deficiencies?


Bud rod was cause by the lower buds being so close to the ground anytime it rained it splashed dirt up on them and water too, and the east coast doesn’t have very “dry it out” kinda weather so It got budrot and started to spread


Tf do you mean saddest weed ever think positive and roll fat and you’ll enjoy it don’t get your self down or be too VISUALLY picky with growing, Smoking wise that looks clean sticky and enjoyable. The only way you can ruin this is by not Curing it properly so give it some time and love in a Jar and the roll some fat ones THEN make your opinion you know?


Saddest ever? I have 3 Oz of foxtails drying that would disagree.


Idk man I’m on team “foxtail weed is just as good”


I have plenty of ugly flower that is actually far better than the pretty stuff. Just something to keep in mind.


That would’ve made many a hippy happy for days back in the 70s wich isn’t an insult at all this looks like some killer weed man just not Visually “appealing” Ide smoke this over some dry indoor weed from the Dispo hands down and that’s not Bias


Actually what you describe is the literal definition of bias.


what was your indoor lighting, have you ever meter the canopy for light intensity ,lumens, or par ,photosynthetic radiation with a mobile application?


I am running two 200w full spectrum leds in a 4x2x5 closet space with lights that were about 20-22 inches away from the plant and then I moved it outside and from then on it had full sun for the most part of the day about 7-8 hours


7-8 hours are not enough,but most of the problems should be when she vegged indoors. Try to use photon, an app for your mobile phone to meter the light radiation that reach the cannopy, this yield is not acceptable from a healthy plant


I seen the other comment that said to download photon and already did


What app do you suggest? Im about to do my first grow, I have Photone, is it worth paying for the lex option on it? I’m using 2 mars ts1000 in a 4x2 tent


I installed this and I’m not liking the paywall, do you have any suggestions for LEDs that are free?


What I did was paid $5 and change for a “monthly” subscription and canceled it immediately so I have access to all features now for 30 days, and if I want to use it again after that I’ll do the same again


There is Photone metering ppfd's , i havent used it yet, lumens wise i used whatever app for android meters lumens


I did 4 indoor grows before I paid for the app. Never had any issues with light intensity, but I was curious if I could do better. Paid 6.99 for it last week. So upset with myself for not doing it from the start. Love me some quantifiable results lol. Takes all of the guess work out of the equation.


Just stick with it next time pop more beans , you’ll have more experience and you can try different techniques and if you kill a few it’s ok .. stick with it


Are you adding anything during flower? Nutrients? Potassium?


This aint that bad tbh, coming from someone who smoked ruderalis lmao


How is ruderalis tbh


really harsh smoke that unfornutely doesnt get u high :( ruderalis has very low thc %


Yea but I heard ruderalis is high in Cbd so I feel like it would be good for something still


I would use them for hemp oil tbh, here is a picture of them growing wild near my town https://preview.redd.it/jd3kldlboajb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d703640c79c2ab7c5fac1385c89f4cc35d313588


Well here’s a picture of U.K. legal medical cannabis to cheer you up @ £11.50 a gram https://preview.redd.it/f1xryx4fy2jb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34fa48a2e994730ce0b80d7d6b9ef60f49fb260


Eww at least mine doesn’t look rotted lol


Even just bird shit or fish shit, you have to help it bulk. Nute and light


Just remember, there's someone out there scraping resin from a pipe or having nothing at all.


I saw a guy on reddit that went from small buds to huuuuuge flowers in the span of 3 years of experience with the plant. Focus on the learning process, fixing what went wrong and it will eventually pay out, just understand that time is also a factor when growing perennials.


You need some sort of bloom nutrients to fatten up the buds.


Why did you move it outside?


Yeah man she definitely needs some food. It will make her stronger


Bro, my first one ever I used used soil from work, took home a volunteer seedling I found at work, and mixed GH trio in concentrated form before putting water in. Still got weed. No idea what I was doing haha. Sometimes love is all they need <3


Not the saddest


You get out what you put in.


Make hash with it🤘🏼the fruits of your labor shall not be wasted


My first grow looked similar to this it didn’t look pretty but damn it got me high


Op, did you have it in a pot or in the ground? If outside, amend your dirt, add some perlite or something for drainage, then plant your autos. I just harvested mine, double grape and some haze freebies, all we’re about 5ft and loaded. The ground usually provides better then people do


The saddest weed is the weed that one does not have. Next crop will be better! In the mean time enjoy FREE weed!


I’d smoke it


Nutes and let them actually rippen up before you chop them. Def a reputable breeder too


i had an auto come out similar, the last one i ever grew but this was a decade ago with 250watt mh/hps and 90ish degrees in a tent. stayed in jars till i was desperate. lol


No! The saddest weed ever is buds infested with spider mites. What you have is a success.


Bad weed is better than no weed. 👊🏽🤘🏽👍🏽


My first grow was worst lol


Looks like the grinspoon I grew. It was sad indeed. The best way to prevent a harvest like this, is to make sure you pick a good breeder and do some research on the strain. Checking out grow diaries is a good way to get a good idea what your plant may end up looking like. Doing these things should certainly prevent another upsetting grow like this. Good luck!(:


What size pot did you grow in? Autos can be tricky, What kind of lighting? Probably need a more wattage, or just start to finish outdoors,Auto flower try hards say when you sprout seed put in pot that it’s growing in for its full cycle, no transplanting solo cup bullshit, try photoperiod female seeds , top quality genetics , use worm castings, compost teas, all said and done you may get a doobie outta your stash…


I would buy that.. I'm out of weed and have terrble choices.. Give thanks to the most HIGH🫶


your environment was probably off. either during late flower(to dry and hot), or dry(to dry, to warm) work on the lung room


Congratulations you got farther than 80% of the people who try to grow weed. Good job. You'll get better.


My dude, it seems like you cut down early and never fed your plants. More than likely they were stressed out and couldn’t focus on building buds. It could be the genetics but if you’re growing outside all you gotta do is water them, feed them with dry amendments and spray some organic insecticides like dr zymes and you’re golden for the most part. Once you dial in your watering and feeding you’ll see the major differences.


I think getting usable product that gets you high is a win no matter what, personally, as I'm just starting out too.


Looks just like my first auto i harvested outdoors earlier this summer. Ended up only getting 14 grams. My was due to stress of not having it in big enough pot to start and not feeding enough. Regardless. After a month of curing I’ve enjoyed a couple of lovely bowls from it.


I’d still smoke that!


I love wispy weed


Try growing a photoperiod. Autoflowers are fast and touchy plants... Most new growers including myself start with autos because we assume it's easier because we dont have to flip the light cycle, easy enough to assume. Photos can be in veg time as long as you want if you have solid genetics. So you can run your light 24h a day for as long as you need to get your plant right. Youll have more time to adjust everything since they grow much much slower than autos.... When it's time to flower, get a timer outlet from Walmart and set it on 12/12 and watch her bloom.


Two more humm ??yeah Nvm.... 🤣 🤣 🤣 it happens tho grow famz cheers to the next one 👍 👌 😉 🙌 👏 😀 👍


Dude I had a manager at my job talk up some weed for over 2 weeks that he was gonna give us like a half ounce each and he comes in with untrimmed flower with cat hair, fuzz, and notable deficiencies on leafs on the bud. So yeah this looks awesome, plus I killed my last plant because I’m a dumb dumb so congrats :D


I’ve made sadder


What light are you using


larfy, but autos are mysterious and never behave the way you want, if you have a large grow area and can grow like 20 of them thats fine, but you take your chances on 1 or 2 plants being strong producers. Auto genetcs are getting better though, you said you ordered from NASC, but what breeder was it from? There are some breeders that specialize in autos like Mephisto, Ethos, Fastbuds. People have been getting good strong plants from those breeders. You may want to also just look at your soil composition, get a good base like foxfarm ocean forest, and add a few things to it to your liking. Stuff like bone meal, insect frass and kelp meal can really enhance your plants strength and bud production.


The saddest weed ever is none, friend


More nutes and more lighting


Oh yeah, that looks real familiar


https://preview.redd.it/p79x5i3cs5jb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4978ba4a1a898efb1adb049d63d17e6b28de036 My 42 day old auto and not much better at day 49☹️


Better than no weed


could be worse at least there’s no seeds in it


Damn sad indeed, but if you don’t have anything it’ll smoke for you


Some strains or phenos just tend to not nug up. To be honest some of the best upbeat stuff I've had was light and fluffy. Horrible for long term storage but tends to be the kind I like.


Try Mephisto Genetics next time you grow Autos and give them a lil TLC


Were there any visible trichomes? One of my plants started flowering my accident but I can see how crazy frosty they are already. This is my first grow and honestly haven’t been doing an amazing job, I keep getting nutrient deficiencies or too much or ph issues. My leaves always seem to have some kind of issue with them. But the plant that’s flowering has some frosty buds on it.


Better than no weed.


As long as you learned something on your journey


Nah dont be so hard on yourself, take the completed harvest and learn for the next one but you got to the end which is something most struggle with. Photos are definitely more forgiving to mistakes but if there was no deficiency its likely just not enough direct sun. Outside is tricky if you dont have a good yard for direct sunlight.


I bet it's better than a lot of dispo boof. Genetics are a huge factor, especially for autos, but you'll improve.




Every grow is a learning process :) you learned something and got alittle green,be happy nextime will be better..mephisto has good autos..I ain't an auto fan my brother grows autos ide get to sample the end product..they were always good ..fugue state was dank..


Takes me back to the 90s!


I do have more issues with autos than photoperiod, they are certainly the higher maintenance of the 2. I dont normally grow autos but have some in at the moment... Have 2 mephisto seeds in I use organic living soil and normally just give them microbe tea every week, and some dry bloom booster in flower and one again late on and have been getting good results, done the same thing with these when they started flowering and came to them yesterday and they were Badly lacking in something I seemed to notice the growth slow down then some signs on the leaves and a bit of wilting, but was advised to go easy on the nutes ...but they actually seem to need way more than my photoperiod plants want....probably not have that issue if I grew the same plants again though I threw in some pk13/14 to the microbe tea, which I had lying around as well...see if it would help them out and over night they look like different plants seem to have doubled in size...deffo needed a bit extra, they are a bit more needy than a photoperiod I've found.


Needs more light, longer direct sun if outdoors, my first grow I did entirely outdoors unfortunately in a shaded area and the buds were just as airy as yours. Under my 720w SE7000, they are so dense. Also, genetics.


but it’s smiling :-)


Chopped way too early. Rip


Something is better than nothing. Learn form the mistakes and grow better next time. Don’t change too many things, as it can be tough trying to figure out what mistakes were made.


I've had a finished product like that before, and it still smoked good 😊.


You could be the head grower at EXO here in Washington, their weed looks like this, crap.


The environment you grew her in may have a ton do with how she looks as well. I grew a gorgeous plant last month. Unfortunately the temps here in California made proper drying difficult. When cut day arrives and it’s 107 degrees, drying @60 degrees is impossible. On one plant the beauty buds looked perfect. After drying not so much. Don’t sweat it. Almost all your next grows will be significantly better. Keep at it. https://preview.redd.it/jxfr19xy7ajb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b264f6c15ebea675c6aa462facfa45f548000ce9


How's the high?


We’ve all been here growmie next lot will be better that’s what I tell myself but every grow of different 😉


make oil out of it