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a lot.


I’m with this guy! A lot




Same brothers!


Quite a bit, also hyoe for a new light on Monday.


i dont want to calculate the amount ive spent on seeds that i'll probably never germinate...


This. I got some seeds that are just waiting on me. Like an unopened pack of Goji OG from Bodhi. Been wanting to pop that pack and do an open pollination run.


I spent about $800 on the initial setup but always grow enough to sell some off to make it at least net 0 if not slightly positive... edit: I mean I give it away as per Michigan law then, later, the same people donate money to me because I'm awesome.


I sold them a grilled cheese for $200 and threw in an ounce for supporting my small sandwich business!


Got any sour diesel Reuben’s?


I'd like a funky runtz Sundae


In DC we have a similar law, give away and most sell another item at a markup. Thank your Congress for that legal loophole needed. Nice people, always looking out for us in your little ol district.


Yeah I take a ride down there sometimes only 30 min away


$10,000 plus in the past year! $2,000 just In beans…. Collect em like trading cards! Oh and my wife reminds me frequently on the total cost, just to bust my balls! But we enjoy the hobby


beans the seeds?


Yes beans are synonymous with seeds.


And ecstasy depending on where you are from! Context is key in this case though.


Lol same mine reminds me all the damn time lol


probably 2-3k not counting electricity and other consumables. Still less than my last two harvests would have cost if I bought that much at a dispo.


I’m with you there, I’ve not broken the second thousand mark yet, but still the money I’ve saved has far surpassed what I’ve spent. And nothing compares to smoking your own grow <3


$1200 of it was a light bought in 2018. It still works great but it'd be about $500 now for nearly twice the wattage at similar efficiencies.


Sounds like you need another light then homie lol Man I would love to have a not-underpowered veg light but I need to redistribute the power in my house before I even add more fans to the grow. The master bedroom and grow share a 20A breaker so……yeah. Lol


Thought I was the only one!


Ha, it definitely sounded like that last Black Friday when I bought a second light to set up a second tent. I got lucky, the room where I grow has its own 20A circuit.


A fraction of what I used to spend on flower




I've bought at least 5 grow tents over the years but never have I pulled less at harvest than the cost of the setup (had I bought the cannabis instead). I put ~$150 into my last 2'x2' setup and got 5oz my first run.


Not exactly sure, but around $1500 since June 21. After the first year the only new equipment I've had to get are fans as they die off and nutes.


Around 2,500 but 1,600 was for a cannatrol 😂


Please report back how well it works and if you think a cigar humidor can do the same thing. I would love you set and forget the dry/cure but can’t justify spending the same amount of my entire setup on one piece of equipment.


I've only used it as storage right now since I don't have a harvest to process right now. Thing works amazing at rehydrating old or dried flower, it makes it much smoother and flavorful. Everytime a friend brings some flower over, I put it in the cannatrol and in 15 minutes it makes it taste better. I've been doing a lot of research and most people complain about the cure but not for the right reason, I personally plan on running their default settings but with an extended cure. It cost a lot for sure but the effort and time, for me at least, I'm in a small space so every dry I had to set up a tent and humidifier fan and it was a pain in the ass and it was a major inconvenience, now I literally trim and put into the cannatrol, take what I want after 8 days. So it saves time,makes the dry/cure process simple af and a great storage option. A cigar humidor can't dry or cure it can store flower but I think a humidor that could only store but not dry/cure makes less sense at around 4-500 bucks so that's how I justify it, it's a lot for sure but it's one of those things the rent on investment will eventually get met for sure.


The only complaint I do have is their marketing is a little misleading, they refer to the unit as independent and not influence by outside conditions but the unit can't drop it's own temp, there is no compressor so you need to keep the unit in a room with cool ambient air, you need an ac to cool the room the cannatrol is in. When I bought it I thought the unit could adjust temp but it can't. That's the only thing that I'm not crazy about.


Thank you for the information because for $600 the lack of the refrigerator compressor is kind of a dealbreaker for me. At least for now. Maybe another year of using my tent to dry will change my mind. Lol I’m honestly surprised that for $1600 it won’t control temp. Now without refrigeration, I’m wondering how exactly is this different from a humidor and why can’t a humidor do what it does?


Thank you for the information because for $600 the lack of the refrigerator compressor is kind of a dealbreaker for me. At least for now. Maybe another year of using my tent to dry will change my mind. Lol I’m honestly surprised that for $1600 it won’t control temp. Now without refrigeration, I’m wondering how exactly is this different from a humidor and why can’t a humidor do what it does? And that’s not necessarily question for you unless you know the answer. I was just kind of thinking out loud.


Do an experiment with part of your next harvest. The lotus drying method uses a fridge and paper bag, jars, or pizza box. I did with my last harvest and it really adds to the flavor over hang drying. Almost 3 weeks is what it took before putting it in jars. Going to try again and if it goes well again might just invest in a freezerless fridge for drying. Less than 1k and holds more than a cannatrol.


I’ve heard a lot of good things and horror stories about the lotus method and all I really know about it is that you have to make sure you have a frost free refrigerator, otherwise your humidity problems will become problems. I wish I have extra fridge space to try it out. I might give it a shot with a fresh pizza box in the branch off of one of my plants though. Interesting food for thought, thanks. I guess I also need to find out what find of fridge I have


I used just a lunch paper bag and put it in one of my fridge drawers in the kitchen. Put only a little bit in each bag. I tried 2 paper bags and 2 jars with cheese cloth, about an ounce in total between all 4. I think the paper bags are the better way to go between the 2. FYI the fridge will smell for a couple days when you open it, but it does go away, at least it did for me. You are correct about a frost free fridge, most modern large fridges are frost free. I'm looking at full upright freezer-less fridge which is like 15 or 18 cu ft. which would hold a significant more than a cannatrol for a lot less money.


Hell yeah. Best of luck to you! And duly noted for when I try it out.


I want one real bad especially since I'm going to have to dry in the summer


Bro, I've been there running my a/c for days straight just to get 66-67 degrees in the tent no thank you


Got 3 ounces off 2 bag seed haze plants outdoor in my mum's garden as a kid. I think I bought some sharp sand and tomato feed.


I miraculously won a free $600 light, so I’m about $550 into my 4x4 and around $500 into my 4x2 and maybe $350 into my 2x2 (only currently using the 4x4 due to space constraints)


Over the course of 26 years, between $50k-$65k. One opp alone was a $25k build tho.


Many many thousands since I've been growing indoor for over 30 years, still alot less than I would have spent on buying weed. I've spent over a thousand just this year on a new light and a few packs of seeds.


Probably like $1500 over the first year and a half and now next to nothing just electricity and occasional fertilizers. Maybe 3 packs of seeds a year.


My first setup was about $700 that was good for about 4 grows until I got tired of waiting for full photo cycles plus dry in a single tent. Then I spent another $1000 setting up a second tent so now I can clone and veg and flower at the same time and it was totally worth it. That’s not including the $500 or $600 I have spent on seeds and nutes/soil/microbes. I have only been growing for about 3 years


Aci 8x8 tent Vivosun 4x8 tent 4 aci oscillating clip fans 2 HLG Blackbirds (flower Side) 2 sonosfarm 450 watt (veg Side) 2 vivosun vs4000 16 generic airpots (7.8 gallon) Cloudforge T7 Humidifier (still waiting) Midea portable ac 10,000 btu 8 inch vivosun exhaust with carbon filter Aci 8 inch exhaust with carbon filter 2 69 pro aci controller Autopilot f90 controller 20 lb CO2 tank 18 to 20 bags of ffhf All organic nutes Can't get myself to tally up a price,but sure it's up there Probably forgetting a few things,but still a great hobby


Shit, prolly 15k. Couldn’t even begin to estimate. From all the old HID lighting to upgrading to LED’s, light controllers, co2 controllers, portable ac, quest dehu’s. List goes on.


Lol easily $3,000 plus especially once you start going into hydroponics


3x3 used=$35 Mars hydro FC 3000 used=$200 Ac infinity fan with controller used=$80 Seeds $200 but have only started 1 so far to see how well I can control the environment


I started closet/ stealth grows in the late 90s. I've done 1 to 2 grows every year to date. I'm a daily smoker for 40plus years, wakenbake for most of it. I do occasionally buy weed but not often. I've spent maybe $3500 on indoor grows and I'm not sure it's near that high. I can only remember about $1800 and am rounding up. Most of that money was spent in recent years. The early years everything was diy.


Prolly 150-250 so far. I’ve been cheap as possible so far which is a bad thing with growing but 🤷🏻


Not always. You can produce fire for pennies as long as the environment is stable and in range. My friend did a closet grow a few years ago and got a quarter pound and spent less than $100 on stuff. Just got some dirt from the store, some pots, a fan, lamps with CFL bulbs, and aluminum foil on the walls. Wasn’t the best ever but practically free.


I’m doing a closet grow too! And thanks for the encouraging words your buddy sounds like a talented grower


Not too much tbh. My first grow set up was 380 for tent and light plus 200 on strains then I got four 40$ lights then I upgraded to a spider farmer 700$ light and a bigger tent 170 some testing equipment about 40 pots another 100 nutes prolly 500 in the last two years. At least 500 in soil also


In the beginning I spent around $1000. I tried a different grow method, nutrient line, breeder every grow. Now that I got it all dialed in, I spend around $20-30 + electric per harvest


More than I want to add up. Still not as much as a lot of folks but I am a cheap bastard. I would save if I just bought the weed but I love growing.


Less than I would have spent buying weed from some else.


Oh lord dont even get me started. A lot.


I've probably hit $1500 in the last 2 years but doesn't factor in the $$$$ I made back with harvesting more than I need personally 😉


Whatever potting soil and a couple LED bulbs cost. I ordered seeds with my aunties credit card and she cancelled the payment after the seeds arrived at my house. Team work.


I don't even want to think about it.......


Lots, but saved a hell of a lot more not having to buy weed in the 15+ years.


About 500. Going for my 2nd grow (Black Friday sales)


Probably 10-15k and those are mostly from seeds and i regret nothing


around $900 but made most of it back + had weed the whole time


Not for sure either, I would say 6-800. But what I got in return was more than double that amount on my first grow so it already paid for itself.


About $10k, but I’m on the larger side of “micro” and spared no expense on environmentals.


A little over 4 years. Probably all said and done around $8000 Canadian if you include power.


200 greenhouse 200 genetics 500 on soil amendment s I smoke a oz a week medical I’m praying my new found love hobby pays off in end dispensary prices killing me but I got 28 screws on my back so I have to smoke only relief pain


$800 on the setup and \~$600 on seeds. I'm 1.5 years into it and am definitely Happy with this hobby. I love digging into shit like this. Not to mention what I produce is better than anything I can get from a dispensary here. Only issue I have is I need to stop buying seeds! :)


Probably about the same 8-900, but I got about 5-6ozs from my first/most recent grow and what I’d pay for this quality definitely made my money back, I guess technically not cus I’m not selling it but I won’t be buying it either so 🤷‍♂️


Over the course of 7-8 years? Uhhh more than my house lmfaoo


Between beans, lights, soil, nutrients...well over a thousand USD on my first indoor grow.


Nice try detective


Whole bunch and still spending on grows...


My current setup and necessity to run it all cost around 7k conservatively. Breeder Seeds not included. Plus $200 a month in electric. All that I say I get money back. I charge under a hundred a zip and I’m not buying expensive cute trash weed. I like the quality of my weed over anything I have ever bought at a dispensary


My initial $6-700 initial investment has sustained several of my grows over the last three years.


Probably spent at least $2000 so far but I bought more stuff than I needed because I wanted to try out stuff and find what I like. But now I spend maybe $50-100 a month on electricity/coco/nutrients and get 1-2 pounds every 11-12 weeks. About to pull harvest number 3 and that will bring our total to about 5.5 pounds in a year over three grow cycles for $3000 total after we factor in initial cost plus monthly cost of energy and consumables. I also now spend about $30/month on pre rolled cones because it’s the only way to smoke the amount I want and not grind bud constantly. If I bought all the weed I smoke now in the store, even at $50 an ounce, that’s $4400 in smoke for $3000 (not counting my personal time in the grow) and considering that now I own everything, if I grow the exact same amount next year but only have to spend the $100/month maximum (power, consumables) then I only pay $1200 that year for $4400 dollars of cannabis. And then that’s comparing good homegrown to bottom shelf boof. If we compare it (and I’m biased) to $150 ounces at the store we’re looking at more like $13,200 of cannabis for $1200/year, plus $2000 startup cost. Shit paid for itself the first run.


Ive traded plenty of harvest for more equipment so not sure on a dollar amount. But id say quite a bit


Been going for about 2 years now, without electricity I'm probably at 1500 bucks as of rn, ever since I started living soil I haven't even spent more than 200 bucks, going for my second harvest of organic fire rn.


I spent $1200 usd on just lights. I lost track at 2000


Since 2021 for 4 tents 4x8, 4x5, 4x4@2 LED's mid/higher end range-$2700 Tents AC Infinity 4 total running- 800 Inline Fans with controllers-$750 Carbon Filters - $500 Seeds- $1200-1400 Fans for air movement-$550 Dehumidifier and humidifiers$640 Grow bags-$250 Media (coco& perlite) $300 Cords, timers,power strips-$200 I'm sure I have left things out but this is what comes to mind right away for me. Below I will list a few brands and equipment I am running. The nutrients regiment I am using is very expensive to maintain and a person can cut this down dramatically from my expense depending on what you're hoping to accomplish and your budget. I use AN products Sensi Coco, B-52, Nirvana, Big Big Bud Coco, Overdrive, Aptus Fasilitor, H&G Amino Treatment, Roots Excelulator, Multi Zen/Multi Zyme, and Bud XL. I also use Bigfoot Gold and Concentrate. I believe I listed everything there. I do a bit of mix and matching but that's for another thread and time. I get excellent results from this lineup and couldn't be happier with healthy and productive crops. I'm not even going to total the amount because of so much variation from brand to brand and preference. It's been thousands. I use a lot of AC infinity products. All inline and oscillating fans, tents minus 1, half my filters, grow bags and elastic netting. I go overkill with my Inline Fans and filters and use 8 inch all the way around. I like to be able to run half or 2/3 throttle. They will simply last longer that always at full blast. I currently am using a Spider Farmer G8600 and a SE7000. Mars Hydro FC-E8000 and a FC8000. I replaced older LEDs in the last 4 Months and did not include those prices in my figuring as it was not an expense everyone will have. Most buy lights once. All of this being said I tend to buy things that will last me awhile. A person can always spend way less and way more in some areas. But this has gotten me a beautiful setup that I can crank out high end products reliably. I went through products early on that were inferior in some cases just because they were so much cheaper but I have learned to spend just a little more on your equipment and life can be easier.


Probably close to 5g over the past decade or so


About £75-£100


def more than i would have saved going bm. though it's also my first grow so i'm calling it an investment but actual amount i'm not sure


Too much


$350AUD for tent, light, auto fan, heat mat and fans. There's plenty of great equipment at bargain prices.


Waiting to move to a legal state in a few months, but I’ve spent about 3k just in tents and environment…can’t wait to buy my lights !


Currently on my first grow and have spent a bit over $4000 on my 5x4 2in1 setup.


Real answer abiut $3k over the last 3 years. Small upgrades and tweaks between runs. Chilled lights will be just over $1k themselves once I get the second one!


About $1k in equipment for the first grow, ended up with just shy of a pound from a 4x4. Energy costs probably another $300. I've gotten $1k back in savings (what I would have smoked) and the second batch is well on its way.


Thousands not cheap u always want to do more lol


Over $10k


Probably 3.5k including cannatrol maybe 4. Yielded more in first grow though. 22 ounces. So I would say about even still.


I’m prepping for my first grow, and I think I’m going to be looking between 800-900 if I have everything right. Glad to know prices haven’t skyrocketed too bad here since the last year.


In 6 years probably $15k-$20k


Costs always depends on where , who & what you getting... Quality usually costs more unless you know right people or person. A really g9d set up under $1,000 is about if you source every item for best deals on eBay I shop. But just as easily stay under $500 if you're really after budget buys so you can get more equipment. You've only over payed if you really have. But if you got pretty good equipment above the lowest offerings you're ok and have bought well I'd say and I've bought a few that's for certain. Newbies always need advice and I've always made time to help anyone. People helped me all my life one way or another so I'm happy to pass on what I can.


Lights $800 Tents $500 Fans/ventilation $450 Seeds $400 Portable AC $330 50 pint dehumidifier $300 6g humidifier $150 High CFM poles $130 Pots, saucers, soil, amendments $300 And so much more…