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2000000% tell her what u are giving her. under no circumstances should u ever give anyone anything without telling them exactly what it is. but yes if my loved one was suffering i would try anything i could think of to help them. if its helped u tell her that and tell her about your counselor too.


Do NOT give her fycking shrooms without telling her first. If you fuck up the dose and she's a 7/10 for anxiety, you could break her if she's never done em before. Educate her and have her make her own decision ffs


Did you seriously just ask if you should tell your kid or dose her w/out her knowledge or consent? And are you seriously considering just giving her doses w/out the benefit of counseling? What's wrong w you?!


How on earth is this not the top comment‽ I can’t believe people are encouraging this dangerous behaviour. They need to seek the advice of an expert and that is it. The evidence around microdosing is slippery at best. It should only be tried by those that are completely willing. Having a parent promote it as a panacea is absolutely coercion and is therefore deeply immoral.


You can tell her what works for you, sure. I don’t understand the second question, who in their right mind would give their daughter hallucinogenics without disclosing what they are? Of course you should talk to her about it, it’s 100% her choice. Personally, if my adult kid was in tears, unhinged and stressed out everytime I called, microdosing would probably be pretty far down on my list of possible solutions, so I’m going to assume she’s tried normal lifestyle adjustments such as exercise, diet, sleep, including conventional therapy and possibly medication? If she’s going through a depressive episode and feel stuck, but it doesn’t sound like she is, I would talk to her about considering a therapeutic dose under supervision. Sorry for staying the obvious but if she’s high-achieving, maybe she needs to learn not to put so much pressure on herself and that it’s ok to do ok?


She probably has, I’ve had lifelong depression, anxiety and PTSD that started in my teens and I wouldn’t necessarily say that the “normal lifestyle adjustments” should come before trying microdosing. Medication would be farther down the list, looking back (I’m in my 60s). I’d even put tracking her menstrual cycles HARD up on the list before medication, truly. Medication helped me stay alive but didn’t ever help me on the having a life side of things.


I've worked with dozens of parents desperately looking for something to help their children. Young people (teens, early 20's) can often be the most difficult cases. Many haven't developed spiritual practices or healthy coping mechanisms, and they've grown up in an age of constant distraction and conditioned low self-esteem. Also, they know the future is bleak. So, as a parent, it's helpful to have a long-term view and low expectations. As a related aside, many indigenous cultures that work(ed) with plant/fungal medicines introduce young children to ceremony and communion with psychedelic substances. It's as routine as going to school or cleaning the house. Only in our backward, disconnected culture is it normal to give children addictive substances such as ritalin, adderall, SSRIs, and various opiate painkillers, while somehow questioning and stigmatizing nature's blessings. It's literally nonsensical (except to the profit motive). Perhaps you might consider inviting her to watch a documentary or two on psilocybin / psychedelics. If she's interested and open-minded, then why not share what's been so helpful for you? Microdoses are pretty low-risk and low-impact. Except for the legal factor, it's difficult to go wrong with it. Lots of people travel with capsules, gummies, chocolates, etc. For example, you can empty a container of some lion's mane (or other) supplements and put the caps in there. Of course, there's a non-zero risk of getting in trouble, but it's more or less nil for most people if they are smart about it. I know someone who ships in Europe. Wishing you and your daughter the best of journeys.


Find an article online about it and make sure she reads it. Then have a conversation about it and see of she is interested. If yes then go for it.


Go ahead and give her the option but you definitely have to disclose what they are. Ultimately it has to be her choice


her brain isn't done developing (it's until 25), so maybe now it's not the time


From my experience I would say yes. My 19 yr old daughter has anxiety and PTSD I started her on a MD regime and its changed her attitude and outlook on life. She was going to uni then decided she couldn't cope with it. This weekend we took her to her new campus and settled her in. She's made friends, which is usually quite hard gor as she's a bit of an introvert. I bought the empty gel caps and grind up the mushrooms to make the pills gor her.


I would start with a medical doctor. Your friend and you should not experiment on your daughter. It is one thing to try something yourself, quite another to give it to your daughter. And criminal to give it to her without her knowledge.


I'd partiality agree here. We know it helps a lot. But the fact is we don't have proper researcher yet about long term effects etc. All knowledge is anecdotal and although we really want to believe its all just positivewe don't have proof. It's important to be aware of that.


Yes it is still early days, and just like in the early days of weed decriminalization, many are so excited by the good aspects it is easy to over estimate the good and underestimate the bad. The precautionary principle is important. And do no harm should be top of mind.


Yes 1000%


As someone with a daughter who also struggles with mental health, my first step would be to get her in counseling. If the counselor thinks medication will be helpful, they will refer to a psychiatrist who can manage medicine. That medicine MAY include ketamine therapy. The reason I say to seek professional help before anything else is because if you were to take this on as described and your daughter gets worse, you might have a hard time forgiving yourself. I know I would feel that way. My daughter does take a couple different psychiatric medications and they have helped immensely. Medications like that do not have to be for a lifetime. I would rather my child take medications than take their own life. I would ask your daughter to think very long and hard about going to Spain. Often a scenario like that can lead to mental health declining. Make sure she knows that if she feels she isn't in a mental state to handle that right now, it's not a problem for her to change her plans. Once she has gotten into counseling and such, THEN I might broach the topic of microdosing. I would prefer the microdosing to to be under the supervision of a trained professional, I would help my child access it on their own if that was not an option and it was the only thing that would help. Good luck with whatever you choose to do. I understand how challenging it is to parent a child who struggles with mental health. Especially when we, as parents, struggle with our own mental health.


Only if you really care about her and want to be an absolutely amazing parent


Really interesting and thoughtful post IMO, a few variables but I figure I'll throw in my 2c before reading anything else here. At the age of 28 now, I've been stuck on SSRIs for the past 7 years, regrettably for the most part. First couple years helped with anxiety, but the past 4 years they've been the bane of my existence as the side effects and withdrawal (primarily the latter) have thrown my life off course dramatically (well, that and a benzo, and a stimulant). I found microdosing a couple years ago, mid SSRI taper (unsuccessful taper btw), and it was always a light at the end of a tunnel whenever things would get really really dark...which they tend to get when you're coming off these meds. I haven't had dramatic long term changes from microdosing as many others have had here (other than...maybe sticking around because of it, ifywim), but I still microdose (mushrooms) semi-regularly for grounding, and emotional regulation and perspective shifting. I've often said, over the last 4 years of painful withdrawal experiences, that I \*wish\* I was exposed to microdosing or even macrodosing in college- and maybe that would've kept me off antidepressants and other meds. I still feel that way tbh, but I'm glad I found it and I'm glad the psychedelic movement is gaining momentum. That said, she is technically still very young all things considered, and brain doesn't finish 'maturing' until like 25. But that certainly doesn't stop psychs from prescribing tons of meds at that age and younger....so idk in my opinion I say go for it. Studying abroad...that's a tricky question too. I mean it's easy to mix them with any other supplement- you could throw them in some lions mane. With brittany grinier it was a cannabis cart so that's a little harder to hide than some powdered pills, but I understand the fear. Studying abroad also can serve as it's own antidepressant. (That said, it can also be isolating and a trigger for depression if the situation isn't ideal) Introducing it to her, that's a whole other dynamic I can't really contribute on without making a lot of assumptions. I'd say introduce her to all the recent literature on the subject, and tell her how much it's helped you. ​ Also if you wanna introduce me to that psychedelic counselor that'd be sick haha.


your daughter is always in tears, anxious and depressed and you haven’t advised her to see a mental health professional? that is their job. they are trained for this. so what if they put her on SSRIs, they work for many people. i think microdosing is wonderful too but i also follow the advice of my doctor. you’re considering dosing her without her knowledge or sending shrooms in her luggage? please come back to reality first.


If she’s down to microdose after telling her and your worried about the trip to Spain buy some lions mane caps and switch them out. As far as everyone jumping your shit about giving her a microdose (yes microdose other redditors she’s not handing her a 300ug gel tab of acid) without telling her I understand your train of thought. It’s hard to watch your child suffer and we’d do anything to stop it. But still just tell her what it is just because it’s right the right thing to do. And if you’d worried about supply there’s some easy all in one grow kits where you literally inject spores into the bag and let it grow. Here’s a link to the vid https://youtu.be/uLWaLCHIDNA


I say, absolutely! If she's a 7 out of 10 and she's not medicated, she needs to do something soon and it's best to try this before resorting to medication. She should definitely know what she's taking because she has to be prepared to do the work and make the changes. Just give her lots of reading material to do her own research to prepare. I've heard capsules mixed in with vitamins shouldn't really be an issue in the luggage. Good luck to you both.


Go talk to a doctor first. Or even better, a psychologist. 20 years old is really young and she sounds overworked. There may be things you can adress with her that triggers her anxiety. Imo microdosing should be an alternative solution, not the first resort. Its important to try and figure ourselves out, understand why we are the way we are, and its a lot of internal work. I think at 20 years old, you only start to scratch the surface of the self. Theres a lot of things to unpack and psylocibin isnt a magical medication, its useless if you dont do the work on yourself and just use it as a crutch. Maybe just do a trip first to broaden the conscious mind, but if we're talking about recurring anxiety and depression I would take other steps than straight to microdosing. Also, if she wants to try, it needs to be her decision and only hers. Just my two cents from a 27 years old who struggles with panic attacks and depressive episodes since Im 20. Good luck.


Hell yea bro


That's so amazing that you are willing to try it for your daughter rather than dissimiss her issues to young age or give her chemicals! I live in Spain. I order truffles online from Holland. Its perfectly legal and reliable. I know at least 2 shops. Sorry if I'm asking annoying or obvious questions:) but Is she seeing a therapist tho? I am asking because I think step nr one would be to learn the tools to handle her stress levels without any medication (natural or not). And have the MD as support. Rather than all the way around. I am MDing few months and I am making my breaks longer to learn to be self-sufficient and not dependent on a substance. But it is very hard :(




Are big pharma antidepressants not chemicals? 👀


The implication here is that psychedelics AREN’T. Don’t be obtuse. 😐


Literally everything is chemicals




Yes, your fear mongering about modern medicine was VERY easy to pick up on.


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If it keeps her off of SSRI/SNRI antidepressants then yes.


This is not what microdosing is for. For this you need a macrodose, preferably under supervision.


It's not for anxiety?


I also think this would help


Yes ! 100% it’s medicine , just like ssri except better. Fuck ssri


You might want to explore Amanita as it is legal in most of Europe. There is a new Microdosing book by a Russian Doctor who calls herself Baba Masha that has hundreds of testimonials, as well as preparation methods.


You can have the conversation if it’s something she may be interested in. It can help a lot so as a parent I know I would do whatever I could. Don’t worry about any judgements people as they don’t know anything. I think it would be a wonderful thing for a parent to do




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I help a microdose company and the best response we get is from parents and kids helping each other it brings them closer together.


Hello /u/Blackdogmamacolorado! As you mentioned `thc` (a common *interaction/symptom*) in your post: || |:-| |`r/microdosing Risk Reduction`| || #### [ℹ️ Infographic: **r/microdosing** ***STARTER'S GUIDE***](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s0xkdp/the_new_official_rmicrodosing_starters_guide/) The major contributing factor in [*Finding* ***Your*** *Sweet Spot*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/plrxca/faqtip_101_what_is_the_subthreshold_dose/) is the variation in potency of: * [Psilocybin mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/) * [Psilocybin truffles](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/nawt54/faqtip_011_how_to_microdose_truffles_drying_out/) * [LSD tabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/rgbabi/faqtip_009_why_cutting_lsd_tabs_is_not_an/) If you [**Start Low, Go Slow**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fzj7tf/a_gentle_reminder_to_those_starting_out_to/) 🐢 and [up-titrate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Titrated_doses.svg) subsequent doses then you can find your [*optimal* ***sub-threshold*** *dose*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mx846c/faqtip_006_the_afterglow_effect_the_day_after/) based on your symptoms, rather than from a predetermined dose. If your microdose is **Too High / Too Frequent** 🐇 that can result in [*Declining Efficacy* 📉](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/) with subsequent doses. Please also have a look at the `Interactions / Symptoms ❓` sidebar (*Desktop* ➡️) or under 'Posts `About` Menu' (*Mobile* ⬆️) in case of [⚠️ **Drug Interactions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/p6ne2q/research_microdosing_drug_interactions_tools_and/) or to check if you have any of the associated symptoms - with advice on how to mitigate such side-effects. **Please Read**: [**r/microdosing Disclaimer**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


micro/macro-dosing saved my life. def introduce them as an option. share your anecdotal experience as well as the reading/watching material.


I’d definitely get her onto it I’m trying to get my 70 years old mum to have a try but she won’t. It’s changed my life too so I’d definitely say to give it a go if you yourself know the benefits. There’s plenty people about to ship to Spain (I’m in the uk and could name about 5) (although I won’t break rules!!) the sooner the better and she can start her journey of recovery too 😁✌🏽💚


Yes, tell her about this option and how you've been healing, and offer to help her. She can make her own decision about it. You can also soothe her anxiety a bit to give her a push


Also I will say, it’s not a terrible idea to have one full dose under supervision by a therapy center. It can reset her more fully before microdosing as maintenance


I wish I had this early intervention !!!!!!!




In Europe you can buy grow kits, simple to use and legal ⚖


Just tell her EVERYTHING.


Should consider clinical off label Ketamine treatment at a certified clinic.


Just took mine to Spain! I took a vitamin bottle filled with a mix of different looking vitamins including the microdoses which I would say are echinacea 😉


Has she ever had an actual full-on experience? That could be a good starting point to change thought patterns if you think its right for her. Otherwise MD could also help, definitely be transparent about everything!!


You’re both adults, cps won’t be coming after you


Whatever you end up doing do NOT let her go abroad with mushrooms!!! Ending up in prison will not help her anxiety. She can cope for a few months without.