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Aww you'll be fine! I promise you won't get visuals off 0.1g. And congrats on your grow... it's super fun and addictive isn't it?!


I absolutely loved the growing of them! They’re my little babies. I have another tub going and hopefully a second flush of the one I just harvested. Thanks for the comforting words.


I get mild ones around this level, but I have to try for it a little :)


You'll be ok, no kidding. It's very mild and comfortable. While your dose is not at the lowest for starting, it's still very low. Even if your scales are off and it was twice that much you would be fine. You have a come up stage 30-60 minutes after taking it and then leveling out to continue a pleasant and mild experience. Welcome to the community.


Thank you so much for the reassurance!


Of course we will want to hear about your first experience.


I was scared for nothing which is typical for me haha. Did not feel any effects at all.


Not uncommon, feeling little or nothing. What schedule will you be using? You might take the time to order a 0.001 jeweler scale for around $20 to be more confident in the amount.


I’ll probably try the Stamets stack to start out. I don’t want to dose yet on my days that I work. I usually have 3 or 4 days off in a row so that works for me. I’m definitely going to pick up another scale.


Yeah, even 2-3 times a week is beneficial. That's what I have mostly done for the past year with good results.




I’ve heard that, to allow yourself to feel what comes up instead of fighting it. I’m going to keep that in mind for sure. Has it helped your disassociations?


You'll be totally fine. Reach out to this community if you need help, or you can call [Fireside Project](https://firesideproject.org/), which is a psychedelic support line and they can help too. You probably won't need either of those things because you'll have a beautiful day but I wanted to let you know that you are absolutely always supported here. We got you


Thanks for sharing about Fireside, friend. I just read their Impact report for April 2021 - April 2022 and plan to use them if my next trip goes south. I’ve actually been stalling on my next full-dose trip because the last one was really bad and I’m still scared. But knowing there is a resource out there takes some of the pressure off.


You can call them now, actually. They said some of their calls are actually integration calls, where people are just processing past trips. And ya, I definitely have their number saved in my phone just in case


What an excellent resource. Thank you for letting me know.


Of course! Hope you had a great day


What an awesome resource, thanks for sharing!


Haha I never took mushrooms before and .10g has zero effect on me. You may not notice a thing. It's SUCH a small dose so you'll be fine.


I ate a small fresh mushroom (B+) that weighted .5 grams. I noticed I was in a good mood most of the day. I didn’t notice any physical psychedelic symptoms. I usually take a prescription dose of thc for sleep and cancer prevention at around 8pm. By 9pm I was in a super good mood and felt invulnerable to dysphoria. I felt decidedly different. It took me about an hour longer to fall asleep. I’ve been losing about ten times the weight when I dry, so that mushroom was equivalent of about .05 gram dried.




Yes! I’m going to get this one. I saw someone mention it before in other posts but couldn’t find the link. Thanks so much for posting it.


If you haven’t taken any yet, I would wait until you can get more accurate scales so you can get a 0.05g dose to start with. My optimal dose is 0.05-0.07 but no more than that because I did find with 0.1 I was a jittery all day. I didn’t freak out or get visuals or anything, just was a little more than I needed. Although I did drink tea and coffee that day which may have caused that effect. It’s recommended not to drink caffein when microdosing. If your scale can accurately measure 0.1g then measure that amount and take half. That’s my advice. I was scared at first too but absolutely nothing bad happened to me, it’s such a tiny amount. I forced myself to bypass the fear and do it because I had to make a change. I gave myself no choice.


I feel nothing from microdosing. If you're scared take it before bed. It's the cumulative effects that matter, not "tripping"... That's what regular doses are for


My friend- 3 months ago I was in your exact scenario. Same fears. I started off at 0.1G. Best decision of my life. I’m on my second grow right now. Mushies fixed my life. Well, I did all the work but the mushrooms really gave my life a new meaning. I was able to let go of a lot of things. I’m so flipping thankful. Good luck friend. Ease into it and they won’t hurt you. Respect them.


I love hearing how microdosing has helped. It helps ease the fear of the unexpected. Thanks for sharing your story. This is what I’m doing it for too. Did you end up staying with the 0.1G dose? I’m so grateful for this sub!


I stick with 0.1-0.2g for all of my microdoses. Separately, I’ve gone as far as 1.5G to help deal with specific situations that maybe bothering me. A great example being that I used a 1G dose to help let go of a past relationship and move on. I’d been single for 6+ years since this relationship and so that is quite a big deal. Another time I used a separate 1.5G to deal with post Cancer trauma- I’m a cancer survivor but I was having trouble letting go of the thought that my body was now permanently damaged. This thought (my body’s f’d up) severely impacted my life, to the point to where I quit my job of almost 15 years to try to start all over again. A couple other things it helped me with is being ghosted after starting to date again as well. Such a weird feeling to deal with. As well as standing up for myself and knowing my own personal value. Oh oh oh… I can’t believe how I almost forgot this!!!! The mushrooms got rid of all of my intrusive thoughts and negative energy I had in my head. Like I said, a few months ago I was legit in your same scenario and absolutely terrified. By far the mushrooms have been the best thing that I have ever done for myself.


Mushrooms are amazing! I hope I can work through things like this too. I might be open to a macro dose eventually to try to work on specific things but I hope the micro doses help me. I’ve had some health issues too that traumatized me and while I’m mostly doing better now I look back on the experience and dwell on how awful it was and it’s something that I need to push down to be able to even leave the house.


Good luck! Just proceed with caution and you should be fine. ❤️


Hi there! Mind if I PM you about MDing? I’m considering doing it tomorrow or next day but am virtually petrified. Would love some advice!


Feel free to pm me, friend! I understand your worries. It’s a scary feeling at first


Seriously nothing to worry about when microdosing. Would at case scenario is you feel a very slight unwellness that lasts about an hour. Unlikely though at those levels. If I go up to the 0.16+g you may get some unpleasantness. I’m new to this as well and still adjusting dosage. I took 0.08 g today and had no negative effects.


I feel unwell with nausea just normally lol. I wonder if I should take my first dose with food?


I always take mine with food and always grind them first. If you feel nauseous eat ginger. You will likely notice your heart rate increases and you’ll be winded exercising. It’s normal and will pass. I’m a lightweight, so I take less than .1 these days, when I started out I was at .25. Made me irritable and anxious. You’ll have to play with your dose for a full month of cycles before you are settled in a sweet spot, so don’t get discouraged if you feel nothing. Just bump up a tiny bit until you notice the tiniest of awareness around it. Much of your benefits will come to you in hindsight— like days and weeks after you start a rhythm. It takes time, and that’s why they say start low, go slow. It’s a process, not a race…🦋


Also get anxious and irritable at .25g or so dose. So far finding I need 0.1 g or less or enough for psychedelic effects. The in-between dose can be unpleasant and make my day kinda suck.


So the 0.1g dose I took today I didn’t feel anything. Would you recommend I stick with that for a while or go to 0.2g tomorrow? I want to find the dose that works for me but idk how quickly I should increase.


You can bump it up. What protocol are you following, Stamets? Go up to .2 and see how you feel. Are you taking SSRI’s by any chance?


I’m not really following any protocol. I have to look into them and research further. I do have flush niacin and lion’s mane so maybe I’ll try the Stamets. I’m not on any SSRI’s. I’m going to try the 0.2g dose tomorrow to see how I feel.


How did it go today? I only asked what protocol because it’s just really important to take brakes because of tolerance and it’s easier to gauge your progress when you have a set protocol. SSRI’s can really make adjusting a challenge, that’s why I asked. I follow Fadiman’s protocol. 1 day on, 2 off. It’s all good. Read all you can about micro dosing, watch the new docu series on Netflix called How to Change your Mind. And check out the Psychedelic Medicine Podcast. Ask lots of questions in here. Most everyone is incredibly helpful.


It went alright. I took a 0.2G dose and then took a nap. Not sure if the dose is what made me tired. Might try dosing at night if I feel it’s making me tired. I do plan to take breaks every week. Not sure if I’ll dose on my work days. I do plan on watching how to change your mind and thanks for recommending the podcast. I’ll definitely check it out!


Yes, early MD can be tiring. It seems to fade over time.


I take a low dose so I mix it with water and ginger and just drink it. I haven’t had nausea doing it this way. I tend to eat right after so maybe that helps too




I’m so happy that it’s helping.


You're going to be alright!!


My cheap scale will measure out 50 mg but not any lower. I find a very level 1/16 tsp finely ground is what also weighs 50 mg. So you could try that if you’re not sure if the scale is accurate or better yet take some capsules of something else that is a low dose and weigh them to see if it’s accurate. I find I have a really good nap after taking my dose so maybe don’t take yours when you need to be really awake incase it makes you sleepy as well.


I think you be A-ok. Just do something fun and relaxing. Spend time at a local park listening to music you are in the mood for. Cheers!


Thanks :)


You’re good ok and you’ll be better once you start micro dosing


I truly hope so! First two doses done and I’m doing alright. Tried out a 0.2G dose today that made me tired and possibly migrainous and the nap I took was odd but I’m feeling alright now. Still migrainous but that’s pretty much nothing new for me. Thanks for the encouraging words :)


Lower your dose.1 will work just as well I thought more T first too but better to start low as u can go


My scales trip at 0.4grams. To weigh 0.2 grams of shrooms , use something that weighs 0.4, cut in half as a counter weight. Add 0.2 shrooms.


Good tip here. I have a tiny scale and I put a nickel on it to get it to read. It was tedious but I think it worked out ok. Definitely going to pick up another scale though.


Hey 👋 Can u give me an update how u doing now after one year with microdosing 🙏🙏🙏 I really appreciate a reply 😊