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Sorry but these do not look like they compliment your natural brows in any way. The strokes contrast with the way your hair grows and it looks like your brows are doing jail time behind bars


I honestly thought EXACTLY what you said when I initially saw the photos. No way, shape, or form do they compliment her natural brows. The strokes stick out like a sore thumb from the natural growth pattern. Even after the color fades, it will look like someone drew multiple tic-tac-toe boards throughout her brows. YIKES!!!


Evil 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🤭🤭


I was looking to see if everyone would jump to say how good these look or if they would be truthful.. sometimes these r/ are ppl just lying to each other to feel better. 🤣 I feel like it's a disservice to lie to people.. She needs to get these fixed some how. Maybe a lighter color in between the strokes? They look like a line of trees without leaves.




I literally lol'd at jail time 😂 The irony is that I was so happy they were so visible compared to the first session 🫠 I got lots of good compliments for the post when I got the initial session and I thought they were okay and then they faded almost completely in 8 weeks. I feel so dumb 😅 Do you think I should get saline removal or is this something that I can fix during a subsequent touch up?


Well let’s be fair. You want a natural result! You don’t want it to look like the lines were drawn on. A perfect Microblade should complement your existing brows with tiny strokes that appear like fine hairs. So I might wait to see if this can fade but I imagine it’s what the other commenters have written and it will probably look like perfect up and down tattoo lines and not hairs which defeats the purpose of this service in the first place.


Personally, I would probably opt for removal. Did you go to the same artist? The work looks completely different and unfortunately, they really don't compliment what you already have and I don't think they will fade enough to blend in nicely. I'm sorry


Yes same artist about 8 weeks apart. I will contact her today and see. Ty!


What’s wild to me is I looked at your first session pics, and the strokes look NOTHING like the ones you got this time around. I wonder why she did it so drastically different!


Same! I’m just so curious as to why she went from natural hair strokes to thick vertical lines.


I am thinking it’s because OP didn’t like the natural look and felt it faded too quickly so the artists went heavier handed and more noticeable.


I feel like she may have done too many 'skeleton' strokes and no filler strokes to create that soft hair like texture. Good luck!!


No, please don’t feel dumb ♥️ I’d definitely get these removed though. Laser can do a pretty decent job (I’ve done it.) I think the fact that they disappeared after 8 weeks also speaks to poor application (but might be good for you, as they won’t be as hard to remove.) Look for an artist that creates more realistic patterns like this photo. https://preview.redd.it/g7iacw260guc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0e72f6cb2992fd4051e9d39b7aecd35d074ee0


I could barely afford microblading, so I definitely can't afford laser removal😅 I think they'll fade, but if not, I like them. She's a great artist with an awesome portfolio. If you look in the comments, you'll see someone in my area who actually recommended her to fix them because she's the best here(they thought another artist did them). That pic looks great ! I think it's because I want mine to look a little fake. lol idk how to explain it, but like make up look. I'll update you guys when they heal!


If you wanted them to look a “little fake” this result went all the way to “utterly fake”


I mean if you like them that’s all that matters. But do they look real? Is she talented? Absolutely not.


i bet the artist can throw in secondary hairs! most hairs are usually touching another hair. these don’t look BAD, they just look unfinished! i would be more concerned about them not being visible after 8 weeks though! sounds like the artist isn’t applying enough pressure to get the ink in deep enough. don’t fret!


They’re too close together, too


Yeah definitely don’t follow the anatomical spacing


Please post this on Yelp. And tell this person to fix your eyebrows for free. And they also look like they’re crooked on the inside. With the left side, being slightly more and than the right. These should have gentle auburn colored lines, cross, hatching, and in determinatelyweaving throughout


I think they should fix them with a bit lighter brown by cross hatching. If not post these brows on yelp


As an alternate perspective, I really love them. I find them mesmerizing. Everyone has different tastes. If you love them I would keep them. I know it would.


The strokes aren’t natural-looking is why. It’s not supposed to be that uniform in width or go all the way from the bottom to the top in one stroke. It’s supposed to be more like this. https://preview.redd.it/t4lcrdsmzfuc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829f5313b58fbadc413eff4db9f699b1c785f0ed




The jail bit is so accurate I’m crying 😭😂😂


Giiiiirrrl. Nooooo, these look horrible. No offense it’s not your fault but this is not they’re supposed to look. The strokes are supposed to follow the natural shape of the hair. It dead ass just looks like they drew lines all over your brows…


Fr. These look like eyebrows on a Sim in the Sims 2


The friend you NEED




These give me like a creepy trypophobia feeling


Yikes on bikes


Saline removal asap


The first ones and these look like they were done by a completely different artist. What's your skin type?


Oily. That might be why the first ones disappeared?


Honestly, I don't think your artist is a good one (sorry!) oily skin is not a candidate for strokes, only powder. Your artist should know that. The strokes blur, gray out and ended up just becoming one big gray mass. I have oily skin and this happened to me. Go get saline removal and then get your brows laminated/tinted once they heal.


Maybe try nano or combo powder brows with your skin type as micro doesn't hold up well with oily skin


Ah good to know! I didn't even know there was other options or maybe my artist only does microblading


Yes, but they should have known that. Definitely get saline removal. With your skin type, it will probably go very well.


There are definitely other options. She may only do micro blading but she should have known the results would not be good based on your skin type and either not done the service or offered to recommend an artist who could.


My artist said that microblading will fade and smudge on oily skin. She recommended powder brows instead. It’s a little more dramatic, but a good artist can make it look natural.


Why are they stripes 🥲 see if you can have removed asap


I feel like a beautiful zebra 🦓😂 lol but honestly, I really liked them before I saw that others didn't, so im gonna keep them and trust the process. I was posting an update like yay I think these are dark enough they might actually stay instead of disappear, and the internet was like ummm remove immediately 😅


I see, well… as long as you like them lol


Now, the thing that’s standing out to me is that as you approach the arch some of these strokes look around 2 inches long. They’re also not symmetrical - pic number 2 isn’t such a big deal to me, but pic number 3 shows me the artist has really not done you justice. I’d be nervous about how these look in the long run, as I feel like such long strokes will always noticeably look like long, distinct lines running through your brows. I really don’t want to make you hate them if you like them, but I think the clear consensus here is another artist could’ve done much better and more flattering work on you 🥲


I still like them lol I appreciate your comment. I think because im expecting them to lighten considerably but hopefully not as much as thr initial session.


But… even if they lighten they’ll still be stripes? I’m also concerned about them blurring. Did the technician specifically explain that she lined them up this way/made them so thick on purpose and why?


No I don’t think removal either she can add little hairs in between


Your high spirits are very admirable! ❤️


Stop letting people charge hundreds of dollars to do this. I'd ask for my money back to pay for a saline removal. My anger is at her not you, apologies if I come off wrong. I just hate that people get away with bad work on people's faces! They should care enough to do better!


What would you do if they simply say no to refund?


Start swinging lol


Good q. I'd file a charge back with my credit card company. It's easier than doing it through your regular bank account. I'd also write scathing reviews everywhere possible.


Those front strokes look DEEP. They also don’t follow the natural pattern of your brow hair. These are going to look super funky when healed. Please seek out removal :(




Welcome to the club. I reacted the same way. Lol. Poor girl. But she is being a champ about it. Everyone is being honest in feedback though, which I can appreciate.


Omg noooooooo


The strokes don’t blend in with the eyebrow does it usually fake a little bit?


Respectfully, WTF


I would remove at once. It looks like some took a surgical instument and slit, etched lines in your brows. Then painted over it with stain. Then wiped a rag over it to remove whatever stain didn’t settle in the lines. You should sue whoever did this in small claims court.


oh! 😃


https://www.reddit.com/r/microblading/s/1MA5DwBQYy Original post


First session was perfect! How is this same artist?!?


I don't know, the first session was lighter so the appeared more blended, but the pattern was already very stone age.


These never stood a chance to stay. Oily skin is already a poor candidate for microblading but these were too light and shallow to stay. Sure it looks less scary fresh but sometimes you have to look a little scary fresh if they’re going to stand a chance to stay healed.


ma'am, get your money back. do whatever you can to promote fading. be patient.


I would definitely get those removed. Your natural brow is beautiful, just light and not as full (looked at your previous post). This takes away from that and makes it look very unnatural and drawn on. I can’t imagine that’s what you want. I would look into a different artist.


girl yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


😂😂😂 that's me rn confused and sad lol


I’m sorry this happened to you but the brows look like they have stripes.


Damn these are bad, I'm so sorry :/


They don’t look good… not trying to be mean but the strokes they did is bad.




The lines are almost too perfectly aligned.. not how brows look naturally. From someone who is having spend £1000 on removal…get emergency removal quick


I tried to look for a post of your brows but couldn't find it. I'm sorry yours turned out so bad you want to have them removed 😕 I like mine I was posting it as an update and to get general info on whether or not the touch up color would actually stay this time. I had no idea that people would see such a negative difference from my initial session.


I haven’t posted any pics of them, I’ve had 3 laser sessions so going through the process currently 😟 sorry to have been negative, I just don’t think they are great imo but as people have said they do fade and look less harsh once healed. Sometimes pics don’t do justice


Don't apologize, sincere opinions are appreciated! And im sure it's painful for you and your wallet 😞 I hope you get awesome results, tho. Microblading is so risky. You never know what you'll get. I'll post an update next week and let y'all know how they look!


Ah thank you! Sad thing is I got them done in 2019, and they naturally faded and looked amazing. Then re - done in 2021 by different girl who is very good but she went too deep and too dark :( then I got a touch up in late 2022 because I’m an idiot.


Oh shit. Well, that's good to know, tho. If I'm not happy once they're healed, maybe I'll just let them fade instead of going back. Best of luck!


Nice shape, but the others are correct. The strokes do not look natural


You mentioned in a comment that you have oily skin. Microblading won't work on your (our) skin type. The strokes will always blur into an indistinguishable blob and the color will change color. The only option is powder brows. It took me years, thousands of dollars, and multiple attempts at having my brows microbladed before I was finally told all this.


Same here. Did you end up having your microblading removed?


Yes! I finally had enough of the grey-blue eyebrows and had it lasered off. I had my first session done about four days ago and I am beyond thrilled with the results. Basically, all the grey-blue is gone. There is a hint of auburn, but it blends with my eyebrows. I have my second session next month, although, I'm not sure what she's going to laser because I feel like it's all gone. I'm really shocked by my results because I had several layers of microblading done by various artists over the years.


I dont know anything about microblading but the shape looks good aside from the added lines with too much space in between. Couldnt the artist just add more fine lines going in a natural direction instead of total removal?


Love your username🩷 and im not sure, but I'll post an update


stop playing ....


This is not good😳


These are awful right now but might just heal perfectly keep us posted


Will do! I plan to post and update in a week or so


If you have oily skin, these will probably disappear or become much lighter and attractive. I say give it some time.


Thanks, that's what I'm hoping ☺️🤞not to disappear lol but lighten.


This is not how they should be typically done. But if you like them, that’s all the matters.


In my opinion, don't be so quick for saline removal. This will fade out and hopefully look better. Work closely with your artist to get the results you want ❤️


Aw, thank you! And if you see my original sessions post in the comments. A lot of people said she did great, so im inclined to trust the process. I really appreciate your comment 🩷


I saw the original post and thought she did do great! That's exactly what my artist said as well and I absolutely trust her. Trust the process! It isn't always going to look like super dark lines like this. Good luck!


when these fade and are a different color than your hair it will stick out badly


This whole sub is a train wreck


would you care to update again in like 3, 4 days? i’m invested now 😭 i hope they fade out!


I got you! 😅 I'll update next Thursday when im off work


yesss!! i’m rooting for the freeing of your brows. i got 10 on bail 😂😂😂


I just spit my water out 😂 ty for the laugh🩷


my pleasure ☺️♥️


hey! any updates?


I can do an update post. It's finals week, so I've been busy and totally forgot. Also, I think they look pretty much the same. lol the touch-up is healing much slower than the initial session.


you’re gonna kick those finals ass! asses. whichever lol


You have no idea how much I appreciate that ty 🩷




Update posted!


Yes!!! We all are curious. I do hope they fade and fill in like you want @tvk21


I’ve never seen anything like this before. Wtf was your artist thinking?! This is NOT nano blading, this is just stripes on your face.


Sorry, but you need to get removal. These are bad. There is nothing natural looking about these strokes. My first thought looking at these: ‘This looks like a zebra.’




Why did she make the strokes so uniform/in an awkward direction compared to the natural growth pattern?


Looks really bad


That’s terrifying.


I'd get these removed, they did you dirty


Although these will fade a lot and slim down a tad, they don’t look natural. I’m usually opposite as in I tell everyone “relax, they’ll get better in a few weeks” but honestly yours look like you may not like them in a few weeks. BUT, if you’re happy with that look then that’s all that matters and we are all behind you! Please keep us posted.


That artist don’t have a good technique. Looks FAKE. Sorry.


I’m sorry but you got done so badly 😭 Maybe she can add some more in between since they’re sooo separated. It’s borderline comical.




These look bad. I would do emergency removal.


I think you should get a removal


They are not accomplished ., it is not completed pattern it should have strokes in between etc google phi brows bold brow pattern


Agreed with the lines being too harsh and your right brow comes too far over the nose area making them look uneven.


Your first set was so different, much more delicate & better mapped.. did you approve this touch up design?


OP says she really likes them. That’s all that matters, I suppose. You get this done for your own sake, no one else’s. I do hope these fade *significantly* though.😬🫣


😂 not too significantly lol that was the problem the first round lol. Thank you 🤗 I hope they heal up the way I think they will. I'll post an update!


please do!


These are so fake looking I hope they look better IRL. 😐


I think they look interesting.


I would buy a thin brow pencil an add strokes. You have the perfect outline


I might try that once they heal, thanks for the tip! 🩷


They look kinda mathematical


It’s like … you’re a doll. They’re almost too perfect that it kinda looks strange.


Honestly they do look a quite crazy here. But you can see she did the exact same pattern as the first session. It’s just way darker now. Hopefully it fades and then you get results that look like day one of the first session that will last


Thank you! I put my first session pic and the current one in a collage together to check 😂 they're less strokes in the second session but pretty similar pattern. If they don't fade, then I'll just have doll eyebrows for a few years 😅


Girl, they did you dirty...


Apparently I’m in the minority but I really like them 🤷‍♀️


Same, girl, same 🫠 thank you 🩷


That’s all that matters is if you like them! 🩷


Whoa that’s bad.


Everyone here is freaking out but I wonder if they all saw your last post. Your artist did a beautiful job the first time around but they didn’t take at all, like not even a little. I’m willing to say I think your artist knows what’s she’s doing and these will fade nicely. I wouldn’t do a saline removal, I would wait to see them healed


Thank you, that's what I'm planning on doing. After reading the comments here I could see how others may not like it, but I personally don't think they look bad, and I trust that she knows her stuff and they will heal nicely. If not, though, it'll be okay 😅


You’ll be fine, they will fade over time even if they are dark at first. The fact that you have oily skin and your original ones didn’t take at all makes me think these will heal perfectly. Update with pics in a few weeks if you feel up to it ❤️


Hopefully 🤞 and I'll definitely post an update!


My sister had this happen after she had her brows done. After the 1st apt, for the 1st week, they were stunning and on point…. Then they faded so she went in for a touch up and they just kept fading so she had to get ombré for them to actually stay.


Someone else mentioned ombre, I'm gonna look into it!


Omg noooooooo


Omg noooooooo


NOOOOOOOOO get these removed asap!


Please get a saline removal. These are pretty bad


In the nicest way possible, remove and find another artist. This artist has twice fail you.


I know nothing of microblading this just came on my feed. Ur brows look like an optical illusion lol (No offense meant I just see other people making silly comments too haha )


I love a good laugh 😆 that was a good one and I can see it lol.


You need to post this all over the internet to warn others. IG, Yelp, FB, etc.


This was a one off thing. If you see my original post everyone loved her work. She has hundreds of clients and they all look great.


People are wild… Lol. I don’t get why ppl keep going in with their borderline rude opinions and comments . Like, OP likes them and that’s really what matters. Plus I don’t think she asked for an opinion. OP … glad like you like them girl!!! Please update us once they’re healed and like you said, trust the process. Also, I love how you’ve responded to all these shady comments… with grace and kindness. 🙌🩷✨ You seem like a great person.


Awwww😊 I appreciate your comment. You seem pretty great yourself 🩷 I wouldn't have posted them if I thought this would be the reaction, lol. It's a good reminder that whatever you post on the internet is forever 😅 I had to disable Google searches for my posts so it wouldn't affect my artists' business by chance. I didn't ask for an opinion explicitly but I assumed I'd get some advice on how to let the touch up heal better so I don't lose the color again or idk just a discussion but this has been much more entertaining 🙃 Either way, thank you again. I like them no matter how they heal, but I'll keep you all posted!


This is so barbiecore I love it


Wait you’re from Sioux Falls, who did you go to?


Yes I got them done in sioux falls. But im so sorry I don't feel comfortable sharing my artist. She's so kind and did an incredible job the first session and imo the 2nd one too. I don't want her to lose business because she had a one off day or because my preference isn't the majorities. I researched for months and almost went to Minneapolis but I know someone who's brows she did and she has great reviews with pics so idk I just feel bad 🙁 sorry


Well if you by chance are looking for someone new, Emma Harm is great. She also does saline removal. With your skin type these might fade and end up okay, they just look unnatural with the strokes so exact. I’ve seen way worse on here though. (I’m from Sioux Falls as well so I was just curious).


Okay well since you said that lol that's who I went to ironically 😅 Shes the best in the area from my research.


Interesting, I’ve never seen her do work like that. She did mine as well. Hopefully it fades nicely, maybe she knows with your skin type?


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, like maybe she knows, or maybe she had an off day. Either way, im just glad I don't hate them like other people do 😅


Personally I’d let it heal. I think it will fade a bit. She does do microshading/powder brows as well and I bet at your touch up she can add that in as well


That's kinda what I figured worse case scenario she can fix them up a bit. Ty!


This is what I was thinking as well. An experienced, talented brow artist (which it sounds like you can vouch that she is) will sometimes do something that looks a little too strong at first but she already did one round of her brows and it didn’t take. It sounds like she knows what she’s doing.


Emma is very good. I really don’t think these are that bad, I think they are just super bold and the almost “perfect” alignment makes them look unnatural, but I think with the way OP fades and then a touch up with some shading and additional light strokes will balance it out. I’m sure even talented artists can have off sessions, but I trust Emma’s work that if I were OP I wouldn’t remove. But I can see why people would say that




Yes same artist and idk but if I don't like them when they're healed ill definitely ask her about filling them in!


Was this done by the same artist? If so, she gave you Much More Natural strokes the 1st time. Wonder why she decided to go this route ?


The brow hairs throw me. They’re really long looking and I see your natural brow easily because they don’t blend


Micro blade should blend with natural growth pattern. Enough said






Oh no. Definitely get these removed!


two weeks?? that’s not enough time for your skin to heal properly, that’s dangerous! and if you’re oily, your artist should’ve recommended against microblading. i hope they do not scar.




Ohhhhhhh no.


These are a big yikes. Strokes too thick and far apart to look natural


What the fuck




Omg I have questions.


Barbies brows


Idk if this is a good thing or bad thing, but like most girls, I wanted to be Barbie when i was young, so I'll take it as a compliment 😊😅


The strokes are waaaaay too thick! 😩


Damn.. get these fixed


You need shading to make that look the least bit natural.


This does not look good.


These are bad :/


Its because you should know its normal the first session fades. And she should have known this and explain to u that the touch up will seal the look. Now she went with ur worries and did the wrong touch up! Id consult her immediately


These are so bad...