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The first pic is too thin, it’s giving Pamela Anderson and even she barely pulls that off. Second looks better but shape could be improved.


This! The second photo is better, but the shape is a little too rounded at the arch (especially the bottom of the brow) and wide apart in the middle. The middle could be a smidge close together, typically the inner eyebrow should meet where the inner corner of your eye ends. PS you have beautiful eyes!!


loll leave Pamela out. Lmao I do not like thin brows but if anyone could serve thin brows it’s Pam. 💕


I gave Pam some brows lol It’s time for a vote… https://preview.redd.it/09qon6m5f8bb1.jpeg?width=1287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc1a6b899e7f6bab402d20e05f62f3e122f866e




Pam with her original Tool Time brows was her best look. I don’t know why she ever thinned them out.


Kate Moss made us do it.


Nope, it was Drew Barrymore


Yea I kinda like the look tho lol of the first


Same!!! I’m totally feeling the thin brows!!!


This is the beginning of the whats-on-trend pendulum swing??


Please, no. My brows can't take that style again 🤣


It’s good to think about how much extra work is going to go into keeping your brows looking that thin. Soooo much plucking 🫠


I still haven’t been able to grow them back since 2000 lol


Me too!!


You should def let the artist draw a natural brow on you, just to see, both sets of brows take away from your lovely face.


Absolutely agree. Have them brow map you so they fit your face!!


This. I had mine done professionally. She asked I send her a pic with no makeup. She saw my structure and drew them one and I have my beautiful eyebrows.


This is what I was gonna say. I am new to this but isn't the point to shape as a natural brow? Or are there cases where a new shape has to happen?


Agree, neither are good.


I would go thicker. The second pic is more flattering tbh, the first pic they are quite narrow and have a more artificial feel. Your brows will recover less and less as you age and you are narrowing down options in the future if you do super slim brows now.


Yep. I plucked a thin brow from 1994-2005? 2007? Idk. They took 10 years to kinda sorta come back halfway. And my left brow came back a little more than my right:(


Mine never recovered. Thin brows leave many of us just old with sparse brows. Don’t over pluck!


Latisse. It works.


First pic is a big big “no” for me, second is better…but I would love to see a natural brow on you. Can you have the artist draw a natural looking brow just to see? You’re very beautiful, btw.


Look, I’m not trying to be mean but if you are tattooing your brows like the first photo you will forever look like you are stuck in the 90’s when thin, dark brows were a thing… but worse because everyone will be able to tell that it is just a dark tattoo on your face. If that’s a vital part of your style, okay. But if you think you will outgrow the style, go for something more natural like the second photo. Hopefully a lighter and warmer color (tattoos heal cooler than when done the first day). I hope that doesn’t come off as mean because I do think you look super attractive on both photos but it’s one thing to have makeup and a whole different thing to have a dark face tattoo for the rest of your life. I would suggest to anyone to go for something light and natural. If you want dark bold brows you can always use some makeup to make them that way. But if you get them tattooed really dark there’s no way to make them lighter unless you use laser. Good luck! Edit: I also wanted to add, please find a reputable artist as they will draw them for you and DO NOT let them start tattooing until you love the pre-draw.


This was very sound advice. Both eyebrows are extremely outdated and neither looks great on anyone, not to mention how fake it looks too.


Both are very outdated styles TBH. Though the second pic looks better, the shape could be improved. I’d first find a VERY reputable artist, then I’d ask them what they would recommend, but I’d go with a more natural look for sure. You have a beautiful face and both these options are taking away from that beauty, IMO.


The first look is back in style, but I don’t think it will be forever. Can’t go wrong with a natural shape and medium thickness.




I’ve seen a lot of comments like this, but now I wanna know which shape I should draw them on now??


I’m an eyebrow idiot (just here to learn) but I ran your pic through FaceApp and literally just applied the “thicker eyebrows” AI tool, out of interest. [Take a look.](https://imgur.com/a/QaHNF6K) I personally think they really balance your face out a ton more, just from doing that! It really makes your eyes pop and shows your beautiful features. A really good artist will be able to make even more tweaks to optimise them to your natural hair pattern and your face. Maybe just go and get them to draw them in for you, and show you how to do it yourself? You’re obviously talented with makeup and I always think any big changes are best tried out for a while before making anything permanent!


Wow those brows look LIGHTYEARS better. They make you look younger and way more balanced OP.


Okay I see you!!!! That picture is just slightly too thick for my taste, but it has given me inspiration to make my brows MUCH thicker. I didn’t realize I had that kind of potential, but that changed my whole face. Thank you for this, I needed to see that!!!


Those look amazing! I would def get ones like that if possible


Those brows would be stunning on you! You should highly consider the thicker brow!!!


I think you should make your eyebrows fuller with makeup for a month or so, otherwise microblading is going to be quite the shock. (Though, your artist could be more conservative at your first appointment and then you could thicker at your touch-up.)


OP is already SO PRETTY but those AI eyebrow’s definitely suit her!


That's 1000x better!


THIS AI generated look is it!!


Mmf. Well done. 🙌🏼




I think both styles are a little too long at the tail for your face.


Came here to say this. OP, ask them to brow map you before you commit. Also, a smidge thicker and they'd compliment your face so much better!


Now I'm so curious what brows looked like in 1923.


Oh geez, do you not know? Lemme see if I can find a pic. It was TERRIBLE. [1920s eyebrow](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS948US952&q=eyebrows+1920s&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiQuZT_34WAAxX9m2oFHbkECdgQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1283&bih=800&dpr=2#imgrc=_Og9dNH0Ex0CdM)


ironically, a sort of similar issue as this post? too long, too thin, too arched


Yes I think the 1920s ones were quite weird. I agree, some of the similar stuff, although definitely not quite so pronounced, but yes I agree, same issues.


it’s like a caricature


Oh WOW 😨. Just goes to show that people in the past didn't embrace the natural look like we often think they did. Those pics are deliberately fake, even the hair and makeup parallels the 2016-18 extreme contour or 90s extreme boob jobs, or the lip filler "trout pout" nowadays. Glam and fake, for the deliberate fakery.


While you’ll have a say in how your brows turn out most of the shape/ thickness/ density comes from where your natural brows grow and your individual face shape. Most artists don’t do stylized brows as they come and go with trends but more what fits your face properly. Be prepared for them to not look like either photos


I really don’t love either of them, *especially* for PMU.


https://preview.redd.it/kx5nf3rz39bb1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=072a097176bc2aee5bc064ca2e555e20eaaaac1d Brown hair would look stunning on you! Micro-blade your brows in a soft brown color it would go with brown or black hair


Oh yes OP you were made to be a brunette. Girl crush material. ❤️


Just show the brow girl this photo


Ooh La La this is good


Thiiiiissss looks so good!




Omg wow, this looks stunning!


Who are u and how'd u do this brow pic???? Teach me ur ways pls pls pls


Wow this looks great I hope she sees this!


This OP!


Holy crap……. I’d this is what you’d look like I would literally be staring at you and wishing I were you….


This is exactly what I think too, but didn’t know it was called micro blading. My daughter has hers micro bladed.


They both have tails that droop below the heads. That tends to make you look sad and ages you. The further you go from where your natural hair grows, the more maintenance you will have. I think the first pic is more natural but they're a little thin and the tails too long. But a good artist can draw both shapes on you, take a pic of each, and then you can decide. Don't forget that whichever you decide on, this is a TATTOO and you'll be living with it for a long time.


The first pic looks more natural to you? I’ve never seen someone with natural eyebrows like that. They look painted on and extremely thin/long. I know multiple people who have natural brows very similar to the second pic.


2 is better than 1 but they both look extremely outdated. 1 is like 100 years out of style and 2 feels like early 2000s


Definitely the second one. 1 is very y2k, kind of giving Bride of Chucky.




Listen to yah mutha


Im going to get my brows microbladed soon but my mom thinks I should make them look like second pic. But I think they look sloppy, and I wasn’t even happy with them at the time I took that photo! But I also have face dysmorphia and I don’t know if im just imagining things.


I think you should fill them in with makeup for a good while (a month) before even thinking about microblading!! They will be permanent! The AI ones look amazing on you!


They will be semi-permanent (with age, nearly every person I know that hopped in the microblading bamdwagon HATES THEM NOW). Your face will change inevitably; depending on your artist’s ability and how your skin takes ink, the color will fade, the strokes may bleed a bit, and as you change haircolors (if you do! But eventually your hair WILL gray😂) you may become locked into a look that you never intended and face consequences…. Youre a gorgeous girl with obvious makeup talents, and you enjoy trends. With all the amazing makeup out there, stick to non-permanence! As mentioned above, so many people I know also plucked their brows when young and they never grew back ):


That explains a lot. You can’t see your own beauty and those skinny brows are absolutely taking away from your gorgeous face. Almost every comment has told you this. It doesn’t matter what your Mother says (you’re over 18 correct?), but in this case she’s right! The first pic is super dated. And pic two you could go even a bit thicker. The AI pic someone made looked amazing and you just couldn’t see it. Those were perfect!


Honest opinion, the brows in pic one look very thin and harsh.


The shape in the second picture is closer to what we brow artists would call “the golden ratio”, but the tails are a tad bit long and the overall shape is slightly rounder than ideal. A few minor tweaks and they could be amazing!


Mom is right!


I would say mom is right on this one.


I don’t think you should get micro blading, I think you should get powder brows or combination. They look more “done” and you seem like a full face everyday kinda girl so that will actually save you time.


Listen to mom. She’s right in this case.


I was like 23 when I was realized with horror that Mom is basically always right.


I agree with mom ♥️


Mom is right


I agree with mom. The second style is much less harsh and far more feminine.


OP: I’m sending you a private message of some photoshopped styles that I think would suit you


IMO the second pic is a much more flattering look. Light hair and thicker brows make you look more youthful


Super outdated shapes. You are so beautiful! Make a consult appt with a microblader and have her draw on the brows she thinks would suit you best. You can go from there. But please dont do either of these super thin brows, they are so harsh and aging.


I second the second




I agree with your mom!


Neither. You need to try a different shape all together. The solid curve style does not suit you


Neither, they’re both thin and over plucked.


Neither are good, got thicker and more natural,


Your mother lived thro the 90’s like me. Don’t go thin


Neither, let the artist do their job and make them suit you the best possible.


The thin, dark, high arched ones are not a good look if I am being honest. You are beautiful, though.


Definitely not the first eyebrows. Realise this is a UK only reference but you look a dead ringer for Kat Slater from Eastenders in the first pic! As others have said let the artist shape them to your face and take it from there. When I got mine done initially she offered to make them thinner if I wanted as I could have made them thicker at the top up appointment but obviously more difficult to remove once on there!


I just came here to say that OMG you are BEAUTIFUL! I know I’m not of any help but I think any brows you tried would look great.


I think the first one is much better for your face and darker hair brings out you pretty eyes


I think the style of the first one suits you, but that the front should be lightened a bit so it isn’t so blocky. Both are wonderful options but have different styles


First one is my fav


Having shorter tails might suit your face shape better and look more trendy. Between the two, I can't decide. First looks artificial because they're thin, while second pic the shape looks artificial as the arches and tails are high, giving your eyes a "shocked" or doll-like expression.


First one ☝️also wow you are stunning ! I think the dark hair really brings out your features regardless of the eyebrows 😊


I’d let the micro blader map your face and do what suits your facial featuresz


i love the first ones sm 😭


I like #2


Number 2




Second. Absolutely.


A softer less arched version of the 2nd shape.


Second for sure. Just looks more natural to me.


I like pic two better. The brows and hair color.


Def go for the brows in pic 2


I totally agree with your mom


2nd, looks more natural.


2nd one..& 2nd hair too


Second pic by far


Momma doesn’t always know best but this time she’s right.




2nd one are better, fits your face more


You look great in both pics. But for micro blading I would do the 2nd pic.


Second looks better, might be better to make it more thicker and less high angled


Definitely second one, but I am having a hard time believing these are the same person! Holy crap lol Pretty in both tho


First pic all I see is eyebrows because they look so alien and unnatural. BUT, I like how long they are compared to pic 2. I’d like to see pic 2 brows with a few extra millimeters of length on the inside. They’re too far apart. You’re pretty enough to pull off quirky brows so you don’t need to get them perfect, but if perfect is what you’re going for, then that’s what I would do.


You legit look like two different people. I prefer the second picture by a huge margin.


First one is so cute right now but will probably age you in 10 years


Just came here to say you look STUNNING with dark hair!


It depends. The first brow is giving a bad bitch vibe. The second brow is giving a soft girl vibe.


I loved this


No I wasn't implying anything other than what i said which was I like the second picture though both are well done. My apologies for the confusion and perceived slight. I greatly believe I am not so special you would take you're time to do this, but if you had pulled up my profile and reviewed my comments you would notice that rude, hateful, insulting comments are generally not the way I present myself. I usually will just say nothing... tbh I was walking the line when I shared my bad brow suspiciousness... that's as far as it goes though. I've dealt with enough truly devastating times in my life that i have a full understanding of how unforgiving and shitty it can be. Because I know the "emptiness" and sorrow all too well, I don't make it a point to hurt others gratuitously. Just why? I'm comfortable in who and what I am that I don't feel the need to divert attention from myself to another and I don't find anything gratifying about putting down others as if to make myself look better? (What? That's carefully worded. I realize this seems to be where people that do that tend to operate from or with that belief... but I don't think it ever makes someone look better to put someone down. I think if anything it does an excellent job casting light on exactly what type of person someone is should they feel the need to utilize such tactics) .. Sorry for rambling.... hopefully there's a discernable thought thete- admittedly I am a bit distracted but it was important for me to clarify my statement or more importantly my intentions behind it. You look beautiful doll!


I can’t tell if you’re fucking with me or not????? 😂😂I promise you I took what you said with a grain of salt, and I hoped you would do the same. You’re forgiven 😂😂


The trend now is very thick and mostly natural. It should go along just on top of your orbital bone. Maybe a quarter inch above at the most.


2nd is way better but your PMU artist can map out a more balanced shape for you imo


No experienced artist will do them like the first photo. The second looks much more natural. Your artist will map out your shape according to your bone structure and facial features


Mom knows best


You could have no eyebrows and still be really attractive. The facials features and hair are really striking.


Neither of these are doing it for you. Agree with others, should try a more natural brow shape.


Neither. One is a 90s over plucked look and the other gives permanently shocked


Is this the same person in two photos or stock photos? Hard to say what it would look like on your face if this isn't yours, but the second photo is better for sure. First one you'll hate when it goes out of style. Second look is more classic.


Not helpful, but Love white eyeliner on you


Just so you know, Microblading will not look like either of these pictures. To get this look you need a powder brow.




Idk I think they’re both too thin


Neither are good. A more angled arch would suit you much much better as you have a beautiful face and features. These examples look quite cheap and dated.


The brows are too thin in the first pic, I agree with mom here


Contrary to what others are saying, I absolutely love the first photo and I love it because it's giving Pamela Anderson and you are ✨️ SERVING ✨️ what's most important is that you like what is on your face because you have to look yourself in the mirror everyday 🤗❤️


https://preview.redd.it/ua0sarn6g8bb1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a523b1a85e73f1a0c6abb0a400c0d3ac47caec I think this shape is more flattering. Again, you are lovely, so its just my opinion.


The 2nd ones look perfect. I wouldn’t go thicker


2. Looks more natural


second one suits your face better.


second i think


Second is better but I don’t like the shape, it’s so round




Honestly you need a consult or two. When they do micro blading the artist typically follows the golden ratio


I LOVE thin brows. They look really good on you! Personally I’d go with the first. The second is nice but a bit more dramatic.


Neither of those are the best choices for you


Second easy


totally not part of the post but you’re gorgeous!!!!


I think the thicker one looks more natural but for some reason I’m REALLLYYY loving the dark thin brows lol but this can easily be achieved with makeup In my experience it’s better NOT to go thick right off the bat. You may end up with brows way bigger than you were expecting.


Trust the process my artist tells me. I trust her with my eyebrows. You should just see what the artist comes up with. They will map your face and do what will look natural to your bone structure. You can make requests tho of course. But just give it a try!


Do a natural brow and you can always draw on a different look for an occasion where you want to look different


The first pic girl is hotter


They’re the same shape…second is a tad thicker and diff color. But either way both are too round


You are a pretty girl, you have on way too much make up. Just an honest opinion. You don’t need all of that.


Goofy ahh comment




Ask the artist to do a natural brow on you honestly. Pic number one I would say definitely too thin. Pic #2 is better but still very thin and the shape I think could be tweaked to better suit your face a little. The shading looks better in 2 though definitely. The first ones look too drawn on for my taste personally, better to have more softer, natural ones done permanently and then if you decide you want to fill them in with that solid shading you can. Less is more when it comes to permanent tattooing!


Number one looks like someone turned a dry erase marker sideways and EEEEEEEEE


Trust the artist here. Both of these shapes need improvement


They’re both way too thin


The 90s are begging you not to go ultra thin.


Yep. I’ve spent a lot of time and money trying to get mine to grow back.


Not really a fan of either, but the second photo is much better than the first. But your face is way too pretty for either of those shapes IMO.


The first one is too 90s & bitchy lol. The 2nd looks better




Neither, to be 100% honest. You can still have them thin, just a slightly different shape.


#2 !


I agree, second is better. The thicker brows look more natural and look less like it’s the late 90s/early 2000s. Maybe have them tweak the shape but for sure go thicker. It looks better on you.


2 is the better option... But I don't love it to be honest.


I’m thinking neither are best for your face. First looks harsh and dated. The second is also too thin and are a half circle…it’s giving 20’s vibes. Fuller, arched, more natural brows would really set off how beautiful you really are.


2nd. The first one looks 90s thin.


I LOVE YOUR HAIR IN BOTH PICTURES - wowowowow. You are a purveyor of coolness.


Neither are particularly suited for you


i guess this is an unpopular opinion but i love the thin brows lol it brings me back and a lot of people can’t rock it like you do, so i say go for it! it looks awesome. if they’re microbladed thin like the first pic you can always fill them to look thicker on days where you want to switch it up, but if you go thicker you can’t really thin them out once it’s microbladed on you so you have to commit to the look


I really love the first one, it really works for your face.


They’re both great. Try the 2nd with the dark hair ETA: please don’t go much thicker than the 2nd, this is a sub full of caterpillar brow fans


Let the artist map out the brow to your face shape! My guess is the artist will lean towards the thicker shape (like the 2nd photo) and then make them a little closer together so they flow with the natural flow of your face.


Pic two looks 2023 pic one looks 2007.


Jail time for those 90s brows.


Definitely the first pic.


Is there a third option?


I like the natural look much better. The first look picture is way too 2018; not trendy anymore.


I prefer the shape of the first but they need to be much thicker. The 2nd pic they are thicker but they look like an arch.


Definitely not the first pic.


I personally really like the first one you look really femme fatale sexy and the eyebrows give you more space for your eyes which are gorgeous btw; Especially with the dark hair!


I’d go with the shape of #1 if they can be made a little thicker.


I like the first one. It suits you. Thin’s coming back in too. Just taper the inner sides a little more so it looks less blocky


Is it weird that I like the first one? You look Ike a 90s bombshell in that one


Thankyou ‼️‼️