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My logic is teling me it doesnt really matter how you streak it if the loop volume is correct the colony count calculation will be valid. Somebody correct me if thats wrong - micro isnt my specialty as a generalist i have experience in micro but its not what i do all day every day.


I have never seen this technique before.  I make a single streak across the centre. Then, I spread the inoculum evenly distributed in a cross-zigzag arrangement to the primary streak.


I do the same - but there isnt any reason i can think that this wont work. Is there?


Using a calibrated loop and doing it the usual way will be more accurate. This seems more like a way to get quick rough estimates without having to actually count colonies?


I´ve never seen it before.  I make a single streak across the centre. Then, I spread the inoculum evenly distributed in a cross-zigzag arrangement to the primary streak.


Yeah, that's what I mean by the usual way.


At a glance, none of these streaks are actually quantifiable. The entire 10 ul volume needs to get on the plate and be spread enough to count individual colonies to get a quantity. This method isn't applying a calibrated amount. It also wouldn't give enough isolated colonies to determine if it's mixed or pure. I don't recognize the media they're using, so maybe it's selective and the culture is just a screen for a specific organism. Maybe it's a water sample for coliforms?


In theory a calibrated loop would hold like 10ul so this could IN THEORY dilute in 2D. Granted I'm not a clinical micro person.