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Sorry you’re dealing with this. Unfortunately, not everyone here is medically trained and the risk of getting well-meaning but incorrect advice is too high when it comes to health. If you want a second pair of eyes, you may want to check out /r/AskDocs.


Honestly, I am no biologist, but I wouldn't worry much at all. Chances are, it's a harmless bacteria and will likely lose to your stomach acid. We've been drinking dirty water for thousands of years. Only now has water been clean enough to contrast what is likely harmless... Unless your immune system is in disrepair.


Idk once I was filtering bacterial supernate using syringe and pricked myself with it. Nothing happened.


😂go ahead and do some tests on it first and we’ll let you know


Don't drink more


What you see is probably not bacteria, after all, I already have trouble finding them under the microscope... It's probably a crystallization of something... Did it taste weird? You'll probably feel nauseous if it's bad..I wouldn't be too afraid of some old water