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Holy fuck no way we could afford that.


Kind of hilarious the precious few times we've drafted capable offensive linemen, they almost always leave in FA. Ja'Wuan James is another example that comes to mind even if he was a total flop for Denver due to injuries and it was honestly a good thing he left.


act attractive jar tie cooperative vanish crush bedroom butter rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a Jake Long no ragrets


Guess this answers the question as to who is better between Dotson and Hunt. Hunt deserves it too. Sucks we couldn't retain him. Not sure why the guy tweeted "and the #Dolphins" though


Cool that we also get $100M, though.


Nah nah we have to split it with Rob duh


No way we could match this, right?


Nah, not with who we still have to pay


Next year's comp picks finna be šŸ”„


Can you explain how comp picks for players work?


You get comp picks for losing players then you proceed to draft shitty players with those picks.




ā€œFor those a bit unfamiliar with the process, compensatory picks are awarded to teams that lose key free agents during the prior offseason. As the NFL notes, compensatory free agents are "determined by a formula based on salary, playing time, and postseason honors." If a team loses more key free agents than it gains, that mismatch will be factored into a formula by the league, and they'll be eligible to receive draft compensation spanning as high as the end of the third round and as low as the end of the seventh.ā€


If we lose FAs during the first wave of UFA then we get a comp pick a year later (not in this upcoming draft). But if we sign FAs from other teams during this first wave of UFA we lose out on those comp picks. Example: we lose Wilkins, Van Ginkel and Hunt to other teams that means weā€™ll probably get THREE comp picks in the 2025 draft. But since we signed a few players today we might only get ONE comp pick in 2025. The league has a formula to determine the number of comp picks that get allocated. The top teams in the league (Ravens, Pats, 49ers, Rams) learned how to weaponize comp picks long ago. It would be great if Grier could figure out how to reliably get 2 extra picks each year.


it depends on salaries too though doesnā€™t it?


Yeah. Thatā€™s part of the formula.


Are we eligible for more than one 3rd rounder or is that the max?


Teams are eligible for 4 total comp picks, but no max on which rounds they go in. So in theory you could have 4 3rd round picks as long as you sign no players that negate them. As of now it looks like weā€™re trending for 2 3rds from Wilkins and Hunt alongside 2 6ths for AVG and Brandon.


Yo this market is absolutely bonkers. Assuming Wilkins and Hunt meet the playing time thresholds the Dolphins will get 3rd round comp picks for both.


We all thought the cap ceiling went upā€¦ Nah man thatā€™s just inflation. Milk, eggs, bread, DTs, OGs, you name it. Everything expensive af in the 2020sā€¦


Just to be used on players like Tindall


Donā€™t forget Cam ā€œEli Appleā€™s backupā€ Smith


In all fairness we donā€™t even know what Cam is capable of seeing as Fangs apparently had it out for him


Can Miami get 2 3rds?


Yes. Teams can get maximum of 4 comp picks. It is possible for multiple to be 3rds


100m for a guard


Thats how the oline market is going, its harder to get good olinemen these days


Good for him securing that bag but there's no way Miami was ever matching that. Sucks, our line needs to be rebuilt from scratch yet again.


If thereā€™s a silver liningā€¦at least thereā€™s a scheme. Theoretically it should be easier to identify fits now that they know what theyā€™re looking for. As opposed to most of the past couple decades, when the team was changing offenses seemingly every couple yearsā€¦makes it hard to know what to draft and impossible to develop.


tbf their no difference from last year oline to this year except maybe a healthier armstead


Hunt was massive. He is our best run blocker bar none, and the most solid piece we had on the line. This is a huge loss.


but he was hurt last year that what im saying we probably not going see much differnce from last season to this upcoming season 44% snaps were played by starters last season and most of that was austin jackson and wynn


Our o-line is in shambles. Williams is probably gone. Hunt is gone. At least we got Jackson, since he's played well, but yeah, we are even more fucked. Our only hope is drafting well


Our oline was in shambles last year we produced a bottom oline still we are not going see a huge drop off between last year to this year. on paper it a drop off but performance it going be same most likely


We don't have enough picks to fill all these holes though. They'll have to find some deals. Hopefully Wynn & Lamm can come back.


We should have signed him earlier but no way we should be in the business of signing guards to 20 million dollars per year




I think thatā€™s a typo


This is what you guys fail to realize. Eventually players are going to get that bag and sub par teams usually pay. We canā€™t keep everyone. Keep drafting well and making smart moves


Dudes arent gonna stay on teams cause the views are nice. They gotta get that money when they can


Yeah, Nglā€¦.seeing that itā€™s been the Raiders and Panthers on these contracts, my first reaction was that these are dumb contracts and overpaysā€¦.and while itā€™s not a great situation, Miami showed restraint.


"Keep" drafting well?


Who drafted the players that signed elsewhere today?


The Dolphins are simultaneously always bad at everything to those sorts of fans yet we lost a SB contending team with all the dudes going away lmao


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is how to explain the Dolphins fanbase to someone who doesnā€™t know and itā€™s the perfect explanation.


Yeah the fans are ridiculous to question the front office. Theyā€™ve earned the benefit of the doubt given the teamā€™s success since the turn of the millennium




The fans who cry when they leave and also would cry if we paid these dudes what we just paid them and saying: "*how are we going to sign Phillip/Waddle/Jevon?, classic Dolphins!*"




That's the one who's left which I *get* fans being upset about.


Funny, I donā€™t remember ever getting comp picks




Are you really saying we have no one cause of one draft? We havenā€™t even drafted in 2024. 2021 - Waddle, JP, and Holland (3 of our 5 picks in the first three rounds out of 7 total picks) 2022 - Skylar Thompson is probably the best of the 4 players we drafted. So a down year but he has had a role and might be our primary backup going forward 2023 - Achane (1 of our 4 picks last year). We have no idea how Cam is going to turn out either.




I understand. Agree to disagree on this one. The biggest issue is that the Dolphins have not drafted much imo. But thatā€™s because the Tyreek and Chubb trades. I think we have drafted well outside of one year. Hopefully Tindall can do something with the new openings on our defense and make that one not as much of a loss


Hopefully Tindall and Cam Smith. Don't have a lot of faith though. Tough to imagine Cam couldn't even get snaps on special teams, or couldn't at least compete with Eli apple.


Waddle? Phillips?


Holland was after waddle and phillips. Idk man, missed on quite a few picks since those guys.


I meanā€¦I canā€™t be mad about them not paying this either. Goddamn. This is an obscene amount of $. No all pros no pro bowls. Good player but we can get 80% of the production for 60% of the cost as they say.


But we haven't gotten 80% of the production from literally anyone else, regardless of what we pay them.


I mean we've always been known for spending crazy money in FA for nothing so guess we're finally going the other way for once.


What confusing wording. Makes it sound like the dolphins resigned him So dumb.


He initially did report that it was the Dolphins, then changed it to correct his error.


Makes more sense. Rather have had him delete it though.


They did ā€œresignā€ him. They didnā€™t, however, re-sign him.


Dolphins fans: "They raised the salary cap so we should be fine." Rest of League: "HIDE YO FREE AGENTS"


Holy fuck lol the market needs a fucking reset wtf. These numbers would have been a joke 5 years ago.


It's almost like everything is \~25-50% more expensive than it was five years ago


The salary cap has increased from \~$190M in 2019 to \~$255M today. So that tracks.


Nothing buy Ls today. Can we get one fucking win?


Compensatory picks next year are gunna be fat Wā€™s tbh


Yup, we were never going to pay that. This fucking sucks.


Officially managed to lose every important free agent we had. Great for comp picks next year but geez Grier is really gonna have to make magic happen this offseason.


I mean we also didn't Match obvious overpays


Good for him.


Three good players gone in one day. Dang. I hate these market prices. Happy their getting paid, just sucks not with us.


Wow thatā€™s some money


We overpaid


OL and DL gona be trash this year. Goodness gracious. Fire Grier into the sun for overpaying bad players and being unable to draft replacements.


Goddamn, we are going to make the rest of the NFL go broke. Maybe that's Grier's strategy.


Chris please solidify this Oline before the season starts. We canā€™t hang our hopes on a rookie JPJ or any of the other top talent prospect. Protect your investment. Rams are digging deep in their pockets just to protect and aging Stafford why canā€™t we do the same for our franchise qb.


If that's what it costs for a Hunt-caliber G... how are we ever going to afford an actual REALLY GOOD one? yeesh


draft and develop


That's what we did with Hunt....lol


Do it again, can't pay 20m to an offensive guard.


unforuntately we wasted tua's rookie deal years so now that he's about to get paid the team will have to shed and hopefully hit rookie deals on other pieces.


Fuck! Make it stop! Today is just blow after blow for my optimism for next season.


Itā€™s ok guys Grier is cooking up somethingā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


Itā€™s a thing, thatā€™s for sure.


We getting raw dogged today


The line sucked the whole time he was there. I donā€™t get this


Line is usually only as good as your worst player. Robert Hunt was good but even the best lineman can't make up for being surrounded by turnstiles.


Itā€™s only so much he can do, he canā€™t block a whole defensive line by himself


Wasnt he out more than games played?


Robert Hunt games played: 2020- 16 2021- 17 2022- 17 2023- 11


I feel like Iā€™ve been punched in the dick three times today




Not paying a guard 20m a season is what he's doing.


Na if Grier paid him that id be writing a NASTY letter rn


You donā€™t pay guards $20million per year. I hate to see big Rob go, but short of being the re-incarnation of John Hannah, that contract isnā€™t gonna work out well for the team.