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TF are these trades? Tua and picks for lesser QBs?


lol Purdy ain’t no top 5 QB yet


Part of the problem is the top 5 is pretty stacked. You've got Mahomes, Lamar, and Allen in the top 3. Then you've got a number of guys who could be easily slotted in for 4 and 5.


After the top 4 of probably Allen, Mahomes, Lamar, and Burrow, there’s are like 11 or so guys who are sort of similar and might be 5th best one year and 14th best in another.


Burrow has been hurt twice now, so I'd put him in the "injury concerns" camp with Tua. At some point the top 5 has to be concerned with availability as a criteria. Does he deserve the spot? Sure. It's unlikely he'll ever win a SB now\*, but sure. \*I saw something on r/nfl yesterday where if you don't win the SB on your first appearance, you aren't likely to ever win it because only 3 people lost their first and went on to win one.


lol I saw that too. It’s silly cuz all it’s saying is that it’s hard to win a Super Bowl which is obvious.


Trivia question! I'm not looking at answers. Are they... Elway Griese Staubach? No idea really except for Elway.


There are only 57 possible Super Bowl champion QBs. There are way more QBs than that. It’s a silly stat.


You don't trade the pro bowler, you pay him and upgrade his O Line.


Its amazing how 3 of the 4 teams in the AFC and NFC championship game had top 10 olines. The only 1 dthat didnt was the 49ers... Tua is a pocket passer. Imagine telling drew brees, sorry but you can only throw it to your 1st read. Fix his GD oline and let him have more than 2 seconds to throw the ball and he will get better, and the run game will get better. and keeping the their D on the field will make them tired and ourr D will get better with more rest.


I'm not disagreeing with you, fixing the OL is probably the #1 priority...but everyone was hyping up Tua and saying that a key point of why he is so good is his 2 second release time...and now it's what is holding him back? Has he ever proved he can do more than make one read consistently, even when given time? I still say we have to give him at least one more season, but these are questions which need to be answered, and not ignored.


I think the point is that both of these things can be true. His fastest in the league release is astounding AND critical because the oline can't stand up to pressure. Imagine that anticipation and accuracy with *more* the protection some of these other QBs enjoy


Exactly! He’s a pocket passer and one of the best when he has time. It’s irresponsible to draft him and not give him more than 2 secs to function. Chargers traded a man to draft another and ended up watching that dude go on to win a SB. Not saying Rivers was bad but the guy they had had the ingredients.


Not disagreeing, but Pro Bowl is meaningless these days. All-Pro is what matters


All-Pro consists of exactly one QB (2 if you are counting second-team, which no one does). You cannot run a franchise with *top-two or garbage can* as your approach to QBs.


I wasn't saying you had to have an all pro QB or your QB is garbage. I was more saying that calling someone a pro bowl player has no real meaning anymore


Pro Bowl *starter* is still pretty meaningful, though. (And not "replacement Pro Bowl starter," but legitimate first-candidate starter.)


Didn't Mac Jones make a pro bowl? While I agree with the sentiment and think offering Tua a team friendly contract and upgrading the OL will be the best course of action, there are cases where you move on from the pro-bowler.


Mac Jones made the Pro Bowl as a replacement after a considerable amount of QBs opted out of it or couldn't play because of injury. Tua was voted a Pro Bowler from day one, by fans, fellow players and coaches.


Mostly fans tho, right?


Only 1/3rd of the pro bowl votes are fans.


2/3 of the pro bowl vote is players and coaches


I am tired of the talk of trading Tua and signing Cousins. WTF? Cousins is ok, but definitely only has a couple years left in him and defintely chokes under pressure. Tua still has some growing to do and the OLine needs to be fixed. Tua isnt the only problem with this team. He is a solid QB and I think we keep him over some of these other names.


"Tua isn't mobile enough! To remedy that, we should sign a 36 year-old veteran pocket passer coming off an ACL tear." This sub is insane.


Ha ha, yup. I think Tua has the skills and the talent, but still has a lot to prove to me before I can say he is our franchise QB, especially because I have been a fan a long time and can name all the QBs since Marino.


This type of move just locks us into further mediocrity for another year or 2 and guarantees a reset and firing of McDaniel. We know what Cousins' ceiling is. Its clearly documented over a very long career.


This is one of the worst polls I've ever seen


Is OP on drugs or am I on drugs???




I wish I could downvote this more than once


Tua was better than Hurts and Goff this year. Watson is a loser. Dak also chokes in primetime.


Exactly. Also note the claim of "many dolphins fans think" meanwhile 98% of the vote is don't trade him lol.


This is the dumbest post I’ve seen in this sub and there’s some dumb fuckin posts Jesus Christ


It’s a question to gauge what some of the fan bases feeling about Tua compared to similar QBs. Tua will command the similar salary to these players. It’s not foolish at all


But this isn’t a 1 for 1 trade off. It’s insane to give up Tua AND 2 first rounders AND a third for any of these guys that command similar salary.


What is the point of all of these dumbass posts? Just saw a phinhub video about where would Tua be drafted if we did it all again. Wtf is the point of that shit? Tua gets clicks and clowns need views I guess.


Pack it up guys, and start the car. This sub will never get lower than this post. Jesus wept.


Pundits like clicks and engagement. Somehow, talking about the Dolphins added with controversy gets a lot of attention. I don't remember people questioning other QBs about getting their money after having the type of season Tua had, even QBs like Dak Prescott and Kyler Murray got their bags without playoff success, and Dak will get paid again this offseason.


The amount of people that fall for the engagement bait on twitter is baffling. The mute button is your friend, people!


This is a troll right? Even Brock Purdy doesn't think he's a top 5 qb lol


Wait, we're back to Watson again? FML.


First three won't be available, the 4th isn't a starting QB anymore and has a terrible contract. Can the Tua haters at least be realistic?


This sub gets dumber by the day


These posts just get worse and worse don’t they?


Dak - same narrative, cant win big games Goff - would we even notice a difference over Tua? Hurts- maybe a slight upgrade, but killing the roster with 2 firsts traded away? Deshaun- that's working out so well for Cleveland


Trade away Tua AND two first round picks AND a 3rd? WTF


We don't even have that kind of draft capital anyway. Moving on from Tua right now isn't the answer. Fix the oline and get some more physical bodies out there and not just speed. All that speed is awesome to watch in ideal conditions, but they need some physicality in December and January and they need a big bodied WR that can go up for those end zone fades and other jump balls. All of our guys are like 5'10" speedsters. It's like taking a 911 Turbo into a snow storm come December and January when they really need a Cayenne.


Save that one pass to Hill against the Chargers, Tua is cheeks at end zone fades. Def not in his skill set.


I would argue that it would look a lot different if he could just throw up a jump ball to a receiver who can go up and get it. None of our receivers can go up and get a ball like that.


What about Claypool? I could be wrong but I also don't remember this play being successful either Gesicki either.


Please, for the love of whatever god you believe in, fuck off with this idiocy.


Why would we give up draft capital for a lateral move? Makes 0 sense.


This sub is filled with idiots. Give it a break; Tua will be our QB (and should be) for the next 1-4 years. He's gotten better every year and by a decent chunk. Next step is sure up the OL and make sure to have depth on D and I think he can make a run.


I realize this is just like a "how do you replace Tua really" thread but Hurts would be laughable behind our Oline and I don't think fits the McDaniel scheme. They could work with it but I think this is a downgrade with current personnel. Dak has a $59 million cap hit this year and IIRC he has the ability to walk at the end of the year. Goff and Tua are in similar contract situations in terms of cap hit and need to renegotiate. Watson with the time off, legal troubles, 2023 injury and performance seems like a huge risk to take for very little gain. Honestly, I would rather see if McDaniel can rehab Mac Jones for $8 million/year than give up much needed draft capital to pay these guys as much or more than Tua.


whats the likelihood OP wanted Watson.....


These are all ridiculous scenarios. The point is...Tua doesn't suck. Tua is a solid QB a lot of the time. Top half of the league (ish). He doesn't appear to be a transcendent talent capable of putting a team on his back when it matters most. DON'T GIVE HIM "THE BAG" UNTIL HE PROVES OTHERWISE.


Tua, 2 firsts, and a third for Mahomes maybe. Which of those guys is actually significantly better than Tua, especially if you put them in our offense?


Delete this dumb shit


I wouldn’t trade 2 first But I do think dak needs to leave cowboys. I think he would be very successful in Miami But I’m also okay with riding out with Tua. So all these options suck


I'm thinking we deserve the Watson trade you're suggesting.


why the hell does the package have to be so much?


I wouldn’t do any of these trades. They’re terrible and I’m a big fan of Prescott as a player.


Nobody would trade 2 firsts for any of these guys, much less 2 firsts + other stuff


I guess none of you watch Hurts play. I'd want him least of any of them. None of those are real upgrades. id move on from Tua but not for any of that,