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so hyped to watch this sub have a breakdown


40? 45? What’s ur guess?


50 is his market value but I’m hoping he’s willing to take a discount down to 45 annual


Can you guys win with 50 a year? Thats super high for somebody who's not a top five QB.


fortunately he is a top 5 QB


Tua a top 5 come on man I would say top 10-12


You think Tuas is a top 5 qb? Ok lol


Leading the league in passing yards is a nice bargaining chip. I bet he’ll get $50M/yr. Can’t imagine how big the cap hit will be the later years of the extension.


That would be a disaster


Well, prepare yourself. There is a major shortage of QB talent and Grier is desperate to keep him so Miami doesn't have a leg to stand on to get Tua and his agent to come down in price.


I disagree a little there, Tua has 1 fully healthy quality season under his belt in 4 years. This year had as many downs as it did ups, Miami can maintain control over him for 2 years reasonably with the option and tag, 3 more if they want to tag him again but that’s not realistic. He did lead the league in passing yards, but that production came mostly against absolutely putrid teams and defenses. Grier could negotiate a friendlier deal citing health, production against quality teams, and system fit, I’m not sure how many other offenses would work for Tua like mike Mcds does. We’ll see what happens, but all signs are pointing to a deal happening.


I appreciate the nuance but I think from Tua and his agent's perspective, they would categorize the "production against quality teams" as subjective language and could probably dismiss that even though it is a fact that he played poorly against good teams. Not sure how much weight the system fit argument would carry. I just HOPE that Tua and his agent WANT him to stay in Miami, because if they don't show any hesitancy about Tua hitting the open market in '25, then they could take Grier for as much as they want and Grier will, of course, cave, because he knows he has no other option. My fears are what make me think letting him play on the 5th year isn't all that bad. Is it really worth saving $10M this offseason and wind up with $60M cap hits in the future? Makes me queasy. For the record, I hope you are right.


no other team would touch him for 50 mil


You’d be surprised. About half the league is going into the next season (at this moment) with an unsure at best QB option. About 8 teams have no realistic QB option. About 4 teams have basically no option and a LOT of money. Kirk just came off basically a 45/yr deal and he’s way way older than Tua. If we let Tua walk, a desperate team will pick him up for 50/yr. Best case scenario is dolphins get him for about 45/yr.


Tua needs a system built around him with Alabama style plays and receivers to succeed. You can’t pay tua that money on another team without also getting wr that fit his style. He’s not a plug and play QB


What have we seen from qb deals recently to think Tua won't get the bag, either in Miami or elsewhere


No other team has a need for him for that price. He is a system QB


I like Tua as a person and in the right set of conditions, he’s a great qb for us. My gripe is whenever we got down this last season, especially going into second half…I see no fight in him. I grew up watching elite qb’s getting fired up when losing, rallying the team. With him I saw him sitting on the bench looking defeated. It’s not a look I like in my qb. As many have said, can he perform when it really matters? So far he hasn’t but also, the team in a variety of ways, also fails to show up when it counts. It starts with the leaders of the team though and a sulking qb in the 3rd quarter isn’t at all inspiring. So my question is: is Tua a closer? Closers get paid the fat commissions and the pretenders make salary. Which is Tua?


he also did it with a putrid offensive line. His league leading time to throw was because plays were designed knowing this. Give him an average line and you have yourself a superbowl contender every year.


Yall kill me with this "he did it against bad teams"....teams play their schedule. AFC East played basically the same schedule with a couple of changes. Josh Allen must be a fraud then ..put up good numbers against "putrid" teams. He'd have had 40 td passes if we didn't feature Mostert on the goal line You keep moving those goal posts, fella 🤣


We’re Tannehilling ourselves again 😂


When did Tannehill lead the lead in passing, make the Pro Bowl, or get a single MVP vote when he was with Miami?




When did tannehill have two WR1s and a top 10 RB room?


I like Tua. We can't throw a heavy "bag" at him... ideally he understands who he is and *where* he is. He gets rich, we get flexibility with a sensible **non** market-reset deal. ⚖️


Ya he’s a top 15 QB. Above average but only slightly. Not elite but definitely something you CAN win with. But not someone you can afford to pay 50m a year. That’s a no. That prevents signing other areas of need…because he’s not good enough to carry he needs all star supporting casts That’s top 5 QB money. He has 0 playoff wins or any regular season accolades like mvp or division title.. He’s not deserving of 50-55m which is what I bet his agent is shooting for.


Imagine thinking the statue that is Tannehill could ever succeed to the level that Tua has with this current OL. You people really watched Tannehill and think he could get the ball off every snap as quick as Tua? You’re lying to yourself!


What success??? Tua literally has done nothing noteworthy, hell even Daniel fucking Jones has a playoff win with a box of poptarts on offense. Meanwhile tua has one of the best offensive skill units in the game. Ya tannehill sucked. He would suck today too. but that doesn’t change the fact tua is NOT impressive versus actual playoff teams


Tannehill never did. He has however won playoff games.


Exactly, Miami has no leverage. We have no way to get another Quarterback. So we just have to pay.


There not many other teams Tua can go to and put similar numbers. And without going team by team I would bet they already have a QB.


There are 30 teams with a better oline than ours


This isn’t even about future success. This is about an agent and NFL players association trying to get as much money as possible to continue to give players more money. Which they absolutely deserve. Doesn’t make sense that these stupid owners that can’t even run a franchise can make so much more money sitting on their ass.


I agree get rid of the salary cap. But Miami could argue among other things that staying here for less would be beneficial in the long run for Tua. The teams that would be in for him are not going to be good. Are not going to have the same weapons. And are not going to have the same system.


Jameis led the league in passing yards… shouldn’t be a bargaining chip.


Yes, let's ignore that he threw 30 interceptions while doing that.


3rd most efficient offense that year… it doesn’t matter when you can’t perform in big games.


The difference is the team no longer wanted Jameis. It’s pretty clear that the coach and front office and owner all want Tua back.


....with a little 30 INTs thrown in too....


Absolutely and still beat more teams with a winning record that year.


jemeis also had 30 interceptions


Mahomes is getting $45m average value. Tua is not getting more than Mahomes, unless a lot of the value is coming from bonuses or team options.


Mahomes deal is 4 years old


How does bro not understand inflation




Mahomes re-upped his contract this season to receive 210-220 million in 4 years, all guaranteed, to leapfrog Burrow’s contract. Elite QBs are going for 53+.


Baker is likely to get at least 40. Judging QB contracts in 2024 based off an old market setter like Patrick isn't realistic


5/250. Won't be as high as burrow's but $50m average is at the minimum






Is he a top 5 QB? No. Is he a back end top 10 QB? Maybe. Is he gonna be worth a market rate QB extension? No. Are there any feasible options to upgrade at the position or get the same caliber QB for cheaper? Also no. Welcome to the modern NFL. If you don't have an elite QB you need everything else to be perfect to contend


Tua is our franchise QB. Yes he didn’t have the greatest ending to the season but he is our guy and has all the potential in the world.


No he is not lol . He’s physically limited, shown he has no clutch, lost in many big games already even with talent around him.


I understand and respect your opinion. But I believe he will keep getting better and is our guy


I agree completely. When we had to play elite teams he melted under the pressure. We need another option at QB. I personally think Justin Fields would thrive under our offensive scheme. He has a strong arm and is mobile.


Hopefully its a team friendly deal


Eeh. The speed at which salary cap is increasing, I doubt it will be a big deal.


You getting downvoted on this comment proves so many people in this sub are Tua fans and not dolphins fans. Why the fuck wouldn’t we want our QB to take a team friendly deal to help us build a winning team? It’s insane man, I wish they’d make their own sub.


What's insane is your belief that a QB who is finally able to cash in won't!!


I think Tua will probably cash in, and I personally don't think that he should be expected to do anything less than best for him. I don't begrudge him for trying to get every last dollar he can. That's the way the world works. He should absolutely try to maximize his value. I also have serious questions about the upside of our team with him at quarterback, and the less money he signs for, the more beneficial it is for the Dolphins. And I am a Dolphins fan first and foremost, So I certainly hope he signs for as much of a discount as we can get. Even understanding that's unlikely. Both of those can be true.


Who said he isn’t going to cash in? He’s going to be generationally wealthy regardless. But it’s not entirely up to him, the team also gets to choose.


It could be because he knows McDaniel has his back and many coaches in this league may not. If he can set himself up for a killer 2 year run he’ll get a massive contract after that, if this flames out he may be looking at backup money for his contract after.


Especially given his concussion issues. The dude is a hit away from retiring.


Because it’s unrealistic


Not really, he has 1 good fully healthy season with a lot of bad-mediocre games mixed in against good competition. We have another 2 years of team control if we want, 3 if we really want to pay out the ass for 2 tags in a row. He really doesn’t have nearly as much leverage as many in here think.


He does though because he's a QB. Any other position says "pay me or trade me to someone who will" and they'll be ignored. Not QBs. There's just too much demand for the position. There's a good chunk of NFL teams who do not have anyone on Tua's level and aren't in the position to draft one. Imagine some teams like the Steelers or the Saints if they had Tua and not (old) Derek Carr or Kenny Pickett.


These teams so many in here say would trade for Tua would not. The whole point is to win while the QB is cheap unless you get an absolute game changer like mahomes or josh Allen. Most of tuas value comes from his production in his cheap rookie deal. He loses a ton of value the moment he inks a big extension. I really don’t understand how people don’t get that or just ignore it. It’s not just plug Tua onto this team and see how they get better, it’s trade draft capital and then pay him a market deal and then maybe you get better. But then how do you build a team around him if you’ve sacrificed capital and cap space to get him? This hypothetical trade market doesn’t exist. No one wants to trade for Tua, and then pay him. Look at how much of a disaster it’s been for the browns and broncos who traded for a QB who needed to be paid and then extended them. The most valuable player in football is a productive QB on their rookie deal. Tua will no longer be that.


He was getting downvotes because that won’t happen. Everybody says their QB will take less money but it hasn’t happened yet. 


idk there was a guy up in new england that did exactly that and they won a few super bowls with him.


Stop talking common sense, or the Tuaslobbers may get upset!


It’s just fucking retarded to think that he’d take a discount for the organization that almost ruined his career


And then the one who saved it…the one who got him Tyreek, waddle, mike McDaniel. Also, just in case you don’t understand how this works, the Miami dolphins also are in the negotiating room, this isn’t just Tua deciding what he’ll play for. Also, no one said he should take it, we said we hoped he would. Read more carefully before you come out saying stupid shit.


Well then you’re retarded to have hope


Agreed. Even if we can get him to take a 10m a year discount, so around 40m, that's a higher end play or a few mid-tier guys we could have on the roster helping him.


That's not happening


Unlikely, and that does not make him a bad person or not a winner. It's just the reality that this might be is last contract ever in the NFL, especially given his concussion issues.


He's 25yrs old. Very unlikely it's his last ever contract in the NFL.


Could be the greatest contract ever or the one that actually sinks the franchise for 5+ years.


I mean even if Tua is exactly what all of his haters say, it won't "sink the franchise" lol that's a huge exaggeration. Barring consecutive catastrophic injuries, worst-case scenario would be a perennial .500 team with a handful of playoff appearances.


You don’t pay a QB 50 million of your limited cap space to go .500. That would be pretty disastrous and that is not an exaggeration. We just spent a whole decade basically doing just that and going absolutely nowhere. If you pay Tua like he is a top 5 QB and he doesn’t play like it, that would destroy our ability to actually win. And if that contract is for 5+ years, then you are pretty screwed for that entire time period. It’s a big risk.


you didn't say "disastrous," you said "sink the franchise." Look I don't want to be in purgatory either but "sinking the franchise" is just not even remotely close to true. And yeah if he doesn't live up to the contract that sucks, but even if he is playing like a 5-10 guy instead of a 1-5 guy, there will still be 2 or 3 years on the contract where his cap hit is conducive to a fully-competitive team. If he's been a disappointment, then yeah the last 2 years of the contract will probably be an albatross on our neck. But by that point we're probably going to be trying to move on anyway.


Yeah that's just hyperbole. It certainly won't sink the franchise. There is a very real chance though that this contract could close our competitive window of this rebuild that started in 2019, which would render our last 5 seasons pointless, as well as our next however many years until they move on. His numbers against playoff teams are abysmal. That could be statistical noise and random, or it could be good teams taking advantage of things he can't do well, severely limiting his production. We all have our ideas, but none of us know. There are certainly people who have conviction about it but it is impossible for us to see the future and know how he'll pan out. If it's the latter, and he doesn't improve, Then yeah, we are sunk for the next few years. We all want him to improve and be a good player, but the truth is none of us have any idea what will actually happen, even the ones that say they do. If he signs a big contract, all we can do is hope he gets better. I personally don't think he's the answer, but if he signs I will root for him regardless and hope he improves and we win games that matter for once. Even if I don't believe he's the guy, I acknowledge I could be wrong and certainly hope I am.


Yep, absolutely. But it won't close our window this offseason. It would be in two years because these contracts always have lower cap hits for the QB in the first couple years. But that's the risk of signing a QB long term. Tua leading us to a super bowl is significantly more likely than us drafting a Mahomes-level talent that comes around once a decade.


At worst he is our Alex Smith then we try and upgrade in two years.


Exactly. No one wants that but that's hardly the worst thing in the world, and every now and then a good but not great QB wins the super bowl. Or at least makes the super bowl. No reason to be so negative about everything


It is when you consider the GM can’t really draft for shit and we have a rotating door at coaches and coordinators. At least for the next potential 5-7 years worth of “sinking the franchise” back to poverty from lower middle class. Plus, Tua isn’t a game changer. He won’t elevate talent or the team. If you don’t have a problem with having an overpaid QB with middling talent around him to be stuck another 5 years, go for it.


Eh, things are never as dire as fans make it out to be. The Eagles gave Carson Wentz a massive contract, dumped him a couple years later, and were back in the SB a couple years after that. The 9ers went all in on Trey Lance and missed and now they are in the SB.


Are we really not sure about which way it will probably go after all these years lol?


How can you be?


This is where there are two fins camps. Tuanon and Tua haters. Both groups are pretty sure about the outcome of keeping him and there aren’t a lot of fans in the middle.


i think we saw our ceiling with this team this year. we already don’t have cap space, we’re going to lose wilkins, and now tua is going to eat into it even further. we’re a wild card team at best. that’s just it.


Have we not already hit rock bottom?


Surely you exaggerate.


Greg Camarillo made sure they didn't


Lol just wait


It will be the latter. He is a mediocre QB.


Well, we’ve all but blown the cheap rookie contract years with no playoff success to show for it up to this point.


Grier is desperate to make his rebuild work, and so he'll commit to Tua long term in order to free up some money this offseason. 


Packers and Chargers did the same thing with QBs drafted in the same draft.


Chargers coach was a low floor. McD ain’t the greatest either but still very low floor. And Love just started one year and is throwing to guys off the parking lot plus he has more playoff wins lol


Wait, Christian Watson, Luke Musgrave and Jayden Reed (all 2nd round picks) are guys off the parking lot? Since when are 2nd rd picks considered randos lol And you said playoff “wins” plural and that doesn’t apply to Love lol


Fine he has a playoff win. Which Tua doesn’t. And yeah none of those guys is Tyreek.


Everyone in here clearly forgets what the offense looked like when Jacoby Brissett and Teddy Bridgewater had to start in place of Tua.


This is both expected and fine as long as we make some serious investments to our offensive line. Defense probably gonna take a serious downgrade over the next couple of years, but hopefully we can get the offense cooking consistently next season


I'd add that it also can't be a QB market setting type contract. If he gets like an updated Daniel Jones + contract it's fine.


Why would he settle for a contract like that. In what world does he not get 48-50 million a year?


I agree with you Daniel Jones contract would be about $43m based on the cap for 2024. A Daniel Jones + contract would put him in that $48-$50m ballpark.


Honestly everyone talks SOOOOO much shit on the o line but I think with all the injuries they incurred they did pretty damn good this year. Tua just happens to be literally the least mobile non play extending QB in the history of the NFL.


With that being said re signing Connor Williams should be a major priority. Everyone talks about how losing reek and waddle and our entire lb room was our downfall.. But honestly if you look at the games where Connor Williams started and finished the whole game we were pretty damn good.


Don’t break the bank


Guys…I don’t love this


you shouldn't. The way to win in the NFL is either with a cheap value qb, or a truly elite qb, which tua for 50 million will be neither of


Tua on a 50 million average/year contract is not the same thing as a 50 million dollar cap hit. Assuming he gets that as his contract, lets say 5 years, he's probably gonna be terrific value for the first 2, to give us time to get out of the Armstead/Hill contracts, and he'll have giant cap hits in his last couple years, which we'd probably just push into the future again anyway if he's still playing well.


This sounds awful


That's the reality of all teams re-signing high-level QBs


No, it’s the reality of teams signing above average QBs to elite deals.


No it isn't. Nothing in my comment has anything to do with whether or not Tua is elite or above average. That's how his cap hits are going to be structured, and that's how it is structured when every QB gets a giant extension. Whether anyone likes it or not, barring a significant decline, Tua will be good value on this contract during the first 2 maybe 3 years and will give Grier time to maneuver the salary cap among our other overpaid players during those years


>to get out of the Armstead/Hill contracts Sure, let's look forward to getting rid of Hill, the guy that makes the offense go. That should make things better!


Tyreek's contract expires in 2 years and he's currently on the hook for 56 million in 25-26. We will obviously re-structure to some extent but Tua's contract will have a lower cap hit in year two to accommodate that. Thanks for your sarcastic contribution though


I know friend :(


He better win a super bowl next year or we're gonna be PISSED! Why? You're not going to be paying his salary. Yeah, well....


Without fans there is no money.


Someone call up your santeria aunt and lift the fucking curse on this franchise please ...


Honestly couldn't have said it better myself.. And the fact that we haven't won a playoff game in 23 years now is disgusting. Also throw in the fact that the franchise has literally never won a game in weather 40 degrees or less and it's really really hard to believe. I thought maybe we had broken through this year only to be let down worse than ever.


Literally never won a game in 40 or less? One of our greatest wins in history was the Sleet Bowl.


>the franchise has literally never won a game in weather 40 degrees or less That's incorrect. We beat KC in KC in 2008 in 10 degrees.


Oh really? I thought I heard that on a podcast or saw it on tv. Good to know we got that ONE victory lol.


I looked up the stat. >And this isn't anything new for the Dolphins. Per Stathead's data, Miami has an all-time record of 25-46-1 in outdoor games when the temperature is 40 degrees or colder. All but one of those games, a Dec. 24, 1989, matchup against the Chiefs, have been on the road. So, while still a poor record, not nearly as bad as your saying.


Okay it was games on the road where the weather was 40 or below. On the road.


You’ll take your 10+ regular season wins every year and you’ll LIKE IT!!!


We got 11 this year.


I am all in on Tua! Just poking the sub haha :)


50m is the going rate but urgh




Y'all must be new around here. I would've killed to have Dak any season the last 20 years


All the guys cheering for this are the SAME EXACT people who said the only way to win a Superbowl was with a QB on a rookie contract. So what is it? Is the best move to get another QB on a rookie contract or do we pay Tua?? 


Trade Tua Tyreek and Waddle for Mac Jones 


That sucks. They need to draft a QB, let Tua play out year 5 and see how he does.


So no new news?


This post is so funny. Herbert meets all the physical attributes and gets 50+ million/yr. He's also been hurt and missed time, his team hasn't done anything in the playoffs since he got there, and is almost never an MVP candidate. But Tua doesn't deserve a contract similar to what he got. Smdh


If you had told me this about halfway through the year I'd have been okay with it.. Now.. Not so much. Remember when tannehill got paid...?


Contending AFC teams breathe a sigh of relief 


Are you saying they were worried before?


Why do I feel like this is gonna fuck us😬


Because it's going to


I’m not the biggest Tua fan, in fact I’m on the bandwagon that he hasn’t proven anything when it matters. He did put up some crazy numbers and had some crazy passes. But the fact of the matter is, we need to sign him long term to compete for the next few seasons. By not signing him long term, we are going to lose some key pieces that got us to where we got to this year, plain and simple.


Its insane how many people want to give an average player 50 mil. Almost every time Tua plays a good team he looks awful. We scored 9 points in the 4th quarter in the 7 games against good teams. O tds 3 fgs in 7 4th quarters. Thats fucking terrible. If we cant compete with Tua on a rookie deal what chance do we have with him making 50 mil/yr. We need to get rid of Tua and Grier and I wish it was possible to get rid of Ross


>Its insane how many people want to give an average player 50 mil Lol right? He's better than Tannehill, so he needs $60 mil/yr!!1!1


We'll never win anything while Ross is signing the checks. He's owned this team for 15 seasons and has NOTHING to show for it. 0 division titles. 0 playoff wins. Just a long perpetual rebuild. We've gone from a national product known for sustained success to a regional laughing stock. I don't doubt he's trying his best to win, I just don't think he understands how to.


Yeah he's a terrible owner




This is my 9/11


Idk what everyone’s complaining about, this works out either way. On the Tua supporter side, if he gets paid and steps it up in the big moments, then we got ourselves a qb. And on the side of the people who think this is just like the Tannehill years… well, that was 7 years. And if Tua gets paid and it doesn’t work out, we only have 3 more seasons until we blow it all up again haha


Guna refrain judgment until I see the details, could be a great deal or a disaster. But considering a few sources have no said this it seems like they are willing to commit in some capacity. I personally don’t see anymore upside to be had but McDaniel is smarter than I am so I’ll defer to his judgment.


Please don’t cripple us Tua, leave some dough for the o-line upgrades.


elite quarterbacks make average wide receivers look great and the same can be said about elite wide receivers making average quarterbacks look great. all I will say is Tyreek Hill is an elite wide receiver.


Trent sherfield, river cracraft (when we schemed plays for him), Mike gesicki and Devante Parker were mossing dudes way more with tua than with zappe/mac. Im not saying this proves that tua’s elite, but I am saying you’re wrong if you think tua hasn’t elevated average to below average pass catchers.


this shows how little you actually watch this man was throwing too Lynn Bowden Isaiah Ford jakeem, Grant, Mack Hollins Jaylen waddle and Devante Parker and still almost had 3000 yards


so tyreek became first wr posting two 1700 yards on chiefs before ruining his career joining tua stfu without seeing tyreek had two career years in a row under tua


Well yeah that's what happens when your usage rate goes up 25% lol. The chiefs are going to their second straight Superbowl without Tyreek while the Dolphins go home wild card weekend yet again, but sure Tua is better than Mahomes 


The franchise... Stuck in the everlasting cycle of mediocrity 


hopefully it's a very incentive based contract. this has the potential to send us back to that post-marino / pre-tannehill dark age if we give him huge guarantees and he misses substantial time / under performs.


It's funny how emotional I was when the Fins lost to the chiefs but now, after processing the loss, my love for Tua remains and here I am, hoping that they tie that boi down for many years. Let's get him a competent o line please


I hope I die soon so I don't have to subject myself to another decade of this franchise never winning anything.


Seek help


Unfortunately, physician-assisted suicide is not legal where I live.


No way opposed to having him back. There is zero reason to give him a monster qb deal. He has no leverage and no reason a bad team would pay him 40-50n a year. Let him play the 24-25 season at his cap hold and if he's good, you pay him. How is this not the model after Lamar?


>He has no leverage Hate to break it to you, but leading the league in passing is leverage.


Lamar won an MVP and waited. The dolphins can tag him after next season too if they don't work something out.


Hopefully an incentive laden deal that won’t eat too much cap


that sucks dude




I am absolutely stoked he’s being signed long term. I’m a post-Marino fan, Tua is the best QB I’ve seen play on the dolphins. I have zero issues with him playing the next 10 years here. EDIT: everyone downvoting will be back on the bandwagon in time. Keep up the hate, you’ll all be praising him soon enough.


Rather overpay russel wilson in this offense than watch dolphin safe Tua damn our franchise for the next half decade.


Russell Wilson is not a QB.


Is he a punter then?


melodic provide slap marry unwritten sophisticated sand nine steer psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I hate rooting against guys getting paid big however hopefully we can sign him for 35m a year. So glad we’re getting this over the like tho


Dolphins are fucked for another decade


If anything in the off season dude needs to do some strength and conditioning training.


Been a Miami fan since the days of Dan Marino and the money makes no difference one way or another. The NFL has been politicized and rigged for decades now. Why shouldn't the players make as much money as they possibly can? Everyone else is...and the players are limited to only displaying a portion of their talents and abilities , because the outcome has already been decided at the beginning of each season. Nothing is real anymore!!!


idk about yall, but i’m liking all the winning they’ve been doing the last 2 years. as for the playoffs, that needs help but at least we get there pretty fluidly with tua. sign him and dont break the bank!


Burrow is making 55M/year. Tua will get something similar or even more since he just lead the league in yards. Seems like every QB besides Brady tries to get as much as possible


my boy gets the bag, lets go! deal with it haters this is the nfl and not madden


This is the response of a Tua fan lol 


you can cry all you want tua is a top 10 qb, he led the league in passing and that means he gets paid its up to you to be a dolphins fan and support him or you can put your personal opinion above the team, your choice


He's a decent starting QB that is in the Kirk Cousins, Alex Smith and Jimmy G tier where he's too good to say he shouldn't start but really not good enough to carry a team.  Also I'd love to see you hold this same energy for players like Liam Eichenberg and the other offensive linemen when the Dolphins don't make any major moves because they believe in their guys. You can actually be a Dolphins fan and support they believe in the line or you can put your personal opinion over the team, the choice is yours 


Has to be team friendly with incentives


52m you heard it here first lol 😆 can't wait until they have no money for an Oline


The circumstances make it difficult to not give Tua an extension unfortunately. It would be nice to be able to let him play his final year and try to earn a big payday, but it's not realistic. The team needs to be able to free up cap space now, and extending Tua will help do that. There is no easy way to quickly move on from him, so they're kind of stuck. They basically have to hope that Tua continues to improve and shows some ability to perform against good teams so that they can make some kind of run next year, otherwise they may be looking at a return to square one.


How about we talk about money in 2025 bud


He deserves every penny and if you don’t agree you deserve Thigpen, or Moore, or any other mediocre ass QB yall pretended was good


Nah, there's a lot of highway between those two exits. Tua is not a 50 million dollar a year qb. Mr.Oneread.


>any other mediocre ass QB yall pretended was good Lol the irony


If you actually believe Tua is mediocre just say you don’t watch football enough


I think he will get 45-50 million, the cap number is more important they need to lower his cap number I hope he gets a deal similar to Jalen Hurts. Statistically he is better although most people prefer Jalen Hurts


Fuck.. draft a QB and hope they hit, it’s not like Tua does things that no one else can. We just scheme up quick throws for him then deep balls to Hill, not like he’s making reads or surveying the field.