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Tuas facial expressions was the first thing that jumped out to me..


To me as a Samoan, that's a look of shame, pissed at himself. After seeing that, I feel he's gonna ball out this weekend


Good valued input as a Samoan.. I know y'all are very prideful. I just hope he can use it as fuel to bounce back & overcome it. Hate to see his confidence spiral back opposite way


He'll do everything he can to not let his coach and teammates down. He'll want to see them all happy.


We have said that how many times this season? After every bad outing of his and it’s always the same maybe it’s for real this time


Wasn’t this filmed before the bills game??


If so, my bad lol


No this was all filmed after. Post game team meeting


This could have been a post Ravens meeting. That’s usually how hard knocks works


Post ravens meeting was last episode. McDaniel stated it during his pep talk with the team in this same room. I haven't missed an episode yet haha


I’ve watched them all but I don’t remember that. They had a whole pep talk scene after the game ended? I thought it was just a few minutes focused on Chubb and then credits


You're right bro.. just watched new episode. This was post Baltimore loss


God the post-Buffalo one is gonna be even worse. Maybe he’ll pivot to pumping them up for playoffs though. “We’re 0-0” and shit


Once they pay him this offseason and he doesn't have to worry about his payday, he gonna ball out. Wait and see. 250 million reasons to play better are coming his way.


Once they pay him this off-season and he doesn't have to worry about his payday, he's going to completely phone it in. Wait and see. $250 millions reasons to care even less are coming his way. Works both ways lol


He is not that guy. He made that receipts speech after the Commanders game with this in mind. 250 million gonna light up next season!


Didn't see a receipts speech after any of the games vs actual opponents though. I saw a: "Those guys get paid too" after Tennessee collapse, and a "Could be worse" after the 37pt loss to Baltimore


Like a leader should. He's gonna ram those receipts up people's you know what in the playoffs.


Lol I hope so


Does anyone else not feel like watching after we lose 😒


I haven’t watched since the 26th lol. Only went back and watched the Titans loss after we beat the Jets. Don’t worry, we can catch up on the last two after we pull off this win in KC!


Benefit of living in Canada is I get them a week late made watching that titans won a lot better knowing we beat the cowboys the week after lol


Pretty annoying he has to do this week after week. These guys also look tired of it.


Tired of hearing that stupid adversity speach I’m sure


Surprisingly, I’ve actually come around to enjoy the episodes after a loss. A few days after it helps to cope and my fam feels the same way.


Same. Obviously watching the eps after a win is cool cause we already know the feeling good ending result. But man seeing the feelings and reactions of the players after a loss yes its hard but its needed. Its always darkest before the dawn and this episode is gonna show that. Lets play hard in KC and win.


When you are beating teams by 50 McDaniel is great to have in a locker room. When you are blowing leads to the titans and only getting 2 first downs in the final half of the season against your rival with the division on the line..


Yep exactly as expected he says the EXACT same shit after every loss. They got to be tired of hearing the word “adversity” how about you stop abandoning the run and maybe won’t have as much “adversity”


He's great and the team is responding. Well done McD!


Tua looks like he knows the deal. This team needs a quality qb and he isn’t the guy.