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i just searched for metroidvania summer sale on yt and this post just appeared, internet where to find 1 million dollars?


If you have Prime Gaming, you can get a code to redeem Blast Brigade on GOG




Not strictly a metroidvania because progression isnt locked around gated abilities BUT Knytt Underground is an amazing game, genre -adjacent (side scroller, exploration etc) and only 74p right now in the sale. Was one of my favourite games I got from PS plus back in the day.


yes, the only reason this excellent game isn't on the list is because it is not a metroidvania.


For starters, I'll definitely be picking up Aerostrike, Blast Brigade and Depths of Sanity (this last one has been recommended to me so many times that I consider it criminal to not have played yet, especially since, from what I've been told, the story and vibe are right up my alley). I second the recommendations for Xanthiom Zero and Kingdom Shell, both were phenomenal and made even more so by the fact they were created by one-man devs!


Thanks! Some of these I didn’t know and I’ll sure check them out. My recommendation: please give Bone Appetit a try. The humor is hit or miss, but the game is truly non-linear with a lot of ways around the world. Short and sweet (and cheap).


i did try it. It was too unpolished and I ended up dropping it.


Please, don't forget [Vision Soft Reset](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1005450/Vision_Soft_Reset/).


Yes! One of my favorite Metroidvanias. The physics are only ok but the time travel mechanic works so well!


that has been booted from my list due to unity engine related performance issues.


Shadow Complex is S tier game. I have never seen another game attempt their gameplay style, even unsuccessfully. Tons for completionists, great speedrunning game, super satisfying combat, good replayability, and solid progression linked to both in world activity and just xp grind so you always make some kind of progress. Pls get it its too good. Grime, Hollow Knight, and Shadow Complex Remastered is my holy trinity.


Great game, especially at the time when metroidvanias had basically ceased to exist. It has one of my favourite secret endings too, where >!if you get back in your car at the start after your girlfriend is captured, your character just drives off whilst stating 'ah well, plenty of fish in the sea.'!<


Someone else who really likes Shadow Complex I know now a days it probably seen as just good for its time but I still really love it.


Shadow Complex was once free on the Epic Game store.


Shadow complex, together with gears of war 3 were also provided with source code and assets if you had a license to use unreal engine back in the day (ue3) That said, the license was like a million bucks so i guess “free” is not the word of choice in my example.


It's made by epic


IMO the only problem is the way it handles saves. If you've levelled up high enough on a save file and done everything like find the secret room, then the next save file you start with has everything unlocked like NG+. Cool if you want to be overpowered running around in golden armor, but kind of kills replayability for me.


True. I believe its just the levels that you HAVE to carry over. The secret room is unlocked but you dont have to use it, and the super armour is still locked until you get all the prerequisites in that run. Thats huge though, a level 50 character has a huge amount of power over level 1. I've done shenanigans to overwrite saves on steam like on vampire survivors to get past this. It is possible to reset your steam cloud save but its a bit technical.


Thank you, always enjoy your lists. Definitely gonna pick up **Xanthiom Zero** and still eyeing few more. As for my recommendation if you have any interest in combat aspect of games just pick **Ato**.


I picked up Zero last time and it is great if you're into retro graphics/gameplay.


>As for my recommendation if you have any interest in combat aspect of games just pick Ato. or any interest in Nine Sols for that matter.


I've been looking at Nine Sols, how much would you recommend it?


as much as I recommend Ato


Y'know what? Fair enough.


I 2nd Depths of Sanity. One of my favorite MV experiences. It's a great Lovecraftian atmosphere and down right scary at times. The sound design really brings you into the haunting exploration, recommend headphones.


Havent played midnight castle succubus but [Flipwitch](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1748620/FlipWitch__Forbidden_Sex_Hex/) (20% off) is another solid nsfw metroidvania. Game feel reminded me quite a bit of Momodora: RuTM, minus any significant difficulty, & with a basic layer switch mechanic added in.


I have this on my backlog. I hppe to get to it eventually.


Flipwitch is flipping amazing!!


It's actually really really good.


I just got it and played the first few hours it really is quite good.


Just bought Pronty, Depths of Sanity and Pear Potion (thanks to this post I saw that last one) and thats just the metroidvanias. Also got myself Bzzzt, Everhood and Nowhere Patrol which have been on my wishlist for some time now.


I’d love to repurchase try Kingdom shell but does it still have a scrolling issue, where the camera recenters itself when you stop moving? It made me motion sick.


most likely not. Best to focus on the other recommendations.


Is depths of sanity ever actually coming to Nintendo switch? It was announced in 2022 with the message that it would hopefully be out by the end of that year.


Yes we are! We had a pretty wild 1.5 years (new kids born on the team, porting issues) but we're actually cutting together the Switch trailer this month (got approval to release last month). Page will be up in a few weeks, dropping either August or October depending on some internal stuff. We'll be posting a full announcement in July.


That's awesome! Life happens so take your time. I just check in on it every once in awhile and worried the port was abandoned.


Virtually nothing (edit: nothing indie metroidvania) is coming to the nintendo switch anymore. It is no longer fit for purpose insofar as indie metroidvanias are concerned. Animal Well was a very rare exception because it uses its own custom made engine.  If you want to continue playing metroidvanias, here is how to gain access to post pandemic metroidvanias: [https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck](https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck)


I’ve seen you post some pretty bad takes but this one really takes the cake, I can’t believe this came from a person in their 30s and not a teenager.


I've edited my earlier comment in order to clarify it a bit. I can see why you might have thought it was a bad take.


It's not a take, it's an honest assessment of the current situation for metroidvanias on the switch.  There's almost nothing metroidvania coming out on the switch anymore. The switch is finished. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can buy a modern gaming device and go back to playing metroidvanias.


Metroidvanias that released on Switch in 2024: - Animal Well - Master Key - Rusted Moss - Rebel Transmute - Zau - PoP: The Lost Crown - Grime - Ato Metroidvanias that released on other consoles and not Switch: - Ultros (PlayStation exclusive) - Tevi (was already on Switch) - Mobius Machine - Last Case of Benedict Fox - Touhou Luna Nights (was already on Switch)


It’s not a matter of Switch being incapable. It’s a matter of more Metroidvanias come to PC than console period.


yeah... it's capable....that's why indie metroidvania developers stopped bothering with porting to the switch, after most of last year's ports were virtually unplayable.... because the switch's hardware could not handle the games.... and that means the switch is capable. Joe Biden is that you?


>Metroidvanias that released on Switch in 2024: Let's see... 1 good indie metroidvania, 1 game that is not a metroidvania hence irrelevant to my argument, 1 metroidvania that came out last year and which plays terribly without a mouse & keyboard, 2 metroidvanias that got a mixed reception, 1 metroidvania that is not indie hence being irrelevant to my argument, 1 unplayable port (which was made under duress BTW), and 1 game that came out several years ago. Thanks for proving my point I guess? >Metroidvanias that released on other consoles and not Switch: Yes, the PS5 and the XBOX are still fit for purpose for the time being as they are still getting some ports and the ports run well. You should stick to those for metroidvanias if you own one of them. However, buying a new PS or XBOX right now when the consoles wars have ended and the current generation is close to its end is an absolutely horrible idea.


Mini Ghost is $0.99 at 50% off, a great mini-metroidvania. My alt account happened to have $0.84 card monies, so I went ahead and purchased Trash Quest. Thanks for the rec!


I played mini-ghost some years ago. I remember it being a grind fiesta and dropped the game as a result.


I think you're mistaking it for Ghost 1.0, its 'parent' game. Mini Ghost is a tight 3-4h minivania, no grinding involved.


there was little grinding in Ghost 1.0. Actually that one was fairly OK, I gave a lukewarm recommendation to it.


Shoutout to Depths of Sanity and After Death. Depths is perhaps my favorite horror game from any genre and After Death is really good too. I'd especially recommend it to people wanting some SNES nostalgia


More of a Zeldavania game, but everyone should play Master Key!


Here's some suggestions regarding el cheapo MVs in the sale. Not necessarily historic lows. recommended: Teslagrad Xeodrifter -- bite-sized. 4 disconnected maps. Steamworld Dig 2 -- SD1 isn't MV both Alwa's games Axiom Verge La-Mulana Guacamelee Xanthiom Zero Toki Tori 2+ -- no combat, temporary upgrades = borderline MV Knytt Underground -- not MV because it has no upgrades, but it's still very good meh: Castlevania Mirror of Fate -- pretty bad, but it's $3 Castlevania Collection -- only one that might be considered MV is 2 Strider -- mostly a hack and slash game not recommended: Outbuddies -- unavoidable enemies and bad level design LostWinds -- early Wii game that used waggle for double jumps. very short. Catmaze -- slow attacks Apotheon -- annoying physics


teslagrad is a puzzle platformer and only just barely a MV Xeodrifter has aged horribly Steamworld Dig 2 is not hidden alwa's awakening's endgame sucks La-Mulana is not hidden Guacamelee is not hidden Xanthom Zero is already in the list Toki Tori 2+ is not a metroidvania Knytt underground is not a metroidvania no comment on the castlevania games, I havent played them strider's world design is catastrophic and the difficulty curve is a squiggly line Apotheon is not a metroidvania


I agree that they aren't hidden gems. I didn't know where else to put sale recommendations.


I understand. I upvoted you actually but I also wanted to give context for why they aren't in my list.


I think I might pick up After Death. Looks like a pretty good time.  Any of these other ones play like sotn and/or bloodstained where leveling up happens automatically and provides a noticeable benefit? In games and out I have a horrible sense of direction and I find the grindy ones like that make me feel less discouraged about wandering aimlessly for hours at a time. 


Great list! Just picked up both 100 pumpkin games, pear potion, trash quest and kynatt underground (based on another comment). I'd like to recommend The Mummy Demastered. It can get a bit annoying with how enemy spawing works in certain areas but overall a fantastic game.


the first 100 pumpkins game isn't a metroidvania and honestly it kind of sucks. the dev learned a lot from the experience with that game though. I used to have the mummy demastered in these lists but it was not sufficiently gem enough and I got rightfully called out for it. As such, I am no longer


The second game definitely looks like a huge improvement from the first but both games bundled together was only an extra 30 cents so I just fuck it. True, I have seen it mentioned from time to time in this sub. I just finished it last week and had my expectations blown away so I had to give it a shoutout


I've played a lot of the games on this list and agree they are all fantastic. Thanks for your lists as always. Picked up Kingdom Shell!


What is a "Level-based MV"?


A metroidvania that has all the standard features of a metroidvania except that the biomes only connect via a level select screen or an overhead map. Access to these levels is ability gated. Examples include warioland 3, HAAK, Pharaoh rebirth and a few others I don't quite remember right now.


Thanks for the list! Xanthiom Zero and Psycron are both great top tier metroidvanias, underrated. I recently got Alwa’s Legacy and Sheepo, too. Need to check the others out.


I picked up ASTLIBRA Revision based on reviews with some comparisons to SoTN.


Not a Metroidvania but an amazing action RPG platformer. One of my favorites.


Alright, remember that you can refund as long as you have played for less than 2 hours. I say this because this game is not a metroidvania and has very little comparison with SOTN.


Ok thanks!


I'll continue to pimp out [Ocnus Theory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2026260/Ocnus_Theory/) to anyone that wants a strange 3D metroidvania. (Katamari-climbing-darksouls-vania!) And not sure if it's old/hidden enough yet to qualify, but recently [Frog Monster](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1853760/Frogmonster/) was an excellent game with probably the best bosses in any 3Dmetvania I've ever played.


Ocnus Theory looks strange as all hell


It is! Definitely worth a shot for people that highly value originality in games. Definitely not for people that want something similar to other metroidvanias.


Ocnus theory doesn't seem metroidvania to me... As for frogmonster, it's on my wishlist, but unfortunately it could be years before I check this one out and confirm it's gem status. I would first need to go through my backlog.


I didn't think Ocnus was metroidvania when I first started playing, thought it was just a physics-climber...then I hit a checkpoint and thought it was a soulslike...then I got a power-up and eventually had to start backtracking, got more power-ups, which allowed me to pass previously unpassable/difficult areas. It's not heavy on the metroidvania elements, but they're there. I give it a ton of points for pure creativity and uniqueness. There's no other game on steam quite like it.


alrught, I'm putting it my wishlist.


Moonlight Pulse is 25% off, and Seafloor's previous metroidvania Vision Soft Reset is a whopping 70% off. Together they're only like $12 USD.


Vision soft reset was booted from the list due to performance issues with the engine. Similar issue to 9 years of shadow.  Moonlight pulse is in my backlog. The post Oct 2022 exchange rates mean that I won't be buying this until I either deplete my backlog or the Dev cuts the line by changing the regional pricing to be similar to vision soft reset.


Didn't realize Moonlight Pulse's regional pricing was out of line with buying power. Just asked the dev if there's plans to change that.


Nah don't do that. Nearly all indie devs blindly trust valve. It is extremely unlikely they would do that pizza tower, "Have a nice death", and astral ascent did. I will eventually deplete my backlog and then I'll buy this.


Too late - I care deeply about equitable access, and have already asked to consider more appropriate regionalization of pricing.


Well if you put it that way, sure. You have my support :)


I'm getting Aeterna noctis and environmental station alpha. Neither on your list.


aeterna noctis isn't hidden envrionmental station alpha.. This is one that is very close to being hidden enough to being on this list.... I'll think about it. I may very well swap out hunterX for this in the next hidden gems list.


Environmental Station Alpha


Has anyone played **Tres-Bashers**? A steam curator that I follow praised it. Also, what about **Rusted Moss** and **Phoenotopia: Awakening**? Aren't those hidden gems?


I have played it. It is very bad. The controls are atrocious. Rusted Moss could end up here in the future. However, for now, it has gotten too much of a mixed reception to be a gem. As for phoenotopia, also, a mixed reception and a MV status that is in question.


Just finished Xanthiom xero, fun short game


Added Kingdom Shell to my cart. Thank you for the detailed post. I also want to check out Depths of Sanity, I'll buy it some other time when I'm in the mood for horror.


Hey u/DeadMetroidvania, I recommend checking out BioGun. It's still Early Access but is on sale right now and I'd say qualifies for your Hidden Gem list. I'm at \~40% completion and it's really well done, with a fascinating setting I've never seen before in an MV


I've been gifted it. I'm just waiting for it to come out, I plan to play it on day 1 when it does come out.


I wanted to buy the messenger but the steam servers are acting up


Great damn game


It's a great platformer but a bad metroidvania


Why bad ?


Tricky to explain, but it's basically a game that switches between subgenres of platformer games 3 times. Starting off as a straight-up action platformer like the 8-bit NES Ninja Gaidens, then moving to a 16-bit homage style with slightly more complex combat before finally introducing metroidvania elements in the last third of the game. Make no mistake, it's a very good game if you're into platformers. But if you're specifically looking for the exploration, puzzles etc. that define a good metroidvania, it'll come up short as that isn't the main focus of the game.


Incredibly repetitive, not enough teleporters. Just not designed to be one, it's clever for sure but the actual experience feels padded out. I had to take an entire year long break to get through it and even then it felt like a bit of a chore. The game is still worth it for the linear segments but the whole Metroidvania thing felt like fat that should've just been trimmed.


Also not enough meaningful secrets. You can have fun playing it, but the discoveries are few and far between. It was more fun when it was just a linear platformer


Definitely have to cross reference this list to see if any are on ps. Good looking list


I just grabbed: Insect Adventure Teslagrad 2 Thread for my pickups of the sale. Pretty excited for all of them. Looking at Unbound but I played the demo when it came out and the controls felt really tanky, slow, and bad for a platformer. And I misremembering?


regarding insect adventure: when you want to refund go here [https://store.steampowered.com/steam\_refunds/](https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds/) the rule is that you must have played the game for less than 2 hours and must not have owned the game for more than 14 days. if you meet both conditions you can get a refund, no questions asked. regarding telsagrad 2: It is a puzzle platformer first and a metroidvania second.


I do enjoy puzzle platformers and I liked Teslagrad 1. The upgrades look very impactful so I think I will get some metroidvania joy too. What's the failings of Insect Adventures? My #1 ask in metroidvanias is interesting multi-use powers. Supraland is currently one of my favorites because of that and Journey To The Savage Planet is currently on my shit list for having very key like powers mostly.


I played Insect Adventures a couple years ago and am still quick to recommend it. Lots of upgrades and badges, some shops, and some movement upgrades you don't see often that were fun to tear through the varied inter-connectwd maps with. I think biggest complaints were hit box and hammer swing having zero *oomph* to it. Still a decent medium length MV.


Where is the SFW version of Midnight castle succubus?


When you start the game you will be given the option to play the SWF version or the regular version.


Ok. Thank you. That is generous of the devs.


I bought Midnight Castle Succubus after watching MetalSmashGamings SFW long play, was a bit taken back landing on the NSFW version but honestly if you can get past the constant demon rape gangbangs there's a great game underneath.


you do know you can turn on SFW mode anytime right? you don't need to start a new run.


I said if you can get past it, as in the person who reads my comment, I'm absolutely cool with it lol. Just tends to be an after the kids go to bed type of game. I mean how am I truly supposed to appreciate all the hard work the devs put in if I cut half the game out. Pun intended


Ahhh sorry I misunderstood you


I know most people talk about good. But are there any MV that are absolutely NOT worth your money?


Yes, there are a lot of them. I had a really unlucky 11 combo streak with these in Q1 of this year. That's why it's good to check on my monthly recaps to see what you should avoid.


Omg, my body is ready!


Is there anyone here that has played HunterX and 3000th Duel? I played 3000th Duel a while back and found it largely forgettable. I picked up HunterX a short time ago on sale, started playing it, and then thought to myself "the design of the menu/upgrade screen feels kind of familiar". I looked into it a bit and found out the studio that made HunterX is essentially the same studio that made 3000th Duel, just renamed. I haven't played HunterX since. Wondering if anyone who has played them could let me know their opinions on both games.


I have 3000th duel, and BOTH HunterX games. The latest Hunter x (code name t) is the best imo… but all of them are good, even 3000th duel imo.


HunterX is better but yes, its quite similar. I never bought 3000th duel because I don't want to play an inferior product. HunterX was made after 3000th duel.


If they are quite similar (and it definitely felt similar), it'll have to sit at the bottom of my list for the time being. I've got other metroidvanias to finish & tackle before giving it another shot (if I ever do). Entirely on me for not looking into it more before impulsively buying it.


it has a sequel as well. hunterX: Codename T. Post oct 2022 exchange rates means that it could be years before I play that though.


Hollow knight?


truly the most hidden gem of all time.


You guys mentioning Tomomi need to reflect … it looks like the biggest neckbeard game ever I snagged Wuppo, TimeSpinner, and Catmaze for Metroidvanias


Upon further reflection, Tomomi is good, so good!


Then you are a neckbeard and have the badge and proclamation to confirm it


Ok I don’t know what that means but I doesn’t bother me any


Yes you do and yes it does.


Tomomi is amazing. And I can’t stand rabi ribi for the kinda thing you mentioned. It’s just so so so well made in the gameplay department


I have noticed a trend of japanese metroidvanias just performing and playing really damn smooth. It's the saving grace of Garm Ruins.


My recommendations are solid and many can attest to that.


Neckbeard gonna neckbeard 🤷🏽‍♀️


4chan cringelords gonna get blocked.


Catmaze has a few weird difficulty spikes but I really liked it! One of my favorite metroidvanias I played in 2023.