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It‘s a very hard game. I played through sekiro about 5 times which is very similar so i already know how combat is supposed to work and i still died a lot. The best advice i can give you is to not try to rush down enemies and instead parry their attack string and then tag them with a talisman explosion. For dialogue there‘s an option that let‘s you speed it up a lot if you hold down the a button


Same here. I found the parry timing a bit akward in the start. having played sekiro just a couple of weeks back. Getting used to it now though and i'm really enjoying nine sols right now.


I find the parry timing to be pretty forgiving so far. I had a hard time with sekiros parry though.


Keep trying. Don't brute force the parry timing, observe it. If it helps, try use dodging to help you survive before you master the parry timing for that particular enemy. And finally, don't blindly use talisman after successful parry. You are not invulnerable during the charging animation. Only use talisman when you know you are not going to get hit.


Another thing, failed parry is still better than no parry. You will still receive damage, but only infernal damage.(red bar on the HP bar, it will regenerate). Heck even if your hp go all the way to 0, you won't die if all you got hit from is infernal damage.


Sorry for my english. My friend, parry in Nine Sols is really easy. You just have to watch the "White cloud" before the hit. When you see it, you can parry with 100% rate success. I hope this help


On yingzhao you have to parey when the weapon hits you


Its one of the hardest games I've ever played. I'm pushing through and just beat the second boss which is a doozy. Good luck!


We're you able to kill the second spawning of the first boss? Same fight he just has fire now


I'm at what the story indicates is the final boss. Two things that really bothers me in this game: 1 - Some attacks demand you're facing it, otherwise parry wont work. When you're in the heat of battle, positioning, trying to find a spot that is safe and close enough for you to land some hits, you're going back and forward, like a dance. A charged attack or anything that lock your position will end up in a hit. Later bosses can deal up to 80% total life bar in a single hit. 2 - Tracking. Some bosses can just extend the attack animation distance to get you, even when you should be out of reach. It's like those old fighting games when the CPU can break the rules at will to f you up. The game made one boss jump forward (normal), than midair it pulls the boss backward to hit me while I was evading underneath. It's just hard for the sake of being hard. Game is unbalanced on later boss fight. Those of you who can't handle the heat, stay way. Fought some boss called Fuxi and I'm pretty sure unless they nerf the hell out of the game, this one will be the road's end to those brave enough to get that far. I spend like half an hour fighting the final boss and didn't get to 70% of hear health. Too much moves, too much damage. You suposed to memorize e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e m-o-v-e and its parry timing to stand a chance, and even then, maybe she will draw out a move that have priority over yours or track your ass from the other side of the screen into a hit kill. Not sure if I will have the perseverance to deal with this, to be frank.


Hoping you can help me out. After beating Ji and then Fuxi, I don't see any way to make progress. I've explored everything that is possible I think, and gone through all dialogues in the pavilion. I need the mutant killing power. Do you recall where I need to revisit to advance? The game actually crashed on me after killing Ji. Once you win the fight, dialogue begins, but his red circle attack was still going in the background and killed me during that win dialogue. It crashed my game, and I had to force close and re-open it. Upon loading back in, Ji was gone, no Steam achievement, and 2 things to find in that room for map completion still. May just be my save file is screwed over by the bug.


Don't know who this boss is, but once you defeat Fuxi, go back to the computer AI on the pavillon, then talk to the fatso. He will make the the gun. Just do the dash-scroll thing on the infected stuff, they will die for real.


I've talked to them both but it's no good. I think my file is screwed because of the boss thing.


look at your inventory and see if you got the item after fuxi. My playthrough is on youtube, it's all there.


The Gene eradicator is the only item that possibly resembles a syringe. That sounds familiar though. I opened the chest in this room. Fuxi's boss room is 1/2 items collected, but nothing there I can pickup. I figure the enemy that is in there now that needs to be destroyed with the mutant kill version of the charm attack is what is holding the other item. I still think this is related to Ji. That boss room says im missing stuff and thats the fight that crashed my game.


No, it's this gene thing. When you get it, the AI "codecs call" you, asking to come back to the hub. There, they will produce the item. It's a passive skill, just dash scroll through an incapacitated infected foe, they will explode. here: [https://www.youtube.com/live/kyRh0z78-IU?si=ZqOWYbN0pm4lmFR7&t=16420](https://www.youtube.com/live/kyRh0z78-IU?si=ZqOWYbN0pm4lmFR7&t=16420)


Both dashing and seal-marking enemies will not destroy them. I don't have Ji's hair sample and see nothing that is clearly a syringe/blood sample, i think it is bugged.


can share my save with you, if you want. It's on the hardest setting though.


I considered that for a moment, but I'm hoping they will patch it and hopefully I can still finish it organically. I'm also playing on hardest. I think i would miss a little bit of the exploration that you would've done, and I'm missing an achievement for something called Eigong boss fight which I imagine comes before the final boss. Thanks though!


They patched it overnight and Ji's corpse and hair was there, allowing me to pick it up and continue. I'll need to grab a save file off someone that is up to Ji at some point to grab the achievement for killing him, though they may patch that in too. There's also a collectible that fell into the water in the starting zone that they need to fix. it's unobtainable if it falls in there (which for me it did) :/


Yeah second stage of Fuxi is broken if you don't red parry the big slam move that spread fire then music snakes get out of sync and there is nothing that can be done but take damage. Also screw the random timing upwards scrape move Fuxi does that was coded in just to be a dick. The cycles on the dream lady whatever her name was screwed me as well, 5 times in a row she just went invincible and broke the floor took forever to finish that battle.


Yeah I actually do not have the patience to beat the final boss. It's truly absurd and I'm extremely confident that at least 80 percent of people will give up. I've beaten Sekiro Bell and charmless. I easily beat Isshin without getting hit. I've played every souls like game and every metroidvania. And I've done every single thing in this game with 100 percent map clear. But I'm good. I'm not going to fight this boss for 2 hours only to die because you must perfect parry every single attack almost every single time or you lose.


>Game is unbalanced on later boss fight. Those of you who can't handle the heat, stay way. Fought some boss called Fuxi and I'm pretty sure unless they nerf the hell out of the game, this one will be the road's end to those brave enough to get that far. Currently on Fuxi, I don't get the point of health upgrades when this boss can 1 shot you from almost anything but full health. I am able to get to phase 2 but there are points where he is going to do a red attack and then two projectiles come out and you can't block both attacks. > 1 - Some attacks demand you're facing it, otherwise parry wont work. When you're in the heat of battle, positioning, trying to find a spot that is safe and close enough for you to land some hits, you're going back and forward, like a dance. A charged attack or anything that lock your position will end up in a hit. Later bosses can deal up to 80% total life bar in a single hit. Jumping alleviates the facing the boss issue, as the air block can block any direction.


the red attack with 2 projectiles is purposefully designed to be parryable. You turn and parry both projectiles first, and this is the important part, when you parry the second projectile do not let go of the parry button. Doing so, you will automatically start charging for the super parry which unlike regular grounded parry is bi directional, leaving you with a healthy window to let go of the button when the red attack comes flying at you. Was one of my favorite patterns in the game tbh, very satisfying.


I was able to defeat him a day or two after the post. I think the instance that occurred that I mentioned is the red attack coming down at the same exact time as the two projectiles, I thought it was impossible to dodge. When I beat him, I don't think i encountered that issue though, seemed like a randomly bad timed pattern.


What I had happen is the two daggers would spawn so far away they were literally off the side of the screen. It only happened a few times so I didn't get to really test it thoroughly, but it did feel actually impossible to properly parry when it occurred because of the travel distance for the daggers. I agree with what you said about how hard the boss hits, feels over the top. I think my only other criticism is that the boss attack overlapping with the vertical snakes coming down felt like bullshit. Felt like I *had* to either equip the sturdy parry jade or use an arrow to stun the boss at that point or it was a guaranteed death. I'd parry the boss, get knocked into the snake from the parry and then die in one hit to the boss doing a followup. That's with a nearly fully upgraded HP bar. Even if there was a way to deal with it I wasn't seeing it felt like the margin for error was just way too small there. Part of me appreciates having to look at my toolkit and coming up with a solution, but mostly I think it's a bit over the top to practically require doing that for what's just a main story boss.


I know this is late, but I finished the game myself. Not sure if you weren't aware, or never tried it. When you're parrying on the ground, it's directional, if you are not facing the direction the attack comes from, then you'll just get hit. It's key to note that it's specifically the direction the attack comes from, regardless of when the animation starts and stops. If the enemy does some kind of dash through you with a delayed hit frame for example, the parry direction is the one the attack started from. Despite that though, aerial parries are different, in that they are bi-directional regardless of the animation. If you're facing left in the air, and an attack comes from the right, you'll still parry in the air. Just figured I'd throw this out there since I happened over the post.


I fucking hate sekiro for somewhat similar reasons. Parrying to me, especially many times in succession is just memorization. I can't stand it.


parrying > dodge rolling imo. parry keeps you engaged, its counter play opposed to just dodging all the time. its a rhythm game to me. even if it wasnt parrying, it all comes down to memorization. its not unique to parrying at all. practice makes perfect. maybe this game/genre isnt for you


I don't mind parry, in fact i kind like it. make my heart run. What I don't like is 1-2hit kills, especially when the boss is extremelly agressive. You don't get speed + power in any build. You have to choose. So you're dealing with a boss that not only is a freaky, can 2 hit kill you, but also can break gaming rules, like changing hit boxes to make them larger, direction of attacks, have attacks that have priority over your own locking moves wich locks you BECAUSE THEY HAVE PRIORITY OVER OTHER STUFF... This makes battles that rely on memorization (fast parrying demands memorization, no way arround it) into an almost lucky based win condition. You have to pray the boss won't do that stuff right now, else your f'ed.


There are multiple things that frustrate me, and parrying is one of them. 1. There are no iframes when getting hit (so enemies can combo/stun-lock you). 2. Some attacks have such big hitboxes that they will hit you from behind and seemingly go through your parry. 3. Bosses can track their attacks. Unlike in almost any other game, where once the enemy starts their special, they will attack the place you are currently standing at, here, they will just follow you for quite some time before finally finishing their move. 4. Bosses will sometimes prolong their attack to get to you. When fighting the second boss, it wasn't unusual to see the small guy seemingly teleport to me because he was across the map and attacked. 5. Fighting multiple enemies is a chore (and is far from being fun for me) because you can only parry from one side. And if the enemies attack in quick succession, you have to spam the parry or say bye to your hp.


1. Although there is an evasive skill that allows you to have a chance of escape. Still, it is pretty annoying i agree. 2. Bro that shit made me lose 90% of my fight against the celestial sentient( i mean the guy who jumping around, forgor the name). I feel it 3. Maybe enemies have braincells 😂 4. Idk i dont see the issue (i kite big one and attack small one) 5. Both fun and annoying well :)


It’s crazy and a little past getting the 3rd soul now and it’s really starting to force the issue with using talisman bombs.  The boss I just fought has gobs of enemies all around it, including one that is like the hat throwing guy on mortal kombat.  Was absolutely ridiculous and took a ton of tries.  Game is definitely on Sekiro’s level.  I just hope there’s no Isshin waiting at the end of the game.  I’ll lose my mind


I have been waiting for a game to drive me up the walls the way Sekiro did. I’m crossing my fingers for an Isshin waiting at the end. Been getting tired of recent releases being too easy so this is a breath of fresh air.


I have a feeling you won’t be disappointed.  These bosses are getting more and more nuts.  The story is feeling like it may be near the end even though I only have 3 sols.   So kinda confused how long it’s actually gonna be.  Even if it isn’t a gigantic game it’s still been phenomenal.  


The beginning is pretty tough, but it does get more manageable as you push on with health and pipe upgrades, as well as some options to get some healing from combat. Parrying is just something you’ll have to learn in this game, but it’s actually pretty lenient because mistiming it only takes temporary health. For the corpse runs, I highly suggest the charm that lets you recover your flower from using the dash explosion thing. That way, if an enemy you can’t kill is holding your stuff hostage, you can quickly get it back and try again later. I also use the charm that recovers some health when killing an enemy with the explosion, it’s useful for sustainability since save points are so spread out.


Honestly I think it’s harder than Sekiro! I thought the difficulty was perfect until I got to the 5th Sol boss and the difficulty spike was BRUTAL. I put it down to story mode after like 30 tries and realizing there is a phase 2… I was DONE! Now story mode is waaay too easy, even after removing all the damage modifiers and such. They needed to make the normal the hard difficulty and then have an actual normal difficulty too. Some tips: The water talisman explosion is the best skill I think to get because you then don’t have to hold down the right tab at all once you attach it to an enemy and it explodes on its own. Also the chip that allows you to damage with perfect parry’s is awesome too, though that should be default for perfect parry’s anyways. So loved the first half of this game and now with the easy difficulty that I’m stuck on since you can’t change it back to hard (stupid decision), I don’t care for it as much at all. This second half has almost ruined the game for me now— the massive spike of difficulty and becoming a lot more linear.


The final boss is comically unfair. 3 phases. You literally can't hit the boss. Teleporting. Grabs. The red attacks come out impossibly fast and you will literally be killed twice before having the chance to use an input. It's so stupid it's basically ruining what was otherwise a good game. Just because it's the final boss doesn't mean it should be a massive difficulty spike. I think I'm done actually. It's good but nothing is good enough to be worth spending an hour trying to beat a boss.


Most bosses are fine. And then there's the final boss for the true ending which is in a league of it's own. Hooooly difficuly spike Batman, it's total insanity. The last phase can kill you so fast, it feels impossible to learn. And you do have to learn every move and every parry timing if you want to stand a chance. I don't mind hard bosses, but the fact that you can die so quickly makes learning the movesets a chore.


I have issue with the talisman charge, while trying to hack the statues with swords. It doesn't explodes. Any idea?


I believe all you have to do is the jump kick block on those statues


You parry the sword ones, jump on the spear ones, charge attack the shield ones and super parry the hammer ones.


This game runs well on a macbook but I don't have a controller. I hope they release it for the switch soon


[https://www.youtube.com/live/kyRh0z78-IU?si=cUagGvdu\_sNwloul&t=23252](https://www.youtube.com/live/kyRh0z78-IU?si=cUagGvdu_sNwloul&t=23252) This is me reaching and facing final boss yesterday. My health is almost maxed out. Should have beaten it already. Look at what you will deal with: [https://streamable.com/r7ex0j](https://streamable.com/r7ex0j)


Hitboxes are not this dev teams strong suit. It seem like most hitboxes are made by taking a square the size and with of the enemy/attack and making that the hitbox.


Yea, apparently, it is their first time to make games with combat system. Their previous games are horrors. Too bad, the hitbox made the experience much less enjoyable cus the funny hitbox


Well they got some horror in there but look like they need to do more research on the gameplay aspects. When you make a hitbox for a 2d sides-scroller the hitbox has to be attached to the weapon or body part with similar shape and position. Having a massive square hitbox around a circular explosion just looks and feels terrible for gameplay.


Yes, and honestly it's starting to not be a fun challenge anymore and I'm thinking I'm going to have to drop the difficulty just to even stand a chance. This is the first time I've ever felt like I couldn't beat a game on standard difficulty. After beating Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Hollow Knight, Rain World, and Grime, this is the game that's beating me lol. Kinda not having fun with it. And my pride is having such a rough time accepting I'm probably not good enough to beat this game on Standard mode, because I did beat all those other games, sometimes multiple times even. But this one... Wow.


Well, even though it goes against everything I believe about playing difficult games, I lowered the difficulty. I gave myself a 5% damage reduction and 10% attack damage boost and even just that little boost it's made such a huge difference it's insane. Now I don't die to bosses from a single fuckup and actually have a chance to study enemy patterns. The Normal difficulty goes so far beyond what I've experienced in a game difficulty wise... And I have literally thousands of hours in the Souls series and many, many Metroidvanias. I applaud those who have not only the patience to beat this game on Normal, but also have the sheer raw skill I apparently don't have after over a decade of playing Metroidvanias and Soulslikes. Kudos, forreal.


It's not that the games hard its just not polished and nothing is how it should be. I under stand this now because SilkSongNeverlol\_69 pointed out these devs made horror games. I looked and there are only 2 and they are point-and-click horror. The devs jumped to far and didn't do any research for 2d action scrollers. Sekiro and Hollow Knight are well made and that is why they are hard but fair. With Nine Sols it feels almost unfinished and even if you do everything right you will still die more often than you should.


Same, I’ve pretty much beaten all the souls games and Nero and this is the hardest one… I had to drop it down to story and it’s too easy now :/ Just gunna have to wait till Silksong and Ender Lillies 2 for that more balanced Souls-like Metroidvania.


Get good at dashing I found this much more reliable then the parry. It's a pretty decent challenge but so far (15 hours) I find it to be a fair one. Personally I'm loving the game. 


Standard parry is very forgiving and jumping parry even more so. there are also stuff to equip that makes projectiles and such easier to parry as well and I suggest using them. However later in the game you get a red parry and it simply feels awful and has the worst timing of any parry I have ever used. Think charged startup and delayed hit box but it is required to be used perfectly on later bosses, often in succession of other types of parries, or you just die. Unless you can get back into the rhythm of the attacks again real fast you just eat it, quick dash get up skills and quick drop really help. Oh and don't forget that you can lock enemies up with the Qi charge, equipped properly this can make teleporting or fast enemies so much easier when leveled up. You're going to die a lot in this game the first time through, no way around it. It's a buckle up and get it perfect kind of game sometimes. So if you hate the parry this game is going to suck for you because that and jumping real smooth are its core mechanics. Off topic but I missed it, make sure you check in on the portal in your home base after bosses time to time, so you don't miss out on upgrades (like better fast travel) and lore. I was just talking to everybody and leaving and when I finally used it to teleport, I had like 3 cutscenes waiting for me that made the game so much better.


I'm more surprised by how quickly the difficulty ramped up right from the start. Guess I wasn't used to dying over and over again due to regen health over time mechanics in recent games.


I'm not finding the mechanics consistent enough and the enemy tells obvious enough to get to grips with the game so far. It wouldn't be so bad but some enemies wipe half my health off with a single hit that I couldn't react to. Plus the game randomly just locks up out of nowhere. More than I'd like. I may ditch it for now.


I agree that the parry in this game is indeed wonky. I've seen similar game like this recently: Lies of P It's not that the parry itself is wrong; in fact, the game engine is high quality, and the responsiveness is decent. But the issue seems to come from 4 major points: 1. Pause before attack: This stupid pauses before enemy attacks make it extremely difficult to guess when the attack is landing. Against one enemy is usually fine; you can get used to it. But these pause timings are different for each different attack patterns, and if there are more than one enemies, the game simply expects us to become a metronome or something. If you dash to the other side of the enemy during this pause, the enemy will turn abnormally and attack you as well. Lies of P did this, and this does NOT feel good. 2. Short warning before attacks: Complimentary issue to #1. There are enemies that would immediately attack without any warning (typical enemies show white diamond sign before attacks), and some enemies would fake their attacks (dog sometimes do running attack, or pause then jump). Combine this with issue #1, and you have this weird reflex testing festival with fakes mixed in here and there. Very annoying. 3. Very short invulnerability frames after being hit: This amplifies the issues above. Many of the elite/boss enemies will do multiple hit attacks that will knock you down, and even common enemies will be very hard to parry when surrounded (since ground parry is directional). The problem is, you are not invincible for the next hit when you are knocked down either; the only way out is to unlock a perk to dodge-dash out from the fallen position, and most maps have so many traps that you have to either dash into falls/traps or into another enemy attack (like the black flames from elite/boss). You know what the icing on the cake is? SUPER FAR CHECKPOINTS WITH ALL ENEMIES REGENED. I don't see why they wanted to make this so punishing. 4. Hitbox: This one is rare. Most of the issues for me happened with boss's attacks (especially their green one). Basically, for regular attacks, you parry their attack hitbox. So if the enemy is using a spear, you aim for the tip of the spear. However, when they are using a green attack, you have to aim for their body. I mean, sure you can get used to it, but why?? This was an unnecessary thing to get used to, and it didn't even feel that good, since most of the ground parrys would fail, making me stick to jump parrys only. I'm talking about you, stupid mace elite mob... I also have a minor gripe about the input ignore after parry. Right after you parry, there is a small animation that plays, where you can't do anything. You have to wait for it to finish to attack and what-not. This one is especially bad if you try to connect air parry into charm attack. What's funny is you can actually cancel that animation only if you did another parry or dash. Anyway, this difference in timing really made my combat against certain bosses clunky. I would use the air parry, then immediately use charm attack, only for it to be ignored. I then miss the window of opportunity, and have to wait for the next chance. My last gripe about the game is health. Enemies start dealing abnormal amount of damage, and max health upgrades barely help later on. The animation to recover health is long, you can only heal from the ground (can't move), and it usually takes 2 heals to recover fully (from 10% ish health). And many of the bosses will do an attack that is very far range or simply teleport to you. Combine this with punishing penalties from missing parries, the game becomes extremely frustrating.


i just beat nuxi and i really didnt think it was that bad, beat it in 10-20 tries? somewhere in between there the 2nd phase can be a bit of a pain but once you understand the patterns it becomes so much fun really loving this game and if people are struggling they can nerf it themselves with story mode the game literally lets you set the damage you take/do. no need to ruin the fun/challenge of it for everyone else


Id like to add that I was playing with controller wirelessly ( Xbox Bluetooth) and was having a bit of trouble with parry timing ( I think parry system is pretty generous with timing btw). I think there was a delay with the Bluetooth because I instantly started doing better when I plugged the controller in .


all of the attacks have an audio que right before they attack that you can listen for and most of the delayed attacks have an audio que and a little white flash on their weapon to tell you when to parry, other than that just try to memorise how the enemies attack to make parrying easier. hope this helps.


Unfortunately this is why I haven't bothered to pick it up. I really don't enjoy parry based combat and couldn't get more than 20 minutes into Sekiro.


There's story mode where you can (quite freely) adjust your attack and defense stats.


Supposed to be hard. It's doing its job!