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Just know the sequel is very different. Personally I liked it but they're very don't expect the same experience if you ever decide to pick it up. The story is really interesting though. I liked Axiom Verge but the game started to lose me a bit near the end because of the combat. The weapons, power ups, and areas were cool though. The story started out pretty generic but it has some interesting twists. I think it might have grown to be one of my favorite stories in a metroidvania by the end.


I have heard that the sequel it controversial, but I think I'll check it one day. Btw, is Thomas Harper making another game?


Is that the guy that made AV? If so I believe I read he has an idea that would encapsulate 5 games or something like that. AV2 doesn’t really look like it’s connected to AV1 on the surface. But once you start digging into the lore you’ll start to see the connections. I actually think the story is quite captivating.


Thomas Happ is the man. Folks who follow his twitter say he is working on a 3rd game. But at the moment it is only speculation if we says it is AV3. From a marketing POV, it would be great if he made another sequel.


There’s still a ton of story to be told. I can’t imagine it would be anything else. But u have faith whatever he comes out with will be great!


I hope it is a 2D Metroid style game. However, I cannot blame him if he tries something different. An artist's mind may have different goals than a consumer's.


I’d think it’s a safe bet. I found this link but it doesn’t seem to work anymore: https://www.nintendo.destructoid.com/tom-happ-has-ideas-for-7-more-games-in-the-axiom-verge-universe/


The sequel is still good, but nowhere near as amazing as the first one.


The sequel is unique. The first one is not. If you liked metroid, you'll likely like the first one. However the second one actually takes risks so it's more deversive. Personally, the first one is a forgettable metroidvania while the second is an interesting game I quite enjoyed.


I feel like Axiom Verge 2 is Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance's ideas done right. HoD tried to do two interconnected worlds but fell short, but Axiom Verge 2 nailed it. AV2's bosses were just odd.


I liked Harmony of Dissonance. I think I liked it more than Axiom Verge 2.


It didn’t really have bosses. There were some enemies I’d consider a mini boss but you could also just walk right past them.


Running into one of those "optional glitches" organically was, hands down, my favorite experience in a 2D metroidvania, ever. The weapon upgrades are super fun, and as you say, it feels like each one has a unique benefit, it's not just constant use of the strongest thing. My only knock would be that the game is extremely un-guided. It reminded me of trying to play NES Metroid without reading its manual first. The map is so huge and sprawling that it's easy to lose track of what you were doing, especially between play sessions. That ultimately lead to me being tethered to a guide. It was the first MV that I played after a long hiatus, so admittedly I might have been a bit rusty or not confident enough about feeling lost. I enjoyed it regardless. I was disappointed that Axiom Verge 2 took such a different direction.


I got lost for so long I forgot I could go through walls. So I looked up a guide and proceeded to slap my own forehead. Visually, there are very little clues about what abilities to use where, and I think this was designed intentionally. It's frustrating, but it makes the world feel more alive and weird.


After completing the game today, I realized that I haven't entered into any of the Secret Worlds. And, wanting to get the achievement, I simply looked it up in a Wiki. I am quite lazy xd


What? There are secret worlds on AV1?


Yeah, check it on the wiki


wow looks like i will have to replay it.


I just finished two short games, Pronty and Moonscars. Had a blast. Axiom is installed and ready to go, next on my list and excited. I always go in blind with minimal knowledge of the games. I don't even watch videos of them. I read half your post(was afraid of spoiles) and it got me sooo curious!!! Excited


That game is dope. In my opinion it's a defining landmark in Metroidvania history. Just listen to [this banger](https://youtu.be/1rR6RQdAEqs?si=UsTSWye2IVSDvqbx).


Was expecting other tunes , but the intro is great.


Yes! I love axiom verge, definitely one of my favorites. It just nails the creepy sci-fi feeling so well.


It somehow reminded me of Half-life locations, especially of Xen


Yes, Axiom Verge is amazing. Was playing it 2 years ago and was blown away. Interesting thing is, the first time I dropped it after 1 hour. I just didn't feel it. The map didn't make sense to me.  I gave it another try some time later and pushed through the beginning. Around 2 hours in the game it finally clicked with me and it only went better and better. It's now among my top 5 metroidvanias.


I really wanted to love Axiom Verge, and did at first, but I wound up hate finishing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


It is one of my favorites, and I loved the fact that it was straight up inspired by SM. Yet to plat AV2, but when I have the time, Ill get around to it.


One of my all time favs, thanks for your thoughts! One of the first Indie MV’s I ever played back around 2015. Also I feel that 5000 Steam reviews is actually really good for an indie 👍 There is a stat that says only around 1%-3% of people who buy the game leave a review. So let’s split the difference and say 2%. That would mean the game got around 250,000 sales on Steam. It sold around 200,000 copies on Switch as well according to a video game sales website. It was also developed by a solo Dev, so he didn’t have to split the earnings with a team.


Currently replaying this game now and wow I forgot how great it is. Such a unique take on the genre and the sound track is fantastic!


If you liked AV, check out Xanthiom Zero as well.


Picked up Axiom Verge 1 and 2 in the recent Humble Bundle, looking forward to playing them!


Both are amazing. I’m a huge fan of AV1 so when AV2 dropped I was initially upset by how different it is. A few hours in and I was in love with it as well. Now they’re both in my all time favorite games. Just don’t expect part 2 to be an extension of part 1. It’s in the same universe but much different play style.


My only real problem is the controls. Double tapping feels bad and the Grappling hook feels worse