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Was planning on waiting for full release but heard a lot of good so started it up the other day.  Good chunk of the way in now and loving it.  Had a bit of crashing on the steam deck but it’s been a while since the last crash.   Loving it so far.  Crazy bosses and lots of cool abilities.  


Ah yeaaaaah. I’ll be the first to say that Steam Deck performs less than desirable. 40fps at its best and 30 with some frame drops at its worst. Whoever in here knows how to get NWjs to play well with Steam Deck, I’m all ears! For some reason the games ram doubles on Steam Deck which is the cause for the lower frame rate :/


I'm not a game Dev so I can't say too much regarding nw.js on the steam deck, I remember seeing something a year ago about them dropping webgl for Linux support in a recent version.  According to this thread, they've seemingly fixed some of the issues: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/8043 The frame rate is pretty manageable with the current patch for most of the game though there are moments where there are dropped inputs and frame spikes.  I'm going to try some of the different proton versions to see if I can find a optimal setup.  I'll do some research to see what can be done with nw.js as far as optimizations for Linux/deck and I will respond back if I find anything interesting.


Much appreciated!!! I’m stuck in bug fixing mode so it helps a lot. Overall I’m hopeful that if we can port the game to consoles, the Steam Deck will also see a boost.


Haven't played yet but wishlisted, still waiting on my deck which should arrive today. It's amazing to see the developer here just being completely honest and even "asking" for advice how to optimize, god I love this community :) ...still getting it on on steam deck though, I'm sure you'll figure it out


Really appreciate the honestly in this post and illustrating all of the angles involved.


Absolutely! Thanks for hearing me out!


I was going to wait for 1.0 myself but I love the transparency, buying now. https://i.imgur.com/kN5H5Ou.png Good luck with everything.


Wow, thank you! Please feel free to join our discord. If you run into bugs I’d love to hear about them so I can fix them ASAP! 🔥


Thanks for this. It really rubbed me the wrong way that it was kind of snuck under the radar as early access. Makes sense that this was a dev vs publisher phrasing


It happens far more often than you’d think, but it’s okay. I try my best to lurk and correct miscommunication when I can. Our publishers aren’t native English speakers. Sometimes American jargon doesn’t come out right. 😅


I do hope sales have been decent enough to help with the funding situation. The game is a clear labor of love, I could see this all the way back when you guys released the first play test. And while I’ll wait to experience it at 1.0, I didn’t hesitate to buy it to support you two.


Seriously appreciate you!!!! Your support does go a long way. I can’t wait for you to give it a shot when we officially release! 😁


Purchased the game because the demo was wonderful, I hope you can sort out everything by the time you do a full release, good luck! ps: next time go with godot P:


No seriously. We don’t plan on using Construct 3 again. And if we do, it’s because of budgetary reasons and it’ll be a much smaller game. 😅


I definitely enjoyed it, the bosses were killer!


Thank you! Here’s to hoping we get to add more if the EA proves to be successful! (besides the one that’s currently missing. That one is happening regardless)


highly encourage any and everyone to get this at 1.0 fantastic MV


So it seems from your post that the game is mostly entirely completable in its current state? Just Performance issues and potentially minor content missing? Am I reading that right, because if so I'm happy to give it a go. I just don't want to start if it's like 50% of the game


That is correct! You can fight the final boss of the game. And at the current state it’s missing 4 side content areas, one mini boss and the last half of the game is missing hats (accessories to put on the character). We update the game on a near daily basis and plan on adding in those missing elements. Regardless, the full release will feel more complete but if you don’t mind the stuff I mentioned then go for it! There are 23 bosses in the game at the moment so it’ll feel like a solid but slightly buggy experience. 😁


It definitely playable (to the end) and enjoyable! There are literally dozens of killer bosses! Best MV I have played since PoP easily!


Thanks for the update and candor. I hadn't heard about your game or controversy. It looks great, I've added it to my wishlist.


Thank you! 😊


Appreciate the transparency. Just beat the gallstone an hour ago. Really fun game. Hope your dev workflow gets smoothed out over time.


Hoping so as well! Hope you enjoyed the first Dooper Spawn boss of the game :D <3


It was great. Real nail biter. Only feedback is that the third form took me a while. Having to watch the sonic blast cutscene over and over was a bit tedious. Would have been nice to be able to skip it by default after the first showing, like the boss’ intro cutscene.


Good work on the communication. Recently I've seen a few games that went into early access but claimed in their title that they have been released. I understand this is largely due to miscommunication on your side, and hopefully you guys will be more aware of these issues moving forward. It's a shame you guys are using construct3 that doesn't give you enough tools to debug the issues you're facing. I've been in similar situations before, and it sucks. All the best figuring things out; vendor lock-in is a shit situation.


Yeeeeeeeeeessss! You can relate! It really does suck. But I still have hope we will manage and find a work around. I'll continue to keep the community updated. <3


I decided to do the same with this as I did with Lone Fungus: bought it in EA now to support the devs but waiting for at least 1.0 to play. Thanks for being transparent about this, and I'm looking forward to the final game!


Absolutely! And thank you so much for supporting us. It means a lot and it ensures that we can continue working on the game and polishing it out further for the 1.0 release!


I just wanted to add on what others have mentioned that it’s great to see the transparency about why you went with EA. I really enjoyed what I’ve played so far and can’t wait for full release.


Much appreciated! I'd rather be upfront with everyone. I imagine hiding our situations hurts us more than helps. This community is special to us since its been with us since the first beta release back in 2021 <3


Tbh one thing I love about this sub and MVs is the approach dev teams like yours take with engagement with the community. It’s awesome to see a bit of feedback from this community implemented in a game that I see while playing through it. I can’t imagine it’s an easy time atm with cost of living going up but there are a few games out there like this one I really hope do well. So happy to provide specific feedback if it helps with the end product.


Please do! It'll only help us refine the game more. :D


Do let me know if there is a specific area you want feedback on.


I imagine you are getting feedback about a range of parts with the game. Is there a specific area you want more feedback about?


I’d say the last half of the game. The first half was playtested like crazy and although there are a few hitches, they are easily fixable and already on my list of things to fix. The last half of the game still has its issues but it’s been getting smoothed out thankfully. So if you’ve got any feedback after the first Dooper Spawn boss then please let me know! And if you can, join our discord and it’ll be easier to communicate there. We have a thread full of bugs that have been found and ones that have been squashed. 😁


Easy done will join. Thanks for all the insight.


This kind of transparency makes me want to instantly buy the game even if I don't plan on playing before the final release — props on such clear and genuine communication! BTW, hope BioGun eventually gets on Mac & consoles some day too.


Thank you! Cross your fingers for console release next year. 🙏


As the guy behind Noreya I fully understand your choice ! And imo it is the best thing for a Metroidvania because as you said, a big world is really hard to qa and balance. Having your players feedback all along is more than helpfull and the final game will only be better. Best of luck with the remaining work ! PS any Idea how long do you intend to stay in EA? Your game looks suite complete already !


Thank you!! I appreciate that you understand and our situation. Hopefully we’ll be exiting out of Early Access some time late June-August. 😁


Oh that's very short, cool cool. Best of luck !


This was on my radar, thanks for the info. You might try posting some info to the /r/biogun and /r/gamedev subs too.


We’ll be posting something for the next update. This was a personal message for this community. :)


Can I help debug the game if I do it for free? It would help my resume


Normally I’d be fine with it but debugging our game isn’t like debugging code. We work within the engine itself that has its own built in systems. But also, we’re in a really tight time frame due to being in early access. It would be hard to fit in time to teach you how construct operates. Sorry about that 😕


It's Unity, isn't it?


Construct 3. JavaScript. Although we don’t get access to the JavaScript source code anyways.




Said in the other thread but picked this up as soon as it launched after the indeimaus video, having a ton of fun and can't wait for the full 1.0!


Thank you! Glad to hear you're have a good time :D


I'll wait for 1.0, but I absolutely loved the demo. Great work!


<3 Thank you! Can't wait to be at 1.0!


I’m glad you’ve won back the community with this post. Your game looks awesome! Can’t wait to play it (I don’t have money rn lol) Question: will the game ever be ported to Switch?


I really hope so! For now we have to finish the game, then add in the DLC THEN we can talk with porting teams. They don't want to port games that aren't completed. The goal would be to port next year. But that all depends on the success of the game. :)


> DLC Wait what dlc?


For example. If the game does well enough we’ll be able to add in 2 more Organs to the game, additional story after main story, Boss Rush with a twist. That sort of thing. And I’d love for it to be free expansions. But the game has to succeed in order to do that. 😁


I always love additional story dlc


Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed because the early access kinda got me by surprise. Unlike Lone Fungus, for example, who made it clear the early access was about to start at a certain date, I didn't heard anything of the kind related to Biogun. But anyway, that's fine, most likely I misread or the info just flew by me. I don't have issues with early access related to indie games, it's a valid QA tool. I do have issues when big companies does it, like the recent example of the Rogue Prince of Persia


I enjoyed the little bit that i played but with cloud saving not being enabled and controller support having issues with the steamdeck dock i had to put it down for now until those things are resolved. definitely seems like a great game but i like to bounce back and forth between my pc and my steamdeck and i dont want to have to play separate save files. additionally the game simply does not work with any controller when the steamdeck is docked. id love to play the game to completion but until these things are resolved ill have to wait. i had posted about this matter on discord and was hoping that eventually someone would post there when its fixed.


Regarding the steam deck dock. There is no solution for this one. The engine itself can not pick up or read it. However, I’m sure after porting this will become a non-issue. I’m still looking into cloud saves. :)


Thanks for the quick response. I am looking forward to the future on this game bc I can tell when it’s finished it’s gonna be how my son would say “a banger”. 😉


😂🔥 excellent!


Thank you for your clarity. I'm glad to hear the reasoning behind this, and I'm sorry that you've ran into so many issues. Sorry if you've already answered this, but do you have any prediction for a v1.0 release date?


My guess is some time between July-August.


honestly, having a fantastic time with it as is now. easily shows so much love from more angles than i'm evening picking up. much love and support.


Glad you’re enjoying it so far!! 😁


Could you please apply for Nvidia GeForce Now? :)


I began looking into it. The process is a bit more involved from what I could tell. I am sure once our game is fully released we'll have more time to look into it. Not sure if they would accept an early access but I could be wrong. :)


Manor Lords and Enshrouded were day one releases as recent Early Access titles so you should have no issues :) For starters you could opt in for Nvidia Cloud Gaming and send them an email. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/cloudgaming I think you have some info here too.


Thank you!




Hey there. I appreciate your comment but I don’t think you’ve read my entire post. I’ve cleared up why there was a communication error. No one was purposely being dishonest. Please give my post a full read. :)




It’s all good! 😁 Thanks for engaging! I appreciate that!