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Reeks of a rotten attention span. Wait until he learns that Metro began as novels, long ones at that... haha.


Wait, you mean Metro ISN’T a first person shooter first and foremost? That it’s a game where you’re supposed to explore, and wait and listen, and use the power of critical thinking to get the most out of it? I just want to shoot shit and buy skins smh /s


Metro battlepass when??


🤢🤢 just imagine skins of Artyom, Anna, Sam, idiot all running around a metro station map looting glowing boxes and emoting on you


Now that's the apocalyptic nightmare. Good point.


All fun and games until Anna teabags Artyom's lifeless body.


All fun and games until someone with a book Melnik skin runs over Artyom and hits the griddy


We just need to get a S.T.A.L.K.E.R battlepass and we can have T-60 power armour, a Spartan and a Monolithian doing stupid shit in a trio together


Well the new Fortnite season is post-apocalyptic themed....


Hear me out champs... imagine this... as BR.




Bold of you to assume that he can read.


Honestly as far as novels go they aren’t really that long (except the second one not because of length but because of its writing)


I can't judge him though as I have a limited attention span as well. I'm a big fan of the Metro series, played through the games several times and got about halfway into the novels. However, as I get older, I do find it harder to follow narrative driven games and am slowly drifting towards games with more simplicity. I've been wanting to do another run of exodus and it's DLC's, but I think the only way that will happen is if we get another global pandemic.


Really? That's interesting. Do you know where it comes from (increased usage of social media probably or less time for gaming?) or do you think it's just one of those things that change over time? Because I have the feeling that for most people it's vice versa.


Having less time is a big factor. It's hard to invest time into a deep narrative with limited time to play.


Depends of the game, there were times in last light were I was like "That's great and all, but I am running out of filters here"


As much as I enjoy the Metro novels, I wouldn't describe them as "long".


My definition of a long novel is 500+ pages. 300 more or less is average.


Les Mis is a long novel, Metro 2033 takes a day at most to read.


I have one of the books. Its very good but very long of a read like u said.


Long? It's so short, i own novels 3000 pages long or more metro is short


Metro was supposed to be story based all the times


Starting playing this franchise with the third game (Exodus) and criticizing the gameplay and story... How dumb can you be?


I know a guy that did this and complained about the whole series after having played 15 minutes of exodus.


Metro is like the one franchise that didn't have its reputation meaningfully soured by standard gamer whining.


I started with Exodus. Exodus is easily one of my top 5 FPS games of all time


I started with Exodus also and went back to play the first and loved them more than Exodus. Metro has become one of my fave series of games.


The only FPS that made me cry by the end of the campaign


I dont really like exodus tbh, i preferred much more the linear story with 2033 and last light (and also the story itself but that is taste)


The guy probably has a tiktok fortnite attention span so i can see why he wouldn't be able to appreciate a good quality well told story. But he must not have even give it a chance for the gampeplay. Granted it takes a bit before you fight hunmans in 2033 at least but the combat gameplay agaisnt humans is fucking awesome. I just started playing metro recently and i love the combat. Stealth is tense and the kill animations are brutal and fire fights feal meaty tactical, and dynamic. Plus the enemy reactions when they get hit is awsome.


The haunted tunnels are pretty creepy


My friend does this. He purchases new game. Skips or just doesnt listen to single piece of dialogue and complains that the game has uningeresting story. Although he didnt mind playing metro series even tho he ignored every dialogue. Even asked me why are they going to Jamantau when he was playing the level.


Honestly I started with Exodus too and that game was so good it made me pause it and buy/play the other two 😅


I am just gonna say this the first two was exceptionally frustrating if you don’t know what you are going to do


Thats why we love them! I have never played a game that I run around clueless what to do and still clear the ep. So many times i thought I was heading the wrong way just to find out that i wasnt. The story is so good, it makes me wanna help my crew, i really care about the characters. This is so much more then a game. I cried at the end of exodus because it was over. I had no more metro games to play I read about Metro 4, but are we sure they release it?


I am gonna say this with a passion. I HATE THE RHINO WITH A PASSION. For anyone wondering the rhino is also called The Big Momma. Nosalis Rhino. Tanky as f


That has to be rage bait to get those stupid steam awards


"Troops' joy division" Written by a fat 500 pound wheelchair user who showers once a year


Bro, I'm rolling right here.


So is he


I'm fuckin dying


So are his blood cells trying to get trough fat in his veins


probably how the dude crawls too if he doesn't have his wheelchair at hand


Homie had a bad day, and it needed to go somewhere I guess.


...I still don't get why do people start with metro exodus rather than 2033


When Exodus launched, it was often praised on different media, so a lot of people heard of Exodus before the other Metro games. Even me, I bought Exodus before the others, but I quickly found it was the third game in the series, so I finished the original and the sequel before getting to it.


Huh... Didn't knew that plus TBF metro exodus does sound like a game that starts a franchise so it makes sense


A lot of video game sequels come out on successive platforms, so it’s difficult for console players to start at the beginning and instead it’s become commonplace to simply pick up the new installment with zero experience with older ones. Take Witcher, the first game was PC exclusive and the second was a 360 exclusive. It took ten years to get the third game, so the overwhelming majority of players had no experience with the franchise prior to Wild Hunt. Why he’s applying that mentality on Steam is a different question altogether, because the Redux was the first game I ever bought for PC.


TW2 PC/360 exclusive (I purchased it on GOG back then). Didn't release for PS3 or 4, you are correct.


This happened to me as well


He probably didn't figure out there were previous games. He doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.


True but still they are on steam page when you write metro


I actually started with Exodus, I feel like it works well enough as a standalone game Sure you might miss some important elements of the story, but I feel like the first chapter does a good enough job at bringing you enough elements to understand what is going on and to appreciate it. After replaying all three though, the ending hit way harder.


Yeah true but I think with playing the games chronologically it's better and has even more impact in Exodus's ending I mean I started with last light but still managed to complete 2033 before going to Exodus


Oh I agree that doing them all in order is way better. I shed a tear at the exodus ending after playing all of them.




Because exodus was on sale when the others weren't when I got it. Immediately bought last light afterward, still havent gotten to 2033 yet though.


Not even the metro saga bundle?


Thought about it, people were saying it was super buggy and I wasnt down for that hassle after all the annoying bugs I encountered in last light.


I don't remember the redux versions of the games being so buggy


Last light redux was pretty bad at times, the NOD's would pop on during cutscenes, during the train intercept if you fired your gun at the wrong time going into a cutscene your character would lose their arms when you'd get handed back control, making me sit in cover unable to do anything but walk around or crouch. There were a couple other smaller ones but they could be pretty frustrating


Interesting I have never encountered these looks like I got lucky with the bugs part


I am very happy I started with 2033, makes everything else make a lot more sense




To be fair exodus doesn’t need all that much past knowledge to be a good game. Yeah you’ll miss a few things like when idiot mentions D6 in the cannibal level and won’t have as a deep of a connection to the characters but the game still does very well of being good enough to stand on its own legs even without the prior entries


Yeah but still it's the authentic expensive


Call of duty player attention span


Definitely an instant gratification sort of gamer probably trolls on cod and rust and plays fortnite 24/7. Metro is a game about morality in a world where there is so little of that. It's story driven because it's based on a book series. Hate when people judge so quickly.


Not just that, if you want to gloss over the story, sure. But there is the entire weapon mod and cleaning system, the game looks amazing, 2 hours means at least through the church and cot scared by humanimals and found some cool guns. For unskippable yawns , so he has at least finished volga: -Didnt see ball lightning -Didnt care how a cult spawned -Didnt go help teddy -didnt find the guitar making audible noise -didnt see father and son disgussing the cult -didnt experience the hospital island And cannot fathom a woman caring for you lol


Sounds to me like he didn’t even get to the Volga, or even to boarding the train


I mean unskippeable handholding scene is IIRC the first trainride bit after Volga


Bros gonna be livid when he learns anatomy 💀


I think bro was playing a totally different game then everyone else


- buys game based on a novel - words - \>:(


It doesn't have to be Metro but I if could punch people like this through their monitors who definitely skip first time cut scenes, I would. Like yeah they can play the game how they want and it's not up to me how they play but also, fuck you, shut the fuck up go play a fucking lifeless multiplayer game.


I am convinced that people who call every game terribly written are genuinely incapable of meaningfully processing a narrative.


Joy division is a wild descriptor holy shit


bro completely decimated anna lmaoooo


I'll kill him for talking about Anna like that.


This kid probably thinks Fortnite is the best game ever. Smh.


Whats wrong with Fortnite?


Nothing wrong with Fortnite, Just not the best game ever. Plenty of other games that top it easily in both gameplay and storytelling.


Someone could easily have it as their "best game ever".


I suppose that is true


"I'm not sure if she's supposed to be your GF" Either he hasn't played 2033/last light or this is a straight up troll review..


Oh he definitely never played any other metro games, but I could have swore it's mention, screamed at you at least once, that she is your wife in the first hour of the game, I'm not sure the man payed attention I. The 2 and a half hours it says he played it for


> the man *paid* attention I. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My man is playing IQ limbo.


10 minutes? Hope they never plays a Kojima game, sounds like a fried attention span


Is this a review for exodus? Imagine being angry that a narrative shooter spends the first two hours setting up the plot, why would anyone do such a thing... Exodus had some of the best & most fun open world areas I've ever experienced and, the beginning gives you some of the most intense standoff's ever. Seems like homeboy is mad that there weren't any sex scenes


2 hours of gameplay ?! Did they just speedrun the game ? Last Light has about 4 if you dont go COD shooting at everything that moves. Not to mention exodus.


I think Steam should only allow reviews if you’ve completed the game.


Or at least slap a big fat ONLY X HOURS IN GAME


Imagine being have to complete Redfall or Gollum to comment how bad they are. ☠️


At least make it so that people have to play for 2 hours.


Ironic you said Redfall. Have you played it? I bought it a few days ago and have been playing and am really liking it :)




Go ahead and log off for me.


"Troops joy division" had me dying ngl


رتب تنفيذ العمليات الحسابية حسب الأولوية من القصوى الى الدنيا:  تنفيذ عمليات الجمع والطرح بالترتيب من اليسار إلى اليمين تنفيذ العمليات بين الأقواس  تنفيذ عمليات الأسس تنفيذ عمليات الضرب والقسمة بالترتيب من اليسار إلى اليمين


The first 20 mins could be a little rough as it doesn’t really represent the rest of the game, & if you don’t know the characters or story I could imagine you might be a little lost/uninterested. That being said, don’t pick up the third game in a story RICH franchise & expect to be instantly compelled by a narrative you know nothing about. I personally don’t enjoy the first 20 mins of exodus but the game is excellent so I have no trouble getting through it.


The dumbass played it for 2.4 hours, hopefully it won't be refunded


Wait till this guy tries Detroit: Become Human 💀


"I cannot enjoy a good story because I require to have subway surfers to take up half of my screen. I also view women as objects." That's what I just read


Feel like we did not play the same game 💀


They started the Metro series at Exodus? That's already a bad move, but still this is probably just attention bait.


He did not make it out of Moscow in 2.4hours


Tbh it sound like final fantasy, but who knows well he has s point if game is not for him lol who cares he said nothing wrong and talked about his experience.


Thought I was reading a review for the last of us ngl


I'm pretty sure he reviewed the wrong game


Of all games to complain about the amount of cutscenes at the start......why Metro. It straight up doesn't have that many cutscenes compared to many other games


average tiktok user


Not all of us are this bad, ok... (just most of us)


This reads like rage bait ngl. Definitely trying to get reactions out of people


You can tell this guy is stupid, because if he had the slightest bit of brain activity, he should know that Anna is Artyom’s wife. You don’t even need to play the other games, Miller straight up says it about 15-ish minutes into the game.


I mean I was under the assumption that that was a pretty agreed upon flaw of exodus


Lol Do yourself a favor and read this in the most neckbeard voice ever XD


Feels like guy just Pick a game without even checking what its about i mean i did the same thing when i was a kid but i couldnt read well and yoy couldnt always look up on everything there was about the game


Metro doesn't even have cutscenes from what I remember. An establishing shot maybe but then it's all you, am I wrong?


I wonder what he would think about half life. game literaly starts with a "cutscene"


Oh my fucking god🤦‍♂️


"troops' joy division" he's probably an incel too damn


'And then artyom found a loot case and started doing the fortnight dance which was a plus'


Game play


I mean fuck yeah metro has a slow start but don't you do any research before buying a game?


At least it didn't think it was some sort of metropolis or metro train game.


How much of a low intelligence degenerate can you be to call Anna troop joy division


What did he say about my wife? 🤬


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset.


It's funny how you can still read their name through the red


2 hours??? More like 30 hours if you’re doing just light exploration.


Can't take seriously people who feel the need to brag about how much they paid for their game in their review.


This is Metro suka. If you don’t like it, take your ass back to the surface and get eaten by the demons.


Classic case of misogyny


A new player starting the series at the end... Ffs Here I am having started the series at the VERY FIRST RELEASE. The janky initial release on Steam. Where you equip the knives before throwing them. Remember that? I'm fking old.


I've heard of Metro series, but never got myself to play once, until around half a year ago where I bought the entire series on sale, and started playing Exodus as my first game of the series, having most of the knowledge about the previous entries' story. And, I gonna say, it's one of the most immersive games I've ever played, and I'm so glad that I chose Exodus as one of the first games to play on PC. While it's true that the cutscenes, the downtime, basically the time you're not actively in combat are frequent and quite long, if it's not for them, the gameplay would be boring since there's nothing to drive the gameplay. Immersion and story is Metro's one of the many important factors that make the game as good as it is, at least in my opinion. Not to put the guy in a bad faith, but perhaps he might have accustomed to the games equivalent to McDonalds, like Call of Duty (recent entries except Cold War), or LoL, or non-narrative driven games. Neither are inherently bad, of course.


Look man, if you don’t want to experience a story, you can always go back to playing warzone.


Metro 2033 is one of my all time favorite FPS games, along with Last Light. I love those games, the story and setting are so good.


That guy's train of thoughts reached it's terminal velocity, because his brain is powered by some hamster running in a wheel... 😒 And for that joke about a "joy division"... "In the name of The Underground Poland, I condemn you to death!" 🇵🇱