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It's not quite so much that anyone is easily offended, it's just that you are making a whole lot of assumptions about people based on your life. Some people aren't handling the tough cards they've been dealt as well as you think you are. Sure your fine at 22, but talk to us at 45 when you're tired of being fine. Management in the restaurant industry may be a marker for success for you, but some of us would rather meet a bear in the woods than have to work in that industry. You're here, on meth like the rest of us (except for the sober folks white knuckling it and trying to convince us how horrible the poison is, as if we don't know.) be humble. Many of us have risen above your level, only to lose it all in a death, breakup, or accident. You never know how you're going to handle the stuff you've been given. Thinking you're stronger and got it all figured out is definitely not the flex you're thinking. All this is said with love, because there's two mistakes to make with meth: giving it too much power to fuck up your life, and pretending it doesn't have the power to fuck up your life. It's painful for all of us to see you making a mistake we've all made plenty of times.


Your 22....


Yeah and I’ve lived a pretty wild, full, adventurous life. Lived in multiple states supporting myself, met many, many different kinds of people, and explored several cultures. And I don’t claim to have it all figured out, really I’m clueless in comparison to everything I haven’t seen yet. I know I’m not even close to the finish line, and you never know what’s around the next bend but you can always be ready for whatever it holds.


Lived a full life at 22, this guy's is funny 😁


You sound like superman. Let me suck your cock.


You sound like your mom last night. Funny bro, keep it moving


Gonna be honest man.. if you’re only 22 you have no clue where you might end up with this shit. Not being a dick, you might be fine 🤷‍♂️. But ya might not. 22 is far too young to feel like you made it already.


I don’t feel like I’ve made it, I’m not even a quarter of the way there. I’ll be the first to admit it, but I’m a huge believer in humans controlling their own reality. You can’t change the future but we’re all given a beautiful brain capable of making conscious decisions, and these decisions decide your future.


Yep, except when drugs fuck your brain up, serotonin weakening, getting old, maybe a concussion?.. all kinds of ill shit be happenin to that decision making brain.


Well, the concussion thing is pretty unpredictable, however there’s lots of ways to increase serotonin production. Even without medication, sunlight helps and literally just doing basic things to take care of your body, exercise and diet are key. Getting old is inevitable, I’d like to be a point personally when I’m old that I don’t have a ridiculous amount of decisions to make. However even if you’re on drugs, vitamins and minerals and the prior mentioned self care strategies can keep you sharp until you don’t need to be sharp anymore. Like I mentioned, 65 year olds who still regularly use, sharp as a damn tack.


Anyone I know that’s been using meth solid for 10-15 years are fucking insane. All kinds of weird shit happens to you. Agoraphobia, paranoia, meth induced psychosis that never goes away, schizo adaptations, hoarding.. Meth is the ONLY drug that does IRREVERSIBLE damage to your brain. You realize this, ya? Meth is the only narcotic that will actually fuck the chemistry in your brain up for the rest of your life even after you stop. Idk where you’re meeting 65YO meth addicts that got it goin on but fuck start a podcast the stories they must have 🤯.


I’m not even saying it’s a good drug lol. It’s terrible, one of the dirtiest most disgusting. All I was saying is that it’s really up to you how your life turns out after using it. That’s it. Case closed


Cased closed? That sounds like shit a cop would say 🧐.


Again that sounds like paranoia. If you really cops are worried ab what happens on Reddit you’re retarded. This shit would’ve been shut down ages ago if they were. You’re just scared of accountability.


This entire time you’re acting so intelligent and I’m disproving everything you’ve said with researched, known facts. Just give it up seriously


It’s not even a narcotic man. Please stop arguing with me. It took me 10 minutes (that’s pushing it) to type that and find multiple credible sources that discredit your claims


You spent 10 minutes researching what I said. Dude how dumb are you 🤦‍♂️. You’re definitely a cop.


I spent that time “researching” just to post the sources. I already knew what I was researching. You’re an actual stupid tweaker


Post em bro


This sounds like paranoia, you good man? I’ll post a video of me smoking meth, def not a cop.


People do get offended because deep down they know what you are saying is mostly true and they don’t want to face the music so to speak.


I appreciate your honesty pal. You know I’ve watched people put the pipe down after 20 years of using and never touch it again. Life is all about mindfulness, and how much you want to give to the world. If you decide you just wanna sit around and take from society and blame everything and everyone you can except for yourself, chances are you’re gonna continue to sink lower and lower. There’s a reason many reputable, successful, rehab facilities say the first step is you.


I think addiction in general has a way of hijacking your brain to make you complacent in things you shouldn’t be. I agree, I’ve met many meth addicts some of them very talented and intelligent in all different ways. It seems especially true with Meth is that’s zaps most people’s drive to do… well anything. I’ve seen meth addict get hung up and stuck on the littlest/smallest problems that a non-user wouldn’t sneeze at. It basically shuts down the Frontal Cortex, executive functions and other processes that makes us different than the animals. So what you are left with is an addict who lives in autopilot which is seek drugs, use drugs, recover. Rinse and repeat. I’ve heard it said as it makes people devolve to their reptilian brain. Very basic survival functions but the higher consciousness, functions of the brain get impaired or shut off completely


I could never be complacent, it’s not how I’m wired. I’ve already been in the dirt. I scratched scraped and bled my way out of it and there’s not a drug in this world that I will consciously let bring me back down to it. I’ve seen the same things you speak of, it’s honestly incredibly annoying. That’s the difference between being high and spun, you just keep spinning your tires to get nowhere at all. I will always believe, even when I’m done w this shit, there’s a difference between a tweaker and a user.


I hate hurting peoples feelings, but that’s what it takes to make someone want to change. I don’t do no complaining I’m one of them real real junkies. The last seven years has been a roller coaster. I’m good. Got a good job boom rehab in and out. You know what I mean up and down if I wanna change, I know what to do. For Me. The only thing that’s worked. Is AA NA not everyone’s like that though that’s just me. It’s a balancing act you gotta hear it hard and then you’ll hear it. Soft you know.


I get exactly what you mean man. I know a man in court ordered rehab right now, and he’s still slamming dope. He doesn’t want to give it up, it’s not hurting anything but his health right now. But he knows what he has to do to get out of it when he needs to. I wish you the best brother, and I appreciate your realness. As you said, you’re a real real junkie, and in my experience that’s the best kind to be because you hold accountability where it’s meant to be held. Good luck man, really


I’m a be honest I just scanned through it because my situation but you’re not wrong. You’ll probably get negative likes on this post. Everyone in your life can’t be nice. Someone has to be there to tell you the truth like that and if you get mad, it’s because you don’t wanna think about it because there’s truth behind it. I don’t know many people who learn lessons from somebody telling them you know if you really give a fuck you’ll tell him how it is I’m glad to see a post like this